DBIx-Custom / t / next / common.t /
e038c37 12 years ago
1 contributor
3898 lines | 129.484kb
use Test::More;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Encode qw/encode_utf8/;
use FindBin;
use Scalar::Util 'isweak';

my $dbi;

plan skip_all => $ENV{DBIX_CUSTOM_SKIP_MESSAGE} || 'common.t is always skipped'
    && eval { $dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect; 1 };

plan 'no_plan';

$SIG{__WARN__} = sub { warn $_[0] unless $_[0] =~ /DEPRECATED/};
sub test { print "# $_[0]\n" }

# Constant
my $table1 = $dbi->table1;
my $table2 = $dbi->table2;
my $table2_alias = $dbi->table2_alias;
my $table3 = $dbi->table3;
my $key1 = $dbi->key1;
my $key2 = $dbi->key2;
my $key3 = $dbi->key3;
my $key4 = $dbi->key4;
my $key5 = $dbi->key5;
my $key6 = $dbi->key6;
my $key7 = $dbi->key7;
my $key8 = $dbi->key8;
my $key9 = $dbi->key9;
my $key10 = $dbi->key10;
my $create_table1 = $dbi->create_table1;
my $create_table1_2 = $dbi->create_table1_2;
my $create_table1_type = $dbi->create_table1_type;
my $create_table2 = $dbi->create_table2;
my $create_table2_2 = $dbi->create_table2_2;
my $create_table3 = $dbi->create_table3;
my $create_table_reserved = $dbi->create_table_reserved;
my $q = substr($dbi->quote, 0, 1);
my $p = substr($dbi->quote, 1, 1) || $q;
my $date_typename = $dbi->date_typename;
my $datetime_typename = $dbi->datetime_typename;
my $date_datatype = $dbi->date_datatype;
my $datetime_datatype = $dbi->datetime_datatype;

# Variables
my $builder;
my $datas;
my $sth;
my $source;
my @sources;
my $select_source;
my $insert_source;
my $update_source;
my $param;
my $params;
my $sql;
my $result;
my $row;
my @rows;
my $rows;
my $query;
my @queries;
my $select_query;
my $insert_query;
my $update_query;
my $ret_val;
my $infos;
my $model;
my $model2;
my $where;
my $update_param;
my $insert_param;
my $join;
my $binary;
my $user_table_info;
my $user_column_info;
my $values_clause;
my $assign_clause;
my $reuse;

require MyDBI1;
    package MyDBI4;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base 'DBIx::Custom::Next';

    sub connect {
        my $self = shift->SUPER::connect(@_);
            MyModel2 => [
                {class => $table2, name => $table2}

    package MyModel2::Base1;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base 'DBIx::Custom::Next::Model';

    package MyModel2::table1;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base 'MyModel2::Base1';

    sub insert {
        my ($self, $param) = @_;
        return $self->SUPER::insert($param);

    sub list { shift->select; }

    package MyModel2::table2;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base 'MyModel2::Base1';

    sub insert {
        my ($self, $param) = @_;
        return $self->SUPER::insert($param);

    sub list { shift->select; }

    package MyModel2::TABLE1;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base 'MyModel2::Base1';

    sub insert {
        my ($self, $param) = @_;
        return $self->SUPER::insert($param);

    sub list { shift->select; }

    package MyModel2::TABLE2;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base 'MyModel2::Base1';

    sub insert {
        my ($self, $param) = @_;
        return $self->SUPER::insert($param);

    sub list { shift->select; }
     package MyDBI5;

    use strict;
    use warnings;

    use base 'DBIx::Custom::Next';

    sub connect {
        my $self = shift->SUPER::connect(@_);
    package MyDBI6;
    use base 'DBIx::Custom::Next';
    sub connect {
        my $self = shift->SUPER::connect(@_);
        return $self;
    package MyDBI7;
    use base 'DBIx::Custom::Next';
    sub connect {
        my $self = shift->SUPER::connect(@_);
        return $self;
    package MyDBI8;
    use base 'DBIx::Custom::Next';
    sub connect {
        my $self = shift->SUPER::connect(@_);
        return $self;

    package MyDBI9;
    use base 'DBIx::Custom::Next';
    sub connect {
        my $self = shift->SUPER::connect(@_);
        return $self;

test 'execute reuse option';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$reuse = {};
for my $i (1 .. 2) {
  $dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, reuse => $reuse);
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

# Get user table info
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table3") };
$user_table_info = $dbi->get_table_info(exclude => $dbi->exclude_table);

# Create table
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$model = $dbi->create_model(table => $table1);
$model->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
is_deeply($model->select->all, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

test 'DBIx::Custom::Next::Result test';
$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$source = "select $key1, $key2 from $table1";
$result = $dbi->execute($source);

@rows = ();
while (my $row = $result->fetch) {
    push @rows, [@$row];
is_deeply(\@rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]], "fetch");

$result = $dbi->execute($source);
@rows = ();
while (my $row = $result->fetch_hash) {
    push @rows, {%$row};
is_deeply(\@rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "fetch_hash");

$result = $dbi->execute($source);
$rows = $result->fetch_all;
is_deeply($rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]], "fetch_all");

$result = $dbi->execute($source);
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "all");

test 'Insert query return value';
$source = "insert into $table1 " . $dbi->values_clause({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$query = $dbi->execute($source, {}, query => 1);
$ret_val = $dbi->execute($source, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});

test 'Direct query';
$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$insert_source = "insert into $table1 " . $dbi->values_clause({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$dbi->execute($insert_source, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

test 'Filter basic';
$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->register_filter(twice       => sub { $_[0] * 2}, 
                    three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3});

$insert_source  = "insert into $table1 " . $dbi->values_clause({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$dbi->execute($insert_source, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, filter => {$key1 => 'twice'});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows = $result->filter({$key2 => 'three_times'})->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 2, $key2 => 6}], "filter fetch_filter");

test 'Named placeholder';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);

$source = "select * from $table1 where $key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2";
$result = $dbi->execute($source, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}]);

$source = "select * from $table1 where $key1 = \n:$key1\n and $key2 = :$key2";
$result = $dbi->execute($source, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}]);

$source = "select * from $table1 where $key1 = :$key1 or $key1 = :$key1";
$result = $dbi->execute($source, {$key1 => [1, 2]});
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}]);

$source = "select * from $table1 where $key1 = :$table1.$key1 and $key2 = :$table1.$key2";
$result = $dbi->execute(
    {"$table1.$key1" => 1, "$table1.$key2" => 1},
    filter => {"$table1.$key2" => sub { $_[0] * 2 }}
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}]);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2011-10-14 12:19:18', $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$source = "select * from $table1 where $key1 = '2011-10-14 12:19:18' and $key2 = :$key2";
$result = $dbi->execute(
    {$key2 => 2},

$rows = $result->all;
like($rows->[0]->{$key1}, qr/2011-10-14 12:19:18/);
is($rows->[0]->{$key2}, 2);

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 'a:b c:d', $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$source = "select * from $table1 where $key1 = 'a\\:b c\\:d' and $key2 = :$key2";
$result = $dbi->execute(
    {$key2 => 2},
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 'a:b c:d', $key2 => 2}]);

test 'Error case';
eval {DBIx::Custom::Next->connect(dsn => 'dbi:SQLit')};
ok($@, "connect error");

test 'insert';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "basic");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "basic");

$dbi->execute("delete from $table1");
    twice       => sub { $_[0] * 2 },
    three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3 }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, filter => {$key1 => 'three_times'});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 2}], "filter");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, append => '   ');
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}], 'insert append');

eval{$dbi->insert({';' => 1}, table => 'table')};
like($@, qr/safety/);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "basic");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => \"'1'", $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "basic");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1,
  wrap => {$key1 => sub { "$_[0] - 1" }});
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 0, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "basic");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key1 => 1};
$dbi->insert($param, table => $table1, created_at => $key2);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($param, {$key1 => 1});
$row   = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key1 => 1};
$dbi->insert($param, table => $table1, updated_at => $key3);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($param, {$key1 => 1});
$row   = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
like($row->{$key3}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key1 => 1};
$dbi->insert($param, table => $table1, created_at => $key2, updated_at => $key3);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($param, {$key1 => 1});
$row   = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);
like($row->{$key3}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);
is($row->{$key2}, $row->{$key3});

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$model = $dbi->create_model(table => $table1, created_at => $key2);
$param = {$key1 => 1};
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($param, {$key1 => 1});
$row   = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key1 => 1};
$model = $dbi->create_model(table => $table1, updated_at => $key3);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($param, {$key1 => 1});
$row   = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
like($row->{$key3}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key1 => 1};
$model = $dbi->create_model(table => $table1, created_at => $key2, updated_at => $key3);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($param, {$key1 => 1});
$row   = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);
like($row->{$key3}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);
is($row->{$key2}, $row->{$key3});

test 'update_or_insert';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    {$key2 => 2},
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => $key1,
    id => 1
$row = $dbi->select(id => 1, table => $table1, primary_key => $key1)->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, "basic");

    {$key2 => 3},
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => $key1,
    id => 1
$rows = $dbi->select(id => 1, table => $table1, primary_key => $key1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 3}], "basic");

eval {
        {$key2 => 3},
        table => $table1,

like($@, qr/primary_key/);

eval {
    $dbi->insert({$key1 => 1}, table => $table1);
        {$key2 => 3},
        table => $table1,
        primary_key => $key1,
        id => 1
like($@, qr/one/);

test 'model update_or_insert';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$model = $dbi->create_model(
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => $key1
$model->update_or_insert({$key2 => 2}, id => 1);
$row = $model->select(id => 1)->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, "basic");

eval {
    $model->insert({$key1 => 1});
        {$key2 => 3},
        id => 1
like($@, qr/one/);

test 'filter';
$dbi->execute("delete from $table1");
    twice       => sub { $_[0] * 2 },
    three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3 }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, filter => {$key1 => 'three_times'});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 2}], "filter");

test 'update';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$dbi->update({$key2 => 11}, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$dbi->update({$key2 => 11}, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],
$dbi->execute("delete from $table1");
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$dbi->update({$key2 => 12}, table => $table1, where => {$key2 => 2, $key3 => 3});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 12, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],
                  "update key same as search key");

$dbi->update({$key2 => [12]}, table => $table1, where => {$key2 => 2, $key3 => 3});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 12, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],
                  "update key same as search key : param is array ref");

$dbi->execute("delete from $table1");
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->update({$key2 => 11}, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1},
              filter => {$key2 => sub { $_[0] * 2 }});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 22, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

$result = $dbi->update({$key2 => 11}, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1}, append => '   ');

eval{$dbi->update({}, table => $table1)};
like($@, qr/where/, "not contain where");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"]);
$where->param({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$dbi->update({$key1 => 3}, table => $table1, where => $where);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($result->all, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 2}], 'update() where');

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
    {$key1 => 3},
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        ['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"],
        {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($result->all, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 2}], 'update() where');

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', "$key2 = :$key2"]);
$where->param({$key2 => 2});
$dbi->update({$key1 => 3}, table => $table1, where => $where);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($result->all, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 2}], 'update() where');

eval{$dbi->update({';' => 1}, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1})};
like($@, qr/safety/);

eval{$dbi->update({$key1 => 1}, table => $table1, where => {';' => 1})};
like($@, qr/safety/);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table ${q}table$p") };
$dbi->insert({select => 1}, table => 'table');
$dbi->update({update => 2}, table => 'table', where => {select => 1});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from ${q}table$p");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{select => 1, update => 2}], "reserved word");

eval {$dbi->update_all({';' => 2}, table => 'table') };
like($@, qr/safety/);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table ${q}table$p") };
$dbi->insert({select => 1}, table => 'table');
$dbi->update({update => 2}, table => 'table', where => {'table.select' => 1});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from ${q}table$p");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{select => 1, update => 2}], "reserved word");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$dbi->update({$key2 => 11}, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$dbi->update({$key2 => 11}, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1},
wrap => {$key2 => sub { "$_[0] - 1" }});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 10, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$dbi->update({$key2 => \"'11'"}, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$param = {$key2 => 11};
$dbi->update($param, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1});
is_deeply($param, {$key2 => 11});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$param = {$key2 => 11};
$dbi->update($param, table => $table1, where => {$key2 => 2});
is_deeply($param, {$key2 => 11});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key3 => 4};
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$dbi->update($param, table => $table1, updated_at => $key2, where => {$key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($param, {$key3 => 4});
$row   = $result->one;
is($row->{$key3}, 4);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key3 => 4};
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$dbi->update($param, table => $table1, updated_at => $key2, where => {$key3 => 3});
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($param, {$key3 => 4});
$row   = $result->one;
is($row->{$key3}, 4);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$model = $dbi->create_model(table => $table1, updated_at => $key2);
$param = {$key3 => 4};
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$model->update($param, where => {$key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($param, {$key3 => 4});
$row   = $result->one;
is($row->{$key3}, 4);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2} \d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}$/);

test 'update_all';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->update_all({$key2 => 10}, table => $table1, filter => {$key2 => 'twice'});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 20, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 20, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

test 'delete';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$dbi->delete(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "basic");

$dbi->execute("delete from $table1");
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->delete(table => $table1, where => {$key2 => 1}, filter => {$key2 => 'twice'});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "filter");

$dbi->delete(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1}, append => '   ');

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$dbi->delete(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "delete multi key");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"]);
$where->param({ke1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$dbi->delete(table => $table1, where => $where);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($result->all, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'delete() where');

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        ['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"],
        {ke1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply($result->all, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'delete() where');

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->delete(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1}, prefix => '    ');
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [], "basic");

test 'delete error';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval{$dbi->delete(table => $table1)};
like($@, qr/where/, "where key-value pairs not specified");

eval{$dbi->delete(table => $table1, where => {';' => 1})};
like($@, qr/safety/);

$dbi = undef;
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table ${q}table$p") };
$dbi->insert({select => 1}, table => 'table');
$dbi->delete(table => 'table', where => {select => 1});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from ${q}table$p");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [], "reserved word");

test 'delete_all';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [], "basic");

test 'select';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2},
                  {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "table");

$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1, column => [$key1])->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1}, {$key1 => 3}], "table and columns and where key");

$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1})->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}], "table and columns and where key");

$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1, column => [$key1], where => {$key1 => 3})->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 3}], "table and columns and where key");

$dbi->register_filter(decrement => sub { $_[0] - 1 });
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 2}, filter => {$key1 => 'decrement'})
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}], "filter");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 5}, table => $table2);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => "$table1.$key1 as ${table1}_$key1, $table2.$key1 as ${table2}_$key1, $key2, $key3",
    where   => {"$table1.$key2" => 2},
    join  => "inner join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table1}_$key1" => 1, "${table2}_$key1" => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 5}], "exists where");

$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => ["$table1.$key1 as ${table1}_$key1", "${table2}.$key1 as ${table2}_$key1", $key2, $key3],
    join  => "inner join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table1}_$key1" => 1, "${table2}_$key1" => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 5}], "no exists where");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table ${q}table$p") };
$dbi->insert({select => 1, update => 2}, table => 'table');
$result = $dbi->select(table => 'table', where => {select => 1});
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{select => 1, update => 2}], "reserved word");

test 'fetch filter';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    twice       => sub { $_[0] * 2 },
    three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3 }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->filter({$key1 => 'three_times'});
$row = $result->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 2}, "default_fetch_filter and filter");

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(column => [$key1, $key1, $key2], table => $table1);
$result->filter({$key1 => 'three_times'});
$row = $result->fetch_first;
is_deeply($row, [3, 3, 2], "default_fetch_filter and filter");

test 'filters';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->new;

   'あ', "decode_utf8");

   encode_utf8('あ'), "encode_utf8");

test 'transaction1';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
ok(! $result->fetch_first, "rollback");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
$dbi->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
is_deeply(scalar $result->all, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}],

test 'execute';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    local $Carp::Verbose = 0;
    eval{$dbi->execute("select * frm $table1")};
    like($@, qr/\Qselect * frm $table1/, "fail prepare");
    like($@, qr/\.t /, "fail : not verbose");
    local $Carp::Verbose = 1;
    eval{$dbi->execute("select * frm $table1")};
    like($@, qr/Custom.*\.t /s, "fail : verbose");

$query = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 where $key1 = :$key1", {}, query => 1);
eval{$dbi->execute($query, {$key1 => {a => 1}})};
ok($@, "execute fail");

test 'transaction2';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };


eval {
    $dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
    die "Error";
    $dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);

$dbi->rollback if $@;

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [], "rollback");


eval {
    $dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
    $dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);

$dbi->commit unless $@;

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], "commit");

$dbi->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
eval{ $dbi->begin_work };
ok($@, "exception");
$dbi->dbh->{AutoCommit} = 1;

test 'execute';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    local $Carp::Verbose = 0;
    eval{$dbi->execute("select * frm $table1")};
    like($@, qr/\Qselect * frm $table1/, "fail prepare");
    like($@, qr/\.t /, "fail : not verbose");
    local $Carp::Verbose = 1;
    eval{$dbi->execute("select * frm $table1")};
    like($@, qr/Custom.*\.t /s, "fail : verbose");

$query = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 where $key1 = :$key1", {}, query => 1);
eval{$dbi->execute($query, {$key1 => {a => 1}})};
ok($@, "execute fail");

test 'helper';
    one => sub { 1 }
    two => sub { 2 }
    twice => sub {
        my $self = shift;
        return $_[0] * 2;

is($dbi->one, 1, "first");
is($dbi->two, 2, "second");
is($dbi->twice(5), 10 , "second");

eval {$dbi->XXXXXX};
ok($@, "not exists");

test 'out filter';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->register_filter(three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3});
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$row   = $result->fetch_hash_first;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, "insert");
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$row   = $result->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, "insert");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->register_filter(three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3});
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$row   = $result->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, "insert");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2},table => $table1, filter => {$key1 => undef});
$dbi->update({$key1 => 2}, table => $table1, where => {$key2 => 2});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$row   = $result->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}, "update");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, filter => {$key1=> undef});
$dbi->delete(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 2});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [], "delete");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, filter => {$key1 => undef});
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 2});
$result->filter({$key2 => 'twice'});
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 2, $key2 => 4}], "select");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, filter => {$key1 => undef});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 where $key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2",
                        {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2},
                        table => [$table1]);
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}], "execute");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, filter => {$key1 => undef});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 where $key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2",
                        {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}], "execute table tag");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->register_filter(three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3 });
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 5, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, filter => {$key2 => undef});
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 5, $key3 => 6}, table => $table2, filter => {$key3 => undef});
$result = $dbi->select(
     table => $table1,
     column => [$key2, $key3],
     where => {"$table1.$key2" => 2, "$table2.$key3" => 6},
     join => "inner join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"
$result->filter({$key2 => 'twice'});
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key2 => 4, $key3 => 6}], "select : join");

$result = $dbi->select(
     table => $table1,
     column => [$key2, $key3, "$table2.$key3 as ${table2}_$key3"],
     where => {$key2 => 2, $key3 => 6},
     join => "inner join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"

$result->filter({$key2 => 'twice'});
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key2 => 4, $key3 => 6, "${table2}_$key3" => 6}], "select : join : omit");

test 'connect super';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->new;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);

test 'filter';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->filter($key1 => sub { $_[0] * 2 }, $key2 => sub { $_[0] * 4 });
$row = $result->fetch_first;
is_deeply($row, [2, 8]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(column => [$key1, $key1, $key2], table => $table1);
$result->filter($key1 => sub { $_[0] * 2 }, $key2 => sub { $_[0] * 4 });
$row = $result->fetch_first;
is_deeply($row, [2, 2, 8]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->filter([$key1, $key2] => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$row = $result->fetch_first;
is_deeply($row, [2, 4]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->filter([[$key1, $key2] => sub { $_[0] * 2 }]);
$row = $result->fetch_first;
is_deeply($row, [2, 4]);

$dbi->register_filter(five_times => sub { $_[0] * 5 });
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->filter($key1 => sub { $_[0] * 2 }, $key2 => sub { $_[0] * 4 });
$row = $result->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 8});

$dbi->register_filter(five_times => sub { $_[0] * 5 });
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->filter($key1 => sub { $_[0] * 2 }, $key2 => sub { $_[0] * 4 });
$row = $result->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 8}, 'apply_filter');

test 'empty where select';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1, where => {});
$row = $result->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});

test 'select query option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$query = $dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1, query => 1);
is(ref $query, 'HASH');
$query = $dbi->update({$key2 => 2}, table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1}, query => 1);
is(ref $query, 'HASH');
$query = $dbi->delete(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1}, query => 1);
is(ref $query, 'HASH');
$query = $dbi->select(table => $table1, where => {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, query => 1);
is(ref $query, 'HASH');

test 'where';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$where = $dbi->where->clause(['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"]);
is("$where", "where ( $key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2 )", 'no param');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"])
             ->param({$key1 => 1});

$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        ['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"],
        {$key1 => 1}
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"])
             ->param({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"])
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and', ['or', "$key1 > :$key1", "$key1 < :$key1"], "$key2 = :$key2"])
             ->param({$key1 => [0, 3], $key2 => 2});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

eval {
$where = $dbi->where
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where

$where = $dbi->where;
is("$where", '');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 2])
             ->param({$key1 => [1, 3]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 2])
             ->param({$key1 => [1]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 2])
             ->param({$key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause("$key1 = :$key1")
             ->param({$key1 => 1});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 3])
             ->param({$key1 => [$dbi->not_exists, 1, 3]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 3])
             ->param({$key1 => [1, $dbi->not_exists, 3]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 3])
             ->param({$key1 => [1, 3, $dbi->not_exists]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 3])
             ->param({$key1 => [1, $dbi->not_exists, $dbi->not_exists]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 3])
             ->param({$key1 => [$dbi->not_exists, 1, $dbi->not_exists]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 3])
             ->param({$key1 => [$dbi->not_exists, $dbi->not_exists, 1]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 3])
             ->param({$key1 => [$dbi->not_exists, $dbi->not_exists, $dbi->not_exists]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['or', ("$key1 = :$key1") x 3])
             ->param({$key1 => []});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and', ":${key1}{>}", ":${key1}{<}" ])
             ->param({$key1 => [2, $dbi->not_exists]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and', ":${key1}{>}", ":${key1}{<}" ])
             ->param({$key1 => [$dbi->not_exists, 2]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and', ":${key1}{>}", ":${key1}{<}" ])
             ->param({$key1 => [$dbi->not_exists, $dbi->not_exists]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2},{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and', ":${key1}{>}", ":${key1}{<}" ])
             ->param({$key1 => [0, 2]});
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}], 'not_exists');

$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and',"$key1 is not null", "$key2 is not null" ]);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}], 'not_exists');

eval {$dbi->where(ppp => 1) };
like($@, qr/invalid/);

$where = $dbi->where(
    clause => ['and', ['or'], ['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = :$key2"]],
    param => {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where(
    clause => ['and', ['or'], ['or', ":$key1", ":$key2"]],
    param => {}
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where,
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', ":${key1}{=}"]);
$where->param({$key1 => undef});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => 1});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['or', ":${key1}{=}", ":${key1}{=}"]);
$where->param({$key1 => [undef, undef]});
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => [1, 0]});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => [0, 1]});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => '00:00:00'}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => '3'}, table => $table1);
$where = $dbi->where
             ->clause(['and', "$key1 = :$key1", "$key2 = '00:00:00'"])
             ->param({$key1 => 1});

$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => $where
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => '00:00:00'}]);

test 'table not specify exception';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval {$dbi->select};
like($@, qr/table/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1, where => {$key2 => 2})->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1, where => {$key2 => 2})->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$dbi->helper({one => sub { 1 }});
is($dbi->one, 1);

eval{DBIx::Custom::Next->connect(dsn => undef)};
like($@, qr/_connect/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(twice => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1,
             filter => {$key1 => 'twice'});
$row = $dbi->select(table => $table1)->one;
is_deeply($row, {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2});
eval {$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1,
             filter => {$key1 => 'no'}) };
like($@, qr//);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(one => sub { 1 });
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
eval {$result->filter($key1 => 'no')};
like($@, qr/not registered/);

test 'option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect(option => {PrintError => 1});
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect(option => {PrintError => 1});
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect(option => {PrintError => 1});

test 'DBIx::Custom::Next::Result stash()';
$result = DBIx::Custom::Next::Result->new;
is_deeply($result->stash, {}, 'default');
$result->stash->{foo} = 1;
is($result->stash->{foo}, 1, 'get and set');

test 'delete';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id => [1, 2],
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table1)->all, []);

$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => $key1,
    id => 1,
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table1)->all, []);

test 'insert';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    {$key3 => 3},
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2], 
    table => $table1,
    id => [1, 2],
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    {$key2 => 2, $key3 => 3},
    primary_key => $key1, 
    table => $table1,
    id => 1,

is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    {$key3 => 3},
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2], 
    table => $table1,
    id => [1, 2],
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 3);

test 'update';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    {$key3 => 4},
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id => [1, 2],
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 4);

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    {$key3 => 4},
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => $key1,
    id => 1,
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 4);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    {$key3 => 4},
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id=> [1, 2]
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 4);

test 'select';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id => [1, 2]
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => $key1,
    id => 1,
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id => [1, 2]
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

test 'model delete';
$dbi = MyDBI6->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table3") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$dbi->model($table1)->delete(id => [1, 2]);
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table1)->all, []);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table2);
$dbi->model($table1)->delete(id => [1, 2]);
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table1)->all, []);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table3);
$dbi->model($table3)->delete(id => [1, 2]);
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table3)->all, []);

test 'model insert';
$dbi = MyDBI6->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    {$key3 => 3},
    id => [1, 2],
$result = $dbi->model($table1)->select;
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

test 'model update';
$dbi = MyDBI6->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    {$key3 => 4},
    id => [1, 2],
$result = $dbi->model($table1)->select;
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 4);

test 'model select';
$dbi = MyDBI6->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->model($table1)->select(id => [1, 2]);
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

test 'mycolumn and column';
$dbi = MyDBI7->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3}, table => $table2);
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$result = $model->select(
    column => [$model->mycolumn, $model->column($table2)],
    where => {"$table1.$key1" => 1}
          {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, "${table2}__$key1" => 1, "${table2}__$key3" => 3});

test 'values_clause';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2};
$values_clause = $dbi->values_clause($param);
$sql = <<"EOS";
insert into $table1 $values_clause
$dbi->execute($sql, $param, table => $table1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2};
$values_clause = $dbi->values_clause($param);
$sql = <<"EOS";
insert into $table1 $values_clause
$dbi->execute($sql, $param, table => $table1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);

test 'mycolumn';
$dbi = MyDBI8->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3}, table => $table2);
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$result = $model->select(
    column => [
          {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, "$table2.$key1" => 1, "$table2.$key3" => 3});

$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        $model->column($table2 => [$key1])
          {$key1 => 1, "$table2.$key1" => 1});
$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        {$table2 => [$key1]}
          {$key1 => 1, "$table2.$key1" => 1});

$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        "$table2.$key1 as " . $dbi->q("$table2.$key1")
          {$key1 => 1, "$table2.$key1" => 1});

$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        "$table2.$key1 as " . $dbi->q("$table2.$key1")
          {$key1 => 1, "$table2.$key1" => 1});

test 'merge_param';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->new;
$params = [
    {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3},
    {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2},
    {$key1 => 1}
$param = $dbi->merge_param($params->[0], $params->[1], $params->[2]);
is_deeply($param, {$key1 => [1, 1, 1], $key2 => [2, 2], $key3 => 3});

$params = [
    {$key1 => [1, 2], $key2 => 1, $key3 => [1, 2]},
    {$key1 => [3, 4], $key2 => [2, 3], $key3 => 3}
$param = $dbi->merge_param($params->[0], $params->[1]);
is_deeply($param, {$key1 => [1, 2, 3, 4], $key2 => [1, 2, 3], $key3 => [1, 2, 3]});

test 'select() param option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 4}, table => $table2);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key3 => 5}, table => $table2);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => "$table1.$key1 as ${table1}_$key1, $key2, $key3",
    where   => {"$table1.$key2" => 3},
    join  => ["inner join (select * from $table2 where :$table2.${key3}{=})" . 
              " $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"],
    param => {"$table2.$key3" => 5}
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table1}_$key1" => 2, $key2 => 3, $key3 => 5}]);

$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => "$table1.$key1 as ${table1}_$key1, $key2, $key3",
    where   => {"$table1.$key2" => 3},
    join  => "inner join (select * from $table2 where :$table2.${key3}{=})" . 
             " $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1",
    param => {"$table2.$key3" => 5}
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table1}_$key1" => 2, $key2 => 3, $key3 => 5}]);

test 'select() string where';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        "$key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2",
        {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        "$key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2",
        {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        "$key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2",
        {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

test 'delete() string where';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        "$key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2",
        {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        "$key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2",
         {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}]);

test 'update() string where';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
    {$key1 => 5},
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        "$key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2",
        {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 5, $key2 => 2}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
    {$key1 => 5},
    table => $table1,
    where => [
        "$key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$key2",
        {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}
$rows = $dbi->select(table => $table1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 5, $key2 => 2}]);

test 'insert id and primary_key option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    {$key3 => 3},
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2], 
    table => $table1,
    id => [1, 2],
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
    {$key2 => 2, $key3 => 3},
    primary_key => $key1, 
    table => $table1,
    id => 0,

is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 0);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    {$key3 => 3},
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2], 
    table => $table1,
    id => 1,
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
ok(!$dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2});
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    {$key3 => 3},
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2], 
    table => $table1,
    id => [1, 2],
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key3 => 3, $key2 => 4};
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2], 
    table => $table1,
    id => [1, 2],
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 4);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 3);
is_deeply($param, {$key3 => 3, $key2 => 4});

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$param = {$key3 => 3, $key2 => 4};
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2], 
    table => $table1,
    id => [1, 2],
    query => 1
is(ref $query, 'HASH');
is_deeply($param, {$key3 => 3, $key2 => 4});

test 'model insert id and primary_key option';
$dbi = MyDBI6->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    {$key3 => 3},
    id => [1, 2],
$result = $dbi->model($table1)->select;
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi = MyDBI6->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    {$key3 => 3},
    id => [1, 2]
$result = $dbi->model($table1)->select;
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

test 'update and id option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    {$key3 => 4},
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id => [1, 2],
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 4);

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 0, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    {$key3 => 4},
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => $key1,
    id => 0,
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 0);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 4);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    {$key3 => 4},
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id => [1, 2]
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key1}, 1);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key2}, 2);
is($dbi->select(table => $table1)->one->{$key3}, 4);

test 'model update and id option';
$dbi = MyDBI6->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    {$key3 => 4},
    id => [1, 2],
$result = $dbi->model($table1)->select;
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 4);

test 'delete and id option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id => [1, 2],
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table1)->all, []);

$dbi->insert({$key1 => 0, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => $key1,
    id => 0,
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table1)->all, []);

test 'model delete and id option';
$dbi = MyDBI6->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table3") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$dbi->model($table1)->delete(id => [1, 2]);
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table1)->all, []);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table2);
$dbi->model($table1)->delete(id => [1, 2]);
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table1)->all, []);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table3);
$dbi->model($table3)->delete(id => [1, 2]);
is_deeply($dbi->select(table => $table3)->all, []);

test 'select and id option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id => [1, 2]
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 0, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => $key1,
    id => 0,
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 0);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

$dbi->delete_all(table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    primary_key => [$key1, $key2],
    id => [1, 2]
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

test 'model select';
$dbi = MyDBI6->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->model($table1)->select(id => [1, 2]);
$row = $result->one;
is($row->{$key1}, 1);
is($row->{$key2}, 2);
is($row->{$key3}, 3);

test 'column separator is default .';
$dbi = MyDBI7->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3}, table => $table2);
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$result = $model->select(
    column => [$model->column($table2)],
    where => {"$table1.$key1" => 1}
          {"$table2.$key1" => 1, "$table2.$key3" => 3});

$result = $model->select(
    column => [$model->column($table2 => [$key1, $key3])],
    where => {"$table1.$key1" => 1}
          {"$table2.$key1" => 1, "$table2.$key3" => 3});

test 'separator';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };

    table => $table1,
    join => [
       "left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"
    primary_key => [$key1],
$model2 = $dbi->create_model(
    table => $table2,
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3}, table => $table2);
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        {$table2 => [$key1, $key3]}
    where => {"$table1.$key1" => 1}
          {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, "$table2.$key1" => 1, "$table2.$key3" => 3});
is_deeply($model2->select->one, {$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3});

$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        {$table2 => [$key1, $key3]}
    where => {"$table1.$key1" => 1}
          {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, "${table2}__$key1" => 1, "${table2}__$key3" => 3});
is_deeply($model2->select->one, {$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3});

$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        {$table2 => [$key1, $key3]}
    where => {"$table1.$key1" => 1}
          {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, "$table2-$key1" => 1, "$table2-$key3" => 3});
is_deeply($model2->select->one, {$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3});

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };

    table => $table1,
    join => [
       "left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"
    primary_key => [$key1],
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$result = $model->select(column => $key1);
$result->filter($key1 => sub { $_[0] * 2 });
is_deeply($result->one, {$key1 => 2});

test 'available_datetype';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;

test 'select prefix option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$rows = $dbi->select(prefix => "$key1,", column => $key2, table => $table1)->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}], "table");

test 'mapper';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => 1, author => 'Ken', price => 1900})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    author => ["$table1.author" => sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }],
    price => {key => "$table1.price", condition => sub { $_[0] eq 1900 }}
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.id" => 1, "$table1.author" => '%Ken%',
  "$table1.price" => 1900});

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => 1, author => 'Ken', price => 1900})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    author => ["$table1.author" => $dbi->like_value],
    price => {key => "$table1.price", condition => sub { $_[0] eq 1900 }}
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.id" => 1, "$table1.author" => '%Ken%',
  "$table1.price" => 1900});

$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => 0, author => 0, price => 0})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    author => ["$table1.author" => sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }],
    price => ["$table1.price", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }, sub { $_[0] eq 0 }]
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.id" => 0, "$table1.author" => '%0%', "$table1.price" => '%0%'});

$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => '', author => '', price => ''})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    author => ["$table1.author" => sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }],
    price => ["$table1.price", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }, sub { $_[0] eq 1 }]
is_deeply($param, {});

$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => undef, author => undef, price => undef})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    price => {key => "$table1.price", condition => 'exists'}
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.price" => undef});

$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {price => 'a'})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id", condition => 'exists'},
    price => ["$table1.price", sub { '%' . $_[0] }, 'exists']
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.price" => '%a'});

$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {price => 'a'}, condition => 'exists')->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    price => ["$table1.price", sub { '%' . $_[0] }]
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.price" => '%a'});

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);

$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', ":${key1}{=}"]);
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {$key1 => undef}, condition => 'defined')->map;
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => 1});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['or', ":${key1}{=}", ":${key1}{=}"]);
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {$key1 => [undef, undef]}, condition => 'exists')->map;
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => [1, 0]});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => [0, 1]});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', ":${key1}{=}"]);
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {$key1 => [undef, undef]}, condition => 'defined')->map;
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => [1, 0]});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => [0, 1]});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', ":${key1}{=}"]);
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {$key1 => 0}, condition => 'length')
  ->pass([$key1, $key2])->map;
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => 1});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', ":${key1}{=}"]);
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {$key1 => ''}, condition => 'length')->map;
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => 1});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', ":${key1}{=}"]);
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {$key1 => 5}, condition => sub { ($_[0] || '') eq 5 })
  ->pass([$key1, $key2])->map;
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => 1});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$where->clause(['and', ":${key1}{=}"]);
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {$key1 => 7}, condition => sub { ($_[0] || '') eq 5 })->map;
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 $where", {$key1 => 1});
$row = $result->all;
is_deeply($row, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

$where = $dbi->where;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => 1, author => 'Ken', price => 1900})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    author => ["$table1.author", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }],
    price => {key => "$table1.price", condition => sub { $_[0] eq 1900 }}
is_deeply($where->param, {"$table1.id" => 1, "$table1.author" => '%Ken%',
  "$table1.price" => 1900});

$where = $dbi->where;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => 0, author => 0, price => 0})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    author => ["$table1.author", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }],
    price => ["$table1.price", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }, sub { $_[0] eq 0 }]
is_deeply($where->param, {"$table1.id" => 0, "$table1.author" => '%0%', "$table1.price" => '%0%'});

$where = $dbi->where;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => '', author => '', price => ''})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    author => ["$table1.author", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }],
    price => ["$table1.price", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }, sub { $_[0] eq 1 }]
is_deeply($where->param, {});

$where = $dbi->where;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => undef, author => undef, price => undef}, condition => 'exists')->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    price => {key => "$table1.price", condition => 'exists'}
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.id"  => undef,"$table1.price" => undef});

$where = $dbi->where;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {price => 'a'})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id", condition => 'exists'},
    price => ["$table1.price", sub { '%' . $_[0] }, 'exists']
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.price" => '%a'});

$where = $dbi->where;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => [1, 2], author => 'Ken', price => 1900})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    author => ["$table1.author", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }],
    price => {key => "$table1.price", condition => sub { $_[0] eq 1900 }}
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.id" => [1, 2], "$table1.author" => '%Ken%',
  "$table1.price" => 1900});

$where = $dbi->where;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => ['', ''], author => 'Ken', price => 1900}, condition => 'length')->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id"},
    author => ["$table1.author", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }],
    price => {key => "$table1.price", condition => sub { $_[0] eq 1900 }}
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.id" => [$dbi->not_exists, $dbi->not_exists], "$table1.author" => '%Ken%',
  "$table1.price" => 1900});

$where = $dbi->where;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => ['', ''], author => 'Ken', price => 1900})->map(
    id => {key => "$table1.id", condition => 'length'},
    author => ["$table1.author", sub { '%' . $_[0] . '%' }, 'defined'],
    price => {key => "$table1.price", condition => sub { $_[0] eq 1900 }}
is_deeply($param, {"$table1.id" => [$dbi->not_exists, $dbi->not_exists], "$table1.author" => '%Ken%',
  "$table1.price" => 1900});

$where = $dbi->where;
$param = $dbi->mapper(param => {id => 'a', author => 'b', price => 'c'}, pass => [qw/id author/])
  ->map(price => {key => 'book.price'});
is_deeply($param, {id => 'a', author => 'b', 'book.price' => 'c'});

test 'order';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 1}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
my $order = $dbi->order;
$order->prepend($key1, "$key2 desc");
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1, append => $order);
is_deeply($result->all, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 3}, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 1},
  {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 4}, {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2}]);
$order->prepend("$key1 desc");
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1, append => $order);
is_deeply($result->all, [{$key1 => 2, $key2 => 4}, {$key1 => 2, $key2 => 2},
  {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 3}, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 1}]);

$order = $dbi->order;
$order->prepend($dbi->q("$table1-$key1"), $dbi->q("$table1-$key2") . ' desc');
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1,
  column => ["$key1 as " . $dbi->q("$table1-$key1"), "$key2 as " . $dbi->q("$table1-$key2")],
  append => $order);
is_deeply($result->all, [{"$table1-$key1" => 1, "$table1-$key2" => 3},
  {"$table1-$key1" => 1, "$table1-$key2" => 1},
  {"$table1-$key1" => 2, "$table1-$key2" => 4},
  {"$table1-$key1" => 2, "$table1-$key2" => 2}]);

test 'last_sql';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->execute("select * from $table1");
is($dbi->last_sql, "select * from $table1");

is($dbi->last_sql, 'aaa');

test 'DBIx::Custom::Next header';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$result = $dbi->execute("select $key1 as h1, $key2 as h2 from $table1");
is_deeply([map { lc } @{$result->header}], [qw/h1 h2/]);

test 'Named placeholder :name(operater) syntax';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);

$source = "select * from $table1 where :${key1}{=} and :${key2}{=}";
$result = $dbi->execute($source, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}]);

$source = "select * from $table1 where :${key1}{ = } and :${key2}{=}";
$result = $dbi->execute($source, {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}]);

$source = "select * from $table1 where :${key1}{<} and :${key2}{=}";
$result = $dbi->execute($source, {$key1 => 5, $key2 => 2});
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}]);

$source = "select * from $table1 where :$table1.${key1}{=} and :$table1.${key2}{=}";
$result = $dbi->execute(
    {"$table1.$key1" => 1, "$table1.$key2" => 1},
    filter => {"$table1.$key2" => sub { $_[0] * 2 }}
$rows = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}]);

eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$model = $dbi->create_model(table => $table1, primary_key => $key1);
$model->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2});
$model = $dbi->create_model(table => $table2, primary_key => $key1,
    join => ["left outer join $table1 on $table2.$key1 = $table1.$key1"]);
$model->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3});
$result = $model->select(
    column => {$table1 => ["$key2"]},
    id => 1
is_deeply($result->all, [{"$table1.$key2" => 2}]);

test 'result';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
@rows = ();
while (my $row = $result->fetch) {
    push @rows, [@$row];
is_deeply(\@rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]]);

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
@rows = ();
while (my $row = $result->fetch_hash) {
    push @rows, {%$row};
is_deeply(\@rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);

test 'fetch_all';
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$rows = $result->fetch_all;
is_deeply($rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]]);

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->dbi->filters({three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3}});
$result->filter({$key1 => 'three_times'});
$rows = $result->fetch_all;
is_deeply($rows, [[3, 2], [9, 4]], "array");

$result = $dbi->select(column => [$key1, $key1, $key2], table => $table1);
$result->dbi->filters({three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3}});
$result->filter({$key1 => 'three_times'});
$rows = $result->fetch_all;
is_deeply($rows, [[3, 3, 2], [9, 9, 4]], "array");

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->dbi->filters({three_times => sub { $_[0] * 3}});
$result->filter({$key1 => 'three_times'});
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 3, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 9, $key2 => 4}], "hash");

test 'DBIx::Custom::Next::Result fetch_multi';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 5, $key2 => 6}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$rows = $result->fetch_multi(2);
is_deeply($rows, [[1, 2], [3, 4]]);
$rows = $result->fetch_multi(2);
is_deeply($rows, [[5, 6]]);
$rows = $result->fetch_multi(2);

test 'DBIx::Custom::Next::Result fetch_hash_multi';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 5, $key2 => 6}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_multi(2);
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, {$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}]);
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_multi(2);
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 5, $key2 => 6}]);
$rows = $result->fetch_hash_multi(2);

test 'select() after_build_sql option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => $key1,
    after_build_sql => sub {
        my $sql = shift;
        $sql = "select * from ( $sql ) t where $key1 = 1";
        return $sql;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1}]);

test 'select() after_build_sql option';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 2, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => $key1,
    after_build_sql => sub {
        my $sql = shift;
        $sql = "select * from ( $sql ) t where $key1 = 1";
        return $sql;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1}]);

test 'dbi helper from model';
$dbi = MyDBI9->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
eval{$model->execute("select * from $table1")};

test 'column table option';
$dbi = MyDBI9->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->execute("insert into $table1 ($key1, $key2) values (1, 2)");
$dbi->execute("insert into $table2 ($key1, $key3) values (1, 4)");
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        $model->column($table2, {alias => $table2_alias})
    where => {"$table2_alias.$key3" => 4}
          {"$table2_alias.$key1" => 1, "$table2_alias.$key3" => 4});

$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        $model->column($table2, {alias => $table2_alias})
    where => {"$table2_alias.$key3" => 4}
          {"${table2_alias}__$key1" => 1, "${table2_alias}__$key3" => 4});

$result = $model->select(
    column => [
        $model->column($table2, {alias => $table2_alias})
    where => {"$table2_alias.$key3" => 4}
          {"$table2_alias-$key1" => 1, "$table2_alias-$key3" => 4});

test 'create_model';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };

    table => $table1,
    join => [
       "left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"
    primary_key => [$key1]
$model2 = $dbi->create_model(
    table => $table2
    table => $table3,
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3}, table => $table2);
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$result = $model->select(
    column => [$model->mycolumn, $model->column($table2)],
    where => {"$table1.$key1" => 1}
          {$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, "$table2.$key1" => 1, "$table2.$key3" => 3});
is_deeply($model2->select->one, {$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3});

test 'model helper';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3}, table => $table2);
$model = $dbi->create_model(
    table => $table2
$model->helper(foo => sub { shift->select(@_) });
is_deeply($model->foo->one, {$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3});

test 'model helper';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3}, table => $table2);
$model = $dbi->create_model(
    table => $table2
$model->helper(foo => sub { shift->select(@_) });
is_deeply($model->foo->one, {$key1 => 1, $key3 => 3});

test 'assign_clause';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);

$param = {$key2 => 11};
$assign_clause = $dbi->assign_clause($param);
$sql = <<"EOS";
update $table1 set $assign_clause
where $key1 = 1
$dbi->execute($sql, $param);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1", {}, table => $table1);
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);

$param = {$key2 => 11, $key3 => 33};
$assign_clause = $dbi->assign_clause($param);
$sql = <<"EOS";
update $table1 set $assign_clause
where $key1 = 1
$dbi->execute($sql, $param);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1", {}, table => $table1);
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 33, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);

$param = {$key2 => 11, $key3 => 33};
$assign_clause = $dbi->assign_clause($param);
$sql = <<"EOS";
update $table1 set $assign_clause
where $key1 = 1
$dbi->execute($sql, $param);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1", {}, table => $table1);
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 33, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],
                  "update param no_set");

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7, $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}, table => $table1);

$param = {$key2 => 11};
$assign_clause = $dbi->assign_clause($param);
$sql = <<"EOS";
update $table1 set $assign_clause
where $key1 = 1
$dbi->execute($sql, $param, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

$param = {$key2 => 11};
$assign_clause = $dbi->assign_clause($param);
$sql = <<"EOS";
update $table1 set $assign_clause
where $key1 = 1
$dbi->execute($sql, $param, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->execute("select * from $table1 order by $key1");
$rows   = $result->all;
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 11, $key3 => 3, $key4 => 4, $key5 => 5},
                  {$key1 => 6, $key2 => 7,  $key3 => 8, $key4 => 9, $key5 => 10}],

test 'Model class';
$dbi = MyDBI1->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$model->insert({$key1 => 'a', $key2 => 'b'});
is_deeply($model->list->all, [{$key1 => 'a', $key2 => 'b'}], 'basic');
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$model = $dbi->model($table2);
$model->insert({$key1 => 'a'});
is_deeply($model->list->all, [{$key1 => 'a', $key3 => undef}], 'basic');
is($dbi->models->{$table1}, $dbi->model($table1));
is($dbi->models->{$table2}, $dbi->model($table2));

$dbi = MyDBI4->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$model->insert({$key1 => 'a', $key2 => 'b'});
is_deeply($model->list->all, [{$key1 => 'a', $key2 => 'b'}], 'basic');
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$model = $dbi->model($table2);
$model->insert({$key1 => 'a'});
is_deeply($model->list->all, [{$key1 => 'a', $key3 => undef}], 'basic');

$dbi = MyDBI5->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$model = $dbi->model($table2);
$model->insert({$key1 => 'a'});
is_deeply($model->list->all, [{$key1 => 'a', $key3 => undef}], 'include all model');
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1}, table => $table1);
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
is_deeply($model->list->all, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => undef}], 'include all model');

test 'primary_key';
$dbi = MyDBI1->connect;
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$model->primary_key([$key1, $key2]);
is_deeply($model->primary_key, [$key1, $key2]);

test 'columns';
$dbi = MyDBI1->connect;
$model = $dbi->model($table1);
$model->columns([$key1, $key2]);
is_deeply($model->columns, [$key1, $key2]);

test 'setup_model';
$dbi = MyDBI1->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };

is_deeply([sort @{$dbi->model($table1)->columns}], [$key1, $key2]);
is_deeply([sort @{$dbi->model($table2)->columns}], [$key1, $key3]);

test 'each_column';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table ${q}table$p") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table3") };

$infos = [];
$dbi->each_column(sub {
    my ($self, $table, $column, $cinfo) = @_;
    if ($table =~ /^table\d/i) {
         my $info = [$table, $column, $cinfo->{COLUMN_NAME}];
         push @$infos, $info;
$infos = [sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @$infos];
        [$table1, $key1, $key1],
        [$table1, $key2, $key2],
        [$table2, $key1, $key1],
        [$table2, $key3, $key3]

test 'each_table';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };

$infos = [];
$dbi->each_table(sub {
    my ($self, $table, $table_info) = @_;
    if ($table =~ /^table\d/i) {
         my $info = [$table, $table_info->{TABLE_NAME}];
         push @$infos, $info;
$infos = [sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @$infos];
        [$table1, $table1],
        [$table2, $table2],

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };

$infos = [];
$dbi->each_table(sub {
    my ($self, $table, $table_info) = @_;
    if ($table =~ /^table\d/i) {
         my $info = [$table, $table_info->{TABLE_NAME}];
         push @$infos, $info;
$infos = [sort { $a->[0] cmp $b->[0] || $a->[1] cmp $b->[1] } @$infos];
        [$table1, $table1],
        [$table2, $table2],
        [$table3, $table3],

test 'type_rule into';
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$user_column_info = $dbi->get_column_info(exclude_table => $dbi->exclude_table);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };

    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { '2010-' . $_[0] }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '01-01'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->one->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-01/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    into1 => [
         [$date_typename, $datetime_typename] => sub {
            my $value = shift;
            $value =~ s/02/03/g;
            return $value;
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-02', $key2 => '2010-01-01 01:01:02'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$row = $result->one;
like($row->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-03/);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^2010-01-01 01:01:03/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03', $key2 => '2010-01-01 01:01:03'}, table => $table1);
    into1 => [
        [$date_typename, $datetime_typename] => sub {
            my $value = shift;
            $value =~ s/02/03/g;
            return $value;
$result = $dbi->execute(
    "select * from $table1 where $key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$table1.$key2",
    {$key1 => '2010-01-03', "$table1.$key2" => '2010-01-01 01:01:02'}
$row = $result->one;
like($row->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-03/);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^2010-01-01 01:01:03/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03', $key2 => '2010-01-01 01:01:03'}, table => $table1);
    into1 => [
        [$date_typename, $datetime_typename] => sub {
            my $value = shift;
            $value =~ s/02/03/g;
            return $value;
$result = $dbi->execute(
    "select * from $table1 where $key1 = :$key1 and $key2 = :$table1.$key2",
    {$key1 => '2010-01-02', "$table1.$key2" => '2010-01-01 01:01:02'},
    table => $table1
$row = $result->one;
like($row->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-03/);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/2010-01-01 01:01:03/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(convert => sub {
    my $value = shift || '';
    $value =~ s/02/03/;
    return $value;
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => 'convert',
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => 'convert',
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-02-02'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->fetch->[0], qr/^2010-03-03/);
$result = $dbi->select(column => [$key1, $key1], table => $table1);
$row = $result->fetch;
like($row->[0], qr/^2010-03-03/);
like($row->[1], qr/^2010-03-03/);

test 'type_rule and filter order';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/4/5/; return $v }
    into2 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/5/6/; return $v }
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/6/7/; return $v }
    from2 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/7/8/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, 
  table => $table1, filter => {$key1 => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }});
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->filter($key1 => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/8/9/; return $v });
like($result->fetch_first->[0], qr/^2010-01-09/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
    from2 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/4/5/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/6/; return $v }
    from2 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/6/8/; return $v }
$result->filter($key1 => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/8/9/; return $v });
like($result->fetch_first->[0], qr/^2010-01-09/);

test 'type_rule_off';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v }
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1, type_rule_off => 1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1, type_rule_off => 1);
like($result->type_rule_off->fetch->[0], qr/^2010-01-03/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1, type_rule_off => 1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1, type_rule_off => 1);
like($result->one->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-04/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/4/5/; return $v }
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->one->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-05/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/4/5/; return $v }
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->fetch->[0], qr/2010-01-05/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->register_filter(ppp => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v });
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => 'ppp'
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->one->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-04/);

    into1 => {
        $date_typename => 'pp'
like($@, qr/not registered/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval {
        from1 => {
            Date => sub { $_[0] * 2 },
like($@, qr/lower/);

eval {
        into1 => {
            Date => sub { $_[0] * 2 },
like($@, qr/lower/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/4/5/; return $v }
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->one->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-04/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v },
        $datetime_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03', $key2 => '2010-01-01 01:01:03'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v }
$row = $result->one;
like($row->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-05/);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^2010-01-01 01:01:03/);

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v }
$row = $result->one;
like($row->{$key1}, qr/2010-01-05/);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/2010-01-01 01:01:03/);

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v }
$row = $result->one;
like($row->{$key1}, qr/2010-01-05/);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/2010-01-01 01:01:03/);

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
    from1 => [$date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v }]
$row = $result->one;
like($row->{$key1}, qr/2010-01-05/);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/2010-01-01 01:01:03/);

$dbi->register_filter(five => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v });
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
    from1 => [$date_datatype => 'five']
$row = $result->one;
like($row->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-05/);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^2010-01-01 01:01:03/);

$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
    from1 => [$date_datatype => undef]
$row = $result->one;
like($row->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-03/);
like($row->{$key2}, qr/^2010-01-01 01:01:03/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v },
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->filter($key1 => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/4/5/; return $v });
like($result->one->{$key1}, qr/^2010-01-05/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
$result->filter($key1 => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/4/5/; return $v });
like($result->fetch->[0], qr/^2010-01-05/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
    into2 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v }
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/6/; return $v }
    from2 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/(3|6)/7/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1, type_rule_off => 1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->type_rule_off->fetch_first->[0], qr/^2010-01-03/);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->type_rule_on->fetch_first->[0], qr/^2010-01-07/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
    into2 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v }
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/(3|5)/6/; return $v }
    from2 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/6/7/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1, type_rule1_off => 1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->type_rule1_off->fetch_first->[0], qr/^2010-01-05/);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->type_rule1_on->fetch_first->[0], qr/^2010-01-07/);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
    into1 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/5/; return $v }
    into2 => {
        $date_typename => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/3/4/; return $v }
    from1 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/5/6/; return $v }
    from2 => {
        $date_datatype => sub { my $v = shift || ''; $v =~ s/(3|6)/7/; return $v }
$dbi->insert({$key1 => '2010-01-03'}, table => $table1, type_rule2_off => 1);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->type_rule2_off->fetch_first->[0], qr/^2010-01-06/);
$result = $dbi->select(table => $table1);
like($result->type_rule2_on->fetch_first->[0], qr/^2010-01-07/);

test 'join';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 5}, table => $table2);
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table3") };
$dbi->execute("create table $table3 ($key3 int, $key4 int)");
$dbi->insert({$key3 => 5, $key4 => 4}, table => $table3);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => "$table1.$key1 as ${table1}_$key1, $table2.$key1 as ${table2}_$key1, $key2, $key3",
    where   => {"$table1.$key2" => 2},
    join  => ["left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"]
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table1}_$key1" => 1, "${table2}_$key1" => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 5}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 3, $key2 => 4}, table => $table1);
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 5}, table => $table2);
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table3") };
$dbi->execute("create table $table3 ($key3 int, $key4 int)");
$dbi->insert({$key3 => 5, $key4 => 4}, table => $table3);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => "$table1.$key1 as ${table1}_$key1, $table2.$key1 as ${table2}_$key1, $key2, $key3",
    where   => {"$table1.$key2" => 2},
    join  => {
        clause => "left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1",
        table => [$table1, $table2]
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table1}_$key1" => 1, "${table2}_$key1" => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 5}]);

$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where   => {$key1 => 1},
    join  => ["left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"]
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    where   => {$key1 => 1},
    join  => ["left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1",
              "left outer join $table3 on $table2.$key3 = $table3.$key3"]
is_deeply($rows, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);

$rows = $dbi->select(
    column => "$table3.$key4 as ${table3}__$key4",
    table => $table1,
    where   => {"$table1.$key1" => 1},
    join  => ["left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1",
              "left outer join $table3 on $table2.$key3 = $table3.$key3"]
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table3}__$key4" => 4}]);

$rows = $dbi->select(
    column => "$table1.$key1 as ${table1}__$key1",
    table => $table1,
    where   => {"$table3.$key4" => 4},
    join  => ["left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1",
              "left outer join $table3 on $table2.$key3 = $table3.$key3"]
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table1}__$key1" => 1}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 5}, table => $table2);
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => "${q}$table1$p.${q}$key1$p as ${q}${table1}_$key1$p, ${q}$table2$p.${q}$key1$p as ${q}${table2}_$key1$p, ${q}$key2$p, ${q}$key3$p",
    where   => {"$table1.$key2" => 2},
    join  => ["left outer join ${q}$table2$p on ${q}$table1$p.${q}$key1$p = ${q}$table2$p.${q}$key1$p"],
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table1}_$key1" => 1, "${table2}_$key1" => 1, $key2 => 2, $key3 => 5}],

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$sql = <<"EOS";
left outer join (
  select * from $table1 t1
  where t1.$key2 = (
    select max(t2.$key2) from $table1 t2
    where t1.$key1 = t2.$key1
) $table3 on $table1.$key1 = $table3.$key1
$join = [$sql];
$rows = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => "$table3.$key1 as ${table3}__$key1",
    join  => $join
is_deeply($rows, [{"${table3}__$key1" => 1}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 4}, table => $table2);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 5}, table => $table2);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    join => [
        "left outer join $table2 on $table2.$key2 = '4' and $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"
is_deeply($result->all, [{$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}]);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => [{$table2 => [$key3]}],
    join => [
        "left outer join $table2 on $table2.$key3 = '4' and $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"
is_deeply($result->all, [{"$table2.$key3" => 4}]);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => [{$table2 => [$key3]}],
    join => [
        "left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1 and $table2.$key3 = '4'"
is_deeply($result->all, [{"$table2.$key3" => 4}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 4}, table => $table2);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 5}, table => $table2);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => [{$table2 => [$key3]}],
    join => [
            clause => "left outer join $table2 on $table2.$key3 = '4' and $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1",
            table => [$table1, $table2]
is_deeply($result->all, [{"$table2.$key3" => 4}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 4}, table => $table2);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 1}, table => $table2);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => [{$table2 => [$key3]}],
    join => [
        "left outer join $table2 on $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1 and $table2.$key3 > '3'"
is_deeply($result->all, [{"$table2.$key3" => 4}]);

$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table2") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 4}, table => $table2);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key3 => 1}, table => $table2);
$result = $dbi->select(
    table => $table1,
    column => [{$table2 => [$key3]}],
    join => [
        "left outer join $table2 on $table2.$key3 > '3' and $table1.$key1 = $table2.$key1"
is_deeply($result->all, [{"$table2.$key3" => 4}]);

test 'columns';
$dbi = MyDBI1->connect;
$model = $dbi->model($table1);

test 'count';
$dbi = DBIx::Custom::Next->connect;
eval { $dbi->execute("drop table $table1") };
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 2}, table => $table1);
$dbi->insert({$key1 => 1, $key2 => 3}, table => $table1);
is($dbi->count(table => $table1), 2);
is($dbi->count(table => $table1, where => {$key2 => 2}), 1);
$model = $dbi->create_model(table => $table1);
is($model->count, 2);
