4 contributor
package DBIx::Custom;
our $VERSION = '0.1640';
use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Object::Simple';
use Carp 'croak';
use DBI;
use DBIx::Custom::Result;
use DBIx::Custom::Query;
use DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder;
use DBIx::Custom::Where;
use DBIx::Custom::Table;
use DBIx::Custom::Tag;
use Encode qw/encode_utf8 decode_utf8/;
[qw/data_source dbh password user/],
cache => 1,
dbi_option => sub { {} },
query_builder => sub { DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder->new },
result_class => 'DBIx::Custom::Result',
base_table => sub { DBIx::Custom::Table->new(dbi => shift) }
cache_method => sub {
sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_cached} ||= {};
if (@_ > 1) {
$self->{_cached}{$_[0]} = $_[1]
else {
return $self->{_cached}{$_[0]}
filters => sub {
encode_utf8 => sub { encode_utf8($_[0]) },
decode_utf8 => sub { decode_utf8($_[0]) }
my $self = shift;
# Method name
my ($package, $mname) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w\:]+)\:\:(\w+)$/;
# Method
$self->{_methods} ||= {};
my $method = $self->{_methods}->{$mname};
return $self->$method(@_) if $method;
# DBI method
return $self->dbh->$mname(@_);
sub apply_filter {
my ($self, $table, @cinfos) = @_;
# Initialize filters
$self->{filter} ||= {};
$self->{filter}{out} ||= {};
$self->{filter}{in} ||= {};
# Create filters
my $usage = "Usage: \$dbi->apply_filter(" .
"TABLE, COLUMN1, {in => INFILTER1, out => OUTFILTER1}, " .
"COLUMN2, {in => INFILTER2, out => OUTFILTER2}, ...)";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @cinfos; $i += 2) {
# Column
my $column = $cinfos[$i];
# Filter
my $filter = $cinfos[$i + 1] || {};
croak $usage unless ref $filter eq 'HASH';
foreach my $ftype (keys %$filter) {
croak $usage unless $ftype eq 'in' || $ftype eq 'out';
my $in_filter = $filter->{in};
my $out_filter = $filter->{out};
# Out filter
if (ref $out_filter eq 'CODE') {
= $out_filter;
= $out_filter;
elsif (defined $out_filter) {
croak qq{Filter "$out_filter" is not registered}
unless exists $self->filters->{$out_filter};
= $self->filters->{$out_filter};
= $self->filters->{$out_filter};
# In filter
if (ref $in_filter eq 'CODE') {
= $in_filter;
= $in_filter;
elsif (defined $in_filter) {
croak qq{Filter "$in_filter" is not registered}
unless exists $self->filters->{$in_filter};
= $self->filters->{$in_filter};
= $self->filters->{$in_filter};
return $self;
sub method {
my $self = shift;
# Merge
my $methods = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_};
$self->{_methods} = {%{$self->{_methods} || {}}, %$methods};
return $self;
sub connect {
my $self = ref $_[0] ? shift : shift->new(@_);;
# Attributes
my $data_source = $self->data_source;
croak qq{"data_source" must be specified to connect()"}
unless $data_source;
my $user = $self->user;
my $password = $self->password;
my $dbi_option = {%{$self->dbi_options}, %{$self->dbi_option}};
# Connect
my $dbh = eval {DBI->connect(
RaiseError => 1,
PrintError => 0,
AutoCommit => 1,
# Connect error
croak $@ if $@;
# Database handle
return $self;
sub create_query {
my ($self, $source) = @_;
# Cache
my $cache = $self->cache;
# Create query
my $query;
if ($cache) {
# Get query
my $q = $self->cache_method->($self, $source);
# Create query
$query = DBIx::Custom::Query->new($q) if $q;
unless ($query) {
# Create SQL object
my $builder = $self->query_builder;
# Create query
$query = $builder->build_query($source);
# Cache query
$self->cache_method->($self, $source,
{sql => $query->sql,
columns => $query->columns})
if $cache;
# Prepare statement handle
my $sth;
eval { $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($query->{sql})};
$self->_croak($@, qq{. Following SQL is executed. "$query->{sql}"}) if $@;
# Set statement handle
return $query;
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table where append filter allow_delete_all query/;
sub delete {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_DELETE_ARGS{$name};
# Arguments
my $table = $args{table} || '';
croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $table;
my $where = $args{where} || {};
my $append = $args{append};
my $filter = $args{filter};
my $allow_delete_all = $args{allow_delete_all};
# Where
my $w;
if (ref $where eq 'HASH') {
my $clause = ['and'];
push @$clause, "{= $_}" for keys %$where;
$w = $self->where;
else { $w = $where }
croak qq{"where" must be hash refernce or DBIx::Custom::Where object}
unless ref $w eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where';
$where = $w->param;
croak qq{"where" must be specified}
if "$w" eq '' && !$allow_delete_all;
# Source of SQL
my $source = "delete from $table $w";
$source .= " $append" if $append;
# Create query
my $query = $self->create_query($source);
return $query if $args{query};
# Execute query
my $ret_val = $self->execute(
$query, param => $where, filter => $filter,
table => $table);
return $ret_val;
sub delete_all { shift->delete(allow_delete_all => 1, @_) }
sub DESTROY { }
our %VALID_EXECUTE_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } qw/param filter table/;
sub execute{
my ($self, $query, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_EXECUTE_ARGS{$name};
my $params = $args{param} || {};
# First argument is the soruce of SQL
$query = $self->create_query($query)
unless ref $query;
# Auto filter
my $filter = {};
my $tables = $args{table} || [];
$tables = [$tables]
unless ref $tables eq 'ARRAY';
foreach my $table (@$tables) {
$filter = {
%{$self->{filter}{out}->{$table} || {}}
# Filter argument
my $f = $args{filter} || $query->filter || {};
foreach my $column (keys %$f) {
my $fname = $f->{$column};
if (!defined $fname) {
$f->{$column} = undef;
elsif (ref $fname ne 'CODE') {
croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered"}
unless exists $self->filters->{$fname};
$f->{$column} = $self->filters->{$fname};
$filter = {%$filter, %$f};
# Bind
my $bind = $self->_bind($params, $query->columns, $filter);
# Execute
my $sth = $query->sth;
my $affected;
eval {$affected = $sth->execute(@$bind)};
$self->_croak($@, qq{. Following SQL is executed. "$query->{sql}"}) if $@;
# Return resultset if select statement is executed
if ($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}) {
# Auto in filter
my $in_filter = {};
foreach my $table (@$tables) {
$in_filter = {
%{$self->{filter}{in}{$table} || {}}
# Result
my $result = $self->result_class->new(
sth => $sth,
filters => $self->filters,
filter_check => $self->filter_check,
default_filter => $self->{default_in_filter},
filter => $in_filter || {}
return $result;
return $affected;
our %VALID_INSERT_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } qw/table param append
filter query/;
sub insert {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_INSERT_ARGS{$name};
# Arguments
my $table = $args{table};
croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $table;
my $param = $args{param} || {};
my $append = $args{append} || '';
my $filter = $args{filter};
# Insert keys
my @insert_keys = keys %$param;
# Templte for insert
my $source = "insert into $table {insert_param "
. join(' ', @insert_keys) . '}';
$source .= " $append" if $append;
# Create query
my $query = $self->create_query($source);
return $query if $args{query};
# Execute query
my $ret_val = $self->execute(
param => $param,
filter => $filter,
table => $table
return $ret_val;
sub each_column {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
# Iterate all tables
my $sth_tables = $self->dbh->table_info;
while (my $table_info = $sth_tables->fetchrow_hashref) {
# Table
my $table = $table_info->{TABLE_NAME};
# Iterate all columns
my $sth_columns = $self->dbh->column_info(undef, undef, $table, '%');
while (my $column_info = $sth_columns->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $column = $column_info->{COLUMN_NAME};
$self->$cb($table, $column, $column_info);
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
# Check attribute names
my @attrs = keys %$self;
foreach my $attr (@attrs) {
croak qq{"$attr" is invalid attribute name}
unless $self->can($attr);
'?' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::placeholder,
'=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::equal,
'<>' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::not_equal,
'>' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::greater_than,
'<' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::lower_than,
'>=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::greater_than_equal,
'<=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::lower_than_equal,
'like' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::like,
'in' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::in,
'insert_param' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::insert_param,
'update_param' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::update_param
return $self;
sub not_exists { bless {}, 'DBIx::Custom::NotExists' }
sub register_filter {
my $invocant = shift;
# Register filter
my $filters = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_};
$invocant->filters({%{$invocant->filters}, %$filters});
return $invocant;
sub register_tag { shift->query_builder->register_tag(@_) }
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table column where append relation filter query/;
sub select {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_SELECT_ARGS{$name};
# Arguments
my $table = $args{table};
my $tables = ref $table eq 'ARRAY' ? $table
: defined $table ? [$table]
: [];
croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless @$tables;
my $columns = $args{column} || [];
my $where = $args{where};
my $relation = $args{relation};
my $append = $args{append};
my $filter = $args{filter};
# Source of SQL
my $source = 'select ';
# Column clause
if (@$columns) {
foreach my $column (@$columns) {
$source .= "$column, ";
$source =~ s/, $/ /;
else {
$source .= '* ';
# Table
$source .= 'from ';
foreach my $table (@$tables) {
$source .= "$table, ";
$source =~ s/, $/ /;
# Where clause
my $param;
my $wexists;
if (ref $where eq 'HASH') {
$param = $where;
$wexists = keys %$where;
if ($wexists) {
$source .= 'where (';
foreach my $where_key (keys %$where) {
$source .= "{= $where_key} and ";
$source =~ s/ and $//;
$source .= ') ';
elsif (ref $where eq 'ARRAY') {
my $w = $where->[0] || '';
$param = $where->[1];
$wexists = $w =~ /\S/;
$source .= "where ($w) " if $wexists;
elsif (ref $where eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where') {
$param = $where->param;
my $w = $where->to_string;
$wexists = $w =~ /\S/;
$source .= $w;
# Relation
if ($relation) {
$source .= $wexists ? "and " : "where ";
foreach my $rkey (keys %$relation) {
$source .= "$rkey = " . $relation->{$rkey} . " and ";
$source =~ s/ and $//;
# Append some statement
$source .= " $append" if $append;
# Create query
my $query = $self->create_query($source);
return $query if $args{query};
# Execute query
my $result = $self->execute(
$query, param => $param, filter => $filter,
table => $tables);
return $result;
sub table {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
# Create table
$self->{_tables} ||= {};
unless (defined $self->{_tables}->{$name}) {
# Base table
my $base_table = $self->base_table;
# Base methods
my $bmethods = ref $base_table->{_methods} eq 'HASH'
? $base_table->{_methods}
: {};
# Copy Methods
my $methods = {};
$methods->{$_} = $bmethods->{$_} for keys %$bmethods;
# Create table
my $table = $base_table->new(
dbi => $self,
name => $name,
base => $base_table,
_methods => $methods
$self->{_tables}->{$name} = $table;
return $self->{_tables}{$name};
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table param
where append filter allow_update_all query/;
sub update {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_UPDATE_ARGS{$name};
# Arguments
my $table = $args{table} || '';
croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $table;
my $param = $args{param} || {};
my $where = $args{where} || {};
my $append = $args{append} || '';
my $filter = $args{filter};
my $allow_update_all = $args{allow_update_all};
# Update keys
my @update_keys = keys %$param;
# Update clause
my $update_clause = '{update_param ' . join(' ', @update_keys) . '}';
# Where
my $w;
if (ref $where eq 'HASH') {
my $clause = ['and'];
push @$clause, "{= $_}" for keys %$where;
$w = $self->where;
else { $w = $where }
croak qq{"where" must be hash refernce or DBIx::Custom::Where object}
unless ref $w eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where';
$where = $w->param;
croak qq{"where" must be specified}
if "$w" eq '' && !$allow_update_all;
# Source of SQL
my $source = "update $table $update_clause $w";
$source .= " $append" if $append;
# Rearrange parameters
foreach my $wkey (keys %$where) {
if (exists $param->{$wkey}) {
$param->{$wkey} = [$param->{$wkey}]
unless ref $param->{$wkey} eq 'ARRAY';
push @{$param->{$wkey}}, $where->{$wkey};
else {
$param->{$wkey} = $where->{$wkey};
# Create query
my $query = $self->create_query($source);
return $query if $args{query};
# Execute query
my $ret_val = $self->execute($query, param => $param,
filter => $filter,
table => $table);
return $ret_val;
sub update_all { shift->update(allow_update_all => 1, @_) };
sub where {
return DBIx::Custom::Where->new(query_builder => shift->query_builder)
sub _bind {
my ($self, $params, $columns, $filter) = @_;
# bind values
my @bind;
# Build bind values
my $count = {};
my $not_exists = {};
foreach my $column (@$columns) {
# Value
my $value;
if(ref $params->{$column} eq 'ARRAY') {
my $i = $count->{$column} || 0;
$i += $not_exists->{$column} || 0;
my $found;
for (my $k = $i; $i < @{$params->{$column}}; $k++) {
if (ref $params->{$column}->[$k] eq 'DBIx::Custom::NotExists') {
else {
$value = $params->{$column}->[$k];
$found = 1;
next unless $found;
else { $value = $params->{$column} }
# Filter
my $f = $filter->{$column} || $self->{default_out_filter} || '';
push @bind, $f ? $f->($value) : $value;
# Count up
return \@bind;
sub _croak {
my ($self, $error, $append) = @_;
$append ||= "";
# Verbose
if ($Carp::Verbose) { croak $error }
# Not verbose
else {
# Remove line and module infromation
my $at_pos = rindex($error, ' at ');
$error = substr($error, 0, $at_pos);
$error =~ s/\s+$//;
croak "$error$append";
dbi_options => sub { {} },
filter_check => 1
sub default_bind_filter {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $fname = $_[0];
if (@_ && !$fname) {
$self->{default_out_filter} = undef;
else {
croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered}
unless exists $self->filters->{$fname};
$self->{default_out_filter} = $self->filters->{$fname};
return $self;
return $self->{default_out_filter};
sub default_fetch_filter {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $fname = $_[0];
if (@_ && !$fname) {
$self->{default_in_filter} = undef;
else {
croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered}
unless exists $self->filters->{$fname};
$self->{default_in_filter} = $self->filters->{$fname};
return $self;
return $self->{default_in_filter};
sub register_tag_processor {
return shift->query_builder->register_tag_processor(@_);
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Custom - DBI interface, having hash parameter binding and filtering system
use DBIx::Custom;
my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname",
user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&',
dbi_option => {mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
# Insert
$dbi->insert(table => 'book',
param => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'},
filter => {title => 'to_something'});
# Update
$dbi->update(table => 'book',
param => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'},
where => {id => 5},
filter => {title => 'to_something'});
# Update all
$dbi->update_all(table => 'book',
param => {title => 'Perl'},
filter => {title => 'to_something'});
# Delete
$dbi->delete(table => 'book',
where => {author => 'Ken'},
filter => {title => 'to_something'});
# Delete all
$dbi->delete_all(table => 'book');
# Select
my $result = $dbi->select(
table => 'book',
column => [qw/author title/],
where => {author => 'Ken'},
relation => {'book.id' => 'rental.book_id'},
append => 'order by id limit 5',
filter => {title => 'to_something'}
# Execute SQL
$dbi->execute("select title from book");
# Execute SQL with hash binding and filtering
$dbi->execute("select id from book where {= author} and {like title}",
param => {author => 'ken', title => '%Perl%'},
filter => {title => 'to_something'});
# Create query and execute it
my $query = $dbi->create_query(
"select id from book where {= author} and {like title}"
$dbi->execute($query, param => {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'})
# Get DBI object
my $dbh = $dbi->dbh;
# Fetch
while (my $row = $result->fetch) {
# ...
# Fetch hash
while (my $row = $result->fetch_hash) {
L<DBIx::Custom> is one of L<DBI> interface modules,
such as L<DBIx::Class>, L<DBIx::Simple>.
This module is not O/R mapper. O/R mapper is useful,
but you must learn many syntax of the O/R mapper,
which is almost another language.
Created SQL statement is offten not effcient and damage SQL performance.
so you have to execute raw SQL in the end.
L<DBIx::Custom> is middle area between L<DBI> and O/R mapper.
L<DBIx::Custom> provide flexible hash parameter binding and filtering system,
and suger methods, such as C<insert()>, C<update()>, C<delete()>, C<select()>
to execute SQL easily.
L<DBIx::Custom> respects SQL. SQL is very complex and not beautiful,
but de-facto standard,
so all people learing database know it.
If you already know SQL,
you learn a little thing to use L<DBIx::Custom>.
See L<DBIx::Custom::Guide> for more details.
=head1 GUIDE
L<DBIx::Custom::Guide> - L<DBIx::Custom> complete guide
L<DBIx::Custom Wiki|https://github.com/yuki-kimoto/DBIx-Custom/wiki> - Many useful examples
=head2 C<cache>
my $cache = $dbi->cache;
$dbi = $dbi->cache(1);
Enable parsed L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object caching.
Default to 1.
=head2 C<data_source>
my $data_source = $dbi->data_source;
$dbi = $dbi->data_source("DBI:mysql:database=dbname");
Data source.
C<connect()> method use this value to connect the database.
=head2 C<dbh>
my $dbh = $dbi->dbh;
$dbi = $dbi->dbh($dbh);
L<DBI> object. You can call all methods of L<DBI>.
=head2 C<dbi_option>
my $dbi_option = $dbi->dbi_option;
$dbi = $dbi->dbi_option($dbi_option);
DBI options.
C<connect()> method use this value to connect the database.
Default filter when row is fetched.
=head2 C<filters>
my $filters = $dbi->filters;
$dbi = $dbi->filters(\%filters);
=head2 C<password>
my $password = $dbi->password;
$dbi = $dbi->password('lkj&le`@s');
C<connect()> method use this value to connect the database.
=head2 C<query_builder>
my $sql_class = $dbi->query_builder;
$dbi = $dbi->query_builder(DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder->new);
SQL builder. C<query_builder()> must be
the instance of L<DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder> subclass.
Default to L<DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder> object.
=head2 C<result_class>
my $result_class = $dbi->result_class;
$dbi = $dbi->result_class('DBIx::Custom::Result');
Result class for select statement.
Default to L<DBIx::Custom::Result>.
=head2 C<user>
my $user = $dbi->user;
$dbi = $dbi->user('Ken');
User name.
C<connect()> method use this value to connect the database.
=head1 METHODS
L<DBIx::Custom> inherits all methods from L<Object::Simple>
and use all method of L<DBI>
and implements the following new ones.
=head2 C<(experimental) apply_filter>
$column1 => {in => $infilter1, out => $outfilter1}
$column2 => {in => $infilter2, out => $outfilter2}
C<apply_filter> is automatically filter for columns of table.
This have effect C<insert>, C<update>, C<delete>. C<select>
and L<DBIx::Custom::Result> object. but this has'nt C<execute> method.
If you want to have effect C<execute()> method, use C<table>
$result = $dbi->execute(
"select * from table1 where {= key1} and {= key2};",
param => {key1 => 1, key2 => 2},
table => ['table1']
=head2 C<connect>
my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname",
user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&');
Create a new L<DBIx::Custom> object and connect to the database.
L<DBIx::Custom> is a wrapper of L<DBI>.
C<AutoCommit> and C<RaiseError> options are true,
and C<PrintError> option is false by default.
=head2 C<create_query>
my $query = $dbi->create_query(
"select * from book where {= author} and {like title};"
Create the instance of L<DBIx::Custom::Query> from the source of SQL.
If you want to get high performance,
use C<create_query()> method and execute it by C<execute()> method
instead of suger methods.
$dbi->execute($query, {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'});
=head2 C<execute>
my $result = $dbi->execute($query, param => $params, filter => \%filter);
my $result = $dbi->execute($source, param => $params, filter => \%filter);
Execute query or the source of SQL.
Query is L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object.
Return value is L<DBIx::Custom::Result> if select statement is executed,
or the count of affected rows if insert, update, delete statement is executed.
=head2 C<delete>
$dbi->delete(table => $table,
where => \%where,
append => $append,
filter => \%filter,
query => 1);
Execute delete statement.
C<delete> method have C<table>, C<where>, C<append>, and C<filter> arguments.
C<table> is a table name.
C<where> is where clause. this must be hash reference.
C<append> is a string added at the end of the SQL statement.
C<filter> is filters when parameter binding is executed.
C<query> is if you don't execute sql and get L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object as return value.
default to 0. This is experimental.
Return value of C<delete()> is the count of affected rows.
=head2 C<delete_all>
$dbi->delete_all(table => $table);
Execute delete statement to delete all rows.
Arguments is same as C<delete> method,
except that C<delete_all> don't have C<where> argument.
Return value of C<delete_all()> is the count of affected rows.
=head2 C<insert>
$dbi->insert(table => $table,
param => \%param,
append => $append,
filter => \%filter,
query => 1);
Execute insert statement.
C<insert> method have C<table>, C<param>, C<append>
and C<filter> arguments.
C<table> is a table name.
C<param> is the pairs of column name value. this must be hash reference.
C<append> is a string added at the end of the SQL statement.
C<filter> is filters when parameter binding is executed.
C<query> is if you don't execute sql and get L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object as return value.
default to 0. This is experimental.
This is overwrites C<default_bind_filter>.
Return value of C<insert()> is the count of affected rows.
=head2 C<(experimental) each_column>
sub {
my ($self, $table, $column, $info) = @_;
my $type = $info->{TYPE_NAME};
if ($type eq 'DATE') {
# ...
Get column informations from database.
Argument is callback.
You can do anything in callback.
Callback receive four arguments, dbi object, table name,
column name and columninformation.
=head2 C<(experimental) method>
update_or_insert => sub {
my $self = shift;
# do something
find_or_create => sub {
my $self = shift;
# do something
Register method. These method is called from L<DBIx::Custom> object directory.
=head2 C<new>
my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname",
user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&');
Create a new L<DBIx::Custom> object.
=head2 C<(experimental) not_exists>
my $not_exists = $dbi->not_exists;
Get DBIx::Custom::NotExists object.
=head2 C<register_filter>
Register filter. Registered filters is available in the following attributes
or arguments.
=over 4
=item *
C<filter> argument of C<insert()>, C<update()>,
C<update_all()>, C<delete()>, C<delete_all()>, C<select()>
=item *
C<execute()> method
=item *
C<default_filter> and C<filter> of C<DBIx::Custom::Query>
=item *
C<default_filter> and C<filter> of C<DBIx::Custom::Result>
=head2 C<register_tag>
limit => sub {
Register tag.
=head2 C<rollback>
Rollback transaction.
This is same as L<DBI>'s C<rollback>.
=head2 C<select>
my $result = $dbi->select(table => $table,
column => [@column],
where => \%where,
append => $append,
relation => \%relation,
filter => \%filter,
query => 1);
Execute select statement.
C<select> method have C<table>, C<column>, C<where>, C<append>,
C<relation> and C<filter> arguments.
C<table> is a table name.
C<where> is where clause. this is normally hash reference.
C<append> is a string added at the end of the SQL statement.
C<filter> is filters when parameter binding is executed.
C<query> is if you don't execute sql and get L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object as return value.
default to 0. This is experimental.
If you use more complex condition,
you can specify a array reference to C<where> argument.
my $result = $dbi->select(
table => 'book',
column => ['title', 'author'],
where => ['{= title} or {like author}',
{title => '%Perl%', author => 'Ken'}]
First element is a string. it contains tags,
such as "{= title} or {like author}".
Second element is paramters.
=head2 C<update>
$dbi->update(table => $table,
param => \%params,
where => \%where,
append => $append,
filter => \%filter,
query => 1)
Execute update statement.
C<update> method have C<table>, C<param>, C<where>, C<append>
and C<filter> arguments.
C<table> is a table name.
C<param> is column-value pairs. this must be hash reference.
C<where> is where clause. this must be hash reference.
C<append> is a string added at the end of the SQL statement.
C<filter> is filters when parameter binding is executed.
C<query> is if you don't execute sql and get L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object as return value.
default to 0. This is experimental.
This is overwrites C<default_bind_filter>.
Return value of C<update()> is the count of affected rows.
=head2 C<(experimental) table>
insert => sub { ... },
update => sub { ... }
my $table = $dbi->table('book');
Create a L<DBIx::Custom::Table> object,
or get a L<DBIx::Custom::Table> object.
=head2 C<update_all>
$dbi->update_all(table => $table,
param => \%params,
filter => \%filter,
append => $append);
Execute update statement to update all rows.
Arguments is same as C<update> method,
except that C<update_all> don't have C<where> argument.
Return value of C<update_all()> is the count of affected rows.
=head2 C<(experimental) where>
my $where = $dbi->where;
Create a new L<DBIx::Custom::Where> object.
=head2 C<cache_method>
$dbi = $dbi->cache_method(\&cache_method);
$cache_method = $dbi->cache_method
Method to set and get caches.
=head1 Tags
The following tags is available.
=head2 C<?>
Placeholder tag.
{? NAME} -> ?
=head2 C<=>
Equal tag.
{= NAME} -> NAME = ?
=head2 C<E<lt>E<gt>>
Not equal tag.
{<> NAME} -> NAME <> ?
=head2 C<E<lt>>
Lower than tag
{< NAME} -> NAME < ?
=head2 C<E<gt>>
Greater than tag
{> NAME} -> NAME > ?
=head2 C<E<gt>=>
Greater than or equal tag
{>= NAME} -> NAME >= ?
=head2 C<E<lt>=>
Lower than or equal tag
{<= NAME} -> NAME <= ?
=head2 C<like>
Like tag
{like NAME} -> NAME like ?
=head2 C<in>
In tag.
{in NAME COUNT} -> NAME in [?, ?, ..]
=head2 C<insert_param>
Insert parameter tag.
{insert_param NAME1 NAME2} -> (NAME1, NAME2) values (?, ?)
=head2 C<update_param>
Updata parameter tag.
{update_param NAME1 NAME2} -> set NAME1 = ?, NAME2 = ?
L<DBIx::Custom> is stable. APIs keep backword compatible
except experimental one in the feature.
=head1 BUGS
Please tell me bugs if found.
C<< <kimoto.yuki at gmail.com> >>
=head1 AUTHOR
Yuki Kimoto, C<< <kimoto.yuki at gmail.com> >>
Copyright 2009-2011 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.