package DBIx::Custom; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Object::Simple'; use Carp 'croak'; use DBI; use DBIx::Custom::Result; use DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template; use DBIx::Custom::Transaction; use DBIx::Custom::Query; __PACKAGE__->attr('dbh'); __PACKAGE__->class_attr(_query_caches => sub { {} }); __PACKAGE__->class_attr(_query_cache_keys => sub { [] }); __PACKAGE__->class_attr('query_cache_max', default => 50, inherit => 'scalar_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr([qw/user password data_source/], inherit => 'scalar_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr([qw/database host port/], inherit => 'scalar_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr([qw/bind_filter fetch_filter/], inherit => 'scalar_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr([qw/no_bind_filters no_fetch_filters/], default => sub { [] }, inherit => 'array_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr([qw/options filters formats/], default => sub { {} }, inherit => 'hash_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr('result_class', default => 'DBIx::Custom::Result', inherit => 'scalar_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr('sql_tmpl', default => sub {DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template->new}, inherit => sub {$_[0] ? $_[0]->clone : undef}); sub add_filter { my $invocant = shift; # Add filter my $filters = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $invocant->filters({%{$invocant->filters}, %$filters}); return $invocant; } sub add_format{ my $invocant = shift; # Add format my $formats = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $invocant->formats({%{$invocant->formats}, %$formats}); return $invocant; } sub _auto_commit { my $self = shift; # Not connected croak("Not yet connect to database") unless $self->dbh; if (@_) { # Set AutoCommit $self->dbh->{AutoCommit} = $_[0]; return $self; } return $self->dbh->{AutoCommit}; } sub connect { my $self = shift; # Information my $data_source = $self->data_source; my $user = $self->user; my $password = $self->password; my $options = $self->options; # Connect my $dbh = eval{DBI->connect( $data_source, $user, $password, { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, %{$options || {} } } )}; # Connect error croak $@ if $@; # Database handle $self->dbh($dbh); return $self; } sub DESTROY { my $self = shift; # Disconnect $self->disconnect if $self->connected; } sub connected { ref shift->{dbh} eq 'DBI::db' } sub disconnect { my $self = shift; if ($self->connected) { # Disconnect $self->dbh->disconnect; delete $self->{dbh}; } return $self; } sub reconnect { my $self = shift; # Reconnect $self->disconnect if $self->connected; $self->connect; return $self; } sub prepare { my ($self, $sql) = @_; # Connect if not $self->connect unless $self->connected; # Prepare my $sth = eval{$self->dbh->prepare($sql)}; # Error croak("$@\n$sql") if $@; return $sth; } sub do{ my ($self, $sql, @bind_values) = @_; # Connect if not $self->connect unless $self->connected; # Do my $affected = eval{$self->dbh->do($sql, @bind_values)}; # Error if ($@) { my $error = $@; require Data::Dumper; my $bind_value_dump = Data::Dumper->Dump([\@bind_values], ['*bind_valuds']); croak("$error\n$sql\n\n$bind_value_dump\n"); } return $affected; } sub create_query { my ($self, $template) = @_; my $class = ref $self; my $table = ''; if (ref $template eq 'ARRAY') { $table = $template->[0]; $template = $template->[1]; } # Create query from SQL template my $sql_tmpl = $self->sql_tmpl; # Try to get cached query my $cached_query = $class->_query_caches->{"$table$template"}; # Create query my $query; if ($cached_query) { $query = DBIx::Custom::Query->new( sql => $cached_query->sql, key_infos => $cached_query->key_infos ); } else { $query = eval{$sql_tmpl->create_query([$table , $template])}; croak($@) if $@; $class->_add_query_cache($template, $query); } # Connect if not $self->connect unless $self->connected; # Prepare statement handle my $sth = $self->prepare($query->{sql}); # Set statement handle $query->sth($sth); # Set bind filter $query->bind_filter($self->bind_filter); # Set no filter keys when binding $query->no_bind_filters($self->no_bind_filters); # Set fetch filter $query->fetch_filter($self->fetch_filter); # Set no filter keys when fetching $query->no_fetch_filters($self->no_fetch_filters); return $query; } sub query{ my ($self, $query, $params) = @_; $params ||= {}; # First argument is SQL template if (!ref $query) { my $template = $query; $query = $self->create_query($template); my $query_edit_cb = $_[3]; $query_edit_cb->($query) if ref $query_edit_cb eq 'CODE'; } # Create bind value my $bind_values = $self->_build_bind_values($query, $params); # Execute my $sth = $query->sth; my $affected = eval{$sth->execute(@$bind_values)}; # Execute error if (my $execute_error = $@) { require Data::Dumper; my $sql = $query->{sql} || ''; my $key_infos_dump = Data::Dumper->Dump([$query->key_infos], ['*key_infos']); my $params_dump = Data::Dumper->Dump([$params], ['*params']); croak("$execute_error" . "\n$sql\n" . "\n$params_dump"); } # Return resultset if select statement is executed if ($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}) { # Get result class my $result_class = $self->result_class; # Create result my $result = $result_class->new({ _dbi => $self, sth => $sth, fetch_filter => $query->fetch_filter, no_fetch_filters => $query->no_fetch_filters }); return $result; } return $affected; } sub _build_bind_values { my ($self, $query, $params) = @_; my $key_infos = $query->key_infos; my $bind_filter = $query->bind_filter; my $no_bind_filters = $query->_no_bind_filters || {}; # binding values my @bind_values; # Create bind values KEY_INFOS : foreach my $key_info (@$key_infos) { # Set variable my $access_keys = $key_info->{access_keys}; my $original_key = $key_info->{original_key} || ''; my $table = $key_info->{table} || ''; my $column = $key_info->{column} || ''; # Key is found? my $found; # Build bind values ACCESS_KEYS : foreach my $access_key (@$access_keys) { # Root parameter my $root_params = $params; # Search corresponding value for (my $i = 0; $i < @$access_key; $i++) { # Current key my $current_key = $access_key->[$i]; # Last key if ($i == @$access_key - 1) { # Key is array reference if (ref $current_key eq 'ARRAY') { push @bind_values, $self->_filter($root_params->[$current_key->[0]], $key_info, $query); } # Key is string else { # Key is not found next ACCESS_KEYS unless exists $root_params->{$current_key}; push @bind_values, $self->_filter($root_params->{$current_key}, $key_info, $query); } # Key is found $found = 1; next KEY_INFOS; } # First or middle key else { # Key is array reference if (ref $current_key eq 'ARRAY') { # Go next key $root_params = $root_params->[$current_key->[0]]; } # Key is string else { # Not found next ACCESS_KEYS unless exists $root_params->{$current_key}; # Go next key $root_params = $root_params->{$current_key}; } } } } # Key is not found unless ($found) { require Data::Dumper; my $key_info_dump = Data::Dumper->Dump([$key_info], ['*key_info']); my $params_dump = Data::Dumper->Dump([$params], ['*params']); croak("Corresponding key is not found in your parameters\n" . "\n$key_info_dump\n\n" . "\n$params_dump\n"); } } return \@bind_values; } sub _filter { my ($self, $value, $key_info, $query) = @_; my $bind_filter = $query->bind_filter; my $no_bind_filters = $query->_no_bind_filters || {}; my $original_key = $key_info->{original_key} || ''; my $table = $key_info->{table} || ''; my $column = $key_info->{column} || ''; # Filtering if ($bind_filter && !$no_bind_filters->{$original_key}) { return $bind_filter->($value, $original_key, $self, {table => $table, column => $column}); } # Not filtering return $value; } sub transaction { DBIx::Custom::Transaction->new(dbi => shift) } sub create_table { my ($self, $table, @column_definitions) = @_; # Create table my $sql = "create table $table ("; # Column definitions foreach my $column_definition (@column_definitions) { $sql .= "$column_definition,"; } $sql =~ s/,$//; # End $sql .= ");"; # Do query return $self->do($sql); } sub drop_table { my ($self, $table) = @_; # Drop table my $sql = "drop table $table;"; # Do query return $self->do($sql); } sub insert { my $self = shift; my $table = shift || ''; my $insert_params = shift || {}; my $append_statement = shift unless ref $_[0]; my $query_edit_cb = shift; # Insert keys my @insert_keys = keys %$insert_params; # Not exists insert keys croak("Key-value pairs for insert must be specified to 'insert' second argument") unless @insert_keys; # Templte for insert my $template = "insert into $table {insert " . join(' ', @insert_keys) . '}'; $template .= " $append_statement" if $append_statement; # Create query my $query = $self->create_query($template); # Query edit callback must be code reference croak("Query edit callback must be code reference") if $query_edit_cb && ref $query_edit_cb ne 'CODE'; # Query edit if need $query_edit_cb->($query) if $query_edit_cb; # Execute query my $ret_val = $self->query($query, $insert_params); return $ret_val; } sub update { my $self = shift; my $table = shift || ''; my $update_params = shift || {}; my $where_params = shift || {}; my $append_statement = shift unless ref $_[0]; my $query_edit_cb = shift; my $options = shift; # Update keys my @update_keys = keys %$update_params; # Not exists update kyes croak("Key-value pairs for update must be specified to 'update' second argument") unless @update_keys; # Where keys my @where_keys = keys %$where_params; # Not exists where keys croak("Key-value pairs for where clause must be specified to 'update' third argument") if !@where_keys && !$options->{allow_update_all}; # Update clause my $update_clause = '{update ' . join(' ', @update_keys) . '}'; # Where clause my $where_clause = ''; if (@where_keys) { $where_clause = 'where '; foreach my $where_key (@where_keys) { $where_clause .= "{= $where_key} and "; } $where_clause =~ s/ and $//; } # Template for update my $template = "update $table $update_clause $where_clause"; $template .= " $append_statement" if $append_statement; # Create query my $query = $self->create_query($template); # Query edit callback must be code reference croak("Query edit callback must be code reference") if $query_edit_cb && ref $query_edit_cb ne 'CODE'; # Query edit if need $query_edit_cb->($query) if $query_edit_cb; # Rearrange parammeters my $params = {'#update' => $update_params, %$where_params}; # Execute query my $ret_val = $self->query($query, $params); return $ret_val; } sub update_all { my $self = shift; my $table = shift || ''; my $update_params = shift || {}; my $append_statement = shift unless ref $_[0]; my $query_edit_cb = shift; my $options = {allow_update_all => 1}; # Update all rows return $self->update($table, $update_params, {}, $append_statement, $query_edit_cb, $options); } sub delete { my $self = shift; my $table = shift || ''; my $where_params = shift || {}; my $append_statement = shift unless ref $_[0]; my $query_edit_cb = shift; my $options = shift; # Where keys my @where_keys = keys %$where_params; # Not exists where keys croak("Key-value pairs for where clause must be specified to 'delete' second argument") if !@where_keys && !$options->{allow_delete_all}; # Where clause my $where_clause = ''; if (@where_keys) { $where_clause = 'where '; foreach my $where_key (@where_keys) { $where_clause .= "{= $where_key} and "; } $where_clause =~ s/ and $//; } # Template for delete my $template = "delete from $table $where_clause"; $template .= " $append_statement" if $append_statement; # Create query my $query = $self->create_query($template); # Query edit callback must be code reference croak("Query edit callback must be code reference") if $query_edit_cb && ref $query_edit_cb ne 'CODE'; # Query edit if need $query_edit_cb->($query) if $query_edit_cb; # Execute query my $ret_val = $self->query($query, $where_params); return $ret_val; } sub delete_all { my $self = shift; my $table = shift || ''; my $append_statement = shift unless ref $_[0]; my $query_edit_cb = shift; my $options = {allow_delete_all => 1}; # Delete all rows return $self->delete($table, {}, $append_statement, $query_edit_cb, $options); } sub _select_usage { return << 'EOS' } Your select arguments is wrong. select usage: $dbi->select( $table, # String or array ref [@$columns], # Array reference. this can be ommited {%$where_params}, # Hash reference. this can be ommited $append_statement, # String. this can be ommited $query_edit_callback # Sub reference. this can be ommited ); EOS sub select { my $self = shift; # Check argument croak($self->_select_usage) unless @_; # Arguments my $tables = shift || ''; $tables = [$tables] unless ref $tables; my $columns = ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY' ? shift : []; my $where_params = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? shift : {}; my $append_statement = $_[0] && !ref $_[0] ? shift : ''; my $query_edit_cb = shift if ref $_[0] eq 'CODE'; # Check rest argument croak($self->_select_usage) if @_; # SQL template for select statement my $template = 'select '; # Join column clause if (@$columns) { foreach my $column (@$columns) { $template .= "$column, "; } $template =~ s/, $/ /; } else { $template .= '* '; } # Join table $template .= 'from '; foreach my $table (@$tables) { $template .= "$table, "; } $template =~ s/, $/ /; # Where clause keys my @where_keys = keys %$where_params; # Join where clause if (@where_keys) { $template .= 'where '; foreach my $where_key (@where_keys) { $template .= "{= $where_key} and "; } } $template =~ s/ and $//; # Append something to last of statement if ($append_statement =~ s/^where //) { if (@where_keys) { $template .= " and $append_statement"; } else { $template .= " where $append_statement"; } } else { $template .= " $append_statement"; } # Create query my $query = $self->create_query($template); # Query edit $query_edit_cb->($query) if $query_edit_cb; # Execute query my $result = $self->query($query, $where_params); return $result; } sub _add_query_cache { my ($class, $template, $query) = @_; # Query information my $query_cache_keys = $class->_query_cache_keys; my $query_caches = $class->_query_caches; # Already cached return $class if $query_caches->{$template}; # Cache $query_caches->{$template} = $query; push @$query_cache_keys, $template; # Check cache overflow my $overflow = @$query_cache_keys - $class->query_cache_max; for (my $i = 0; $i < $overflow; $i++) { my $template = shift @$query_cache_keys; delete $query_caches->{$template}; } return $class; } sub filter_off { my $self = shift; # Filter off $self->bind_filter(undef); $self->fetch_filter(undef); return $self; } =head1 NAME DBIx::Custom - Customizable DBI =head1 VERSION Version 0.1101 =cut our $VERSION = '0.1101'; =head1 STATE This module is not stable. Method name and functionality will be change. =head1 SYNOPSYS # New my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->new(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=books" user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&'); # Query $dbi->query("select title from books"); # Query with parameters $dbi->query("select id from books where {= author} && {like title}", {author => 'ken', title => '%Perl%'}); # Insert $dbi->insert('books', {title => 'perl', author => 'Ken'}); # Update $dbi->update('books', {title => 'aaa', author => 'Ken'}, {id => 5}); # Delete $dbi->delete('books', {author => 'Ken'}); # Select $dbi->select('books'); $dbi->select('books', {author => 'taro'}); $dbi->select('books', [qw/author title/], {author => 'Ken'}); $dbi->select('books', [qw/author title/], {author => 'Ken'}, 'order by id limit 1'); =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 user Database user name $dbi = $dbi->user('Ken'); $user = $dbi->user; =head2 password Database password $dbi = $dbi->password('lkj&le`@s'); $password = $dbi->password; =head2 data_source Database data source $dbi = $dbi->data_source("dbi:mysql:dbname=$database"); $data_source = $dbi->data_source; If you know data source more, See also L. =head2 database Database name $dbi = $dbi->database('books'); $database = $dbi->database; =head2 host Host name $dbi = $dbi->host(''); $host = $dbi->host; You can also set IP address like ''. =head2 port Port number $dbi = $dbi->port(1198); $port = $dbi->port; =head2 options DBI options $dbi = $dbi->options({PrintError => 0, RaiseError => 1}); $options = $dbi->options; =head2 sql_tmpl SQL::Template object $dbi = $dbi->sql_tmpl(DBIx::Cutom::SQL::Template->new); $sql_tmpl = $dbi->sql_tmpl; See also L. =head2 filters Filters $dbi = $dbi->filters({filter1 => sub { }, filter2 => sub {}}); $filters = $dbi->filters; This method is generally used to get a filter. $filter = $dbi->filters->{encode_utf8}; If you add filter, use add_filter method. =head2 formats Formats $dbi = $dbi->formats({format1 => sub { }, format2 => sub {}}); $formats = $dbi->formats; This method is generally used to get a format. $filter = $dbi->formats->{datetime}; If you add format, use add_format method. =head2 bind_filter Binding filter $dbi = $dbi->bind_filter($bind_filter); $bind_filter = $dbi->bind_filter The following is bind filter sample $dbi->bind_filter(sub { my ($value, $key, $dbi, $infos) = @_; # edit $value return $value; }); Bind filter arguemts is 1. $value : Value 2. $key : Key 3. $dbi : DBIx::Custom object 4. $infos : {table => $table, column => $column} =head2 fetch_filter Fetching filter $dbi = $dbi->fetch_filter($fetch_filter); $fetch_filter = $dbi->fetch_filter; The following is fetch filter sample $dbi->fetch_filter(sub { my ($value, $key, $dbi, $infos) = @_; # edit $value return $value; }); Bind filter arguemts is 1. $value : Value 2. $key : Key 3. $dbi : DBIx::Custom object 4. $infos : {type => $table, sth => $sth, index => $index} =head2 no_bind_filters Key list which dose not have to bind filtering $dbi = $dbi->no_bind_filters(qw/title author/); $no_bind_filters = $dbi->no_bind_filters; =head2 no_fetch_filters Key list which dose not have to fetch filtering $dbi = $dbi->no_fetch_filters(qw/title author/); $no_fetch_filters = $dbi->no_fetch_filters; =head2 result_class Resultset class $dbi = $dbi->result_class('DBIx::Custom::Result'); $result_class = $dbi->result_class; Default is L =head2 dbh Database handle $dbi = $dbi->dbh($dbh); $dbh = $dbi->dbh; =head2 query_cache_max Query cache max $class = DBIx::Custom->query_cache_max(50); $query_cache_max = DBIx::Custom->query_cache_max; Default value is 50 =head1 METHODS This class is L subclass. You can use all methods of L =head2 connect Connect to database $dbi->connect; =head2 disconnect Disconnect database $dbi->disconnect; If database is already disconnected, this method do nothing. =head2 reconnect Reconnect to database $dbi->reconnect; =head2 connected Check if database is connected. $is_connected = $dbi->connected; =head2 filter_off bind_filter and fitch_filter off $dbi->filter_off This method is equeal to $dbi->bind_filter(undef); $dbi->fetch_filter(undef); =head2 add_filter Resist filter $dbi->add_filter($fname1 => $filter1, $fname => $filter2); The following is add_filter sample $dbi->add_filter( encode_utf8 => sub { my ($value, $key, $dbi, $infos) = @_; utf8::upgrade($value) unless Encode::is_utf8($value); return encode('UTF-8', $value); }, decode_utf8 => sub { my ($value, $key, $dbi, $infos) = @_; return decode('UTF-8', $value) } ); =head2 add_format Add format $dbi->add_format($fname1 => $format, $fname2 => $format2); The following is add_format sample. $dbi->add_format(date => '%Y:%m:%d', datetime => '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'); =head2 create_query Create Query object parsing SQL template my $query = $dbi->create_query("select * from authors where {= name} and {= age}"); $query is object. This is executed by query method as the following $dbi->query($query, $params); If you know SQL template, see also L. =head2 query Query $result = $dbi->query($template, $params); The following is query sample $result = $dbi->query("select * from authors where {= name} and {= age}", {author => 'taro', age => 19}); while (my @row = $result->fetch) { # do something } If you now syntax of template, See also L Return value of query method is L object See also L. =head2 transaction Get L object, and you run a transaction. $dbi->transaction->run(sub { my $dbi = shift; # do something }); If transaction is success, commit is execute. If tranzation is died, rollback is execute. =head2 create_table Create table $dbi->create_table( 'books', 'name char(255)', 'age int' ); First argument is table name. Rest arguments is column definition. =head2 drop_table Drop table $dbi->drop_table('books'); =head2 insert Insert row $affected = $dbi->insert($table, \%$insert_params); $affected = $dbi->insert($table, \%$insert_params, $append); Retrun value is affected rows count The following is insert sample. $dbi->insert('books', {title => 'Perl', author => 'Taro'}); You can add statement. $dbi->insert('books', {title => 'Perl', author => 'Taro'}, "some statement"); =head2 update Update rows $affected = $dbi->update($table, \%update_params, \%where); $affected = $dbi->update($table, \%update_params, \%where, $append); Retrun value is affected rows count The following is update sample. $dbi->update('books', {title => 'Perl', author => 'Taro'}, {id => 5}); You can add statement. $dbi->update('books', {title => 'Perl', author => 'Taro'}, {id => 5}, "some statement"); =head2 update_all Update all rows $affected = $dbi->update_all($table, \%updat_params); Retrun value is affected rows count The following is update_all sample. $dbi->update_all('books', {author => 'taro'}); =head2 delete Delete rows $affected = $dbi->delete($table, \%where); $affected = $dbi->delete($table, \%where, $append); Retrun value is affected rows count The following is delete sample. $dbi->delete('books', {id => 5}); You can add statement. $dbi->delete('books', {id => 5}, "some statement"); =head2 delete_all Delete all rows $affected = $dbi->delete_all($table); Retrun value is affected rows count The following is delete_all sample. $dbi->delete_all('books'); =head2 select Select rows $resut = $dbi->select( $table, # must be string or array; \@$columns, # must be array reference. this can be ommited \%$where_params, # must be hash reference. this can be ommited $append_statement, # must be string. this can be ommited $query_edit_callback # must be code reference. this can be ommited ); $reslt is L object The following is some select samples # select * from books; $result = $dbi->select('books'); # select * from books where title = 'Perl'; $result = $dbi->select('books', {title => 1}); # select title, author from books where id = 1 for update; $result = $dbi->select( 'books', # table ['title', 'author'], # columns {id => 1}, # where clause 'for update', # append statement ); You can join multi tables $result = $dbi->select( ['table1', 'table2'], # tables [' as table1_id', 'title'], # columns (alias is ok) { => 1}, # where clase "where =", # join clause (must start 'where') ); You can also edit query $dbi->select( 'books', # column, where clause, append statement, sub { my $query = shift; $query->bind_filter(sub { # ... }); } } =head2 prepare Prepare statement handle. $sth = $dbi->prepare('select * from books;'); This method is same as DBI prepare method. See also L. =head2 do Execute SQL $affected = $dbi->do('insert into books (title, author) values (?, ?)', 'Perl', 'taro'); Retrun value is affected rows count. This method is same as DBI do method. See also L =head1 DBIx::Custom default configuration DBIx::Custom have DBI object. This module is work well in the following DBI condition. 1. AutoCommit is true 2. RaiseError is true By default, Both AutoCommit and RaiseError is true. You must not change these mode not to damage your data. If you change these mode, you cannot get correct error message, or run_transaction may fail. =head1 Inheritance of DBIx::Custom DBIx::Custom is customizable DBI. You can inherit DBIx::Custom and custumize attributes. package DBIx::Custom::Yours; use base DBIx::Custom; my $class = __PACKAGE__; $class->user('your_name'); $class->password('your_password'); =head1 AUTHOR Yuki Kimoto, C<< >> Github L I develope this module L =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut