4 contributor
- 0.1624
- added experimental iterate_all_columns method.
- 0.1623
- added experimental auto_filter method
- deprecated default_bind_filter and default_fetch_filter because these are global effect.
- changed defautl_bind_filter and default_fetch_filter attributes to methods.
- changed DBIx::Custom::Result default_filter attribute to method
- changed DBIx::Custom::Result filter attribute to method.
- filter_check is always done for usability
- 0.1622
- deprecated DBIx::Custom::SQLite and DBIx::Custom::MySQL
- added dbi_options attribute
- checked attributes passed to connect method
- 0.1621
- cleanup (removed undocumented features)
- 0.1620
- updated document
- 0.1619
- updated document
- added experimental expand method
- 0.1618
- added helper method
- added begin_work, commit, and rollback method
- 0.1617
- L<DBIx::Custom> is now stable. APIs keep backword compatible in the feature.
- 0.1616
- removed experimental register_method(), and methods attribute, because it is too magical
- 0.1615
- fixed DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder build_query() bug
- required Perl 5.008001 to use @CARP_NOT
- 0.1614
- removed DBIx::Custom::Query start_tag and end tag attributes
- enable escaping '{' and '}' in the source of SQL
- fixed Carp Carp trust relationship
- 0.1613
- added experimental register_method() method
- added experimental methods attribute
- 0.1612
- added tests
- updated document
- removed DBIx::Custom::SQLite last_insert_rawid() mehtod(not backword compatible)
- removed DBIx::Custom::MySQL last_insert_id() method(not backword compatible)
- 0.1611
- renamed update tag to update_param
- renamed insert tag to insert_param
- renamed sql_builder to query_builder
- 0.1610
- added filter_check attribute.
- 0.1609
- updated document.
- 0.1608
- update document
- renamed DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder::TagProcessors functions(not backword compatible)
- 0.1607
- where argument of select() method can specify array(string, paramters)
- renamed build_query() to create_query()(not backword compatible)
- 0.1606
- fix testing bug
- 0.1605
- remove DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder::tag_syntax() (not backword compatible)
- renamed DBIx::Custom::TagProcessor to DBIx::Custom::TagProcessors (not backword compatible)
- changed arguments of tag processor(not backword compatible)
- renamed DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder::TagProcessors functions(not backword compatible)
- 0.1604
- changed argument of tag processor(not backword compatible)
- renamed default_query_filter to default_bind_filter(not backword compatible)
- renamed DBIx::Custom::SQLTemplate to DBIx::Custom::SQLBuilder(not backword compatible)
- renamed create_query to build_query(not backword compatible)
- renamed sql_template to sql_builder(not backword compatible)
- removed DESTROY method(not backword compatible)
- removed disconnect method(not backword compatible)
- fixed DBIx::Custom::MySQL connect_memory
- 0.1603
- removed DBIx::Custom commit method (not backword compatible)
- removed DBIx::Custom rollback method (not backword compatible)
- removed DBIx::Custom auto_commit method (not backword compatible)
- 0.1602
- added cache_method attribute
- 0.1601
- added cache attribute
- select, insert, update, update_all, delete, delete_all, execute only receive hash argument(not backword compatible)
- 0.1503
- removed reconnect method
- removed connected method
- removed reconnect_memroy method
- renamed fetch_single to fetch_first
- renamed fetch_hash_single to fetch_hash_first
- updated document
- 0.1502
- added commit method
- added rollback method
- changed select argument, added relation option
- moved host attribute to DBIx::Custom::MySQL
- moved port attribute to DBIx::Custom::MySQL
- moved database attribute to DBIx::Custom::MySQL and DBIx::Custom::SQLite
- 0.1501
- removed register_format()
- removed formats()
- removed run_transaction()
- removed create_table()
- removed drop_table()
- changed select() arguments
- changed insert() arguments
- changed update() arguments
- changed update_all() arguments
- changed delete() arguments
- changed delete_all() arguments
- changed execute() arguments
- 0.1402
- remove finish(), error()
- can receive code ref to filter()
- renamed resist to register
- 0.1401
- renamed fetch_rows to fetch_multi
- renamed fetch_hash_rows to fetch_hash_multi
- 0.1301
- Changed many(not backword compatible)
- 0.1201
- Changed many(not backword compatible)
- 0.1101
- rename DBIx::Custom::SQLite last_insert_id to last_insert_rowid
- 0.1001
- remove run_transaction().
- add transaction() and DBIx::Custom::Transaction
- rename fetch_first to fetch_single
- rename fetch_hash_first to fetch_hash_single
- 0.0906
- fix some bug
- 0.0905
- catch up with Object::Simple update
- 0.0904
- cleanup
- 0.0903
- catch up with Object::Simple update
- 0.0902
- cleanup
- 0.0901
- DBIx::Basic filter 'encode_utf8' utf8::upgrade process is deleted
- 0.0801
- add 'create_table', 'drop_table' methods
- 0.0701
- rename sql_template to sql_tmpl (not backword compatible)
- rename dbi_options to options (not backword compatible)
- 0.0605
- fix encode_utf8 filter
- 0.0604
- fix timeformat tests
- 0.0603
- fix cache system bug
- 0.0602
- update document
- 0.0601
- bind_filter argument is changed to ($value, $key, $dbi, $infos) (not backword compatible)
- fetch_filter argument is changed to ($value, $key, $dbi, $infos) (not backword compatible)
- run_transaction argument is changed to ($dbi)
- 0.0502
- update document
- 0.0501
- packaging DBIx::Custom::Result DBIx::Custom::Query DBIx::Custom::MySQL DBIx::Custom::SQLite DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template
- 0.0401
- catch up with DBIx::Custom::Result version up
- 0.0301
- exchange filter argument 'key', 'value' (not backword compatible)
- 0.0201
- rename tranzaction to transaction
- add filter_off
- 0.0101
- First release