package DBIx::Custom::Result; use Object::Simple; use strict; use warnings; use Carp 'croak'; # Attributes sub _dbi : Attr {} sub sth : Attr {} sub fetch_filter : Attr {} sub no_fetch_filters : Attr { type => 'array', trigger => sub { my $self = shift; my $no_fetch_filters = $self->no_fetch_filters || []; my %no_fetch_filters_map = map {$_ => 1} @{$no_fetch_filters}; $self->_no_fetch_filters_map(\%no_fetch_filters_map); }} sub _no_fetch_filters_map : Attr {default => sub { {} }} # Fetch (array) sub fetch { my ($self, $type) = @_; my $sth = $self->sth; my $fetch_filter = $self->fetch_filter; # Fetch my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref; # Cannot fetch return unless $row; # Filter if ($fetch_filter) { my $keys = $sth->{NAME_lc}; my $types = $sth->{TYPE}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$keys; $i++) { next if $self->_no_fetch_filters_map->{$keys->[$i]}; $row->[$i]= $fetch_filter->($row->[$i], $keys->[$i], $self->_dbi, {type => $types->[$i], sth => $sth, index => $i}); } } return wantarray ? @$row : $row; } # Fetch (hash) sub fetch_hash { my $self = shift; my $sth = $self->sth; my $fetch_filter = $self->fetch_filter; # Fetch my $row = $sth->fetchrow_arrayref; # Cannot fetch return unless $row; # Keys my $keys = $sth->{NAME_lc}; # Filter my $row_hash = {}; if ($fetch_filter) { my $types = $sth->{TYPE}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$keys; $i++) { if ($self->_no_fetch_filters_map->{$keys->[$i]}) { $row_hash->{$keys->[$i]} = $row->[$i]; } else { $row_hash->{$keys->[$i]} = $fetch_filter->($row->[$i], $keys->[$i], $self->_dbi, {type => $types->[$i], sth => $sth, index => $i}); } } } # No filter else { for (my $i = 0; $i < @$keys; $i++) { $row_hash->{$keys->[$i]} = $row->[$i]; } } return wantarray ? %$row_hash : $row_hash; } # Fetch only first (array) sub fetch_first { my $self = shift; # Fetch my $row = $self->fetch; # Not exist return unless $row; # Finish statement handle $self->finish; return wantarray ? @$row : $row; } # Fetch only first (hash) sub fetch_hash_first { my $self = shift; # Fetch hash my $row = $self->fetch_hash; # Not exist return unless $row; # Finish statement handle $self->finish; return wantarray ? %$row : $row; } # Fetch multi rows (array) sub fetch_rows { my ($self, $count) = @_; # Not specified Row count croak("Row count must be specified") unless $count; # Fetch multi rows my $rows = []; for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { my @row = $self->fetch; last unless @row; push @$rows, \@row; } return unless @$rows; return wantarray ? @$rows : $rows; } # Fetch multi rows (hash) sub fetch_hash_rows { my ($self, $count) = @_; # Not specified Row count croak("Row count must be specified") unless $count; # Fetch multi rows my $rows = []; for (my $i = 0; $i < $count; $i++) { my %row = $self->fetch_hash; last unless %row; push @$rows, \%row; } return unless @$rows; return wantarray ? @$rows : $rows; } # Fetch all (array) sub fetch_all { my $self = shift; my $rows = []; while(my @row = $self->fetch) { push @$rows, [@row]; } return wantarray ? @$rows : $rows; } # Fetch all (hash) sub fetch_hash_all { my $self = shift; my $rows = []; while(my %row = $self->fetch_hash) { push @$rows, {%row}; } return wantarray ? @$rows : $rows; } # Finish sub finish { shift->sth->finish } # Error sub error { my $self = shift; my $sth = $self->sth; return wantarray ? ($sth->errstr, $sth->err, $sth->state) : $sth->errstr; } Object::Simple->build_class; =head1 NAME DBIx::Custom::Result - DBIx::Custom Resultset =head1 SYNOPSIS # $result is DBIx::Custom::Result object my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->new; my $result = $dbi->query($sql_template, $param); while (my ($val1, $val2) = $result->fetch) { # do something } =head1 OBJECT ACCESSORS =head2 sth # Set and Get statement handle $self = $result->sth($sth); $sth = $reuslt->sth Statement handle is automatically set by DBIx::Custom. so you do not set statement handle. If you need statement handle, you can get statement handle by using this method. =head2 fetch_filter # Set and Get fetch filter $self = $result->fetch_filter($sth); $fetch_filter = $result->fech_filter; Statement handle is automatically set by DBIx::Custom. If you want to set your fetch filter, you set it. =head2 no_fetch_filters # Set and Get no filter keys when fetching $self = $result->no_fetch_filters($no_fetch_filters); $no_fetch_filters = $result->no_fetch_filters; =head1 METHODS =head2 fetch # Fetch row as array reference (Scalar context) $row = $result->fetch; # Fetch row as array (List context) @row = $result->fecth # Sample while (my $row = $result->fetch) { # do something my $val1 = $row->[0]; my $val2 = $row->[1]; } fetch method is fetch resultset and get row as array or array reference. =head2 fetch_hash # Fetch row as hash reference (Scalar context) $row = $result->fetch_hash; # Fetch row as hash (List context) %row = $result->fecth_hash # Sample while (my $row = $result->fetch_hash) { # do something my $val1 = $row->{key1}; my $val2 = $row->{key2}; } fetch_hash method is fetch resultset and get row as hash or hash reference. =head2 fetch_first # Fetch only first (Scalar context) $row = $result->fetch_first; # Fetch only first (List context) @row = $result->fetch_first; This method fetch only first and finish statement handle =head2 fetch_hash_first # Fetch only first as hash (Scalar context) $row = $result->fetch_hash_first; # Fetch only first as hash (Scalar context) @row = $result->fetch_hash_first; This method fetch only first and finish statement handle =head2 fetch_rows # Fetch multi rows (Scalar context) $rows = $result->fetch_rows($row_count); # Fetch multi rows (List context) @rows = $result->fetch_rows($row_count); # Sapmle $rows = $result->fetch_rows(10); =head2 fetch_hash_rows # Fetch multi rows as hash (Scalar context) $rows = $result->fetch_hash_rows($row_count); # Fetch multi rows as hash (List context) @rows = $result->fetch_hash_rows($row_count); # Sapmle $rows = $result->fetch_hash_rows(10); =head2 fetch_all # Fetch all row as array ref of array ref (Scalar context) $rows = $result->fetch_all; # Fetch all row as array of array ref (List context) @rows = $result->fecth_all; # Sample my $rows = $result->fetch_all; my $val0_0 = $rows->[0][0]; my $val1_1 = $rows->[1][1]; fetch_all method is fetch resultset and get all rows as array or array reference. =head2 fetch_hash_all # Fetch all row as array ref of hash ref (Scalar context) $rows = $result->fetch_hash_all; # Fetch all row as array of hash ref (List context) @rows = $result->fecth_all_hash; # Sample my $rows = $result->fetch_hash_all; my $val0_key1 = $rows->[0]{key1}; my $val1_key2 = $rows->[1]{key2}; =head2 error # Get error infomation $error_messege = $result->error; ($error_message, $error_number, $error_state) = $result->error; You can get get information. This is crenspond to the following. $error_message : $result->sth->errstr $error_number : $result->sth->err $error_state : $result->sth->state =head2 finish # Finish statement handle $result->finish # Sample my $row = $reuslt->fetch; # fetch only one row $result->finish You can finish statement handle.This is equel to $result->sth->finish; =head1 AUTHOR Yuki Kimoto, C<< >> Github L =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut