4 contributor
package DBIx::Custom;
our $VERSION = '0.1653';
use 5.008001;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Object::Simple';
use Carp 'croak';
use DBI;
use DBIx::Custom::Result;
use DBIx::Custom::Query;
use DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder;
use DBIx::Custom::Where;
use DBIx::Custom::Model;
use DBIx::Custom::Tag;
use DBIx::Custom::Util;
use Encode qw/encode_utf8 decode_utf8/;
[qw/data_source dbh password user/],
cache => 1,
dbi_option => sub { {} },
default_dbi_option => sub {{
RaiseError => 1,
PrintError => 0,
AutoCommit => 1
models => sub { {} },
query_builder => sub { DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder->new },
result_class => 'DBIx::Custom::Result',
safety_column_name => sub { qr/^[\w\.]*$/ },
stash => sub { {} }
cache_method => sub {
sub {
my $self = shift;
$self->{_cached} ||= {};
if (@_ > 1) {
$self->{_cached}{$_[0]} = $_[1]
else {
return $self->{_cached}{$_[0]}
filters => sub {
encode_utf8 => sub { encode_utf8($_[0]) },
decode_utf8 => sub { decode_utf8($_[0]) }
my $self = shift;
# Method name
my ($package, $mname) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w\:]+)\:\:(\w+)$/;
# Method
$self->{_methods} ||= {};
if (my $method = $self->{_methods}->{$mname}) {
return $self->$method(@_)
elsif ($self->dbh->can($mname)) {
else {
croak qq/Can't locate object method "$mname" via "$package"/
sub apply_filter {
my ($self, $table, @cinfos) = @_;
# Initialize filters
$self->{filter} ||= {};
$self->{filter}{out} ||= {};
$self->{filter}{in} ||= {};
$self->{filter}{end} ||= {};
# Create filters
my $usage = "Usage: \$dbi->apply_filter(" .
"TABLE, COLUMN1, {in => INFILTER1, out => OUTFILTER1, end => ENDFILTER1}, " .
"COLUMN2, {in => INFILTER2, out => OUTFILTER2, end => ENDFILTER2}, ...)";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @cinfos; $i += 2) {
# Column
my $column = $cinfos[$i];
if (ref $column eq 'ARRAY') {
foreach my $c (@$column) {
push @cinfos, $c, $cinfos[$i + 1];
# Filter info
my $finfo = $cinfos[$i + 1] || {};
croak "$usage (table: $table)" unless ref $finfo eq 'HASH';
foreach my $ftype (keys %$finfo) {
croak "$usage (table: $table 2)" unless $ftype eq 'in' || $ftype eq 'out'
|| $ftype eq 'end';
foreach my $way (qw/in out end/) {
my $filter = $finfo->{$way};
# State
my $state = !exists $finfo->{$way} ? 'not_exists'
: !defined $filter ? 'not_defined'
: ref $filter eq 'CODE' ? 'code'
: 'name';
next if $state eq 'not_exists';
# Check filter
croak qq{Filter "$filter" is not registered}
if $state eq 'name'
&& ! exists $self->filters->{$filter};
# Filter
my $f = $state eq 'not_defined' ? undef
: $state eq 'code' ? $filter
: $self->filters->{$filter};
$self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{$column} = $f;
$self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{"$table.$column"} = $f;
$self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{"${table}__$column"} = $f;
return $self;
sub method {
my $self = shift;
# Merge
my $methods = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_};
$self->{_methods} = {%{$self->{_methods} || {}}, %$methods};
return $self;
sub connect {
my $self = ref $_[0] ? shift : shift->new(@_);;
# Attributes
my $data_source = $self->data_source;
croak qq{"data_source" must be specified to connect()"}
unless $data_source;
my $user = $self->user;
my $password = $self->password;
my $dbi_option = {%{$self->dbi_options}, %{$self->dbi_option}};
# Connect
my $dbh = eval {DBI->connect(
# Connect error
croak $@ if $@;
# Database handle
return $self;
sub create_query {
my ($self, $source) = @_;
# Cache
my $cache = $self->cache;
# Create query
my $query;
if ($cache) {
# Get query
my $q = $self->cache_method->($self, $source);
# Create query
if ($q) {
$query = DBIx::Custom::Query->new($q);
unless ($query) {
# Create SQL object
my $builder = $self->query_builder;
# Create query
$query = $builder->build_query($source);
# Cache query
$self->cache_method->($self, $source,
{sql => $query->sql,
columns => $query->columns,
tables => $query->tables})
if $cache;
# Prepare statement handle
my $sth;
eval { $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($query->{sql})};
$self->_croak($@, qq{. Following SQL is executed. "$query->{sql}"}) if $@;
# Set statement handle
# Set filters
return $query;
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table where append filter allow_delete_all query/;
sub delete {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_DELETE_ARGS{$name};
# Arguments
my $table = $args{table} || '';
croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $table;
my $where = $args{where} || {};
my $append = $args{append};
my $filter = $args{filter};
my $allow_delete_all = $args{allow_delete_all};
# Where
my $w;
if (ref $where eq 'HASH') {
my $clause = ['and'];
push @$clause, "{= $_}" for keys %$where;
$w = $self->where;
elsif (ref $where eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where') {
$w = $where;
$where = $w->param;
croak qq{"where" must be hash refernce or DBIx::Custom::Where object}
unless ref $w eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where';
# String where
my $swhere = "$w";
croak qq{"where" must be specified}
if $swhere eq '' && !$allow_delete_all;
# SQL stack
my @sql;
# Delete
push @sql, "delete from $table $swhere";
push @sql, $append if $append;
my $sql = join(' ', @sql);
# Create query
my $query = $self->create_query($sql);
return $query if $args{query};
# Execute query
my $ret_val = $self->execute(
$query, param => $where, filter => $filter,
table => $table);
return $ret_val;
sub delete_all { shift->delete(allow_delete_all => 1, @_) }
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table where append filter query
primary_key param/;
sub delete_at {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_DELETE_AT_ARGS{$name};
# Primary key
my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key};
$primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys;
# Where clause
my $where = {};
if (exists $args{where}) {
my $where_columns = delete $args{where};
$where_columns = [$where_columns] unless ref $where_columns;
croak qq{"where" must be constant value or array reference}
unless !ref $where_columns || ref $where_columns eq 'ARRAY';
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) {
$where->{$primary_keys->[$i]} = $where_columns->[$i];
if (exists $args{param}) {
my $param = delete $args{param};
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) {
delete $param->{$primary_keys->[$i]};
return $self->delete(where => $where, %args);
sub DESTROY { }
our %VALID_EXECUTE_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } qw/param filter table/;
sub execute{
my ($self, $query, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_EXECUTE_ARGS{$name};
my $params = $args{param} || {};
# First argument is the soruce of SQL
$query = $self->create_query($query)
unless ref $query;
# Applied filter
my $filter = {};
my $tables = $query->tables;
my $arg_tables = $args{table} || [];
$arg_tables = [$arg_tables]
unless ref $arg_tables eq 'ARRAY';
push @$tables, @$arg_tables;
foreach my $table (@$tables) {
$filter = {
%{$self->{filter}{out}->{$table} || {}}
# Filter argument
my $f = DBIx::Custom::Util::array_filter_to_hash($args{filter})
|| $query->filter || {};
foreach my $column (keys %$f) {
my $fname = $f->{$column};
if (!defined $fname) {
$f->{$column} = undef;
elsif (ref $fname ne 'CODE') {
croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered"}
unless exists $self->filters->{$fname};
$f->{$column} = $self->filters->{$fname};
$filter = {%$filter, %$f};
# Bind
my $bind = $self->_bind($params, $query->columns, $filter);
# Execute
my $sth = $query->sth;
my $affected;
eval {$affected = $sth->execute(@$bind)};
$self->_croak($@, qq{. Following SQL is executed. "$query->{sql}"}) if $@;
# Return resultset if select statement is executed
if ($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}) {
# Result in and end filter
my $in_filter = {};
my $end_filter = {};
foreach my $table (@$tables) {
$in_filter = {
%{$self->{filter}{in}{$table} || {}}
$end_filter = {
%{$self->{filter}{end}{$table} || {}}
# Result
my $result = $self->result_class->new(
sth => $sth,
filters => $self->filters,
filter_check => $self->filter_check,
default_filter => $self->{default_in_filter},
filter => $in_filter || {},
end_filter => $end_filter || {}
return $result;
return $affected;
our %VALID_INSERT_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } qw/table param append
filter query/;
sub insert {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_INSERT_ARGS{$name};
# Arguments
my $table = $args{table};
croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $table;
my $param = $args{param} || {};
my $append = $args{append} || '';
my $filter = $args{filter};
# Columns
my @columns;
my $safety = $self->safety_column_name;
foreach my $column (keys %$param) {
croak qq{"$column" is not safety column name}
unless $column =~ /$safety/;
push @columns, $column;
# SQL stack
my @sql;
# Insert
push @sql, "insert into $table {insert_param ". join(' ', @columns) . '}';
push @sql, $append if $append;
my $sql = join (' ', @sql);
# Create query
my $query = $self->create_query($sql);
return $query if $args{query};
# Execute query
my $ret_val = $self->execute(
param => $param,
filter => $filter,
table => $table
return $ret_val;
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table param
where append filter query
primary_key param/;
sub insert_at {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_INSERT_AT_ARGS{$name};
# Primary key
my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key};
$primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys;
# Where clause
my $where = {};
my $param = {};
if (exists $args{where}) {
my $where_columns = delete $args{where};
$where_columns = [$where_columns] unless ref $where_columns;
croak qq{"where" must be constant value or array reference}
unless !ref $where_columns || ref $where_columns eq 'ARRAY';
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) {
$where->{$primary_keys->[$i]} = $where_columns->[$i];
if (exists $args{param}) {
$param = delete $args{param};
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) {
delete $param->{$primary_keys->[$i]};
$param = {%$param, %$where};
return $self->insert(param => $param, %args);
sub each_column {
my ($self, $cb) = @_;
# Iterate all tables
my $sth_tables = $self->dbh->table_info;
while (my $table_info = $sth_tables->fetchrow_hashref) {
# Table
my $table = $table_info->{TABLE_NAME};
# Iterate all columns
my $sth_columns = $self->dbh->column_info(undef, undef, $table, '%');
while (my $column_info = $sth_columns->fetchrow_hashref) {
my $column = $column_info->{COLUMN_NAME};
$self->$cb($table, $column, $column_info);
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
# Check attribute names
my @attrs = keys %$self;
foreach my $attr (@attrs) {
croak qq{"$attr" is invalid attribute name}
unless $self->can($attr);
'?' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::placeholder,
'=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::equal,
'<>' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::not_equal,
'>' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::greater_than,
'<' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::lower_than,
'>=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::greater_than_equal,
'<=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::lower_than_equal,
'like' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::like,
'in' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::in,
'insert_param' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::insert_param,
'update_param' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::update_param
return $self;
sub not_exists { bless {}, 'DBIx::Custom::NotExists' }
sub register_filter {
my $invocant = shift;
# Register filter
my $filters = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_};
$invocant->filters({%{$invocant->filters}, %$filters});
return $invocant;
sub register_tag { shift->query_builder->register_tag(@_) }
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table column where append relation filter query selection/;
sub select {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_SELECT_ARGS{$name};
# Arguments
my $table = $args{table};
my $tables = ref $table eq 'ARRAY' ? $table
: defined $table ? [$table]
: [];
my $columns = $args{column} || [];
$columns = [$columns] unless ref $columns;
my $selection = $args{selection} || '';
my $where = $args{where} || {};
my $relation = $args{relation} || {};
my $append = $args{append};
my $filter = $args{filter};
# Relation
if (!$selection && keys %$relation) {
foreach my $rcolumn (keys %$relation) {
my $table1 = (split (/\./, $rcolumn))[0];
my $table2 = (split (/\./, $relation->{$rcolumn}))[0];
my $table1_exists;
my $table2_exists;
foreach my $table (@$tables) {
$table1_exists = 1 if $table eq $table1;
$table2_exists = 1 if $table eq $table2;
unshift @$tables, $table1 unless $table1_exists;
unshift @$tables, $table2 unless $table2_exists;
# SQL stack
my @sql;
push @sql, 'select';
if ($selection) {
croak qq{Can't contain "where" clause in selection}
if $selection =~ /\swhere\s/;
push @sql, $selection;
else {
# Column clause
if (@$columns) {
foreach my $column (@$columns) {
push @sql, ($column, ',');
pop @sql if $sql[-1] eq ',';
else { push @sql, '*' }
# Table
croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless @$tables;
push @sql, 'from';
foreach my $table (@$tables) {
push @sql, ($table, ',');
pop @sql if $sql[-1] eq ',';
# Where
my $w;
if (ref $where eq 'HASH') {
my $clause = ['and'];
push @$clause, "{= $_}" for keys %$where;
$w = $self->where;
elsif (ref $where eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where') {
$w = $where;
$where = $w->param;
croak qq{"where" must be hash reference or DBIx::Custom::Where object}
unless ref $w eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where';
# String where
my $swhere = "$w";
push @sql, $swhere;
# Relation
if (!$selection && keys %$relation) {
push @sql, $swhere eq '' ? 'where' : 'and';
foreach my $rcolumn (keys %$relation) {
my $table1 = (split (/\./, $rcolumn))[0];
my $table2 = (split (/\./, $relation->{$rcolumn}))[0];
push @$tables, ($table1, $table2);
push @sql, ("$rcolumn = " . $relation->{$rcolumn}, 'and');
pop @sql if $sql[-1] eq 'and';
# Append statement
push @sql, $append if $append;
my $sql = join (' ', @sql);
# Create query
my $query = $self->create_query($sql);
return $query if $args{query};
# Execute query
my $result = $self->execute(
$query, param => $where, filter => $filter,
table => $tables);
return $result;
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table column where append relation filter query selection
param primary_key/;
sub select_at {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_SELECT_AT_ARGS{$name};
# Primary key
my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key};
$primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys;
# Table
croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $args{table};
my $table = ref $args{table} ? $args{table}->[-1] : $args{table};
# Where clause
my $where = {};
if (exists $args{where}) {
my $where_columns = delete $args{where};
croak qq{"where" must be constant value or array reference}
unless !ref $where_columns || ref $where_columns eq 'ARRAY';
$where_columns = [$where_columns] unless ref $where_columns;
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) {
$where->{$table . '.' . $primary_keys->[$i]} = $where_columns->[$i];
if (exists $args{param}) {
my $param = delete $args{param};
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) {
delete $param->{$primary_keys->[$i]};
return $self->select(where => $where, %args);
sub model {
my ($self, $name, $model) = @_;
# Set
if ($model) {
$self->models->{$name} = $model;
return $self;
# Check model existance
croak qq{Model "$name" is not included}
unless $self->models->{$name};
# Get
return $self->models->{$name};
sub include_model {
my ($self, $name_space, $model_infos) = @_;
$name_space ||= '';
unless ($model_infos) {
# Load name space module
croak qq{"$name_space" is invalid class name}
if $name_space =~ /[^\w:]/;
eval "use $name_space";
croak qq{Name space module "$name_space.pm" is needed. $@} if $@;
# Search model modules
my $path = $INC{"$name_space.pm"};
$path =~ s/\.pm$//;
opendir my $dh, $path
or croak qq{Can't open directory "$path": $!};
$model_infos = [];
while (my $module = readdir $dh) {
push @$model_infos, $module
if $module =~ s/\.pm$//;
close $dh;
foreach my $model_info (@$model_infos) {
# Model class, name, table
my $model_class;
my $model_name;
my $model_table;
if (ref $model_info eq 'HASH') {
$model_class = $model_info->{class};
$model_name = $model_info->{name};
$model_table = $model_info->{table};
$model_name ||= $model_class;
$model_table ||= $model_name;
else { $model_class =$model_name = $model_table = $model_info }
my $mclass = "${name_space}::$model_class";
# Load
croak qq{"$mclass" is invalid class name}
if $mclass =~ /[^\w:]/;
unless ($mclass->can('isa')) {
eval "use $mclass";
croak $@ if $@;
# Instantiate
my $model = $mclass->new(dbi => $self);
$model->name($model_name) unless $model->name;
$model->table($model_table) unless $model->table;
# Set
$self->model($model->name, $model);
# Apply filter
croak "${name_space}::$model_class filter must be array reference"
unless ref $model->filter eq 'ARRAY';
$self->apply_filter($model->table, @{$model->filter});
return $self;
sub setup_model {
my $self = shift;
sub {
my ($self, $table, $column, $column_info) = @_;
if (my $model = $self->models->{$table}) {
push @{$model->columns}, $column;
return $self;
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table param
where append filter allow_update_all query/;
sub update {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_UPDATE_ARGS{$name};
# Arguments
my $table = $args{table} || '';
croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $table;
my $param = $args{param} || {};
my $where = $args{where} || {};
my $append = $args{append} || '';
my $filter = $args{filter};
my $allow_update_all = $args{allow_update_all};
# Update keys
my @clumns = keys %$param;
# Columns
my @columns;
my $safety = $self->safety_column_name;
foreach my $column (keys %$param) {
croak qq{"$column" is not safety column name}
unless $column =~ /$safety/;
push @columns, $column;
# Update clause
my $update_clause = '{update_param ' . join(' ', @clumns) . '}';
# Where
my $w;
if (ref $where eq 'HASH') {
my $clause = ['and'];
push @$clause, "{= $_}" for keys %$where;
$w = $self->where;
elsif (ref $where eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where') {
$w = $where;
$where = $w->param;
croak qq{"where" must be hash refernce or DBIx::Custom::Where object}
unless ref $w eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where';
# String where
my $swhere = "$w";
croak qq{"where" must be specified}
if "$swhere" eq '' && !$allow_update_all;
# SQL stack
my @sql;
# Update
push @sql, "update $table $update_clause $swhere";
push @sql, $append if $append;
# Rearrange parameters
foreach my $wkey (keys %$where) {
if (exists $param->{$wkey}) {
$param->{$wkey} = [$param->{$wkey}]
unless ref $param->{$wkey} eq 'ARRAY';
push @{$param->{$wkey}}, $where->{$wkey};
else {
$param->{$wkey} = $where->{$wkey};
my $sql = join(' ', @sql);
# Create query
my $query = $self->create_query($sql);
return $query if $args{query};
# Execute query
my $ret_val = $self->execute($query, param => $param,
filter => $filter,
table => $table);
return $ret_val;
sub update_all { shift->update(allow_update_all => 1, @_) };
= map { $_ => 1 } qw/table param
where append filter query
primary_key param/;
sub update_at {
my ($self, %args) = @_;
# Check arguments
foreach my $name (keys %args) {
croak qq{"$name" is invalid argument}
unless $VALID_UPDATE_AT_ARGS{$name};
# Primary key
my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key};
$primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys;
# Where clause
my $where = {};
my $param = {};
if (exists $args{where}) {
my $where_columns = delete $args{where};
$where_columns = [$where_columns] unless ref $where_columns;
croak qq{"where" must be constant value or array reference}
unless !ref $where_columns || ref $where_columns eq 'ARRAY';
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) {
$where->{$primary_keys->[$i]} = $where_columns->[$i];
if (exists $args{param}) {
$param = delete $args{param};
for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) {
delete $param->{$primary_keys->[$i]};
return $self->update(where => $where, param => $param, %args);
sub where {
my $self = shift;
return DBIx::Custom::Where->new(
query_builder => $self->query_builder,
safety_column_name => $self->safety_column_name
sub _bind {
my ($self, $params, $columns, $filter) = @_;
# bind values
my @bind;
# Build bind values
my $count = {};
my $not_exists = {};
foreach my $column (@$columns) {
# Value
my $value;
if(ref $params->{$column} eq 'ARRAY') {
my $i = $count->{$column} || 0;
$i += $not_exists->{$column} || 0;
my $found;
for (my $k = $i; $i < @{$params->{$column}}; $k++) {
if (ref $params->{$column}->[$k] eq 'DBIx::Custom::NotExists') {
else {
$value = $params->{$column}->[$k];
$found = 1;
next unless $found;
else { $value = $params->{$column} }
# Filter
my $f = $filter->{$column} || $self->{default_out_filter} || '';
push @bind, $f ? $f->($value) : $value;
# Count up
return \@bind;
sub _croak {
my ($self, $error, $append) = @_;
$append ||= "";
# Verbose
if ($Carp::Verbose) { croak $error }
# Not verbose
else {
# Remove line and module infromation
my $at_pos = rindex($error, ' at ');
$error = substr($error, 0, $at_pos);
$error =~ s/\s+$//;
croak "$error$append";
dbi_options => sub { {} },
filter_check => 1
sub default_bind_filter {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $fname = $_[0];
if (@_ && !$fname) {
$self->{default_out_filter} = undef;
else {
croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered}
unless exists $self->filters->{$fname};
$self->{default_out_filter} = $self->filters->{$fname};
return $self;
return $self->{default_out_filter};
sub default_fetch_filter {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $fname = $_[0];
if (@_ && !$fname) {
$self->{default_in_filter} = undef;
else {
croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered}
unless exists $self->filters->{$fname};
$self->{default_in_filter} = $self->filters->{$fname};
return $self;
return $self->{default_in_filter};
sub register_tag_processor {
return shift->query_builder->register_tag_processor(@_);
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Custom - DBI interface, having hash parameter binding and filtering system
use DBIx::Custom;
my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname",
user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&',
dbi_option => {mysql_enable_utf8 => 1});
# Insert
$dbi->insert(table => 'book',
param => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'},
filter => [title => 'to_something']);
# Update
$dbi->update(table => 'book',
param => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'},
where => {id => 5},
filter => [title => 'to_something']);
# Update all
$dbi->update_all(table => 'book',
param => {title => 'Perl'},
filter => [title => 'to_something']);
# Delete
$dbi->delete(table => 'book',
where => {author => 'Ken'},
filter => [title => 'to_something']);
# Delete all
$dbi->delete_all(table => 'book');
# Select
my $result = $dbi->select(
table => 'book',
column => [qw/author title/],
where => {author => 'Ken'},
relation => {'book.id' => 'rental.book_id'},
append => 'order by id limit 5',
filter => [title => 'to_something']
# Execute SQL
$dbi->execute("select title from book");
# Execute SQL with hash binding and filtering
$dbi->execute("select id from book where {= author} and {like title}",
param => {author => 'ken', title => '%Perl%'},
filter => [title => 'to_something']);
# Create query and execute it
my $query = $dbi->create_query(
"select id from book where {= author} and {like title}"
$dbi->execute($query, param => {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'})
# Get DBI object
my $dbh = $dbi->dbh;
# Fetch
while (my $row = $result->fetch) {
# ...
# Fetch hash
while (my $row = $result->fetch_hash) {
L<DBIx::Custom> is one of L<DBI> interface modules,
such as L<DBIx::Class>, L<DBIx::Simple>.
This module is not O/R mapper. O/R mapper is useful,
but you must learn many syntax of the O/R mapper,
which is almost another language.
Created SQL statement is offten not effcient and damage SQL performance.
so you have to execute raw SQL in the end.
L<DBIx::Custom> is middle area between L<DBI> and O/R mapper.
L<DBIx::Custom> provide flexible hash parameter binding and filtering system,
and suger methods, such as C<insert()>, C<update()>, C<delete()>, C<select()>
to execute SQL easily.
L<DBIx::Custom> respects SQL. SQL is very complex and not beautiful,
but de-facto standard,
so all people learing database know it.
If you already know SQL,
you learn a little thing to use L<DBIx::Custom>.
See L<DBIx::Custom::Guide> for more details.
=head1 GUIDE
L<DBIx::Custom::Guide> - L<DBIx::Custom> complete guide
L<DBIx::Custom Wiki|https://github.com/yuki-kimoto/DBIx-Custom/wiki> - Many useful examples
=head2 C<cache>
my $cache = $dbi->cache;
$dbi = $dbi->cache(1);
Enable parsed L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object caching.
Default to 1.
=head2 C<data_source>
my $data_source = $dbi->data_source;
$dbi = $dbi->data_source("DBI:mysql:database=dbname");
Data source.
C<connect()> method use this value to connect the database.
=head2 C<dbh>
my $dbh = $dbi->dbh;
$dbi = $dbi->dbh($dbh);
L<DBI> object. You can call all methods of L<DBI>.
=head2 C<dbi_option>
my $dbi_option = $dbi->dbi_option;
$dbi = $dbi->dbi_option($dbi_option);
DBI options.
Each option specified can ovewrite C<default_dbi_option>.
C<connect()> method use this value to connect the database.
=head2 C<default_dbi_option>
my $default_dbi_option = $dbi->default_dbi_option;
$dbi = $dbi->default_dbi_option($default_dbi_option);
DBI default options.
RaiseError => 1,
PrintError => 0,
AutoCommit => 1,
C<connect()> method use this value to connect the database.
Default filter when row is fetched.
=head2 C<filters>
my $filters = $dbi->filters;
$dbi = $dbi->filters(\%filters);
=head2 C<(experimental) models>
my $models = $dbi->models;
$dbi = $dbi->models(\%models);
=head2 C<password>
my $password = $dbi->password;
$dbi = $dbi->password('lkj&le`@s');
C<connect()> method use this value to connect the database.
=head2 C<query_builder>
my $sql_class = $dbi->query_builder;
$dbi = $dbi->query_builder(DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder->new);
SQL builder. C<query_builder()> must be
the instance of L<DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder> subclass.
Default to L<DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder> object.
=head2 C<result_class>
my $result_class = $dbi->result_class;
$dbi = $dbi->result_class('DBIx::Custom::Result');
Result class for select statement.
Default to L<DBIx::Custom::Result>.
=head2 C<(experimental) safety_column_name>
my $safety_column_name = $self->safety_column_name;
$dbi = $self->safety_column_name($name);
Safety column name regex.
Default is qr/^[\w\.]*$/
=head2 C<user>
my $user = $dbi->user;
$dbi = $dbi->user('Ken');
User name.
C<connect()> method use this value to connect the database.
=head1 METHODS
L<DBIx::Custom> inherits all methods from L<Object::Simple>
and use all method of L<DBI>
and implements the following new ones.
=head2 C<(experimental) apply_filter>
$column1 => {in => $infilter1, out => $outfilter1, end => $endfilter1}
$column2 => {in => $infilter2, out => $outfilter2, end =. $endfilter2}
C<apply_filter> is automatically filter for columns of table.
This have effect C<insert>, C<update>, C<delete>. C<select>
and L<DBIx::Custom::Result> object. but this has'nt C<execute> method.
If you want to have effect C<execute()> method, use C<table>
$result = $dbi->execute(
"select * from table1 where {= key1} and {= key2};",
param => {key1 => 1, key2 => 2},
table => ['table1']
You can use three name as column name.
1. column : author
2. table.column : book.author
3. table__column : book__author
=head2 C<connect>
my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname",
user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&');
Create a new L<DBIx::Custom> object and connect to the database.
L<DBIx::Custom> is a wrapper of L<DBI>.
C<AutoCommit> and C<RaiseError> options are true,
and C<PrintError> option is false by default.
=head2 C<create_query>
my $query = $dbi->create_query(
"select * from book where {= author} and {like title};"
Create the instance of L<DBIx::Custom::Query> from the source of SQL.
If you want to get high performance,
use C<create_query()> method and execute it by C<execute()> method
instead of suger methods.
$dbi->execute($query, {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'});
=head2 C<execute>
my $result = $dbi->execute($query, param => $params, filter => \@filter);
my $result = $dbi->execute($source, param => $params, filter => \@filter);
Execute query or the source of SQL.
Query is L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object.
Return value is L<DBIx::Custom::Result> if select statement is executed,
or the count of affected rows if insert, update, delete statement is executed.
=head2 C<delete>
$dbi->delete(table => $table,
where => \%where,
append => $append,
filter => \@filter,
query => 1);
Execute delete statement.
C<delete> method have C<table>, C<where>, C<append>, and C<filter> arguments.
C<table> is a table name.
C<where> is where clause. this must be hash reference.
C<append> is a string added at the end of the SQL statement.
C<filter> is filters when parameter binding is executed.
C<query> is if you don't execute sql and get L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object as return value.
default to 0. This is experimental.
Return value of C<delete()> is the count of affected rows.
=head2 C<delete_all>
$dbi->delete_all(table => $table);
Execute delete statement to delete all rows.
Arguments is same as C<delete> method,
except that C<delete_all> don't have C<where> argument.
Return value of C<delete_all()> is the count of affected rows.
=head3 C<(experimental) delete_at()>
To delete row by using primary key, use C<delete_at()>
table => 'book',
primary_key => ['id'],
where => ['123']
In this example, row which id column is 123 is deleted.
NOTE that you must pass array reference as C<where>.
You can also write arguments like this.
table => 'book',
primary_key => ['id'],
param => {id => '123'}
=head2 C<insert>
$dbi->insert(table => $table,
param => \%param,
append => $append,
filter => \@filter,
query => 1);
Execute insert statement.
C<insert> method have C<table>, C<param>, C<append>
and C<filter> arguments.
C<table> is a table name.
C<param> is the pairs of column name value. this must be hash reference.
C<append> is a string added at the end of the SQL statement.
C<filter> is filters when parameter binding is executed.
C<query> is if you don't execute sql and get L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object as return value.
default to 0. This is experimental.
This is overwrites C<default_bind_filter>.
Return value of C<insert()> is the count of affected rows.
=head3 C<(experimental) insert_at()>
To insert row by using primary key, use C<insert_at()>
table => 'book',
primary_key => ['id'],
where => ['123'],
param => {name => 'Ken'}
In this example, row which id column is 123 is inserted.
NOTE that you must pass array reference as C<where>.
If C<param> contains primary key,
the key and value is delete from C<param>.
=head2 C<(experimental) each_column>
sub {
my ($self, $table, $column, $column_info) = @_;
my $type = $column_info->{TYPE_NAME};
if ($type eq 'DATE') {
# ...
Get column informations from database.
Argument is callback.
You can do anything in callback.
Callback receive four arguments, dbi object, table name,
column name and column information.
=head2 C<(experimental) include_model>
'MyModel' => [
'book', 'person', 'company'
Include models. First argument is name space.
Second argument is array reference of class base names.
If you don't specify second argument, All models under name space is
Note that in this case name spece module is needed.
# MyModel.pm
package MyModel;
use base 'DBIx::Custom::Model';
The following model is instantiated and included.
You can get these instance by C<model()>.
my $book_model = $dbi->model('book');
If you want to other name as model class,
you can do like this.
'MyModel' => [
{'book' => 'Book'},
{'person' => 'Person'}
=head2 C<(experimental) method>
update_or_insert => sub {
my $self = shift;
# do something
find_or_create => sub {
my $self = shift;
# do something
Register method. These method is called from L<DBIx::Custom> object directory.
=head2 C<new>
my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect(data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname",
user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&');
Create a new L<DBIx::Custom> object.
=head2 C<(experimental) not_exists>
my $not_exists = $dbi->not_exists;
Get DBIx::Custom::NotExists object.
=head2 C<register_filter>
Register filter. Registered filters is available in the following attributes
or arguments.
=over 4
=item *
C<filter> argument of C<insert()>, C<update()>,
C<update_all()>, C<delete()>, C<delete_all()>, C<select()>
=item *
C<execute()> method
=item *
C<default_filter> and C<filter> of C<DBIx::Custom::Query>
=item *
C<default_filter> and C<filter> of C<DBIx::Custom::Result>
=head2 C<register_tag>
limit => sub {
Register tag.
=head2 C<rollback>
Rollback transaction.
This is same as L<DBI>'s C<rollback>.
=head2 C<select>
my $result = $dbi->select(
table => $table,
column => [@column],
where => \%where,
append => $append,
relation => \%relation,
filter => \%filter,
query => 1,
selection => $selection
Execute select statement.
C<select> method have C<table>, C<column>, C<where>, C<append>,
C<relation> and C<filter> arguments.
C<table> is a table name.
C<column> is column names. this is array reference or string.
C<where> is where clause. this is normally hash reference.
C<append> is a string added at the end of the SQL statement.
C<filter> is filters when parameter binding is executed.
C<query> is if you don't execute sql and get L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object as return value.
default to 0. This is experimental.
C<selection> is string of column name and tables. This is experimental
selection => 'name, location.name as location_name ' .
'from company inner join location'
First element is a string. it contains tags,
such as "{= title} or {like author}".
Second element is paramters.
=head3 C<(experimental) select_at()>
To select row by using primary key, use C<select_at()>.
$dbi->select_at(table => 'book', primary_key => ['id'], where => ['123']);
In this example, row which id colunm is 123 is selected.
NOTE that you must pass array reference as C<where>.
=head2 C<update>
$dbi->update(table => $table,
param => \%params,
where => \%where,
append => $append,
filter => \@filter,
query => 1)
Execute update statement.
C<update> method have C<table>, C<param>, C<where>, C<append>
and C<filter> arguments.
C<table> is a table name.
C<param> is column-value pairs. this must be hash reference.
C<where> is where clause. this must be hash reference.
C<append> is a string added at the end of the SQL statement.
C<filter> is filters when parameter binding is executed.
C<query> is if you don't execute sql and get L<DBIx::Custom::Query> object as return value.
default to 0. This is experimental.
This is overwrites C<default_bind_filter>.
Return value of C<update()> is the count of affected rows.
=head2 C<(experimental) model>
insert => sub { ... },
update => sub { ... }
my $model = $dbi->model('book');
Set and get a L<DBIx::Custom::Model> object,
=head2 C<(experimental) setup_model>
Setup all model objects.
C<columns> and C<primary_key> is automatically set.
=head2 C<update_all>
$dbi->update_all(table => $table,
param => \%params,
filter => \@filter,
append => $append);
Execute update statement to update all rows.
Arguments is same as C<update> method,
except that C<update_all> don't have C<where> argument.
Return value of C<update_all()> is the count of affected rows.
=head3 C<(experimental) update_at()>
To update row by using primary key, use C<update_at()>
table => 'book',
primary_key => ['id'],
where => ['123'],
param => {name => 'Ken'}
In this example, row which id column is 123 is updated.
NOTE that you must pass array reference as C<where>.
If C<param> contains primary key,
the key and value is delete from C<param>.
=head2 C<(experimental) where>
my $where = $dbi->where;
Create a new L<DBIx::Custom::Where> object.
=head2 C<cache_method>
$dbi = $dbi->cache_method(\&cache_method);
$cache_method = $dbi->cache_method
Method to set and get caches.
=head1 Tags
The following tags is available.
=head2 C<(experimental) table>
Table tag
{table TABLE} -> TABLE
This is used to teach what is applied table to C<execute()>.
=head2 C<?>
Placeholder tag.
{? NAME} -> ?
=head2 C<=>
Equal tag.
{= NAME} -> NAME = ?
=head2 C<E<lt>E<gt>>
Not equal tag.
{<> NAME} -> NAME <> ?
=head2 C<E<lt>>
Lower than tag
{< NAME} -> NAME < ?
=head2 C<E<gt>>
Greater than tag
{> NAME} -> NAME > ?
=head2 C<E<gt>=>
Greater than or equal tag
{>= NAME} -> NAME >= ?
=head2 C<E<lt>=>
Lower than or equal tag
{<= NAME} -> NAME <= ?
=head2 C<like>
Like tag
{like NAME} -> NAME like ?
=head2 C<in>
In tag.
{in NAME COUNT} -> NAME in [?, ?, ..]
=head2 C<insert_param>
Insert parameter tag.
{insert_param NAME1 NAME2} -> (NAME1, NAME2) values (?, ?)
=head2 C<update_param>
Updata parameter tag.
{update_param NAME1 NAME2} -> set NAME1 = ?, NAME2 = ?
L<DBIx::Custom> is stable. APIs keep backword compatible
except experimental one in the feature.
=head1 BUGS
Please tell me bugs if found.
C<< <kimoto.yuki at gmail.com> >>
=head1 AUTHOR
Yuki Kimoto, C<< <kimoto.yuki at gmail.com> >>
Copyright 2009-2011 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.