1 contributor
package DBIx::Custom::Table;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Object::Simple';
use Carp 'croak';
# Carp trust relationship
push @DBIx::Custom::CARP_NOT, __PACKAGE__;
__PACKAGE__->attr(['dbi', 'name']);
my $self = shift;
# Method name
my ($package, $mname) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w\:]+)\:\:(\w+)$/;
# Method
$self->{_methods} ||= {};
croak qq/Can't locate object method "$mname" via "$package"/
unless my $method = $self->{_methods}->{$mname};
# Execute
return $self->$method(@_);
sub method {
my $self = shift;
# Merge
my $methods = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_};
$self->{_methods} = {%{$self->{_methods} || {}}, %$methods};
return $self;
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
# Methods
my @methods = qw/insert update update_all delete delete_all select/;
foreach my $method (@methods) {
$method => sub {
my $self = shift;
return $self->dbi->$method(table => $self->name, @_);
return $self;
sub DESTROY { }
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Custom::Table - Table base class(experimental)
use DBIx::Custom::Table;
my $table = DBIx::Custom::Table->new(name => 'books');
=head1 METHODS
L<DBIx::Custom> inherits all methods from L<Object::Simple>
and implements the following new ones.
=head2 C<delete>
$table->delete(where => \%where);
Same as C<delete()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify table name.
=head2 C<delete_all>
$table->delete_all(param => $param);
Same as C<delete_all()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify table name.
=head2 C<method>
$table->method(insert => sub {
my $self = shift;
return $self->dbi->insert(table => $self->name, @_);
Add method to a L<DBIx::Custom::Table> object.
=head2 C<insert>
$table->insert(param => \%param);
Same as C<insert()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify table name.
=head2 C<method>
select_complex => sub {
my $self = shift;
return $self->dbi->select($self->name, ...);
some_method => sub { ... }
Define method.
=head2 C<new>
my $table = DBIx::Custom::Table->new;
Create a L<DBIx::Custom::Table> object.
=head2 C<select>
$table->select(param => $param);
Same as C<select()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify table name.
=head2 C<update>
$table->update(param => \%param, where => \%where);
Same as C<update()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify table name.
=head2 C<update_all>
$table->update_all(param => \%param);
Same as C<update_all()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify table name.