Yuki Kimoto cleanup
fff2bb3 13 years ago
1 contributor
321 lines | 6.889kb
package DBIx::Custom::Model;

use strict;
use warnings;

use base 'Object::Simple';

use Carp 'croak';

# Carp trust relationship
push @DBIx::Custom::CARP_NOT, __PACKAGE__;

    ['dbi', 'name', 'table', 'view'],
    table_alias => sub { {} },
    columns => sub { [] },
    filter => sub { [] },
    join => sub { [] },
    primary_key => sub { [] }


    my $self = shift;

    # Method name
    my ($package, $mname) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w\:]+)\:\:(\w+)$/;

    # Method
    if (my $dbi_method = $self->dbi->can($mname)) {
    elsif (my $dbh_method = $self->dbi->dbh->can($mname)) {
    else {
        croak qq/Can't locate object method "$mname" via "$package"/

sub column {
    my ($self, $table, $columns) = @_;
    $self->{_table_alias} ||= {};
    my $dist;
    $dist = $self->dbi->{_table_alias}{$table}
          ? $self->dbi->{_table_alias}{$table}
          : $table;
    $self->dbi->{_model_from} ||= {};
    my $model = $self->dbi->{_model_from}->{$dist};
    $columns ||= $self->model($model)->columns;
    return $self->dbi->column($table, $columns);

sub delete {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->dbi->delete(table => $self->table, @_);

sub delete_all {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->dbi->delete_all(table => $self->table, @_);

sub delete_at {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->dbi->delete_at(
        table => $self->table,
        primary_key => $self->primary_key,

sub DESTROY { }

sub insert {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->dbi->insert(table => $self->table, @_);

sub insert_at {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->dbi->insert_at(
        table => $self->table,
        primary_key => $self->primary_key,

sub mycolumn {
    my $self = shift;
    my $table = shift unless ref $_[0];
    my $columns = shift;
    $table ||= $self->table || '';
    $columns ||= $self->columns;
    return $self->dbi->mycolumn($table, $columns);

sub select {
    my $self = shift;
        table => $self->table,
        join => $self->join,

sub select_at {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->dbi->select_at(
        table => $self->table,
        primary_key => $self->primary_key,
        join => $self->join,

sub update {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->dbi->update(table => $self->table, @_)

sub update_all {
    my $self = shift;
    $self->dbi->update_all(table => $self->table, @_);

sub update_at {
    my $self = shift;
    return $self->dbi->update_at(
        table => $self->table,
        primary_key => $self->primary_key,


=head1 NAME

DBIx::Custom::Model - Model EXPERIMENTAL


use DBIx::Custom::Table;

my $table = DBIx::Custom::Model->new(table => 'books');


=head2 C<dbi>

    my $dbi = $model->dbi;
    $model  = $model->dbi($dbi);

L<DBIx::Custom> object.

=head2 C<filter>

    my $dbi = $model->filter
    $model  = $model->filter({out => 'tp_to_date', in => 'date_to_tp'});

This filter is applied when L<DBIx::Custom>'s C<include_model()> is called.

=head2 C<name>

    my $name = $model->name;
    $model   = $model->name('book');

Model name.

=head2 C<join>

    my $join = $model->join;
    $model   = $model->join(
        ['left outer join company on book.company_id = company.id']
Join clause, this is used as C<select()>'s C<join> option.

=head2 C<table>

    my $table = $model->table;
    $model    = $model->table('book');

Table name, this is used as C<select()> C<table> option.
Generally, this is automatically set from class name.

=head2 C<primary_key>

    my $primary_key = $model->primary_key;
    $model          = $model->primary_key(['id', 'number']);

Foreign key, this is used as C<primary_key> of C<insert_at>,C<update_at()>,

=head2 C<view>

    my $view = $model->view;
    $model   = $model->view('select id, DATE(issue_datetime) as date from book');

View. This view is registered by C<view()> of L<DBIx::Custom> when
model is included by C<include_model>.

=head1 METHODS

L<DBIx::Custom> inherits all methods from L<Object::Simple>,
and you can use all methods of the object set to C<dbi>.
and implements the following new ones.

=head2 C<column> EXPERIMETNAL

    my $column = $self->column(book => ['author', 'title']);
    my $column = $self->column('book');

Create column clause. The follwoing column clause is created.

    book.author as book__author,
    book.title as book__title

If column names is omitted, C<columns> attribute of the model is used.

=head2 C<delete>

Same as C<delete()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify C<table> option.

=head2 C<delete_all>

Same as C<delete_all()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify C<table> option.

=head2 C<delete_at>

Same as C<delete()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify C<table> and C<primary_key> option.

=head2 C<insert>

Same as C<insert()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify C<table> option.

=head2 C<insert>

Same as C<insert_at()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify C<table> and C<primary_key> option.

=head2 C<mycolumn> EXPERIMENTAL

    my $column = $self->mycolumn;
    my $column = $self->mycolumn(book => ['author', 'title']);
    my $column = $self->mycolumn(['author', 'title']);

Create column clause for myself. The follwoing column clause is created.

    book.author as author,
    book.title as title

If table name is ommited, C<table> attribute of the model is used.
If column names is omitted, C<columns> attribute of the model is used.

=head2 C<new>

    my $table = DBIx::Custom::Table->new;

Create a L<DBIx::Custom::Table> object.

=head2 C<select>

Same as C<select()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify C<table> option.

=head2 C<select_at>

Same as C<select_at()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify C<table> and C<primary_key> option.

=head2 C<update>

Same as C<update()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify C<table> option.

=head2 C<update_all>

    $table->update_all(param => \%param);
Same as C<update_all()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify table name.

=head2 C<update_at>

Same as C<update_at()> of L<DBIx::Custom> except that
you don't have to specify C<table> and C<primary_key> option.