1 contributor
- package DBIx::Custom::Class::Inspector;
- =pod
- =head1 NAME
- DBIx::Custom::Class::Inspector - Internal use (Same as Class::Inspector)
- =head1 SYNOPSIS
- use Class::Inspector;
- # Is a class installed and/or loaded
- Class::Inspector->installed( 'Foo::Class' );
- Class::Inspector->loaded( 'Foo::Class' );
- # Filename related information
- Class::Inspector->filename( 'Foo::Class' );
- Class::Inspector->resolved_filename( 'Foo::Class' );
- # Get subroutine related information
- Class::Inspector->functions( 'Foo::Class' );
- Class::Inspector->function_refs( 'Foo::Class' );
- Class::Inspector->function_exists( 'Foo::Class', 'bar' );
- Class::Inspector->methods( 'Foo::Class', 'full', 'public' );
- # Find all loaded subclasses or something
- Class::Inspector->subclasses( 'Foo::Class' );
- Class::Inspector allows you to get information about a loaded class. Most or
- all of this information can be found in other ways, but they aren't always
- very friendly, and usually involve a relatively high level of Perl wizardry,
- or strange and unusual looking code. Class::Inspector attempts to provide
- an easier, more friendly interface to this information.
- =head1 METHODS
- =cut
- use 5.006;
- # We don't want to use strict refs anywhere in this module, since we do a
- # lot of things in here that aren't strict refs friendly.
- use strict qw{vars subs};
- use warnings;
- use File::Spec ();
- # Globals
- $VERSION = '1.25';
- # If Unicode is available, enable it so that the
- # pattern matches below match unicode method names.
- # We can safely ignore any failure here.
- SCOPE: {
- local $@;
- eval "require utf8; utf8->import";
- }
- # Predefine some regexs
- $RE_IDENTIFIER = qr/\A[^\W\d]\w*\z/s;
- $RE_CLASS = qr/\A[^\W\d]\w*(?:(?:\'|::)\w+)*\z/s;
- # Are we on something Unix-like?
- $UNIX = !! ( $File::Spec::ISA[0] eq 'File::Spec::Unix' );
- }
- #####################################################################
- # Basic Methods
- =pod
- =head2 installed $class
- The C<installed> static method tries to determine if a class is installed
- on the machine, or at least available to Perl. It does this by wrapping
- around C<resolved_filename>.
- Returns true if installed/available, false if the class is not installed,
- or C<undef> if the class name is invalid.
- =cut
- sub installed {
- my $class = shift;
- !! ($class->loaded_filename($_[0]) or $class->resolved_filename($_[0]));
- }
- =pod
- =head2 loaded $class
- The C<loaded> static method tries to determine if a class is loaded by
- looking for symbol table entries.
- This method it uses to determine this will work even if the class does not
- have its own file, but is contained inside a single file with multiple
- classes in it. Even in the case of some sort of run-time loading class
- being used, these typically leave some trace in the symbol table, so an
- L<Autoload> or L<Class::Autouse>-based class should correctly appear
- loaded.
- Returns true if the class is loaded, false if not, or C<undef> if the
- class name is invalid.
- =cut
- sub loaded {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef;
- $class->_loaded($name);
- }
- sub _loaded {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = shift;
- # Handle by far the two most common cases
- # This is very fast and handles 99% of cases.
- return 1 if defined ${"${name}::VERSION"};
- return 1 if defined @{"${name}::ISA"};
- # Are there any symbol table entries other than other namespaces
- foreach ( keys %{"${name}::"} ) {
- next if substr($_, -2, 2) eq '::';
- return 1 if defined &{"${name}::$_"};
- }
- # No functions, and it doesn't have a version, and isn't anything.
- # As an absolute last resort, check for an entry in %INC
- my $filename = $class->_inc_filename($name);
- return 1 if defined $INC{$filename};
- '';
- }
- =pod
- =head2 filename $class
- For a given class, returns the base filename for the class. This will NOT
- be a fully resolved filename, just the part of the filename BELOW the
- C<@INC> entry.
- print Class->filename( 'Foo::Bar' );
- > Foo/Bar.pm
- This filename will be returned with the right seperator for the local
- platform, and should work on all platforms.
- Returns the filename on success or C<undef> if the class name is invalid.
- =cut
- sub filename {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef;
- File::Spec->catfile( split /(?:\'|::)/, $name ) . '.pm';
- }
- =pod
- =head2 resolved_filename $class, @try_first
- For a given class, the C<resolved_filename> static method returns the fully
- resolved filename for a class. That is, the file that the class would be
- loaded from.
- This is not nescesarily the file that the class WAS loaded from, as the
- value returned is determined each time it runs, and the C<@INC> include
- path may change.
- To get the actual file for a loaded class, see the C<loaded_filename>
- method.
- Returns the filename for the class, or C<undef> if the class name is
- invalid.
- =cut
- sub resolved_filename {
- my $class = shift;
- my $filename = $class->_inc_filename(shift) or return undef;
- my @try_first = @_;
- # Look through the @INC path to find the file
- foreach ( @try_first, @INC ) {
- my $full = "$_/$filename";
- next unless -e $full;
- return $UNIX ? $full : $class->_inc_to_local($full);
- }
- # File not found
- '';
- }
- =pod
- =head2 loaded_filename $class
- For a given loaded class, the C<loaded_filename> static method determines
- (via the C<%INC> hash) the name of the file that it was originally loaded
- from.
- Returns a resolved file path, or false if the class did not have it's own
- file.
- =cut
- sub loaded_filename {
- my $class = shift;
- my $filename = $class->_inc_filename(shift);
- $UNIX ? $INC{$filename} : $class->_inc_to_local($INC{$filename});
- }
- #####################################################################
- # Sub Related Methods
- =pod
- =head2 functions $class
- For a loaded class, the C<functions> static method returns a list of the
- names of all the functions in the classes immediate namespace.
- Note that this is not the METHODS of the class, just the functions.
- Returns a reference to an array of the function names on success, or C<undef>
- if the class name is invalid or the class is not loaded.
- =cut
- sub functions {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef;
- return undef unless $class->loaded( $name );
- # Get all the CODE symbol table entries
- my @functions = sort grep { /$RE_IDENTIFIER/o }
- grep { defined &{"${name}::$_"} }
- keys %{"${name}::"};
- \@functions;
- }
- =pod
- =head2 function_refs $class
- For a loaded class, the C<function_refs> static method returns references to
- all the functions in the classes immediate namespace.
- Note that this is not the METHODS of the class, just the functions.
- Returns a reference to an array of C<CODE> refs of the functions on
- success, or C<undef> if the class is not loaded.
- =cut
- sub function_refs {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef;
- return undef unless $class->loaded( $name );
- # Get all the CODE symbol table entries, but return
- # the actual CODE refs this time.
- my @functions = map { \&{"${name}::$_"} }
- sort grep { /$RE_IDENTIFIER/o }
- grep { defined &{"${name}::$_"} }
- keys %{"${name}::"};
- \@functions;
- }
- =pod
- =head2 function_exists $class, $function
- Given a class and function name the C<function_exists> static method will
- check to see if the function exists in the class.
- Note that this is as a function, not as a method. To see if a method
- exists for a class, use the C<can> method for any class or object.
- Returns true if the function exists, false if not, or C<undef> if the
- class or function name are invalid, or the class is not loaded.
- =cut
- sub function_exists {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class( shift ) or return undef;
- my $function = shift or return undef;
- # Only works if the class is loaded
- return undef unless $class->loaded( $name );
- # Does the GLOB exist and its CODE part exist
- defined &{"${name}::$function"};
- }
- =pod
- =head2 methods $class, @options
- For a given class name, the C<methods> static method will returns ALL
- the methods available to that class. This includes all methods available
- from every class up the class' C<@ISA> tree.
- Returns a reference to an array of the names of all the available methods
- on success, or C<undef> if the class name is invalid or the class is not
- loaded.
- A number of options are available to the C<methods> method that will alter
- the results returned. These should be listed after the class name, in any
- order.
- # Only get public methods
- my $method = Class::Inspector->methods( 'My::Class', 'public' );
- =over 4
- =item public
- The C<public> option will return only 'public' methods, as defined by the Perl
- convention of prepending an underscore to any 'private' methods. The C<public>
- option will effectively remove any methods that start with an underscore.
- =item private
- The C<private> options will return only 'private' methods, as defined by the
- Perl convention of prepending an underscore to an private methods. The
- C<private> option will effectively remove an method that do not start with an
- underscore.
- B<Note: The C<public> and C<private> options are mutually exclusive>
- =item full
- C<methods> normally returns just the method name. Supplying the C<full> option
- will cause the methods to be returned as the full names. That is, instead of
- returning C<[ 'method1', 'method2', 'method3' ]>, you would instead get
- C<[ 'Class::method1', 'AnotherClass::method2', 'Class::method3' ]>.
- =item expanded
- The C<expanded> option will cause a lot more information about method to be
- returned. Instead of just the method name, you will instead get an array
- reference containing the method name as a single combined name, ala C<full>,
- the seperate class and method, and a CODE ref to the actual function ( if
- available ). Please note that the function reference is not guarenteed to
- be available. C<Class::Inspector> is intended at some later time, work
- with modules that have some some of common run-time loader in place ( e.g
- C<Autoloader> or C<Class::Autouse> for example.
- The response from C<methods( 'Class', 'expanded' )> would look something like
- the following.
- [
- [ 'Class::method1', 'Class', 'method1', \&Class::method1 ],
- [ 'Another::method2', 'Another', 'method2', \&Another::method2 ],
- [ 'Foo::bar', 'Foo', 'bar', \&Foo::bar ],
- ]
- =back
- =cut
- sub methods {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class( shift ) or return undef;
- my @arguments = map { lc $_ } @_;
- # Process the arguments to determine the options
- my %options = ();
- foreach ( @arguments ) {
- if ( $_ eq 'public' ) {
- # Only get public methods
- return undef if $options{private};
- $options{public} = 1;
- } elsif ( $_ eq 'private' ) {
- # Only get private methods
- return undef if $options{public};
- $options{private} = 1;
- } elsif ( $_ eq 'full' ) {
- # Return the full method name
- return undef if $options{expanded};
- $options{full} = 1;
- } elsif ( $_ eq 'expanded' ) {
- # Returns class, method and function ref
- return undef if $options{full};
- $options{expanded} = 1;
- } else {
- # Unknown or unsupported options
- return undef;
- }
- }
- # Only works if the class is loaded
- return undef unless $class->loaded( $name );
- # Get the super path ( not including UNIVERSAL )
- # Rather than using Class::ISA, we'll use an inlined version
- # that implements the same basic algorithm.
- my @path = ();
- my @queue = ( $name );
- my %seen = ( $name => 1 );
- while ( my $cl = shift @queue ) {
- push @path, $cl;
- unshift @queue, grep { ! $seen{$_}++ }
- map { s/^::/main::/; s/\'/::/g; $_ }
- ( @{"${cl}::ISA"} );
- }
- # Find and merge the function names across the entire super path.
- # Sort alphabetically and return.
- my %methods = ();
- foreach my $namespace ( @path ) {
- my @functions = grep { ! $methods{$_} }
- grep { /$RE_IDENTIFIER/o }
- grep { defined &{"${namespace}::$_"} }
- keys %{"${namespace}::"};
- foreach ( @functions ) {
- $methods{$_} = $namespace;
- }
- }
- # Filter to public or private methods if needed
- my @methodlist = sort keys %methods;
- @methodlist = grep { ! /^\_/ } @methodlist if $options{public};
- @methodlist = grep { /^\_/ } @methodlist if $options{private};
- # Return in the correct format
- @methodlist = map { "$methods{$_}::$_" } @methodlist if $options{full};
- @methodlist = map {
- [ "$methods{$_}::$_", $methods{$_}, $_, \&{"$methods{$_}::$_"} ]
- } @methodlist if $options{expanded};
- \@methodlist;
- }
- #####################################################################
- # Search Methods
- =pod
- =head2 subclasses $class
- The C<subclasses> static method will search then entire namespace (and thus
- B<all> currently loaded classes) to find all classes that are subclasses
- of the class provided as a the parameter.
- The actual test will be done by calling C<isa> on the class as a static
- method. (i.e. C<My::Class-E<gt>isa($class)>.
- Returns a reference to a list of the loaded classes that match the class
- provided, or false is none match, or C<undef> if the class name provided
- is invalid.
- =cut
- sub subclasses {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class( shift ) or return undef;
- # Prepare the search queue
- my @found = ();
- my @queue = grep { $_ ne 'main' } $class->_subnames('');
- while ( @queue ) {
- my $c = shift(@queue); # c for class
- if ( $class->_loaded($c) ) {
- # At least one person has managed to misengineer
- # a situation in which ->isa could die, even if the
- # class is real. Trap these cases and just skip
- # over that (bizarre) class. That would at limit
- # problems with finding subclasses to only the
- # modules that have broken ->isa implementation.
- local $@;
- eval {
- if ( $c->isa($name) ) {
- # Add to the found list, but don't add the class itself
- push @found, $c unless $c eq $name;
- }
- };
- }
- # Add any child namespaces to the head of the queue.
- # This keeps the queue length shorted, and allows us
- # not to have to do another sort at the end.
- unshift @queue, map { "${c}::$_" } $class->_subnames($c);
- }
- @found ? \@found : '';
- }
- sub _subnames {
- my ($class, $name) = @_;
- return sort
- grep {
- substr($_, -2, 2, '') eq '::'
- and
- }
- keys %{"${name}::"};
- }
- #####################################################################
- # Children Related Methods
- # These can go undocumented for now, until I decide if its best to
- # just search the children in namespace only, or if I should do it via
- # the file system.
- # Find all the loaded classes below us
- sub children {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return ();
- # Find all the Foo:: elements in our symbol table
- no strict 'refs';
- map { "${name}::$_" } sort grep { s/::$// } keys %{"${name}::"};
- }
- # As above, but recursively
- sub recursive_children {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return ();
- my @children = ( $name );
- # Do the search using a nicer, more memory efficient
- # variant of actual recursion.
- my $i = 0;
- no strict 'refs';
- while ( my $namespace = $children[$i++] ) {
- push @children, map { "${namespace}::$_" }
- grep { ! /^::/ } # Ignore things like ::ISA::CACHE::
- grep { s/::$// }
- keys %{"${namespace}::"};
- }
- sort @children;
- }
- #####################################################################
- # Private Methods
- # Checks and expands ( if needed ) a class name
- sub _class {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = shift or return '';
- # Handle main shorthand
- return 'main' if $name eq '::';
- $name =~ s/\A::/main::/;
- # Check the class name is valid
- $name =~ /$RE_CLASS/o ? $name : '';
- }
- # Create a INC-specific filename, which always uses '/'
- # regardless of platform.
- sub _inc_filename {
- my $class = shift;
- my $name = $class->_class(shift) or return undef;
- join( '/', split /(?:\'|::)/, $name ) . '.pm';
- }
- # Convert INC-specific file name to local file name
- sub _inc_to_local {
- # Shortcut in the Unix case
- return $_[1] if $UNIX;
- # On other places, we have to deal with an unusual path that might look
- # like C:/foo/bar.pm which doesn't fit ANY normal pattern.
- # Putting it through splitpath/dir and back again seems to normalise
- # it to a reasonable amount.
- my $class = shift;
- my $inc_name = shift or return undef;
- my ($vol, $dir, $file) = File::Spec->splitpath( $inc_name );
- $dir = File::Spec->catdir( File::Spec->splitdir( $dir || "" ) );
- File::Spec->catpath( $vol, $dir, $file || "" );
- }
- 1;
- =pod
- =head1 SUPPORT
- Bugs should be reported via the CPAN bug tracker
- L<http://rt.cpan.org/NoAuth/ReportBug.html?Queue=Class-Inspector>
- For other issues, or commercial enhancement or support, contact the author.
- =head1 AUTHOR
- Adam Kennedy E<lt>adamk@cpan.orgE<gt>
- =head1 SEE ALSO
- L<http://ali.as/>, L<Class::Handle>
- =head1 COPYRIGHT
- Copyright 2002 - 2011 Adam Kennedy.
- This program is free software; you can redistribute
- it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
- The full text of the license can be found in the
- LICENSE file included with this module.
- =cut