DBIx-Custom / t / dbix-custom-core-sqlite.t /
044f99d 14 years ago
1 contributor
704 lines | 27.122kb
use Test::More;
use strict;
use warnings;

    eval { require DBD::SQLite; 1 }
        or plan skip_all => 'DBD::SQLite required';
    eval { DBD::SQLite->VERSION >= 1.25 }
        or plan skip_all => 'DBD::SQLite >= 1.25 required';

    plan 'no_plan';

# Function for test name
my $test;
sub test {
    $test = shift;

# Constant varialbes for test
    0 => 'create table table1 (key1 char(255), key2 char(255));',
    1 => 'create table table1 (key1 char(255), key2 char(255), key3 char(255), key4 char(255), key5 char(255));',
    2 => 'create table table2 (key1 char(255), key3 char(255));'

    0 => 'select * from table1;'

my $DROP_TABLE = {
    0 => 'drop table table1'

my $NEW_ARGS = {
    0 => {data_source => 'dbi:SQLite:dbname=:memory:'}

# Variables for test
my $dbi;
my $sth;
my $tmpl;
my @tmpls;
my $select_tmpl;
my $insert_tmpl;
my $update_tmpl;
my $params;
my $sql;
my $result;
my @rows;
my $rows;
my $query;
my @queries;
my $select_query;
my $insert_query;
my $update_query;
my $ret_val;

test 'disconnect';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
ok(!$dbi->dbh, $test);

test 'connected';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
ok(!$dbi->connected, "$test : not connected");
ok($dbi->connected, "$test : connected");

test 'preapare';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$sth = $dbi->prepare($CREATE_TABLE->{0});
ok($sth, "$test : auto connect");
$sth = $dbi->prepare($DROP_TABLE->{0});
ok($sth, "$test : basic");

test 'do';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$ret_val = $dbi->do($CREATE_TABLE->{0});
ok(defined $ret_val, "$test : auto connect");
$ret_val = $dbi->do($DROP_TABLE->{0});
ok(defined $ret_val, "$test : basic");

test 'create_table';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$ret_val = $dbi->create_table(
                   'key1 char(255)',
                   'key2 char(255)'
ok(defined $ret_val, "$test : create_table");

$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
ok(!$@, "$test : table exist");

$ret_val = $dbi->drop_table('table1');
ok(defined $ret_val, "$test : drop table");

ok($@, "$test : table not exist");

# Prepare table
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$sth = $dbi->prepare("insert into table1 (key1, key2) values (?, ?);");
$sth->execute(1, 2);
$sth->execute(3, 4);

test 'DBIx::Custom::Result test';
$tmpl = "select key1, key2 from table1";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query);

@rows = ();
while (my $row = $result->fetch) {
    push @rows, [@$row];
is_deeply(\@rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]], "$test : fetch scalar context");

$result = $dbi->query($query);
@rows = ();
while (my @row = $result->fetch) {
    push @rows, [@row];
is_deeply(\@rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]], "$test : fetch list context");

$result = $dbi->query($query);
@rows = ();
while (my $row = $result->fetch_hash) {
    push @rows, {%$row};
is_deeply(\@rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2}, {key1 => 3, key2 => 4}], "$test : fetch_hash scalar context");

$result = $dbi->query($query);
@rows = ();
while (my %row = $result->fetch_hash) {
    push @rows, {%row};
is_deeply(\@rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2}, {key1 => 3, key2 => 4}], "$test : fetch hash list context");

$result = $dbi->query($query);
$rows = $result->fetch_all;
is_deeply($rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]], "$test : fetch_all scalar context");

$result = $dbi->query($query);
@rows = $result->fetch_all;
is_deeply(\@rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]], "$test : fetch_all list context");

$result = $dbi->query($query);
@rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]], "$test : fetch_hash_all scalar context");

$result = $dbi->query($query);
@rows = $result->fetch_all;
is_deeply(\@rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]], "$test : fetch_hash_all list context");

test 'Insert query return value';
$tmpl = "insert into table1 {insert key1 key2}";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$ret_val = $dbi->query($query, {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
ok($ret_val, $test);

test 'Direct query';
$insert_tmpl = "insert into table1 {insert key1 key2}";
$dbi->query($insert_tmpl, {key1 => 1, key2 => 2}, sub {
    my $query = shift;
    $query->bind_filter(sub {
        my ($value, $table, $column, $dbi) = @_;
        if ($column eq 'key2' && $dbi->isa('DBIx::Custom')) {
            return $value + 1;
        return $value;
$result = $dbi->query(['table1', $SELECT_TMPLS->{0}]);
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 3}], $test);

test 'Filter basic';

$insert_tmpl  = "insert into table1 {insert key1 key2};";
$insert_query = $dbi->create_query($insert_tmpl);
$insert_query->bind_filter(sub {
    my ($value, $table, $column, $dbi) = @_;
    if ($table eq '' && $column eq 'key1')
        return $value * 2;
    return $value;
$dbi->query($insert_query, {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
$select_query = $dbi->create_query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$select_query->fetch_filter(sub {
    my ($value, $key, $dbi, $infos) = @_;
    my ($type, $sth, $i) = @{$infos}{qw/type sth index/};
    if ($key eq 'key2' && $type =~ /char/ && ref $sth eq 'DBI::st' 
        && $i == 1 && $dbi->isa('DBIx::Custom'))
        return $value * 3;
    return $value;
$result = $dbi->query($select_query);
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 2, key2 => 6}], "$test : bind_filter fetch_filter");

$insert_tmpl  = "insert into table1 {insert table1.key1 table1.key2}";
$insert_query = $dbi->create_query($insert_tmpl);
$insert_query->bind_filter(sub {
    my ($value, $table, $column, $dbi) = @_;
    if ($table eq 'table1' && $column eq 'key1') {
        return $value * 3;
    return $value;
$dbi->query($insert_query, {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
$select_query = $dbi->create_query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$result       = $dbi->query($select_query);
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 3, key2 => 2}], "$test : insert with id");

test 'Filter in';
$insert_tmpl  = "insert into table1 {insert key1 key2};";
$insert_query = $dbi->create_query($insert_tmpl);
$dbi->query($insert_query, {key1 => 2, key2 => 4});
$select_tmpl = "select * from table1 where {in table1.key1 2} and {in table1.key2 2}";
$select_query = $dbi->create_query($select_tmpl);
$select_query->bind_filter(sub {
    my ($value, $table, $column, $dbi) = @_;
    if ($table eq 'table1' && $column eq 'key1') {
        return $value * 2;
    return $value;
$result = $dbi->query($select_query, {key1 => [1,5], key2 => [2,4]});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 2, key2 => 4}], "$test : bind_filter");

test 'DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template basic tag';
$sth = $dbi->prepare("insert into table1 (key1, key2, key3, key4, key5) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
$sth->execute(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$sth->execute(6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

$tmpl = "select * from table1 where {= key1} and {<> key2} and {< key3} and {> key4} and {>= key5};";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query, {key1 => 1, key2 => 3, key3 => 4, key4 => 3, key5 => 5});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : basic tag1");

$tmpl = "select * from table1 where {= table1.key1#id} and {<> table1.key2#id} and {< table1.key3#id} and {> table1.key4#id} and {>= table1.key5#id};";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query, {id => {key1 => 1, key2 => 3, key3 => 4, key4 => 3, key5 => 5}});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : basic tag1 with id");

$tmpl = "select * from table1 where {= table1.key1} and {<> table1.key2} and {< table1.key3} and {> table1.key4} and {>= table1.key5};";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query, {key1 => 1, key2 => 3, key3 => 4, key4 => 3, key5 => 5});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : basic tag1 with table dot");

$tmpl = "select * from table1 where {<= key1} and {like key2};";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query, {key1 => 1, key2 => '%2%'});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : basic tag2");

$tmpl = "select * from table1 where {<= table1.key1#id} and {like table1.key2#id};";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query, {id => {key1 => 1, key2 => '%2%'}});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : basic tag2 with table");

$tmpl = "select * from table1 where {<= table1.key1} and {like table1.key2};";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query, {'key1' => 1, 'key2' => '%2%'});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : basic tag2 with table dot");

test 'DIB::Custom::SQL::Template in tag';
$sth = $dbi->prepare("insert into table1 (key1, key2, key3, key4, key5) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
$sth->execute(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);
$sth->execute(6, 7, 8, 9, 10);

$tmpl = "select * from table1 where {in key1 2};";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query, {key1 => [9, 1]});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : basic");

$tmpl = "select * from table1 where {in table1.key1#id 2};";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query, {id => {key1 => [9, 1]}});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : with table");

$tmpl = "select * from table1 where {in table1.key1#id 2};";
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpl);
$result = $dbi->query($query, {id => {'key1' => [9, 1]}});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : with table dot");

test 'DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template insert tag';
$dbi->do("delete from table1");
$insert_tmpl = 'insert into table1 {insert key1 key2 key3 key4 key5}';
$dbi->query($insert_tmpl, {key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5});

$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : basic");

$dbi->do("delete from table1");
$insert_tmpl = 'insert into table1 {insert table1.key1#id table1.key2#id table1.key3#id table1.key4#id table1.key5#id}';
$dbi->query($insert_tmpl, {id => {key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}});
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5}], "$test : with table name");

test 'DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template update tag';
$dbi->do("delete from table1");
$insert_tmpl = "insert into table1 {insert key1 key2 key3 key4 key5}";
$dbi->query($insert_tmpl, {key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5});
$dbi->query($insert_tmpl, {key1 => 6, key2 => 7, key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10});

$update_tmpl = 'update table1 {update key1 key2 key3 key4} where {= key5}';
$dbi->query($update_tmpl, {key1 => 1, key2 => 1, key3 => 1, key4 => 1, key5 => 5});

$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 1, key3 => 1, key4 => 1, key5 => 5},
                  {key1 => 6, key2 => 7, key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10}], "$test : basic");

$update_tmpl = 'update table1 {update table1.key1#id table1.key2#id table1.key3#id table1.key4#id} where {= table1.key5#id}';
$dbi->query($update_tmpl, {id => {key1 => 3, key2 => 3, key3 => 3, key4 => 3, key5 => 5}});
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 3, key2 => 3, key3 => 3, key4 => 3, key5 => 5},
                  {key1 => 6, key2 => 7, key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10}], "$test : with table name");

test 'transaction';
$dbi->run_transaction(sub {
    $insert_tmpl = 'insert into table1 {insert key1 key2}';
    $dbi->query($insert_tmpl, {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
    $dbi->query($insert_tmpl, {key1 => 3, key2 => 4});
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2}, {key1 => 3, key2 => 4}], "$test : commit");

$dbi->dbh->{RaiseError} = 0;
    $dbi->run_transaction(sub {
        $insert_tmpl = 'insert into table1 {insert key1 key2}';
        $dbi->query($insert_tmpl, {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
        die "Fatal Error";
        $dbi->query($insert_tmpl, {key1 => 3, key2 => 4});
like($@, qr/Fatal Error.*Rollback is success/ms, "$test : Rollback success message");
ok(!$dbi->dbh->{RaiseError}, "$test : restore RaiseError value");
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [], "$test : rollback");

test 'Error case';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new;
like($@, qr/Not yet connect to database/, "$test : Yet Connected");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new(data_source => 'dbi:SQLit');
ok($@, "$test : connect error");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$dbi->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
like($@, qr/AutoCommit must be true before transaction start/,
         "$test : transaction auto commit is false");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$sql = 'laksjdf';
like($@, qr/$sql/, "$test : prepare fail");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$sql = 'laksjdf';
eval{$dbi->do($sql, qw/1 2 3/)};
like($@, qr/$sql/, "$test : do fail");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
eval{$dbi->create_query("{p }")};
ok($@, "$test : create_query invalid SQL template");

test 'insert';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 3, key2 => 4});
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2}, {key1 => 3, key2 => 4}], "$test : basic");

$dbi->do('delete from table1');
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2}, 
        query_edit_cb => sub {
            my $query = shift;
            $query->bind_filter(sub {
                my ($value, $table, $column, $dbi) = @_;
                if ($column eq 'key1') {
                    return $value * 3;
                return $value;
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 3, key2 => 2}], "$test : edit_query_callback");

$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2}, {append => '   ', query_edit_cb => sub {
    my $query = shift;
    like($query->sql, qr/insert into table1 \(.+\) values \(\?, \?\)    ;/, 
        "$test: append statement");

test 'insert error';
like($@, qr/Key-value pairs for insert must be specified to 'insert' second argument/, "$test : insert key-value not specifed");

eval{$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2}, {append => '', query_edit_cb => 'aaa'})};
like($@, qr/Query edit callback must be code reference/, "$test : query edit callback not code ref");

test 'update';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 6, key2 => 7, key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10});
$dbi->update('table1', {key2 => 11}, {where => {key1 => 1}});
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 11, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5},
                  {key1 => 6, key2 => 7,  key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10}],
                  "$test : basic");
$dbi->do("delete from table1");
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 6, key2 => 7, key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10});
$dbi->update('table1', {key2 => 12}, {where => {key2 => 2, key3 => 3}});
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 12, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5},
                  {key1 => 6, key2 => 7,  key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10}],
                  "$test : update key same as search key");

$dbi->do("delete from table1");
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 6, key2 => 7, key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10});
$dbi->update('table1', {key2 => 11}, {where => {key1 => 1}, query_edit_cb => sub {
    my $query = shift;
    $query->bind_filter(sub {
        my ($value, $table, $column, $dbi) = @_;
        if ($column eq 'key2') {
            return $value * 2;
        return $value;
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 22, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5},
                  {key1 => 6, key2 => 7,  key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10}],
                  "$test : query edit callback");

$dbi->update('table1', {key2 => 11}, {where => {key1 => 1}, append => '   ', query_edit_cb => sub {
    my $query = shift;
    is($query->sql, 'update table1 set key2 = ? where table1.key1 = ?    ;',
       "$test: append statement");

test 'update error';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
like($@, qr/Key-value pairs for update must be specified to 'update' second argument/,
         "$test : update key-value pairs not specified");

eval{$dbi->update('table1', {key2 => 1})};
like($@, qr/Key-value pairs for where clause must be specified to 'update' third argument/,
         "$test : where key-value pairs not specified");

eval{$dbi->update('table1', {key2 => 1}, {where => {key2 => 3}, append => '', query_edit_cb => 'aaa'})};
like($@, qr/Query edit callback must be code reference/, 
         "$test : query edit callback not code reference");

test 'update_all';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 6, key2 => 7, key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10});
$dbi->update_all('table1', {key2 => 10}, {query_edit_cb => sub {
    my $query = shift;
    $query->bind_filter(sub {
        my ($value, $table, $column, $dbi) = @_;
        return $value * 2;
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 20, key3 => 3, key4 => 4, key5 => 5},
                  {key1 => 6, key2 => 20, key3 => 8, key4 => 9, key5 => 10}],
                  "$test : query edit callback");

test 'delete';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 3, key2 => 4});
$dbi->delete('table1', {key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 3, key2 => 4}], "$test : basic");

$dbi->do("delete from table1;");
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 3, key2 => 4});
$dbi->delete('table1', {key2 => 1}, sub {
    my $query = shift;
    $query->bind_filter(sub {
        my ($value, $table, $column, $dbi) = @_;
        return $value * 2;
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 3, key2 => 4}], "$test : query edit callback");

$dbi->delete('table1', {key1 => 1}, '   ', sub {
    my $query = shift;
    is($query->sql, 'delete from table1 where table1.key1 = ?    ;',
       "$test: append statement");

$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 3, key2 => 4});
$dbi->delete('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
$rows = $dbi->select('table1')->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 3, key2 => 4}], "$test : delete multi key");

test 'delete error';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
like($@, qr/Key-value pairs for where clause must be specified to 'delete' second argument/,
         "$test : where key-value pairs not specified");

eval{$dbi->delete('table1', {key1 => 1}, '', 'aaa')};
like($@, qr/Query edit callback must be code reference/, 
         "$test : query edit callback not code ref");

test 'delete_all';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 3, key2 => 4});
$result = $dbi->query($SELECT_TMPLS->{0});
$rows   = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [], "$test : basic");

test 'select';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 1, key2 => 2});
$dbi->insert('table1', {key1 => 3, key2 => 4});
$rows = $dbi->select('table1')->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2},
                  {key1 => 3, key2 => 4}], "$test : table");

$rows = $dbi->select('table1', ['key1'])->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1}, {key1 => 3}], "$test : table and columns and where key");

$rows = $dbi->select('table1', {key1 => 1})->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2}], "$test : table and columns and where key");

$rows = $dbi->select('table1', ['key1'], {key1 => 3})->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 3}], "$test : table and columns and where key");

$rows = $dbi->select('table1', "order by key1 desc limit 1")->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 3, key2 => 4}], "$test : append statement");

$rows = $dbi->select('table1', {key1 => 2}, sub {
    my $query = shift;
    $query->bind_filter(sub {
        my ($value, $table, $column, $dbi) = @_;
        if ($column eq 'key1') {
            return $value - 1;
        return $value;
is_deeply($rows, [{key1 => 1, key2 => 2}], "$test : query edit call back");

$dbi->insert('table2', {key1 => 1, key3 => 5});
$rows = $dbi->select([qw/table1 table2/],
                     ['table1.key1 as table1_key1', 'table2.key1 as table2_key1', 'key2', 'key3'],
                     {'table1.key2' => 2},
                     "where table1.key1 = table2.key1")->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{table1_key1 => 1, table2_key1 => 1, key2 => 2, key3 => 5}], "$test : join");

test 'Cache';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom->new($NEW_ARGS->{0});
delete $DBIx::Custom::CLASS_ATTRS->{_query_caches};
delete $DBIx::Custom::CLASS_ATTRS->{_query_cache_keys};
$tmpls[0] = "insert into table1 {insert key1 key2}";
$queries[0] = $dbi->create_query($tmpls[0]);
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[0]}{sql}, $queries[0]->sql, "$test : sql first");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[0]}{key_infos}, $queries[0]->key_infos, "$test : key_infos first");
is_deeply(DBIx::Custom->_query_cache_keys, [@tmpls], "$test : cache key first");

$tmpls[1] = "select * from table1";
$queries[1] = $dbi->create_query($tmpls[1]);
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[0]}{sql}, $queries[0]->sql, "$test : sql first");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[0]}{key_infos}, $queries[0]->key_infos, "$test : key_infos first");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[1]}{sql}, $queries[1]->sql, "$test : sql second");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[1]}{key_infos}, $queries[1]->key_infos, "$test : key_infos second");
is_deeply(DBIx::Custom->_query_cache_keys, [@tmpls], "$test : cache key second");

$tmpls[2] = "select key1, key2 from table1";
$queries[2] = $dbi->create_query($tmpls[2]);
ok(!exists DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[0]}, "$test : cache overflow deleted key");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[1]}{sql}, $queries[1]->sql, "$test : sql cache overflow deleted key");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[1]}{key_infos}, $queries[1]->key_infos, "$test : key_infos cache overflow deleted key");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[2]}{sql}, $queries[2]->sql, "$test : sql cache overflow deleted key");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[2]}{key_infos}, $queries[2]->key_infos, "$test : key_infos cache overflow deleted key");
is_deeply(DBIx::Custom->_query_cache_keys, [@tmpls[1, 2]], "$test : cache key third");

$queries[1] = $dbi->create_query($tmpls[1]);
ok(!exists DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[0]}, "$test : cache overflow deleted key");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[1]}{sql}, $queries[1]->sql, "$test : sql cache overflow deleted key");
is_deeply(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[1]}{key_infos}, $queries[1]->key_infos, "$test : key_infos cache overflow deleted key");
is(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[2]}{sql}, $queries[2]->sql, "$test : sql cache overflow deleted key");
is_deeply(DBIx::Custom->_query_caches->{$tmpls[2]}{key_infos}, $queries[2]->key_infos, "$test : key_infos cache overflow deleted key");
is_deeply(DBIx::Custom->_query_cache_keys, [@tmpls[1, 2]], "$test : cache key third");

$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpls[0]);
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpls[0]);
ok(!$query->bind_filter, "$test : only cached sql and key_infos");
$query = $dbi->create_query($tmpls[0]);
ok(!$query->bind_filter, "$test : only cached sql and key_infos");