package DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Object::Simple'; use Carp 'croak'; use DBIx::Custom::Query; __PACKAGE__->attr('table'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr('tag_processors', default => sub { {} }, inherit => 'hash_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr('tag_start', default => '{', inherit => 'scalar_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr('tag_end', default => '}', inherit => 'scalar_copy'); __PACKAGE__->dual_attr('tag_syntax', inherit => 'scalar_copy'); __PACKAGE__->add_tag_processor( '?' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_basic_tag, '=' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_basic_tag, '<>' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_basic_tag, '>' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_basic_tag, '<' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_basic_tag, '>=' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_basic_tag, '<=' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_basic_tag, 'like' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_basic_tag, 'in' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_in_tag, 'insert' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_insert_tag, 'update' => \&DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors::expand_update_tag ); __PACKAGE__->tag_syntax(<< 'EOS'); [tag] [expand] {? name} ? {= name} name = ? {<> name} name <> ? {< name} name < ? {> name} name > ? {>= name} name >= ? {<= name} name <= ? {like name} name like ? {in name number} name in [?, ?, ..] {insert key1 key2} (key1, key2) values (?, ?) {update key1 key2} set key1 = ?, key2 = ? EOS sub add_tag_processor { my $invocant = shift; my $tag_processors = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $invocant->tag_processors({%{$invocant->tag_processors}, %{$tag_processors}}); return $invocant; } sub clone { my $self = shift; my $new = $self->new; $new->tag_start($self->tag_start); $new->tag_end($self->tag_end); $new->tag_syntax($self->tag_syntax); $new->tag_processors({%{$self->tag_processors || {}}}); return $new; } sub create_query { my ($self, $template) = @_; # Parse template my $tree = $self->_parse_template($template); # Build query my $query = $self->_build_query($tree); return $query; } sub _parse_template { my ($self, $template) = @_; my $table = ''; if (ref $template eq 'ARRAY') { $table = $template->[0]; $template = $template->[1]; } $template ||= ''; my $tree = []; # Tags my $tag_start = quotemeta $self->tag_start; my $tag_end = quotemeta $self->tag_end; # Tokenize my $state = 'text'; # Save original template my $original_template = $template; # Parse template while ($template =~ s/([^$tag_start]*?)$tag_start([^$tag_end].*?)$tag_end//sm) { my $text = $1; my $tag = $2; # Parse tree push @$tree, {type => 'text', tag_args => [$text]} if $text; if ($tag) { # Get tag name and arguments my ($tag_name, @tag_args) = split /\s+/, $tag; # Tag processor is exist? unless ($self->tag_processors->{$tag_name}) { my $tag_syntax = $self->tag_syntax; croak("Tag '{$tag}' in SQL template is not exist.\n\n" . "\n" . "$tag_syntax\n" . "\n" . "$original_template\n\n"); } # Check tag arguments foreach my $tag_arg (@tag_args) { # Cannot cantain placehosder '?' croak("Tag '{t }' arguments cannot contain '?'") if $tag_arg =~ /\?/; } # Add tag to parsing tree push @$tree, {type => 'tag', tag_name => $tag_name, tag_args => [@tag_args]}; } } # Add text to parsing tree push @$tree, {type => 'text', tag_args => [$template]} if $template; return $tree; } sub _build_query { my ($self, $tree) = @_; # SQL my $sql = ''; # All parameter key infomation my $all_key_infos = []; # Build SQL foreach my $node (@$tree) { # Get type, tag name, and arguments my $type = $node->{type}; my $tag_name = $node->{tag_name}; my $tag_args = $node->{tag_args}; # Text if ($type eq 'text') { # Join text $sql .= $tag_args->[0]; } # Tag elsif ($type eq 'tag') { # Get tag processor my $tag_processor = $self->tag_processors->{$tag_name}; # Tag processor is code ref? croak("Tag processor '$tag_name' must be code reference") unless ref $tag_processor eq 'CODE'; # Expand tag using tag processor my ($expand, $key_infos) = $tag_processor->($tag_name, $tag_args, $self->table || ''); # Check tag processor return value croak("Tag processor '$tag_name' must return (\$expand, \$key_infos)") if !defined $expand || ref $key_infos ne 'ARRAY'; # Check placeholder count croak("Placeholder count in SQL created by tag processor '$tag_name' " . "must be same as key informations count") unless $self->_placeholder_count($expand) eq @$key_infos; # Add key information push @$all_key_infos, @$key_infos; # Join expand tag to SQL $sql .= $expand; } } # Add semicolon $sql .= ';' unless $sql =~ /;$/; # Query my $query = DBIx::Custom::Query->new(sql => $sql, key_infos => $all_key_infos); return $query; } sub _placeholder_count { my ($self, $expand) = @_; $expand ||= ''; my $count = 0; my $pos = -1; while (($pos = index($expand, '?', $pos + 1)) != -1) { $count++; } return $count; } 1; package DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template::TagProcessors; use strict; use warnings; use Carp 'croak'; use DBIx::Custom::KeyInfo; sub expand_basic_tag { my ($tag_name, $tag_args, $table) = @_; # Key my $key = $tag_args->[0]; # Key is not exist croak("You must be pass key as argument to tag '{$tag_name }'") unless $key; # Key info my $key_info = DBIx::Custom::KeyInfo->new($key); $key_info->table($table) unless $key_info->table; # Expanded tag my $column = $key_info->table ? $key_info->table . '.' . $key_info->column : $key_info->column; my $expand = $tag_name eq '?' ? '?' : "$column $tag_name ?"; return ($expand, [$key_info]); } sub expand_in_tag { my ($tag_name, $tag_args, $table) = @_; my ($key, $placeholder_count) = @$tag_args; # Key must be specified croak("You must be pass key as first argument of tag '{$tag_name }'\n" . "Usage: {$tag_name \$key \$placeholder_count}") unless $key; # Place holder count must be specified croak("You must be pass placeholder count as second argument of tag '{$tag_name }'\n" . "Usage: {$tag_name \$key \$placeholder_count}") if !$placeholder_count || $placeholder_count =~ /\D/; # Expand tag my $key_info = DBIx::Custom::KeyInfo->new($key); my $column = $key_info->table ? $key_info->table . '.' . $key_info->column : $key_info->column; my $expand = "$column $tag_name ("; for (my $i = 0; $i < $placeholder_count; $i++) { $expand .= '?, '; } $expand =~ s/, $//; $expand .= ')'; # Create parameter key infomations my $key_infos = []; for (my $i = 0; $i < $placeholder_count; $i++) { # Add parameter key infos my $key_info = DBIx::Custom::KeyInfo->new($key); $key_info->table($table) unless $key_info->table; $key_info->pos($i); push @$key_infos, $key_info; } return ($expand, $key_infos); } sub expand_insert_tag { my ($tag_name, $tag_args, $table) = @_; my $keys = $tag_args; # Insert key (k1, k2, k3, ..) my $insert_keys = '('; # placeholder (?, ?, ?, ..) my $place_holders = '('; foreach my $key (@$keys) { # Get table and clumn name my $key_info = DBIx::Custom::KeyInfo->new($key); my $column = $key_info->column; # Join insert column $insert_keys .= "$column, "; # Join place holder $place_holders .= "?, "; } # Delete last ', ' $insert_keys =~ s/, $//; # Close $insert_keys .= ')'; $place_holders =~ s/, $//; $place_holders .= ')'; # Expand tag my $expand = "$insert_keys values $place_holders"; # Create parameter key infomations my $key_infos = []; foreach my $key (@$keys) { my $key_info = DBIx::Custom::KeyInfo->new($key); $key_info->table($table) unless $key_info->table; push @$key_infos, $key_info; } return ($expand, $key_infos); } sub expand_update_tag { my ($tag_name, $tag_args, $table) = @_; my $keys = $tag_args; # Expanded tag my $expand = 'set '; foreach my $key (@$keys) { # Get table and clumn name my $key_info = DBIx::Custom::KeyInfo->new($key); my $column = $key_info->column; # Join key and placeholder $expand .= "$column = ?, "; } # Delete last ', ' $expand =~ s/, $//; my $key_infos = []; foreach my $key (@$keys) { my $key_info = DBIx::Custom::KeyInfo->new($key); $key_info->table($table) unless $key_info->table; push @$key_infos, $key_info; } return ($expand, $key_infos); } package DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template; 1; =head1 NAME DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template - DBIx::Custom SQL Template =head1 SYNOPSIS my $sql_tmpl = DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template->new; my $tmpl = "select from table {= k1} && {<> k2} || {like k3}"; my $param = {k1 => 1, k2 => 2, k3 => 3}; my $query = $sql_template->create_query($tmpl); =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 tag_processors $sql_tmpl = $sql_tmpl->tag_processors($name1 => $tag_processor1 $name2 => $tag_processor2); $tag_processors = $sql_tmpl->tag_processors; =head2 tag_start $sql_tmpl = $sql_tmpl->tag_start('{'); $tag_start = $sql_tmpl->tag_start; Default is '{' =head2 tag_end $sql_tmpl = $sql_tmpl->tag_start('}'); $tag_end = $sql_tmpl->tag_start; Default is '}' =head2 tag_syntax $sql_tmpl = $sql_tmpl->tag_syntax($tag_syntax); $tag_syntax = $sql_tmpl->tag_syntax; =head1 METHODS This class is L subclass. You can use all methods of L =head2 create_query Create L object parsing SQL template $query = $sql_tmpl->create_query($tmpl); # Sample $query = $sql_tmpl->create_sql( "select * from table where {= title} && {like author} || {<= price}") # Expanded $qeury->sql : "select * from table where title = ? && author like ? price <= ?;" $query->key_infos : [['title'], ['author'], ['price']] # Sample with table name ($sql, @bind_values) = $sql_tmpl->create_sql( "select * from table where {= table.title} && {like}", {table => {title => 'Perl', author => '%Taro%'}} ) # Expanded $query->sql : "select * from table where table.title = ? && table.title like ?;" $query->key_infos :[ [['table.title'],['table', 'title']], [[''],['table', 'author']] ] This method create query using by L. query has two infomation 1. sql : SQL 2. key_infos : Parameter access key information =head2 add_tag_processor Add tag processor $sql_tmpl = $sql_tmpl->add_tag_processor($tag_processor); The following is add_tag_processor sample $sql_tmpl->add_tag_processor( '?' => sub { my ($tag_name, $tag_args) = @_; my $key1 = $tag_args->[0]; my $key2 = $tag_args->[1]; my $key_infos = []; # Expand tag and create key informations # Return expand tags and key informations return ($expand, $key_infos); } ); Tag processor recieve 2 argument 1. Tag name (?, =, <>, or etc) 2. Tag arguments (arg1 and arg2 in {tag_name arg1 arg2}) Tag processor return 2 value 1. Expanded Tag (For exsample, '{= title}' is expanded to 'title = ?') 2. Key infomations You must be return expanded tag and key infomations. Key information is a little complex. so I will explan this in future. If you want to know more, Please see DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template source code. =head2 clone Clone DBIx::Custom::SQL::Template object $clone = $sql_tmpl->clone; =head1 Available Tags Available Tags [tag] [expand] {? name} ? {= name} name = ? {<> name} name <> ? {< name} name < ? {> name} name > ? {>= name} name >= ? {<= name} name <= ? {like name} name like ? {in name} name in [?, ?, ..] {insert} (key1, key2, key3) values (?, ?, ?) {update} set key1 = ?, key2 = ?, key3 = ? The following is insert SQL sample $query = $sql_tmpl->create_sql( "insert into table {insert key1 key2}" ); # Expanded $query->sql : "insert into table (key1, key2) values (?, ?)" The following is update SQL sample $query = $sql_tmpl->create_sql( "update table {update key1 key2} where {= key3}" ); # Expanded $query->sql : "update table set key1 = ?, key2 = ? where key3 = ?;" =cut