yuki-kimoto update document
8d90c6d 14 years ago
1 contributor
123 lines | 3.023kb
package DBIx::Custom::MySQL;
use base 'DBIx::Custom::Basic';

use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp 'croak';

my $class = __PACKAGE__;

    datetime => $class->formats->{SQL99_datetime},
    date     => $class->formats->{SQL99_date},
    time     => $class->formats->{SQL99_time},

sub connect {
    my $self = shift;
    if (!$self->data_source) {
        my $database = $self->database;
        my $host     = $self->host;
        my $port     = $self->port;
        my $data_source = "dbi:mysql:";
        my $data_source_original = $data_source;
        $data_source .= "database=$database;" if $database;
        $data_source .= "host=$host;"         if $host;
        $data_source .= "port=$port;"         if $port;
        $data_source =~ s/:$// if $data_source eq $data_source_original;
    return $self->SUPER::connect;

sub last_insert_id {
    my $self = shift;
    croak "Not yet connected" unless $self->connected;
    my $last_insert_id = $self->dbh->{mysql_insertid};
    return $last_insert_id;

=head1 NAME

DBIx::Custom::MySQL - DBIx::Custom MySQL implementation

=head1 Synopsys

    # New
    my $dbi = DBIx::Custom::MySQL->new(user => 'taro', $password => 'kliej&@K',
                                      database => 'sample_db');
    # Insert 
    $dbi->insert('books', {title => 'perl', author => 'taro'});
    # Update 
    # same as 'update books set title = 'aaa', author = 'ken' where id = 5;
    $dbi->update('books', {title => 'aaa', author => 'ken'}, {id => 5});
    # Delete
    $dbi->delete('books', {author => 'taro'});
    # select * from books;
    # select * from books where ahthor = 'taro'; 
    $dbi->select('books', {author => 'taro'});

=head1 See DBIx::Custom and DBI::Custom::Basic documentation at first

This class is L<DBIx::Custom::Basic> subclass,
and L<DBIx::Custom::Basic> is L<DBIx::Custom> subclass.

You can use all methods of L<DBIx::Custom::Basic> and <DBIx::Custom>
Please see L<DBIx::Custom::Basic> and <DBIx::Custom> documentation.

=head1 Object methods

=head2 connect

Connect to database

    $self = $self->connect;
    # Sample

This override L<DBIx::Custom> connect.

If you set database, host, or port, data source is automatically created and connect

=head2 last_insert_id

    $last_insert_id = $self->last_insert_id;
    # Sample
    $dbi->insert('books', {title => 'Perl', author => 'taro'});
    $last_insert_id = $dbi->last_insert_id;

This is equal to MySQL function

=head1 Author

Yuki Kimoto, C<< <kimoto.yuki at gmail.com> >>

Github L<http://github.com/yuki-kimoto>

I develope this module L<http://github.com/yuki-kimoto/DBIx-Custom>

=head1 Copyright & license

Copyright 2009 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the same terms as Perl itself.