package DBIx::Custom; use Object::Simple -base; our $VERSION = '0.1724'; use 5.008001; use Carp 'croak'; use DBI; use DBIx::Custom::Result; use DBIx::Custom::Query; use DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder; use DBIx::Custom::Where; use DBIx::Custom::Model; use DBIx::Custom::Tag; use DBIx::Custom::Order; use DBIx::Custom::Util qw/_array_to_hash _subname/; use DBIx::Custom::Mapper; use DBIx::Custom::NotExists; use Encode qw/encode encode_utf8 decode_utf8/; use Scalar::Util qw/weaken/; use constant DEBUG => $ENV{DBIX_CUSTOM_DEBUG} || 0; use constant DEBUG_ENCODING => $ENV{DBIX_CUSTOM_DEBUG_ENCODING} || 'UTF-8'; has [qw/connector dsn password quote user exclude_table user_table_info user_column_info/], cache => 0, cache_method => sub { sub { my $self = shift; $self->{_cached} ||= {}; if (@_ > 1) { $self->{_cached}{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } else { return $self->{_cached}{$_[0]}; } } }, dbi_option => sub { {} }, default_dbi_option => sub { { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 } }, filters => sub { { encode_utf8 => sub { encode_utf8($_[0]) }, decode_utf8 => sub { decode_utf8($_[0]) } } }, last_sql => '', models => sub { {} }, query_builder => sub { my $self = shift; my $builder = DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder->new(dbi => $self); weaken $builder->{dbi}; return $builder; }, result_class => 'DBIx::Custom::Result', safety_character => '\w', separator => '.', stash => sub { {} }, tag_parse => 1; sub available_datatype { my $self = shift; my $data_types = ''; foreach my $i (-1000 .. 1000) { my $type_info = $self->dbh->type_info($i); my $data_type = $type_info->{DATA_TYPE}; my $type_name = $type_info->{TYPE_NAME}; $data_types .= "$data_type ($type_name)\n" if defined $data_type; } return "Data Type maybe equal to Type Name" unless $data_types; $data_types = "Data Type (Type name)\n" . $data_types; return $data_types; } sub available_typename { my $self = shift; # Type Names my $type_names = {}; $self->each_column(sub { my ($self, $table, $column, $column_info) = @_; $type_names->{$column_info->{TYPE_NAME}} = 1 if $column_info->{TYPE_NAME}; }); my @output = sort keys %$type_names; unshift @output, "Type Name"; return join "\n", @output; } our $AUTOLOAD; sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; # Method name my ($package, $mname) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w\:]+)\:\:(\w+)$/; # Call method $self->{_methods} ||= {}; if (my $method = $self->{_methods}->{$mname}) { return $self->$method(@_) } elsif ($self->{dbh} && (my $dbh_method = $self->dbh->can($mname))) { $self->dbh->$dbh_method(@_); } else { croak qq{Can't locate object method "$mname" via "$package" } . _subname; } } sub assign_param { my ($self, $param, $opts) = @_; my $wrap = $opts->{wrap} || {}; # Create set tag my @params; my $safety = $self->safety_character; foreach my $column (sort keys %$param) { croak qq{"$column" is not safety column name } . _subname unless $column =~ /^[$safety\.]+$/; my $column_quote = $self->_q($column); $column_quote =~ s/\./$self->_q(".")/e; my $func = $wrap->{$column} || sub { $_[0] }; push @params, ref $param->{$column} eq 'SCALAR' ? "$column_quote = " . ${$param->{$column}} : "$column_quote = " . $func->(":$column"); } my $tag = join(', ', @params); return $tag; } sub column { my $self = shift; my $option = pop if ref $_[-1] eq 'HASH'; my $real_table = shift; my $columns = shift; my $table = $option->{alias} || $real_table; # Columns unless ($columns) { $columns ||= $self->model($real_table)->columns; } # Separator my $separator = $self->separator; # Column clause my @column; $columns ||= []; push @column, $self->_q($table) . "." . $self->_q($_) . " as " . $self->_q("${table}${separator}$_") for @$columns; return join (', ', @column); } sub connect { my $self = ref $_[0] ? shift : shift->new(@_); my $connector = $self->connector; if (!ref $connector && $connector) { require DBIx::Connector; my $dsn = $self->dsn; my $user = $self->user; my $password = $self->password; my $dbi_option = {%{$self->dbi_options}, %{$self->dbi_option}}; my $connector = DBIx::Connector->new($dsn, $user, $password, {%{$self->default_dbi_option} , %$dbi_option}); $self->connector($connector); } # Connect $self->dbh; return $self; } sub count { shift->select(column => 'count(*)', @_)->fetch_first->[0] } sub dbh { my $self = shift; # Set if (@_) { $self->{dbh} = $_[0]; return $self; } # Get else { # From Connction manager if (my $connector = $self->connector) { croak "connector must have dbh() method " . _subname unless ref $connector && $connector->can('dbh'); $self->{dbh} = $connector->dbh; } # Connect $self->{dbh} ||= $self->_connect; # Quote if (!defined $self->reserved_word_quote && !defined $self->quote) { my $driver = $self->_driver; my $quote = $driver eq 'odbc' ? '[]' : $driver eq 'ado' ? '[]' : $driver eq 'mysql' ? '`' : '"'; $self->quote($quote); } return $self->{dbh}; } } sub delete { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Arguments my $table = $args{table} || ''; croak qq{"table" option must be specified. } . _subname unless $table; my $where = delete $args{where} || {}; my $append = delete $args{append}; my $allow_delete_all = delete $args{allow_delete_all}; my $where_param = delete $args{where_param} || {}; my $id = delete $args{id}; my $primary_key = delete $args{primary_key}; croak "update method primary_key option " . "must be specified when id is specified " . _subname if defined $id && !defined $primary_key; $primary_key = [$primary_key] unless ref $primary_key eq 'ARRAY'; my $prefix = delete $args{prefix}; # Where $where = $self->_create_param_from_id($id, $primary_key) if defined $id; my $where_clause = ''; if (ref $where eq 'ARRAY' && !ref $where->[0]) { $where_clause = "where " . $where->[0]; $where_param = $where->[1]; } elsif (ref $where) { $where = $self->_where_to_obj($where); $where_param = keys %$where_param ? $self->merge_param($where_param, $where->param) : $where->param; # String where $where_clause = $where->to_string; } elsif ($where) { $where_clause = "where $where" } croak qq{"where" must be specified } . _subname if $where_clause eq '' && !$allow_delete_all; # Delete statement my @sql; push @sql, "delete"; push @sql, $prefix if defined $prefix; push @sql, "from " . $self->_q($table) . " $where_clause"; push @sql, $append if defined $append; my $sql = join(' ', @sql); # Execute query return $self->execute($sql, $where_param, table => $table, %args); } sub delete_all { shift->delete(allow_delete_all => 1, @_) } sub DESTROY {} sub create_model { my $self = shift; # Arguments my $args = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $args->{dbi} = $self; my $model_class = delete $args->{model_class} || 'DBIx::Custom::Model'; my $model_name = delete $args->{name}; my $model_table = delete $args->{table}; $model_name ||= $model_table; # Create model my $model = $model_class->new($args); weaken $model->{dbi}; $model->name($model_name) unless $model->name; $model->table($model_table) unless $model->table; # Apply filter(DEPRECATED logic) if ($model->{filter}) { my $filter = ref $model->filter eq 'HASH' ? [%{$model->filter}] : $model->filter; $filter ||= []; warn "DBIx::Custom::Model filter method is DEPRECATED!" if @$filter; $self->_apply_filter($model->table, @$filter); } # Set model $self->model($model->name, $model); return $self->model($model->name); } sub each_column { my ($self, $cb, %options) = @_; my $user_column_info = $self->user_column_info; if ($user_column_info) { $self->$cb($_->{table}, $_->{column}, $_->{info}) for @$user_column_info; } else { my $re = $self->exclude_table || $options{exclude_table}; # Tables my %tables; $self->each_table(sub { $tables{$_[1]}++ }); # Iterate all tables my @tables = sort keys %tables; for (my $i = 0; $i < @tables; $i++) { my $table = $tables[$i]; # Iterate all columns my $sth_columns; eval {$sth_columns = $self->dbh->column_info(undef, undef, $table, '%')}; next if $@; while (my $column_info = $sth_columns->fetchrow_hashref) { my $column = $column_info->{COLUMN_NAME}; $self->$cb($table, $column, $column_info); } } } } sub each_table { my ($self, $cb, %option) = @_; my $user_table_infos = $self->user_table_info; # Iterate tables if ($user_table_infos) { $self->$cb($_->{table}, $_->{info}) for @$user_table_infos; } else { my $re = $self->exclude_table || $option{exclude}; my $sth_tables = $self->dbh->table_info; while (my $table_info = $sth_tables->fetchrow_hashref) { # Table my $table = $table_info->{TABLE_NAME}; next if defined $re && $table =~ /$re/; $self->$cb($table, $table_info); } } } our %VALID_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } qw/append after_build_sql allow_delete_all allow_update_all bind_type column filter id join param prefix primary_key query relation sqlfilter table table_alias timestamp type type_rule_off type_rule1_off type_rule2_off wrap/; sub execute { my $self = shift; my $query = shift; my $param; $param = shift if @_ % 2; my %args = @_; # Arguments my $p = delete $args{param} || {}; $param ||= $p; my $tables = delete $args{table} || []; $tables = [$tables] unless ref $tables eq 'ARRAY'; my $filter = delete $args{filter}; $filter = _array_to_hash($filter); my $bind_type = delete $args{bind_type} || delete $args{type}; $bind_type = _array_to_hash($bind_type); my $type_rule_off = delete $args{type_rule_off}; my $type_rule_off_parts = { 1 => delete $args{type_rule1_off}, 2 => delete $args{type_rule2_off} }; my $query_return = delete $args{query}; my $table_alias = delete $args{table_alias} || {}; my $after_build_sql = $args{after_build_sql} || $args{sqlfilter}; warn "sqlfilter option is DEPRECATED" if $args{sqlfilter}; my $id = delete $args{id}; my $primary_key = delete $args{primary_key}; croak "insert method primary_key option " . "must be specified when id is specified " . _subname if defined $id && !defined $primary_key; $primary_key = [$primary_key] unless ref $primary_key eq 'ARRAY'; if (defined $id) { my $id_param = $self->_create_param_from_id($id, $primary_key); $param = $self->merge_param($id_param, $param); } # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{"$name" is wrong option } . _subname unless $VALID_ARGS{$name}; } $query = $self->_create_query($query, $after_build_sql) unless ref $query; # Save query $self->last_sql($query->sql); return $query if $query_return; # DEPRECATED! Merge query filter $filter ||= $query->{filter} || {}; # Tables unshift @$tables, @{$query->{tables} || []}; my $main_table = @{$tables}[-1]; # DEPRECATED! Cleanup tables $tables = $self->_remove_duplicate_table($tables, $main_table) if @$tables > 1; # Type rule my $type_filters = {}; unless ($type_rule_off) { foreach my $i (1, 2) { unless ($type_rule_off_parts->{$i}) { $type_filters->{$i} = {}; foreach my $alias (keys %$table_alias) { my $table = $table_alias->{$alias}; foreach my $column (keys %{$self->{"_into$i"}{key}{$table} || {}}) { $type_filters->{$i}->{"$alias.$column"} = $self->{"_into$i"}{key}{$table}{$column}; } } $type_filters->{$i} = {%{$type_filters->{$i}}, %{$self->{"_into$i"}{key}{$main_table} || {}}} if $main_table; } } } # DEPRECATED! Applied filter if ($self->{filter}{on}) { my $applied_filter = {}; foreach my $table (@$tables) { $applied_filter = { %$applied_filter, %{$self->{filter}{out}->{$table} || {}} } } $filter = {%$applied_filter, %$filter}; } # Replace filter name to code foreach my $column (keys %$filter) { my $name = $filter->{$column}; if (!defined $name) { $filter->{$column} = undef; } elsif (ref $name ne 'CODE') { croak qq{Filter "$name" is not registered" } . _subname unless exists $self->filters->{$name}; $filter->{$column} = $self->filters->{$name}; } } # Create bind values my $bind = $self->_create_bind_values( $param, $query->columns, $filter, $type_filters, $bind_type ); # Execute my $sth = $query->sth; my $affected; eval { for (my $i = 0; $i < @$bind; $i++) { my $bind_type = $bind->[$i]->{bind_type}; $sth->bind_param( $i + 1, $bind->[$i]->{value}, $bind_type ? $bind_type : () ); } $affected = $sth->execute; }; $self->_croak($@, qq{. Following SQL is executed.\n} . qq{$query->{sql}\n} . _subname) if $@; # DEBUG message if (DEBUG) { print STDERR "SQL:\n" . $query->sql . "\n"; my @output; foreach my $b (@$bind) { my $value = $b->{value}; $value = 'undef' unless defined $value; $value = encode(DEBUG_ENCODING(), $value) if utf8::is_utf8($value); push @output, $value; } print STDERR "Bind values: " . join(', ', @output) . "\n\n"; } # Select statement if ($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}) { # DEPRECATED! Filter my $filter = {}; if ($self->{filter}{on}) { $filter->{in} = {}; $filter->{end} = {}; push @$tables, $main_table if $main_table; foreach my $table (@$tables) { foreach my $way (qw/in end/) { $filter->{$way} = { %{$filter->{$way}}, %{$self->{filter}{$way}{$table} || {}} }; } } } # Result my $result = $self->result_class->new( sth => $sth, dbi => $self, default_filter => $self->{default_in_filter}, filter => $filter->{in} || {}, end_filter => $filter->{end} || {}, type_rule => { from1 => $self->type_rule->{from1}, from2 => $self->type_rule->{from2} }, ); return $result; } # Not select statement else { return $affected } } sub get_table_info { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $exclude = delete $args{exclude}; croak qq/"$_" is wrong option/ for keys %args; my $table_info = []; $self->each_table( sub { push @$table_info, {table => $_[1], info => $_[2] } }, exclude => $exclude ); return [sort {$a->{table} cmp $b->{table} } @$table_info]; } sub get_column_info { my ($self, %args) = @_; my $exclude_table = delete $args{exclude_table}; croak qq/"$_" is wrong option/ for keys %args; my $column_info = []; $self->each_column( sub { push @$column_info, {table => $_[1], column => $_[2], info => $_[3] } }, exclude_table => $exclude_table ); return [ sort {$a->{table} cmp $b->{table} || $a->{column} cmp $b->{column} } @$column_info]; } sub insert { my $self = shift; # Arguments my $param; $param = shift if @_ % 2; my %args = @_; my $table = delete $args{table}; croak qq{"table" option must be specified } . _subname unless defined $table; my $p = delete $args{param} || {}; $param ||= $p; my $append = delete $args{append} || ''; my $id = delete $args{id}; my $primary_key = delete $args{primary_key}; croak "insert method primary_key option " . "must be specified when id is specified " . _subname if defined $id && !defined $primary_key; $primary_key = [$primary_key] unless ref $primary_key eq 'ARRAY'; my $prefix = delete $args{prefix}; my $wrap = delete $args{wrap}; my $timestamp = $args{timestamp}; # Timestamp if ($timestamp && (my $insert_timestamp = $self->insert_timestamp)) { my $columns = $insert_timestamp->[0]; $columns = [$columns] unless ref $columns eq 'ARRAY'; my $value = $insert_timestamp->[1]; $value = $value->() if ref $value eq 'CODE'; $param->{$_} = $value for @$columns; } # Merge parameter if (defined $id) { my $id_param = $self->_create_param_from_id($id, $primary_key); $param = $self->merge_param($id_param, $param); } # Insert statement my @sql; push @sql, "insert"; push @sql, $prefix if defined $prefix; push @sql, "into " . $self->_q($table) . " " . $self->insert_param($param, {wrap => $wrap}); push @sql, $append if defined $append; my $sql = join (' ', @sql); # Execute query return $self->execute($sql, $param, table => $table, %args); } sub insert_param { my ($self, $param, $opts) = @_; my $wrap = $opts->{wrap} || {}; # Create insert parameter tag my $safety = $self->safety_character; my @columns; my @placeholders; foreach my $column (sort keys %$param) { croak qq{"$column" is not safety column name } . _subname unless $column =~ /^[$safety\.]+$/; my $column_quote = $self->_q($column); $column_quote =~ s/\./$self->_q(".")/e; push @columns, $column_quote; my $func = $wrap->{$column} || sub { $_[0] }; push @placeholders, ref $param->{$column} eq 'SCALAR' ? ${$param->{$column}} : $func->(":$column"); } return '(' . join(', ', @columns) . ') ' . 'values ' . '(' . join(', ', @placeholders) . ')' } sub insert_timestamp { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{insert_timestamp} = [@_]; return $self; } return $self->{insert_timestamp}; } sub include_model { my ($self, $name_space, $model_infos) = @_; # Name space $name_space ||= ''; # Get Model infomations unless ($model_infos) { # Load name space module croak qq{"$name_space" is invalid class name } . _subname if $name_space =~ /[^\w:]/; eval "use $name_space"; croak qq{Name space module "$" is needed. $@ } . _subname if $@; # Search model modules my $path = $INC{"$"}; $path =~ s/\.pm$//; opendir my $dh, $path or croak qq{Can't open directory "$path": $! } . _subname $model_infos = []; while (my $module = readdir $dh) { push @$model_infos, $module if $module =~ s/\.pm$//; } close $dh; } # Include models foreach my $model_info (@$model_infos) { # Load model my $model_class; my $model_name; my $model_table; if (ref $model_info eq 'HASH') { $model_class = $model_info->{class}; $model_name = $model_info->{name}; $model_table = $model_info->{table}; $model_name ||= $model_class; $model_table ||= $model_name; } else { $model_class = $model_name = $model_table = $model_info } my $mclass = "${name_space}::$model_class"; croak qq{"$mclass" is invalid class name } . _subname if $mclass =~ /[^\w:]/; unless ($mclass->can('isa')) { eval "use $mclass"; croak "$@ " . _subname if $@; } # Create model my $args = {}; $args->{model_class} = $mclass if $mclass; $args->{name} = $model_name if $model_name; $args->{table} = $model_table if $model_table; $self->create_model($args); } return $self; } sub mapper { my $self = shift; return DBIx::Custom::Mapper->new(@_); } sub merge_param { my ($self, @params) = @_; # Merge parameters my $merge = {}; foreach my $param (@params) { foreach my $column (keys %$param) { my $param_is_array = ref $param->{$column} eq 'ARRAY' ? 1 : 0; if (exists $merge->{$column}) { $merge->{$column} = [$merge->{$column}] unless ref $merge->{$column} eq 'ARRAY'; push @{$merge->{$column}}, ref $param->{$column} ? @{$param->{$column}} : $param->{$column}; } else { $merge->{$column} = $param->{$column}; } } } return $merge; } sub method { my $self = shift; # Register method my $methods = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $self->{_methods} = {%{$self->{_methods} || {}}, %$methods}; return $self; } sub model { my ($self, $name, $model) = @_; # Set model if ($model) { $self->models->{$name} = $model; return $self; } # Check model existance croak qq{Model "$name" is not included } . _subname unless $self->models->{$name}; # Get model return $self->models->{$name}; } sub mycolumn { my ($self, $table, $columns) = @_; # Create column clause my @column; $columns ||= []; push @column, $self->_q($table) . "." . $self->_q($_) . " as " . $self->_q($_) for @$columns; return join (', ', @column); } sub new { my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_); # Check attributes my @attrs = keys %$self; foreach my $attr (@attrs) { croak qq{Invalid attribute: "$attr" } . _subname unless $self->can($attr); } # DEPRECATED $self->{_tags} = { '?' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::placeholder, '=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::equal, '<>' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::not_equal, '>' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::greater_than, '<' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::lower_than, '>=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::greater_than_equal, '<=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::lower_than_equal, 'like' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::like, 'in' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::in, 'insert_param' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::insert_param, 'update_param' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::update_param }; return $self; } sub not_exists { DBIx::Custom::NotExists->singleton } sub order { my $self = shift; return DBIx::Custom::Order->new(dbi => $self, @_); } sub register_filter { my $self = shift; # Register filter my $filters = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $self->filters({%{$self->filters}, %$filters}); return $self; } sub select { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Arguments my $table = delete $args{table}; my $tables = ref $table eq 'ARRAY' ? $table : defined $table ? [$table] : []; my $columns = delete $args{column}; my $where = delete $args{where} || {}; my $append = delete $args{append}; my $join = delete $args{join} || []; croak qq{"join" must be array reference } . _subname unless ref $join eq 'ARRAY'; my $relation = delete $args{relation}; warn "select() relation option is DEPRECATED!" if $relation; my $param = delete $args{param} || {}; # DEPRECATED! warn "select() param option is DEPRECATED!" if keys %$param; my $where_param = delete $args{where_param} || $param || {}; my $id = delete $args{id}; my $primary_key = delete $args{primary_key}; croak "update method primary_key option " . "must be specified when id is specified " . _subname if defined $id && !defined $primary_key; $primary_key = [$primary_key] unless ref $primary_key eq 'ARRAY'; my $prefix = delete $args{prefix}; # Add relation tables(DEPRECATED!); $self->_add_relation_table($tables, $relation); # Select statement my @sql; push @sql, 'select'; # Prefix push @sql, $prefix if defined $prefix; # Column clause if ($columns) { $columns = [$columns] unless ref $columns eq 'ARRAY'; foreach my $column (@$columns) { if (ref $column eq 'HASH') { $column = $self->column(%$column) if ref $column eq 'HASH'; } elsif (ref $column eq 'ARRAY') { if (@$column == 3 && $column->[1] eq 'as') { warn "[COLUMN, as => ALIAS] is DEPRECATED! use [COLUMN => ALIAS]"; splice @$column, 1, 1; } $column = join(' ', $column->[0], 'as', $self->_q($column->[1])); } unshift @$tables, @{$self->_search_tables($column)}; push @sql, ($column, ','); } pop @sql if $sql[-1] eq ','; } else { push @sql, '*' } # Table push @sql, 'from'; if ($relation) { my $found = {}; foreach my $table (@$tables) { push @sql, ($self->_q($table), ',') unless $found->{$table}; $found->{$table} = 1; } } else { my $main_table = $tables->[-1] || ''; push @sql, $self->_q($main_table); } pop @sql if ($sql[-1] || '') eq ','; croak "Not found table name " . _subname unless $tables->[-1]; # Add tables in parameter unshift @$tables, @{$self->_search_tables(join(' ', keys %$where_param) || '')}; # Where my $where_clause = ''; $where = $self->_create_param_from_id($id, $primary_key) if defined $id; if (ref $where eq 'ARRAY' && !ref $where->[0]) { $where_clause = "where " . $where->[0]; $where_param = $where->[1]; } elsif (ref $where) { $where = $self->_where_to_obj($where); $where_param = keys %$where_param ? $self->merge_param($where_param, $where->param) : $where->param; # String where $where_clause = $where->to_string; } elsif ($where) { $where_clause = "where $where" } # Add table names in where clause unshift @$tables, @{$self->_search_tables($where_clause)}; # Push join $self->_push_join(\@sql, $join, $tables); # Add where clause push @sql, $where_clause; # Relation(DEPRECATED!); $self->_push_relation(\@sql, $tables, $relation, $where_clause eq '' ? 1 : 0); # Append push @sql, $append if defined $append; # SQL my $sql = join (' ', @sql); # Execute query my $result = $self->execute($sql, $where_param, table => $tables, %args); return $result; } sub setup_model { my $self = shift; # Setup model $self->each_column( sub { my ($self, $table, $column, $column_info) = @_; if (my $model = $self->models->{$table}) { push @{$model->columns}, $column; } } ); return $self; } sub show_datatype { my ($self, $table) = @_; croak "Table name must be specified" unless defined $table; print "$table\n"; my $result = $self->select(table => $table, where => "'0' <> '0'"); my $sth = $result->sth; my $columns = $sth->{NAME}; my $data_types = $sth->{TYPE}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$columns; $i++) { my $column = $columns->[$i]; my $data_type = $data_types->[$i]; print "$column: $data_type\n"; } } sub show_typename { my ($self, $t) = @_; croak "Table name must be specified" unless defined $t; print "$t\n"; $self->each_column(sub { my ($self, $table, $column, $infos) = @_; return unless $table eq $t; my $typename = $infos->{TYPE_NAME}; print "$column: $typename\n"; }); return $self; } sub show_tables { my $self = shift; my %tables; $self->each_table(sub { $tables{$_[1]}++ }); print join("\n", sort keys %tables) . "\n"; return $self; } sub type_rule { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $type_rule = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; # Into foreach my $i (1 .. 2) { my $into = "into$i"; my $exists_into = exists $type_rule->{$into}; $type_rule->{$into} = _array_to_hash($type_rule->{$into}); $self->{type_rule} = $type_rule; $self->{"_$into"} = {}; foreach my $type_name (keys %{$type_rule->{$into} || {}}) { croak qq{type name of $into section must be lower case} if $type_name =~ /[A-Z]/; } $self->each_column(sub { my ($dbi, $table, $column, $column_info) = @_; my $type_name = lc $column_info->{TYPE_NAME}; if ($type_rule->{$into} && (my $filter = $type_rule->{$into}->{$type_name})) { return unless exists $type_rule->{$into}->{$type_name}; if (defined $filter && ref $filter ne 'CODE') { my $fname = $filter; croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered" } . _subname unless exists $self->filters->{$fname}; $filter = $self->filters->{$fname}; } $self->{"_$into"}{key}{$table}{$column} = $filter; $self->{"_$into"}{dot}{"$table.$column"} = $filter; } }); } # From foreach my $i (1 .. 2) { $type_rule->{"from$i"} = _array_to_hash($type_rule->{"from$i"}); foreach my $data_type (keys %{$type_rule->{"from$i"} || {}}) { croak qq{data type of from$i section must be lower case or number} if $data_type =~ /[A-Z]/; my $fname = $type_rule->{"from$i"}{$data_type}; if (defined $fname && ref $fname ne 'CODE') { croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered" } . _subname unless exists $self->filters->{$fname}; $type_rule->{"from$i"}{$data_type} = $self->filters->{$fname}; } } } return $self; } return $self->{type_rule} || {}; } sub update { my $self = shift; # Arguments my $param; $param = shift if @_ % 2; my %args = @_; my $table = delete $args{table} || ''; croak qq{"table" option must be specified } . _subname unless $table; my $p = delete $args{param} || {}; $param ||= $p; my $where = delete $args{where} || {}; my $where_param = delete $args{where_param} || {}; my $append = delete $args{append} || ''; my $allow_update_all = delete $args{allow_update_all}; my $id = delete $args{id}; my $primary_key = delete $args{primary_key}; croak "update method primary_key option " . "must be specified when id is specified " . _subname if defined $id && !defined $primary_key; $primary_key = [$primary_key] unless ref $primary_key eq 'ARRAY'; my $prefix = delete $args{prefix}; my $wrap = delete $args{wrap}; my $timestamp = $args{timestamp}; # Timestamp if ($timestamp && (my $update_timestamp = $self->update_timestamp)) { my $columns = $update_timestamp->[0]; $columns = [$columns] unless ref $columns eq 'ARRAY'; my $value = $update_timestamp->[1]; $value = $value->() if ref $value eq 'CODE'; $param->{$_} = $value for @$columns; } # Update clause my $update_clause = $self->update_param($param, {wrap => $wrap}); # Where $where = $self->_create_param_from_id($id, $primary_key) if defined $id; my $where_clause = ''; if (ref $where eq 'ARRAY' && !ref $where->[0]) { $where_clause = "where " . $where->[0]; $where_param = $where->[1]; } elsif (ref $where) { $where = $self->_where_to_obj($where); $where_param = keys %$where_param ? $self->merge_param($where_param, $where->param) : $where->param; # String where $where_clause = $where->to_string; } elsif ($where) { $where_clause = "where $where" } croak qq{"where" must be specified } . _subname if "$where_clause" eq '' && !$allow_update_all; # Merge param $param = $self->merge_param($param, $where_param) if keys %$where_param; # Update statement my @sql; push @sql, "update"; push @sql, $prefix if defined $prefix; push @sql, $self->_q($table) . " $update_clause $where_clause"; push @sql, $append if defined $append; # SQL my $sql = join(' ', @sql); # Execute query return $self->execute($sql, $param, table => $table, %args); } sub update_all { shift->update(allow_update_all => 1, @_) }; sub update_param { my ($self, $param, $opts) = @_; # Create update parameter tag my $tag = $self->assign_param($param, $opts); $tag = "set $tag" unless $opts->{no_set}; return $tag; } sub update_timestamp { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{update_timestamp} = [@_]; return $self; } return $self->{update_timestamp}; } sub where { DBIx::Custom::Where->new(dbi => shift, @_) } sub _create_query { my ($self, $source, $after_build_sql) = @_; # Cache my $cache = $self->cache; # Query my $query; # Get cached query if ($cache) { # Get query my $q = $self->cache_method->($self, $source); # Create query if ($q) { $query = DBIx::Custom::Query->new($q); $query->{filters} = $self->filters; } } # Create query unless ($query) { # Create query my $builder = $self->query_builder; $query = $builder->build_query($source); # Remove reserved word quote if (my $q = $self->_quote) { $q = quotemeta($q); $_ =~ s/[$q]//g for @{$query->columns} } # Save query to cache $self->cache_method->( $self, $source, { sql => $query->sql, columns => $query->columns, tables => $query->{tables} || [] } ) if $cache; } # Filter SQL if ($after_build_sql) { my $sql = $query->sql; $sql = $after_build_sql->($sql); $query->sql($sql); } # Save sql $self->last_sql($query->sql); # Prepare statement handle my $sth; eval { $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($query->{sql})}; if ($@) { $self->_croak($@, qq{. Following SQL is executed.\n} . qq{$query->{sql}\n} . _subname); } # Set statement handle $query->sth($sth); # Set filters $query->{filters} = $self->filters; return $query; } sub _create_bind_values { my ($self, $params, $columns, $filter, $type_filters, $bind_type) = @_; # Create bind values my $bind = []; my $count = {}; my $not_exists = {}; foreach my $column (@$columns) { # Value my $value; if(ref $params->{$column} eq 'ARRAY') { my $i = $count->{$column} || 0; $i += $not_exists->{$column} || 0; my $found; for (my $k = $i; $i < @{$params->{$column}}; $k++) { if (ref $params->{$column}->[$k] eq 'DBIx::Custom::NotExists') { $not_exists->{$column}++; } else { $value = $params->{$column}->[$k]; $found = 1; last } } next unless $found; } else { $value = $params->{$column} } # Filter my $f = $filter->{$column} || $self->{default_out_filter} || ''; $value = $f->($value) if $f; # Type rule foreach my $i (1 .. 2) { my $type_filter = $type_filters->{$i}; my $tf = $self->{"_into$i"}->{dot}->{$column} || $type_filter->{$column}; $value = $tf->($value) if $tf; } # Bind values push @$bind, {value => $value, bind_type => $bind_type->{$column}}; # Count up $count->{$column}++; } return $bind; } sub _create_param_from_id { my ($self, $id, $primary_keys) = @_; # Create parameter my $param = {}; if (defined $id) { $id = [$id] unless ref $id; croak qq{"id" must be constant value or array reference} . " (" . (caller 1)[3] . ")" unless !ref $id || ref $id eq 'ARRAY'; croak qq{"id" must contain values same count as primary key} . " (" . (caller 1)[3] . ")" unless @$primary_keys eq @$id; for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) { $param->{$primary_keys->[$i]} = $id->[$i]; } } return $param; } sub _connect { my $self = shift; # Attributes my $dsn = $self->data_source; warn "data_source is DEPRECATED!\n" if $dsn; $dsn ||= $self->dsn; croak qq{"dsn" must be specified } . _subname unless $dsn; my $user = $self->user; my $password = $self->password; my $dbi_option = {%{$self->dbi_options}, %{$self->dbi_option}}; warn "dbi_options is DEPRECATED! use dbi_option instead\n" if keys %{$self->dbi_options}; $dbi_option = {%{$self->default_dbi_option}, %$dbi_option}; # Connect my $dbh; eval { $dbh = DBI->connect( $dsn, $user, $password, $dbi_option ); }; # Connect error croak "$@ " . _subname if $@; return $dbh; } sub _croak { my ($self, $error, $append) = @_; # Append $append ||= ""; # Verbose if ($Carp::Verbose) { croak $error } # Not verbose else { # Remove line and module infromation my $at_pos = rindex($error, ' at '); $error = substr($error, 0, $at_pos); $error =~ s/\s+$//; croak "$error$append"; } } sub _driver { lc shift->{dbh}->{Driver}->{Name} } sub _need_tables { my ($self, $tree, $need_tables, $tables) = @_; # Get needed tables foreach my $table (@$tables) { if ($tree->{$table}) { $need_tables->{$table} = 1; $self->_need_tables($tree, $need_tables, [$tree->{$table}{parent}]) } } } sub _push_join { my ($self, $sql, $join, $join_tables) = @_; # No join return unless @$join; # Push join clause my $tree = {}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$join; $i++) { # Arrange my $join_clause;; my $option; if (ref $join->[$i] eq 'HASH') { $join_clause = $join->[$i]->{clause}; $option = {table => $join->[$i]->{table}}; } else { $join_clause = $join->[$i]; $option = {}; }; # Find tables in join clause my $table1; my $table2; if (my $table = $option->{table}) { $table1 = $table->[0]; $table2 = $table->[1]; } else { my $q = $self->_quote; my $j_clause = (split /\s+on\s+/, $join_clause)[-1]; $j_clause =~ s/'.+?'//g; my $q_re = quotemeta($q); $j_clause =~ s/[$q_re]//g; my $c = $self->safety_character; my $join_re = qr/(?:^|\s)($c+)\.$c+\s+=\s+($c+)\.$c+/; if ($j_clause =~ $join_re) { $table1 = $1; $table2 = $2; } } croak qq{join clause must have two table name after "on" keyword. } . qq{"$join_clause" is passed } . _subname unless defined $table1 && defined $table2; croak qq{right side table of "$join_clause" must be unique } . _subname if exists $tree->{$table2}; croak qq{Same table "$table1" is specified} . _subname if $table1 eq $table2; $tree->{$table2} = {position => $i, parent => $table1, join => $join_clause}; } # Search need tables my $need_tables = {}; $self->_need_tables($tree, $need_tables, $join_tables); my @need_tables = sort { $tree->{$a}{position} <=> $tree->{$b}{position} } keys %$need_tables; # Add join clause foreach my $need_table (@need_tables) { push @$sql, $tree->{$need_table}{join}; } } sub _quote { my $self = shift; return defined $self->reserved_word_quote ? $self->reserved_word_quote : defined $self->quote ? $self->quote : ''; } sub _q { my ($self, $value, $quotemeta) = @_; my $quote = $self->_quote; my $q = substr($quote, 0, 1) || ''; my $p; if (defined $quote && length $quote > 1) { $p = substr($quote, 1, 1); } else { $p = $q } if ($quotemeta) { $q = quotemeta($q); $p = quotemeta($p); } return "$q$value$p"; } sub _remove_duplicate_table { my ($self, $tables, $main_table) = @_; # Remove duplicate table my %tables = map {defined $_ ? ($_ => 1) : ()} @$tables; delete $tables{$main_table} if $main_table; my $new_tables = [keys %tables, $main_table ? $main_table : ()]; if (my $q = $self->_quote) { $q = quotemeta($q); $_ =~ s/[$q]//g for @$new_tables; } return $new_tables; } sub _search_tables { my ($self, $source) = @_; # Search tables my $tables = []; my $safety_character = $self->safety_character; my $q = $self->_quote; my $quoted_safety_character_re = $self->_q("?([$safety_character]+)", 1); my $table_re = $q ? qr/(?:^|[^$safety_character])${quoted_safety_character_re}?\./ : qr/(?:^|[^$safety_character])([$safety_character]+)\./; while ($source =~ /$table_re/g) { push @$tables, $1; } return $tables; } sub _where_to_obj { my ($self, $where) = @_; my $obj; # Hash if (ref $where eq 'HASH') { my $clause = ['and']; my $q = $self->_quote; foreach my $column (keys %$where) { my $table; my $c; if ($column =~ /(?:(.*?)\.)?(.*)/) { $table = $1; $c = $2; } my $table_quote; $table_quote = $self->_q($table) if defined $table; my $column_quote = $self->_q($c); $column_quote = $table_quote . '.' . $column_quote if defined $table_quote; push @$clause, "$column_quote = :$column" for keys %$where; } $obj = $self->where(clause => $clause, param => $where); } # DBIx::Custom::Where object elsif (ref $where eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where') { $obj = $where; } # Array elsif (ref $where eq 'ARRAY') { $obj = $self->where( clause => $where->[0], param => $where->[1] ); } # Check where argument croak qq{"where" must be hash reference or DBIx::Custom::Where object} . qq{or array reference, which contains where clause and parameter} . _subname unless ref $obj eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where'; return $obj; } sub _apply_filter { my ($self, $table, @cinfos) = @_; # Initialize filters $self->{filter} ||= {}; $self->{filter}{on} = 1; $self->{filter}{out} ||= {}; $self->{filter}{in} ||= {}; $self->{filter}{end} ||= {}; # Usage my $usage = "Usage: \$dbi->apply_filter(" . "TABLE, COLUMN1, {in => INFILTER1, out => OUTFILTER1, end => ENDFILTER1}, " . "COLUMN2, {in => INFILTER2, out => OUTFILTER2, end => ENDFILTER2}, ...)"; # Apply filter for (my $i = 0; $i < @cinfos; $i += 2) { # Column my $column = $cinfos[$i]; if (ref $column eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $c (@$column) { push @cinfos, $c, $cinfos[$i + 1]; } next; } # Filter infomation my $finfo = $cinfos[$i + 1] || {}; croak "$usage (table: $table) " . _subname unless ref $finfo eq 'HASH'; foreach my $ftype (keys %$finfo) { croak "$usage (table: $table) " . _subname unless $ftype eq 'in' || $ftype eq 'out' || $ftype eq 'end'; } # Set filters foreach my $way (qw/in out end/) { # Filter my $filter = $finfo->{$way}; # Filter state my $state = !exists $finfo->{$way} ? 'not_exists' : !defined $filter ? 'not_defined' : ref $filter eq 'CODE' ? 'code' : 'name'; # Filter is not exists next if $state eq 'not_exists'; # Check filter name croak qq{Filter "$filter" is not registered } . _subname if $state eq 'name' && ! exists $self->filters->{$filter}; # Set filter my $f = $state eq 'not_defined' ? undef : $state eq 'code' ? $filter : $self->filters->{$filter}; $self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{$column} = $f; $self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{"$table.$column"} = $f; $self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{"${table}__$column"} = $f; $self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{"${table}-$column"} = $f; } } return $self; } # DEPRECATED! sub create_query { warn "create_query is DEPRECATED! use query option of each method"; shift->_create_query(@_); } # DEPRECATED! sub apply_filter { my $self = shift; warn "apply_filter is DEPRECATED!"; return $self->_apply_filter(@_); } # DEPRECATED! our %SELECT_AT_ARGS = (%VALID_ARGS, where => 1, primary_key => 1); sub select_at { my ($self, %args) = @_; warn "select_at is DEPRECATED! use update and id option instead"; # Arguments my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key}; $primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys; my $where = delete $args{where}; my $param = delete $args{param}; # Check arguments foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{"$name" is wrong option } . _subname unless $SELECT_AT_ARGS{$name}; } # Table croak qq{"table" option must be specified } . _subname unless $args{table}; my $table = ref $args{table} ? $args{table}->[-1] : $args{table}; # Create where parameter my $where_param = $self->_create_param_from_id($where, $primary_keys); return $self->select(where => $where_param, %args); } # DEPRECATED! our %DELETE_AT_ARGS = (%VALID_ARGS, where => 1, primary_key => 1); sub delete_at { my ($self, %args) = @_; warn "delete_at is DEPRECATED! use update and id option instead"; # Arguments my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key}; $primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys; my $where = delete $args{where}; # Check arguments foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{"$name" is wrong option } . _subname unless $DELETE_AT_ARGS{$name}; } # Create where parameter my $where_param = $self->_create_param_from_id($where, $primary_keys); return $self->delete(where => $where_param, %args); } # DEPRECATED! our %UPDATE_AT_ARGS = (%VALID_ARGS, where => 1, primary_key => 1); sub update_at { my $self = shift; warn "update_at is DEPRECATED! use update and id option instead"; # Arguments my $param; $param = shift if @_ % 2; my %args = @_; my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key}; $primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys; my $where = delete $args{where}; my $p = delete $args{param} || {}; $param ||= $p; # Check arguments foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{"$name" is wrong option } . _subname unless $UPDATE_AT_ARGS{$name}; } # Create where parameter my $where_param = $self->_create_param_from_id($where, $primary_keys); return $self->update(where => $where_param, param => $param, %args); } # DEPRECATED! our %INSERT_AT_ARGS = (%VALID_ARGS, where => 1, primary_key => 1); sub insert_at { my $self = shift; warn "insert_at is DEPRECATED! use insert and id option instead"; # Arguments my $param; $param = shift if @_ % 2; my %args = @_; my $primary_key = delete $args{primary_key}; $primary_key = [$primary_key] unless ref $primary_key; my $where = delete $args{where}; my $p = delete $args{param} || {}; $param ||= $p; # Check arguments foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{"$name" is wrong option } . _subname unless $INSERT_AT_ARGS{$name}; } # Create where parameter my $where_param = $self->_create_param_from_id($where, $primary_key); $param = $self->merge_param($where_param, $param); return $self->insert(param => $param, %args); } # DEPRECATED! sub register_tag { my $self = shift; warn "register_tag is DEPRECATED!"; # Merge tag my $tags = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $self->{_tags} = {%{$self->{_tags} || {}}, %$tags}; return $self; } # DEPRECATED! sub register_tag_processor { my $self = shift; warn "register_tag_processor is DEPRECATED!"; # Merge tag my $tag_processors = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $self->{_tags} = {%{$self->{_tags} || {}}, %{$tag_processors}}; return $self; } # DEPRECATED! has 'data_source'; has dbi_options => sub { {} }; has filter_check => 1; has 'reserved_word_quote'; # DEPRECATED! sub default_bind_filter { my $self = shift; warn "default_bind_filter is DEPRECATED!"; if (@_) { my $fname = $_[0]; if (@_ && !$fname) { $self->{default_out_filter} = undef; } else { croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered} unless exists $self->filters->{$fname}; $self->{default_out_filter} = $self->filters->{$fname}; } return $self; } return $self->{default_out_filter}; } # DEPRECATED! sub default_fetch_filter { my $self = shift; warn "default_fetch_filter is DEPRECATED!"; if (@_) { my $fname = $_[0]; if (@_ && !$fname) { $self->{default_in_filter} = undef; } else { croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered} unless exists $self->filters->{$fname}; $self->{default_in_filter} = $self->filters->{$fname}; } return $self; } return $self->{default_in_filter}; } # DEPRECATED! sub insert_param_tag { warn "insert_param_tag is DEPRECATED! " . "use insert_param instead!"; return shift->insert_param(@_); } # DEPRECATED! sub update_param_tag { warn "update_param_tag is DEPRECATED! " . "use update_param instead"; return shift->update_param(@_); } # DEPRECATED! sub _push_relation { my ($self, $sql, $tables, $relation, $need_where) = @_; if (keys %{$relation || {}}) { push @$sql, $need_where ? 'where' : 'and'; foreach my $rcolumn (keys %$relation) { my $table1 = (split (/\./, $rcolumn))[0]; my $table2 = (split (/\./, $relation->{$rcolumn}))[0]; push @$tables, ($table1, $table2); push @$sql, ("$rcolumn = " . $relation->{$rcolumn}, 'and'); } } pop @$sql if $sql->[-1] eq 'and'; } # DEPRECATED! sub _add_relation_table { my ($self, $tables, $relation) = @_; if (keys %{$relation || {}}) { foreach my $rcolumn (keys %$relation) { my $table1 = (split (/\./, $rcolumn))[0]; my $table2 = (split (/\./, $relation->{$rcolumn}))[0]; my $table1_exists; my $table2_exists; foreach my $table (@$tables) { $table1_exists = 1 if $table eq $table1; $table2_exists = 1 if $table eq $table2; } unshift @$tables, $table1 unless $table1_exists; unshift @$tables, $table2 unless $table2_exists; } } } 1; =head1 NAME DBIx::Custom - Execute insert, update, delete, and select statement easily =head1 SYNOPSIS use DBIx::Custom; # Connect my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect( dsn => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname", user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&', dbi_option => {mysql_enable_utf8 => 1} ); # Insert $dbi->insert({title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'}, table => 'book'); # Update $dbi->update({title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'}, table => 'book', where => {id => 5}); # Delete $dbi->delete(table => 'book', where => {author => 'Ken'}); # Select my $result = $dbi->select(table => 'book', column => ['title', 'author'], where => {author => 'Ken'}); # Select, more complex my $result = $dbi->select( table => 'book', column => [ {book => [qw/title author/]}, {company => ['name']} ], where => {'' => 'Ken'}, join => ['left outer join company on book.company_id ='], append => 'order by id limit 5' ); # Fetch while (my $row = $result->fetch) { } # Fetch as hash while (my $row = $result->fetch_hash) { } # Execute SQL with parameter. $dbi->execute( "select id from book where author = :author and title like :title", {author => 'ken', title => '%Perl%'} ); =head1 DESCRIPTION L is L wrapper module to execute SQL easily. This module have the following features. =over 4 =item * Execute C, C, C, or C method's ones. =head2 C my $model = $dbi->create_model( table => 'book', primary_key => 'id', join => [ 'inner join company on book.comparny_id =' ], ); Create L object and initialize model. the module is also used from C method. $dbi->model('book')->select(...); =head2 C my $dbh = $dbi->dbh; Get L database handle. if C is set, you can get database handle through C object. =head2 C $dbi->delete(table => 'book', where => {title => 'Perl'}); Execute delete statement. The following opitons are available. =over 4 =item C Same as C method's C option. =item C See C option. =item C Same as C method's C option. =item C Same as C method's C option. =item C type_rule1_off => 1 Same as C method's C option. =item C type_rule2_off => 1 Same as C method's C option. =back =head2 C $dbi->delete_all(table => $table); Execute delete statement for all rows. Options is same as C. =head2 C $dbi->each_column( sub { my ($dbi, $table, $column, $column_info) = @_; my $type = $column_info->{TYPE_NAME}; if ($type eq 'DATE') { # ... } } ); Iterate all column informations of all table from database. Argument is callback when one column is found. Callback receive four arguments, dbi object, table name, column name and column information. =head2 C $dbi->each_table( sub { my ($dbi, $table, $table_info) = @_; my $table_name = $table_info->{TABLE_NAME}; } ); Iterate all table informationsfrom database. Argument is callback when one table is found. Callback receive three arguments, dbi object, table name, table information. =head2 C my $result = $dbi->execute( "select * from book where title = :title and author like :author", {title => 'Perl', author => '%Ken%'} ); my $result = $dbi->execute( "select * from book where title = :book.title and author like", {'book.title' => 'Perl', '' => '%Ken%'} ); Execute SQL. SQL can contain column parameter such as :author and :title. You can append table name to column name such as :book.title and Second argunet is data, embedded into column parameter. Return value is L object when select statement is executed, or the count of affected rows when insert, update, delete statement is executed. Named placeholder such as C<:title> is replaced by placeholder C. # Original select * from book where title = :title and author like :author # Replaced select * from where title = ? and author like ?; You can specify operator with named placeholder by C syntax. # Original select * from book where :title{=} and :author{like} # Replaced select * from where title = ? and author like ?; Note that colons in time format such as 12:13:15 is exeption, it is not parsed as named placeholder. If you want to use colon generally, you must escape it by C<\\> select * from where title = "aa\\:bb"; The following opitons are available. =over 4 =item C Specify database bind data type. bind_type => [image => DBI::SQL_BLOB] bind_type => [[qw/image audio/] => DBI::SQL_BLOB] This is used to bind parameter by C of statment handle. $sth->bind_param($pos, $value, DBI::SQL_BLOB); =item C filter => { title => sub { uc $_[0] } author => sub { uc $_[0] } } # Filter name filter => { title => 'upper_case', author => 'upper_case' } # At once filter => [ [qw/title author/] => sub { uc $_[0] } ] Filter. You can set subroutine or filter name registered by by C. This filter is executed before data is saved into database. and before type rule filter is executed. =item C id => 4 id => [4, 5] ID corresponding to C. You can delete rows by C and C. $dbi->execute( "select * from book where id1 = :id1 and id2 = :id2", {}, parimary_key => ['id1', 'id2'], id => [4, 5], ); The above is same as the followin one. $dbi->execute( "select * from book where id1 = :id1 and id2 = :id2", {id1 => 4, id2 => 5} ); =item C query => 1 C method return L object, not executing SQL. You can check SQL or get statment handle. my $sql = $query->sql; my $sth = $query->sth; my $columns = $query->columns; If you want to execute SQL fast, you can do the following way. my $query; foreach my $row (@$rows) { $query ||= $dbi->insert($row, table => 'table1', query => 1); $dbi->execute($query, $row, filter => {ab => sub { $_[0] * 2 }}); } Statement handle is reused and SQL parsing is finished, so you can get more performance than normal way. If you want to execute SQL as possible as fast and don't need filtering. You can do the following way. my $query; my $sth; foreach my $row (@$rows) { $query ||= $dbi->insert($row, table => 'book', query => 1); $sth ||= $query->sth; $sth->execute(map { $row->{$_} } sort keys %$row); } Note that $row must be simple hash reference, such as {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'}. and don't forget to sort $row values by $row key asc order. =item C See C option. =item C You can filter sql after the sql is build. after_build_sql => $code_ref The following one is one example. $dbi->select( table => 'book', column => 'distinct(name)', after_build_sql => sub { "select count(*) from ($_[0]) as t1" } ); The following SQL is executed. select count(*) from (select distinct(name) from book) as t1; =item C table => 'author' If you want to omit table name in column name and enable C and C type filter, You must set C
option. $dbi->execute("select * from book where title = :title and author = :author", {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken', table => 'book'); # Same $dbi->execute( "select * from book where title = :book.title and author =", {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'); =item C table_alias => {user => 'hiker'} Table alias. Key is real table name, value is alias table name. If you set C, you can enable C and C type rule on alias table name. =item C type_rule_off => 1 Turn C and C type rule off. =item C type_rule1_off => 1 Turn C type rule off. =item C type_rule2_off => 1 Turn C type rule off. =back =head2 C my $tables = $self->get_column_info(exclude_table => qr/^system_/); get column infomation except for one which match C pattern. [ {table => 'book', column => 'title', info => {...}}, {table => 'author', column => 'name' info => {...}} ] =head2 C my $tables = $self->get_table_info(exclude => qr/^system_/); get table infomation except for one which match C pattern. [ {table => 'book', info => {...}}, {table => 'author', info => {...}} ] You can set this value to C. =head2 C $dbi->insert({title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'}, table => 'book'); Execute insert statement. First argument is row data. Return value is affected row count. If you want to set constant value to row data, use scalar reference as parameter value. {date => \"NOW()"} The following opitons are available. =over 4 =item C Same as C
table => 'book' Table name. =item C Same as C method's C option. =item C timestamp => 1 If this value is set to 1, automatically created timestamp column is set based on C attribute's C value. =item C type_rule1_off => 1 Same as C method's C option. =item C type_rule2_off => 1 Same as C method's C option. =item C wrap => {price => sub { "max($_[0])" }} placeholder wrapped string. If the following statement $dbi->insert({price => 100}, table => 'book', {price => sub { "$_[0] + 5" }}); is executed, the following SQL is executed. insert into book price values ( ? + 5 ); =back =over 4 =head2 C my $insert_param = $dbi->insert_param({title => 'a', age => 2}); Create insert parameters. (title, author) values (title = :title, age = :age); =head2 C $dbi->include_model('MyModel'); Include models from specified namespace, the following layout is needed to include models. lib / / MyModel / / Name space module, extending L. B package MyModel; use DBIx::Custom::Model -base; 1; Model modules, extending name space module. B package MyModel::book; use MyModel -base; 1; B package MyModel::company; use MyModel -base; 1; MyModel::book and MyModel::company is included by C. You can get model object by C. my $book_model = $dbi->model('book'); my $company_model = $dbi->model('company'); See L to know model features. =head2 C $dbi->insert_timestamp( [qw/created_at updated_at/] => sub { localtime }); Parameter for timestamp columns when C method is executed with C option. If multiple column are specified, same value is used. =head2 C my $mapper = $dbi->mapper(param => $param); Create a new L object. =head2 C my $param = $dbi->merge_param({key1 => 1}, {key1 => 1, key2 => 2}); Merge parameters. {key1 => [1, 1], key2 => 2} =head2 C $dbi->method( update_or_insert => sub { my $self = shift; # Process }, find_or_create => sub { my $self = shift; # Process } ); Register method. These method is called directly from L object. $dbi->update_or_insert; $dbi->find_or_create; =head2 C my $model = $dbi->model('book'); Get a L object, =head2 C my $column = $self->mycolumn(book => ['author', 'title']); Create column clause for myself. The follwoing column clause is created. as author, book.title as title =head2 C my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->new( dsn => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname", user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&', dbi_option => {mysql_enable_utf8 => 1} ); Create a new L object. =head2 C my $not_exists = $dbi->not_exists; DBIx::Custom::NotExists object, indicating the column is not exists. This is used by C of L . =head2 C my $order = $dbi->order; Create a new L object. =head2 C $dbi->register_filter( # Time::Piece object to database DATE format tp_to_date => sub { my $tp = shift; return $tp->strftime('%Y-%m-%d'); }, # database DATE format to Time::Piece object date_to_tp => sub { my $date = shift; return Time::Piece->strptime($date, '%Y-%m-%d'); } ); Register filters, used by C option of many methods. =head2 C $dbi->type_rule( into1 => { date => sub { ... }, datetime => sub { ... } }, into2 => { date => sub { ... }, datetime => sub { ... } }, from1 => { # DATE 9 => sub { ... }, # DATETIME or TIMESTAMP 11 => sub { ... }, } from2 => { # DATE 9 => sub { ... }, # DATETIME or TIMESTAMP 11 => sub { ... }, } ); Filtering rule when data is send into and get from database. This has a little complex problem. In C and C you can specify type name as same as type name defined by create table, such as C or C. Note that type name and data type don't contain upper case. If these contain upper case charactor, you convert it to lower case. C is executed after C. Type rule of C and C is enabled on the following column name. =over 4 =item 1. column name issue_date issue_datetime This need C
option in each method. =item 2. table name and column name, separator is dot book.issue_date book.issue_datetime =back You get all type name used in database by C. print $dbi->available_typename; In C and C you specify data type, not type name. C is executed after C. You get all data type by C. print $dbi->available_datatype; You can also specify multiple types at once. $dbi->type_rule( into1 => [ [qw/DATE DATETIME/] => sub { ... }, ], ); =head2 C
table => 'book' Table name. =item C Same as C method's C option. =item C type_rule1_off => 1 Same as C method's C option. =item C type_rule2_off => 1 Same as C method's C option. =item C # Hash refrence where => {author => 'Ken', 'title' => 'Perl'} # DBIx::Custom::Where object where => $dbi->where( clause => ['and', 'author = :author', 'title like :title'], param => {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'} ); # Array reference 1 (array reference, hash referenc). same as above where => [ ['and', 'author = :author', 'title like :title'], {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'} ]; # Array reference 2 (String, hash reference) where => [ 'title like :title', {title => '%Perl%'} ] # String where => 'title is null' Where clause. =back =head2 C $dbi->update({title => 'Perl'}, table => 'book', where => {id => 4}); Execute update statement. First argument is update row data. If you want to set constant value to row data, use scalar reference as parameter value. {date => \"NOW()"} The following opitons are available. =over 4 =item C Same as C
table => 'book' Table name. =item C timestamp => 1 If this value is set to 1, automatically updated timestamp column is set based on C attribute's C value. =item C Same as C method's C option. =item C type_rule1_off => 1 Same as C method's C option. =item C type_rule2_off => 1 Same as C method's C option. =item C Same as C