package DBIx::Custom; our $VERSION = '0.1663'; use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Object::Simple'; use Carp 'croak'; use DBI; use DBIx::Custom::Result; use DBIx::Custom::Query; use DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder; use DBIx::Custom::Where; use DBIx::Custom::Model; use DBIx::Custom::Tag; use DBIx::Custom::Util; use Encode qw/encode_utf8 decode_utf8/; our @COMMON_ARGS = qw/table query filter type/; __PACKAGE__->attr( [qw/data_source password pid user/], cache => 1, cache_method => sub { sub { my $self = shift; $self->{_cached} ||= {}; if (@_ > 1) { $self->{_cached}{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } else { return $self->{_cached}{$_[0]}; } } }, dbi_option => sub { {} }, default_dbi_option => sub { { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1 } }, filters => sub { { encode_utf8 => sub { encode_utf8($_[0]) }, decode_utf8 => sub { decode_utf8($_[0]) } } }, models => sub { {} }, query_builder => sub { DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder->new }, result_class => 'DBIx::Custom::Result', safety_character => '\w', stash => sub { {} } ); our $AUTOLOAD; sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; # Method name my ($package, $mname) = $AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w\:]+)\:\:(\w+)$/; # Method $self->{_methods} ||= {}; if (my $method = $self->{_methods}->{$mname}) { return $self->$method(@_) } elsif (my $dbh_method = $self->dbh->can($mname)) { $self->dbh->$dbh_method(@_); } else { croak qq/Can't locate object method "$mname" via "$package"/ } } sub apply_filter { my ($self, $table, @cinfos) = @_; # Initialize filters $self->{filter} ||= {}; $self->{filter}{out} ||= {}; $self->{filter}{in} ||= {}; $self->{filter}{end} ||= {}; # Create filters my $usage = "Usage: \$dbi->apply_filter(" . "TABLE, COLUMN1, {in => INFILTER1, out => OUTFILTER1, end => ENDFILTER1}, " . "COLUMN2, {in => INFILTER2, out => OUTFILTER2, end => ENDFILTER2}, ...)"; for (my $i = 0; $i < @cinfos; $i += 2) { # Column my $column = $cinfos[$i]; if (ref $column eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $c (@$column) { push @cinfos, $c, $cinfos[$i + 1]; } next; } # Filter info my $finfo = $cinfos[$i + 1] || {}; croak "$usage (table: $table)" unless ref $finfo eq 'HASH'; foreach my $ftype (keys %$finfo) { croak "$usage (table: $table 2)" unless $ftype eq 'in' || $ftype eq 'out' || $ftype eq 'end'; } foreach my $way (qw/in out end/) { my $filter = $finfo->{$way}; # State my $state = !exists $finfo->{$way} ? 'not_exists' : !defined $filter ? 'not_defined' : ref $filter eq 'CODE' ? 'code' : 'name'; next if $state eq 'not_exists'; # Check filter croak qq{Filter "$filter" is not registered} if $state eq 'name' && ! exists $self->filters->{$filter}; # Filter my $f = $state eq 'not_defined' ? undef : $state eq 'code' ? $filter : $self->filters->{$filter}; $self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{$column} = $f; $self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{"$table.$column"} = $f; $self->{filter}{$way}{$table}{"${table}__$column"} = $f; } } return $self; } sub column { my ($self, $table, $columns) = @_; $columns ||= []; my @column; push @column, "$table.$_ as ${table}__$_" for @$columns; return join (', ', @column); } sub connect { my $self = ref $_[0] ? shift : shift->new(@_);; my $dbh = $self->_connect; # Database handle $self->dbh($dbh); # Process ID $self->pid($$); return $self; } sub create_query { my ($self, $source) = @_; # Cache my $cache = $self->cache; # Create query my $query; if ($cache) { # Get query my $q = $self->cache_method->($self, $source); # Create query if ($q) { $query = DBIx::Custom::Query->new($q); $query->filters($self->filters); } } unless ($query) { # Create SQL object my $builder = $self->query_builder; # Create query $query = $builder->build_query($source); # Cache query $self->cache_method->($self, $source, {sql => $query->sql, columns => $query->columns, tables => $query->tables}) if $cache; } # Prepare statement handle my $sth; eval { $sth = $self->dbh->prepare($query->{sql})}; $self->_croak($@, qq{. Following SQL is executed. "$query->{sql}"}) if $@; # Set statement handle $query->sth($sth); # Set filters $query->filters($self->filters); return $query; } sub dbh { my $self = shift; if (@_) { $self->{dbh} = $_[0]; return $self; } else { my $pid = $$; if ($self->pid eq $pid) { return $self->{dbh}; } else { # Create new connection in child process croak "Process is forked in transaction" unless $self->{dbh}->{AutoCommit}; $self->pid($pid); $self->{dbh}->{InactiveDestroy} = 1; return $self->{dbh} = $self->_connect; } } } our %DELETE_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } @COMMON_ARGS, qw/where append allow_delete_all/; sub delete { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{Argument "$name" is invalid name} unless $DELETE_ARGS{$name}; } # Arguments my $table = $args{table} || ''; croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $table; my $where = delete $args{where} || {}; my $append = delete $args{append}; my $allow_delete_all = delete $args{allow_delete_all}; # Where my $w; if (ref $where eq 'HASH') { my $clause = ['and']; push @$clause, "{= $_}" for keys %$where; $w = $self->where; $w->clause($clause); $w->param($where); } elsif (ref $where eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where') { $w = $where; $where = $w->param; } croak qq{"where" must be hash refernce or DBIx::Custom::Where object} unless ref $w eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where'; # String where my $swhere = "$w"; croak qq{"where" must be specified} if $swhere eq '' && !$allow_delete_all; # SQL stack my @sql; # Delete push @sql, "delete from $table $swhere"; push @sql, $append if $append; my $sql = join(' ', @sql); # Create query my $query = $self->create_query($sql); return $query if $args{query}; # Execute query my $ret_val = $self->execute( $query, param => $where, table => $table, %args ); return $ret_val; } sub delete_all { shift->delete(allow_delete_all => 1, @_) } our %DELETE_AT_ARGS = (%DELETE_ARGS, where => 1, primary_key => 1); sub delete_at { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{Argument "$name" is invalid name} unless $DELETE_AT_ARGS{$name}; } # Primary key my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key}; $primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys; # Where clause my $where = {}; if (exists $args{where}) { my $where_columns = delete $args{where}; $where_columns = [$where_columns] unless ref $where_columns; croak qq{"where" must be constant value or array reference} unless !ref $where_columns || ref $where_columns eq 'ARRAY'; for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) { $where->{$primary_keys->[$i]} = $where_columns->[$i]; } } if (exists $args{param}) { my $param = delete $args{param}; for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) { delete $param->{$primary_keys->[$i]}; } } return $self->delete(where => $where, %args); } sub DESTROY { } our %EXECUTE_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } @COMMON_ARGS, 'param'; sub execute{ my ($self, $query, %args) = @_; # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{Argument "$name" is invalid name} unless $EXECUTE_ARGS{$name}; } my $params = $args{param} || {}; # First argument is the soruce of SQL $query = $self->create_query($query) unless ref $query; # Applied filter my $filter = {}; my $tables = $query->tables; my $arg_tables = $args{table} || []; $arg_tables = [$arg_tables] unless ref $arg_tables eq 'ARRAY'; push @$tables, @$arg_tables; # Organize tables my %table_set = map {defined $_ ? ($_ => 1) : ()} @$tables; my $main_table = pop @$tables; delete $table_set{$main_table} if $main_table; foreach my $table (keys %table_set) { push @$tables, $table; if (my $dist = $self->{_table_alias}->{$table}) { $self->{filter} ||= {}; unless ($self->{filter}{out}{$table}) { $self->{filter}{out} ||= {}; $self->{filter}{in} ||= {}; $self->{filter}{end} ||= {}; foreach my $type (qw/out in end/) { foreach my $filter_name (keys %{$self->{filter}{$type}{$dist} || {}}) { my $filter_name_alias = $filter_name; $filter_name_alias =~ s/^$dist\./$table\./; $filter_name_alias =~ s/^${dist}__/${table}__/; $self->{filter}{$type}{$table}{$filter_name_alias} = $self->{filter}{$type}{$dist}{$filter_name} } } } } } $tables = [keys %table_set]; push @$tables, $main_table if $main_table; foreach my $table (@$tables) { next unless $table; $filter = { %$filter, %{$self->{filter}{out}->{$table} || {}} } } # Filter argument my $f = DBIx::Custom::Util::array_to_hash($args{filter}) || $query->filter || {}; foreach my $column (keys %$f) { my $fname = $f->{$column}; if (!defined $fname) { $f->{$column} = undef; } elsif (ref $fname ne 'CODE') { croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered"} unless exists $self->filters->{$fname}; $f->{$column} = $self->filters->{$fname}; } } $filter = {%$filter, %$f}; # Type my $type = DBIx::Custom::Util::array_to_hash($args{type}); # Bind my $bind = $self->_bind($params, $query->columns, $filter, $type); # Execute my $sth = $query->sth; my $affected; eval { for (my $i = 0; $i < @$bind; $i++) { if (my $type = $bind->[$i]->{type}) { $sth->bind_param($i + 1, $bind->[$i]->{value}, $type); } else { $sth->bind_param($i + 1, $bind->[$i]->{value}); } } $affected = $sth->execute; }; $self->_croak($@, qq{. Following SQL is executed. "$query->{sql}"}) if $@; # Return resultset if select statement is executed if ($sth->{NUM_OF_FIELDS}) { # Result in and end filter my $in_filter = {}; my $end_filter = {}; foreach my $table (@$tables) { next unless $table; $in_filter = { %$in_filter, %{$self->{filter}{in}{$table} || {}} }; $end_filter = { %$end_filter, %{$self->{filter}{end}{$table} || {}} }; } # Result my $result = $self->result_class->new( sth => $sth, filters => $self->filters, filter_check => $self->filter_check, default_filter => $self->{default_in_filter}, filter => $in_filter || {}, end_filter => $end_filter || {} ); return $result; } return $affected; } our %INSERT_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } @COMMON_ARGS, qw/param append/; sub insert { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{Argument "$name" is invalid name} unless $INSERT_ARGS{$name}; } # Arguments my $table = delete $args{table}; croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $table; my $param = delete $args{param} || {}; my $append = delete $args{append} || ''; # Columns my @columns; my $safety = $self->safety_character; foreach my $column (keys %$param) { croak qq{"$column" is not safety column name} unless $column =~ /^[$safety\.]+$/; push @columns, $column; } # SQL stack my @sql; # Insert push @sql, "insert into $table {insert_param ". join(' ', @columns) . '}'; push @sql, $append if $append; # SQL my $sql = join (' ', @sql); # Create query my $query = $self->create_query($sql); return $query if $args{query}; # Execute query my $ret_val = $self->execute( $query, param => $param, table => $table, %args ); return $ret_val; } our %INSERT_AT_ARGS = (%INSERT_ARGS, where => 1, primary_key => 1); sub insert_at { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{Argument "$name" is invalid name} unless $INSERT_AT_ARGS{$name}; } # Primary key my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key}; $primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys; # Where clause my $where = {}; my $param = {}; if (exists $args{where}) { my $where_columns = delete $args{where}; $where_columns = [$where_columns] unless ref $where_columns; croak qq{"where" must be constant value or array reference} unless !ref $where_columns || ref $where_columns eq 'ARRAY'; for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) { $where->{$primary_keys->[$i]} = $where_columns->[$i]; } } if (exists $args{param}) { $param = delete $args{param}; for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) { delete $param->{$primary_keys->[$i]}; } } $param = {%$param, %$where}; return $self->insert(param => $param, %args); } sub insert_param { my ($self, $param) = @_; # Insert parameter tag my @tag; push @tag, '{insert_param'; my $safety = $self->safety_character; foreach my $column (keys %$param) { croak qq{"$column" is not safety column name} unless $column =~ /^[$safety\.]+$/; push @tag, $column; } push @tag, '}'; return join ' ', @tag; } sub each_column { my ($self, $cb) = @_; # Iterate all tables my $sth_tables = $self->dbh->table_info; while (my $table_info = $sth_tables->fetchrow_hashref) { # Table my $table = $table_info->{TABLE_NAME}; # Iterate all columns my $sth_columns = $self->dbh->column_info(undef, undef, $table, '%'); while (my $column_info = $sth_columns->fetchrow_hashref) { my $column = $column_info->{COLUMN_NAME}; $self->$cb($table, $column, $column_info); } } } sub include_model { my ($self, $name_space, $model_infos) = @_; $name_space ||= ''; unless ($model_infos) { # Load name space module croak qq{"$name_space" is invalid class name} if $name_space =~ /[^\w:]/; eval "use $name_space"; croak qq{Name space module "$" is needed. $@} if $@; # Search model modules my $path = $INC{"$"}; $path =~ s/\.pm$//; opendir my $dh, $path or croak qq{Can't open directory "$path": $!}; $model_infos = []; while (my $module = readdir $dh) { push @$model_infos, $module if $module =~ s/\.pm$//; } close $dh; } my $table_alias = {}; foreach my $model_info (@$model_infos) { # Model class, name, table my $model_class; my $model_name; my $model_table; if (ref $model_info eq 'HASH') { $model_class = $model_info->{class}; $model_name = $model_info->{name}; $model_table = $model_info->{table}; $model_name ||= $model_class; $model_table ||= $model_name; } else { $model_class =$model_name = $model_table = $model_info } my $mclass = "${name_space}::$model_class"; # Load croak qq{"$mclass" is invalid class name} if $mclass =~ /[^\w:]/; unless ($mclass->can('isa')) { eval "use $mclass"; croak $@ if $@; } # Instantiate my $model = $mclass->new(dbi => $self); $model->name($model_name) unless $model->name; $model->table($model_table) unless $model->table; # Set $self->model($model->name, $model); # Apply filter croak "${name_space}::$model_class filter must be array reference" unless ref $model->filter eq 'ARRAY'; $self->apply_filter($model->table, @{$model->filter}); # Table alias $table_alias = {%$table_alias, %{$model->table_alias}}; # Table - Model croak "Table name is duplicated" if exists $self->{_model_from}->{$model->table}; $self->{_model_from}->{$model->table} = $model->name; } $self->{_table_alias} = $table_alias; return $self; } sub method { my $self = shift; # Merge my $methods = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $self->{_methods} = {%{$self->{_methods} || {}}, %$methods}; return $self; } sub model { my ($self, $name, $model) = @_; # Set if ($model) { $self->models->{$name} = $model; return $self; } # Check model existance croak qq{Model "$name" is not included} unless $self->models->{$name}; # Get return $self->models->{$name}; } sub mycolumn { my ($self, $table, $columns) = @_; $columns ||= []; my @column; push @column, "$table.$_ as $_" for @$columns; return join (', ', @column); } sub new { my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_); # Check attribute names my @attrs = keys %$self; foreach my $attr (@attrs) { croak qq{"$attr" is invalid attribute name} unless $self->can($attr); } $self->register_tag( '?' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::placeholder, '=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::equal, '<>' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::not_equal, '>' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::greater_than, '<' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::lower_than, '>=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::greater_than_equal, '<=' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::lower_than_equal, 'like' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::like, 'in' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::in, 'insert_param' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::insert_param, 'update_param' => \&DBIx::Custom::Tag::update_param ); return $self; } sub not_exists { bless {}, 'DBIx::Custom::NotExists' } sub register_filter { my $invocant = shift; # Register filter my $filters = ref $_[0] eq 'HASH' ? $_[0] : {@_}; $invocant->filters({%{$invocant->filters}, %$filters}); return $invocant; } sub register_tag { shift->query_builder->register_tag(@_) } our %SELECT_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } @COMMON_ARGS, qw/column where append relation selection join/; sub select { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{Argument "$name" is invalid name} unless $SELECT_ARGS{$name}; } # Arguments my $table = delete $args{table}; my $tables = ref $table eq 'ARRAY' ? $table : defined $table ? [$table] : []; my $columns = delete $args{column}; my $selection = delete $args{selection} || ''; my $where = delete $args{where} || {}; my $append = delete $args{append}; my $join = delete $args{join} || []; croak qq{"join" must be array reference} unless ref $join eq 'ARRAY'; my $relation = delete $args{relation}; # Add relation tables(DEPRECATED!); $self->_add_relation_table($tables, $relation); # SQL stack my @sql; push @sql, 'select'; # Selection if ($selection) { push @sql, $selection; if ($selection =~ /from\s+(?:\{table\s+)?([^\s\{]+?)\b/) { unshift @$tables, $1; } unshift @$tables, @{$self->_tables($selection)}; } # Column clause elsif ($columns) { $columns = [$columns] if ! ref $columns; if (ref $columns eq 'HASH') { # Find tables my $main_table; my %tables; if ($columns->{table}) { foreach my $table (@{$columns->{table}}) { if (($table || '') eq $tables->[-1]) { $main_table = $table; } else { $tables{$table} = 1; } } } elsif ($columns->{all}) { $main_table = $tables->[-1] || ''; foreach my $j (@$join) { my $tables = $self->_tables($j); foreach my $table (@$tables) { $tables{$table} = 1; } } delete $tables{$main_table}; } push @sql, $columns->{prepend} if $columns->{prepend}; # Column clause of main table if ($main_table) { push @sql, $self->model($main_table)->mycolumn; push @sql, ','; } # Column cluase of other tables foreach my $table (keys %tables) { unshift @$tables, $table; push @sql, $self->model($table)->column($table); push @sql, ','; } pop @sql if $sql[-1] eq ','; } else { foreach my $column (@$columns) { unshift @$tables, @{$self->_tables($column)}; push @sql, ($column, ','); } pop @sql if $sql[-1] eq ','; } } # "*" is default else { push @sql, '*' } # Table unless ($selection) { push @sql, 'from'; if ($relation) { my $found = {}; foreach my $table (@$tables) { push @sql, ($table, ',') unless $found->{$table}; $found->{$table} = 1; } } else { my $main_table = $tables->[-1] || ''; push @sql, $main_table; } pop @sql if ($sql[-1] || '') eq ','; } # Main table croak "Not found table name" unless $tables->[-1]; # Where my $w; if (ref $where eq 'HASH') { my $clause = ['and']; push @$clause, "{= $_}" for keys %$where; $w = $self->where(clause => $clause, param => $where); } elsif (ref $where eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where') { $w = $where; $where = $w->param; } croak qq{"where" must be hash reference or DBIx::Custom::Where object} unless ref $w eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where'; # String where my $swhere = "$w"; # Add table names in where clause unshift @$tables, @{$self->_tables($swhere)}; # Push join $self->_push_join(\@sql, $join, $tables); # Add where clause push @sql, $swhere; # Relation(DEPRECATED!); $self->_push_relation(\@sql, $tables, $relation, $swhere eq '' ? 1 : 0); # Append statement push @sql, $append if $append; # SQL my $sql = join (' ', @sql); # Create query my $query = $self->create_query($sql); return $query if $args{query}; # Execute query my $result = $self->execute( $query, param => $where, table => $tables, %args ); return $result; } our %SELECT_AT_ARGS = (%SELECT_ARGS, where => 1, primary_key => 1); sub select_at { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{Argument "$name" is invalid name} unless $SELECT_AT_ARGS{$name}; } # Primary key my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key}; $primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys; # Table croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $args{table}; my $table = ref $args{table} ? $args{table}->[-1] : $args{table}; # Where clause my $where = {}; if (exists $args{where}) { my $where_columns = delete $args{where}; croak qq{"where" must be constant value or array reference} unless !ref $where_columns || ref $where_columns eq 'ARRAY'; $where_columns = [$where_columns] unless ref $where_columns; for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) { $where->{$table . '.' . $primary_keys->[$i]} = $where_columns->[$i]; } } if (exists $args{param}) { my $param = delete $args{param}; for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) { delete $param->{$primary_keys->[$i]}; } } return $self->select(where => $where, %args); } sub setup_model { my $self = shift; $self->each_column( sub { my ($self, $table, $column, $column_info) = @_; if (my $model = $self->models->{$table}) { push @{$model->columns}, $column; } } ); return $self; } our %UPDATE_ARGS = map { $_ => 1 } @COMMON_ARGS, qw/param where append allow_update_all/; sub update { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{Argument "$name" is invalid name} unless $UPDATE_ARGS{$name}; } # Arguments my $table = delete $args{table} || ''; croak qq{"table" option must be specified} unless $table; my $param = delete $args{param} || {}; my $where = delete $args{where} || {}; my $append = delete $args{append} || ''; my $allow_update_all = delete $args{allow_update_all}; # Update keys my @clumns = keys %$param; # Columns my @columns; my $safety = $self->safety_character; foreach my $column (keys %$param) { croak qq{"$column" is not safety column name} unless $column =~ /^[$safety\.]+$/; push @columns, $column; } # Update clause my $update_clause = '{update_param ' . join(' ', @clumns) . '}'; # Where my $w; if (ref $where eq 'HASH') { my $clause = ['and']; push @$clause, "{= $_}" for keys %$where; $w = $self->where; $w->clause($clause); $w->param($where); } elsif (ref $where eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where') { $w = $where; $where = $w->param; } croak qq{"where" must be hash refernce or DBIx::Custom::Where object} unless ref $w eq 'DBIx::Custom::Where'; # String where my $swhere = "$w"; croak qq{"where" must be specified} if "$swhere" eq '' && !$allow_update_all; # SQL stack my @sql; # Update push @sql, "update $table $update_clause $swhere"; push @sql, $append if $append; # Rearrange parameters foreach my $wkey (keys %$where) { if (exists $param->{$wkey}) { $param->{$wkey} = [$param->{$wkey}] unless ref $param->{$wkey} eq 'ARRAY'; push @{$param->{$wkey}}, $where->{$wkey}; } else { $param->{$wkey} = $where->{$wkey}; } } # SQL my $sql = join(' ', @sql); # Create query my $query = $self->create_query($sql); return $query if $args{query}; # Execute query my $ret_val = $self->execute( $query, param => $param, table => $table, %args ); return $ret_val; } sub update_all { shift->update(allow_update_all => 1, @_) }; our %UPDATE_AT_ARGS = (%UPDATE_ARGS, where => 1, primary_key => 1); sub update_at { my ($self, %args) = @_; # Check argument names foreach my $name (keys %args) { croak qq{Argument "$name" is invalid name} unless $UPDATE_AT_ARGS{$name}; } # Primary key my $primary_keys = delete $args{primary_key}; $primary_keys = [$primary_keys] unless ref $primary_keys; # Where clause my $where = {}; my $param = {}; if (exists $args{where}) { my $where_columns = delete $args{where}; $where_columns = [$where_columns] unless ref $where_columns; croak qq{"where" must be constant value or array reference} unless !ref $where_columns || ref $where_columns eq 'ARRAY'; for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) { $where->{$primary_keys->[$i]} = $where_columns->[$i]; } } if (exists $args{param}) { $param = delete $args{param}; for(my $i = 0; $i < @$primary_keys; $i ++) { delete $param->{$primary_keys->[$i]}; } } return $self->update(where => $where, param => $param, %args); } sub update_param { my ($self, $param) = @_; # Update parameter tag my @tag; push @tag, '{update_param'; my $safety = $self->safety_character; foreach my $column (keys %$param) { croak qq{"$column" is not safety column name} unless $column =~ /^[$safety\.]+$/; push @tag, $column; } push @tag, '}'; return join ' ', @tag; } sub where { my $self = shift; return DBIx::Custom::Where->new( query_builder => $self->query_builder, safety_character => $self->safety_character, @_ ); } sub _bind { my ($self, $params, $columns, $filter, $type) = @_; # bind values my $bind = []; # Build bind values my $count = {}; my $not_exists = {}; foreach my $column (@$columns) { # Value my $value; if(ref $params->{$column} eq 'ARRAY') { my $i = $count->{$column} || 0; $i += $not_exists->{$column} || 0; my $found; for (my $k = $i; $i < @{$params->{$column}}; $k++) { if (ref $params->{$column}->[$k] eq 'DBIx::Custom::NotExists') { $not_exists->{$column}++; } else { $value = $params->{$column}->[$k]; $found = 1; last } } next unless $found; } else { $value = $params->{$column} } # Filter my $f = $filter->{$column} || $self->{default_out_filter} || ''; # Type push @$bind, { value => $f ? $f->($value) : $value, type => $type->{$column} }; # Count up $count->{$column}++; } return $bind; } sub _connect { my $self = shift; # Attributes my $data_source = $self->data_source; croak qq{"data_source" must be specified to connect()"} unless $data_source; my $user = $self->user; my $password = $self->password; my $dbi_option = {%{$self->dbi_options}, %{$self->dbi_option}}; # Connect my $dbh = eval {DBI->connect( $data_source, $user, $password, { %{$self->default_dbi_option}, %$dbi_option } )}; # Connect error croak $@ if $@; return $dbh; } sub _croak { my ($self, $error, $append) = @_; $append ||= ""; # Verbose if ($Carp::Verbose) { croak $error } # Not verbose else { # Remove line and module infromation my $at_pos = rindex($error, ' at '); $error = substr($error, 0, $at_pos); $error =~ s/\s+$//; croak "$error$append"; } } sub _need_tables { my ($self, $tree, $need_tables, $tables) = @_; foreach my $table (@$tables) { if ($tree->{$table}) { $need_tables->{$table} = 1; $self->_need_tables($tree, $need_tables, [$tree->{$table}{parent}]) } } } sub _tables { my ($self, $source) = @_; my $tables = []; my $safety_character = $self->safety_character; while ($source =~ /\b($safety_character+)\./g) { push @$tables, $1; } return $tables; } sub _push_join { my ($self, $sql, $join, $join_tables) = @_; return unless @$join; my $tree = {}; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$join; $i++) { my $join_clause = $join->[$i]; if ($join_clause =~ /\s([^\.\s]+?)\..+\s([^\.\s]+?)\..+?$/) { my $table1 = $1; my $table2 = $2; croak qq{right side table of "$join_clause" must be uniq} if exists $tree->{$table2}; $tree->{$table2} = {position => $i, parent => $table1, join => $join_clause}; } else { croak qq{join "$join_clause" must be two table name}; } } my $need_tables = {}; $self->_need_tables($tree, $need_tables, $join_tables); my @need_tables = sort { $tree->{$a}{position} <=> $tree->{$b}{position} } keys %$need_tables; foreach my $need_table (@need_tables) { push @$sql, $tree->{$need_table}{join}; } } # DEPRECATED! __PACKAGE__->attr( dbi_options => sub { {} }, filter_check => 1 ); # DEPRECATED! sub default_bind_filter { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $fname = $_[0]; if (@_ && !$fname) { $self->{default_out_filter} = undef; } else { croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered} unless exists $self->filters->{$fname}; $self->{default_out_filter} = $self->filters->{$fname}; } return $self; } return $self->{default_out_filter}; } # DEPRECATED! sub default_fetch_filter { my $self = shift; if (@_) { my $fname = $_[0]; if (@_ && !$fname) { $self->{default_in_filter} = undef; } else { croak qq{Filter "$fname" is not registered} unless exists $self->filters->{$fname}; $self->{default_in_filter} = $self->filters->{$fname}; } return $self; } return $self->{default_in_filter}; } # DEPRECATED! sub register_tag_processor { return shift->query_builder->register_tag_processor(@_); } # DEPRECATED! sub _push_relation { my ($self, $sql, $tables, $relation, $need_where) = @_; if (keys %{$relation || {}}) { push @$sql, $need_where ? 'where' : 'and'; foreach my $rcolumn (keys %$relation) { my $table1 = (split (/\./, $rcolumn))[0]; my $table2 = (split (/\./, $relation->{$rcolumn}))[0]; push @$tables, ($table1, $table2); push @$sql, ("$rcolumn = " . $relation->{$rcolumn}, 'and'); } } pop @$sql if $sql->[-1] eq 'and'; } # DEPRECATED! sub _add_relation_table { my ($self, $tables, $relation) = @_; if (keys %{$relation || {}}) { foreach my $rcolumn (keys %$relation) { my $table1 = (split (/\./, $rcolumn))[0]; my $table2 = (split (/\./, $relation->{$rcolumn}))[0]; my $table1_exists; my $table2_exists; foreach my $table (@$tables) { $table1_exists = 1 if $table eq $table1; $table2_exists = 1 if $table eq $table2; } unshift @$tables, $table1 unless $table1_exists; unshift @$tables, $table2 unless $table2_exists; } } } 1; =head1 NAME DBIx::Custom - Useful database access, respecting SQL! =head1 SYNOPSYS use DBIx::Custom; # Connect my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect( data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname", user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&', dbi_option => {mysql_enable_utf8 => 1} ); # Insert $dbi->insert( table => 'book', param => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'} ); # Update $dbi->update( table => 'book', param => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'}, where => {id => 5}, ); # Delete $dbi->delete( table => 'book', where => {author => 'Ken'}, ); # Select my $result = $dbi->select( table => 'book', where => {author => 'Ken'}, ); # Select, more complex my $result = $dbi->select( table => 'book', column => [ ' as book__author', ' as company__name' ], where => {'' => 'Ken'}, join => ['left outer join company on book.company_id ='], append => 'order by id limit 5' ); # Fetch while (my $row = $result->fetch) { } # Fetch as hash while (my $row = $result->fetch_hash) { } # Execute SQL with parameter. $dbi->execute( "select id from book where {= author} and {like title}", param => {author => 'ken', title => '%Perl%'} ); =head1 DESCRIPTIONS L is L wrapper module. =head1 FEATURES =over 4 =item * There are many basic methods to execute various queries. C, C, C,C, C, C, C, C, C, C, C =item * Filter when data is send or receive. =item * Data filtering system =item * Model support. =item * Generate where clause dinamically. =item * Generate join clause dinamically. =back =head1 GUIDE L - L Guide =head1 Wiki L =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 C my $cache = $dbi->cache; $dbi = $dbi->cache(1); Enable caching L, default to 1. =head2 C my $data_source = $dbi->data_source; $dbi = $dbi->data_source("DBI:mysql:database=dbname"); Data source, used when C is executed. =head2 C my $dbi_option = $dbi->dbi_option; $dbi = $dbi->dbi_option($dbi_option); L option, used when C is executed. Each value in option override the value of C. =head2 C my $default_dbi_option = $dbi->default_dbi_option; $dbi = $dbi->default_dbi_option($default_dbi_option); L default option, used when C is executed, default to the following values. { RaiseError => 1, PrintError => 0, AutoCommit => 1, } You should not change C value directly, the value is used to check if the process is in transaction. =head2 C my $filters = $dbi->filters; $dbi = $dbi->filters(\%filters); Filters, registered by C. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL my $models = $dbi->models; $dbi = $dbi->models(\%models); Models, included by C. =head2 C my $password = $dbi->password; $dbi = $dbi->password('lkj&le`@s'); Password, used when C is executed. =head2 C my $sql_class = $dbi->query_builder; $dbi = $dbi->query_builder(DBIx::Custom::QueryBuilder->new); Query builder, default to L object. =head2 C my $result_class = $dbi->result_class; $dbi = $dbi->result_class('DBIx::Custom::Result'); Result class, default to L. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL my $safety_character = $self->safety_character; $dbi = $self->safety_character($character); Regex of safety character for table and column name, default to '\w'. Note that you don't have to specify like '[\w]'. =head2 C my $user = $dbi->user; $dbi = $dbi->user('Ken'); User name, used when C is executed. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and use all methods of L and implements the following new ones. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL $dbi->apply_filter( 'book', 'issue_date' => { out => 'tp_to_date', in => 'date_to_tp', end => 'tp_to_displaydate' }, 'write_date' => { out => 'tp_to_date', in => 'date_to_tp', end => 'tp_to_displaydate' } ); Apply filter to columns. C filter is executed before data is send to database. C filter is executed after a row is fetch. C filter is execute after C filter is executed. Filter is applied to the follwoing tree column name pattern. PETTERN EXAMPLE 1. Column : author 2. Table.Column : 3. Table__Column : book__author If column name is duplicate with other table, Main filter specified by C option is used. You can set multiple filters at once. $dbi->apply_filter( 'book', [qw/issue_date write_date/] => { out => 'tp_to_date', in => 'date_to_tp', end => 'tp_to_displaydate' } ); =head2 C $dbi = $dbi->cache_method(\&cache_method); $cache_method = $dbi->cache_method Method to set and get cache. Default to the following one. sub { my $self = shift; $self->{_cached} ||= {}; if (@_ > 1) { $self->{_cached}{$_[0]} = $_[1]; } else { return $self->{_cached}{$_[0]}; } } =head2 C my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect( data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname", user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&', dbi_option => {mysql_enable_utf8 => 1} ); Connect to the database and create a new L object. L is a wrapper of L. C and C options are true, and C option is false by default. =head2 C my $query = $dbi->create_query( "insert into book {insert_param title author};"; ); Create L object. If you want to get high performance, create L object and execute the query by C instead of other methods, such as C, C. $dbi->execute($query, {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'}); =head2 C my $dbh = $dbi->dbh; $dbi = $dbi->dbh($dbh); Get and set database handle of L. If process is spawn by forking, new connection is created automatically. This feature is EXPERIMETNAL. =head2 C my $result = $dbi->execute( "select * from book where {= title} and {like author}", param => {title => 'Perl', author => '%Ken%'} ); Execute SQL, containing tags. Return value is L in select statement, or the count of affected rows in insert, update, delete statement. Tag is turned into the statement containing place holder before SQL is executed. select * from where title = ? and author like ?; See also L. The following opitons are currently available. =over 4 =item C Filter, executed before data is send to database. This is array reference. Filter value is code reference or filter name registerd by C. # Basic $dbi->execute( $sql, filter => [ title => sub { uc $_[0] } author => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # At once $dbi->execute( $sql, filter => [ [qw/title author/] => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # Filter name $dbi->execute( $sql, filter => [ title => 'upper_case', author => 'upper_case' ] ); These filters are added to the C filters, set by C. =back =head2 C $dbi->delete(table => 'book', where => {title => 'Perl'}); Delete statement. The following opitons are currently available. =over 4 =item C
Table name. $dbi->delete(table => 'book'); =item C Where clause. This is hash reference or L object. # Hash reference $dbi->delete(where => {title => 'Perl'}); # DBIx::Custom::Where object my $where = $dbi->where( clause => ['and', '{= author}', '{like title}'], param => {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'} ); $dbi->delete(where => $where); =item C Append statement to last of SQL. This is string. $dbi->delete(append => 'order by title'); =item C Filter, executed before data is send to database. This is array reference. Filter value is code reference or filter name registerd by C. # Basic $dbi->delete( filter => [ title => sub { uc $_[0] } author => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # At once $dbi->delete( filter => [ [qw/title author/] => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # Filter name $dbi->delete( filter => [ title => 'upper_case', author => 'upper_case' ] ); These filters are added to the C filters, set by C. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL my $column = $self->column(book => ['author', 'title']); Create column clause. The follwoing column clause is created. as book__author, book.title as book__title =item C EXPERIMENTAL Get L object instead of executing SQL. This is true or false value. my $query = $dbi->delete(query => 1); You can check SQL. my $sql = $query->sql; =back =head2 C $dbi->delete_all(table => $table); Delete statement to delete all rows. Options is same as C. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL Delete statement, using primary key. $dbi->delete_at( table => 'book', primary_key => 'id', where => '5' ); This method is same as C exept that C is specified and C is constant value or array refrence. all option of C is available. =over 4 =item C Primary key. This is constant value or array reference. # Constant value $dbi->delete(primary_key => 'id'); # Array reference $dbi->delete(primary_key => ['id1', 'id2' ]); This is used to create where clause. =item C Where clause, created from primary key information. This is constant value or array reference. # Constant value $dbi->delete(where => 5); # Array reference $dbi->delete(where => [3, 5]); In first examle, the following SQL is created. delete from book where id = ?; Place holder is set to 5. =back =head2 C $dbi->insert( table => 'book', param => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'} ); Insert statement. The following opitons are currently available. =over 4 =item C
Table name. $dbi->insert(table => 'book'); =item C Insert data. This is hash reference. $dbi->insert(param => {title => 'Perl'}); =item C Append statement to last of SQL. This is string. $dbi->insert(append => 'order by title'); =item C Filter, executed before data is send to database. This is array reference. Filter value is code reference or filter name registerd by C. # Basic $dbi->insert( filter => [ title => sub { uc $_[0] } author => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # At once $dbi->insert( filter => [ [qw/title author/] => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # Filter name $dbi->insert( filter => [ title => 'upper_case', author => 'upper_case' ] ); These filters are added to the C filters, set by C. =item C EXPERIMENTAL Get L object instead of executing SQL. This is true or false value. my $query = $dbi->insert(query => 1); You can check SQL. my $sql = $query->sql; =back =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL Insert statement, using primary key. $dbi->insert_at( table => 'book', primary_key => 'id', where => '5', param => {title => 'Perl'} ); This method is same as C exept that C is specified and C is constant value or array refrence. all option of C is available. =over 4 =item C Primary key. This is constant value or array reference. # Constant value $dbi->insert(primary_key => 'id'); # Array reference $dbi->insert(primary_key => ['id1', 'id2' ]); This is used to create parts of insert data. =item C Parts of Insert data, create from primary key information. This is constant value or array reference. # Constant value $dbi->insert(where => 5); # Array reference $dbi->insert(where => [3, 5]); In first examle, the following SQL is created. insert into book (id, title) values (?, ?); Place holders are set to 5 and 'Perl'. =back =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL my $insert_param = $dbi->insert_param({title => 'a', age => 2}); Create insert parameter tag. {insert_param title age} =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL $dbi->each_column( sub { my ($dbi, $table, $column, $column_info) = @_; my $type = $column_info->{TYPE_NAME}; if ($type eq 'DATE') { # ... } } ); Iterate all column informations of all table from database. Argument is callback when one column is found. Callback receive four arguments, dbi object, table name, column name and column information. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL $dbi->include_model('MyModel'); Include models from specified namespace, the following layout is needed to include models. lib / / MyModel / / Name space module, extending L. B package MyModel; use base 'DBIx::Custom::Model'; 1; Model modules, extending name space module. B package MyModel::book; use base 'MyModel'; 1; B package MyModel::company; use base 'MyModel'; 1; MyModel::book and MyModel::company is included by C. You can get model object by C. my $book_model = $dbi->model('book'); my $company_model = $dbi->model('company'); See L to know model features. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL $dbi->method( update_or_insert => sub { my $self = shift; # Process }, find_or_create => sub { my $self = shift; # Process } ); Register method. These method is called directly from L object. $dbi->update_or_insert; $dbi->find_or_create; =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL $dbi->model('book')->method( insert => sub { ... }, update => sub { ... } ); my $model = $dbi->model('book'); Set and get a L object, =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL my $column = $self->mycolumn(book => ['author', 'title']); Create column clause for myself. The follwoing column clause is created. as author, book.title as title =head2 C my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->new( data_source => "dbi:mysql:database=dbname", user => 'ken', password => '!LFKD%$&', dbi_option => {mysql_enable_utf8 => 1} ); Create a new L object. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL my $not_exists = $dbi->not_exists; DBIx::Custom::NotExists object, indicating the column is not exists. This is used by C of L . =head2 C $dbi->register_filter( # Time::Piece object to database DATE format tp_to_date => sub { my $tp = shift; return $tp->strftime('%Y-%m-%d'); }, # database DATE format to Time::Piece object date_to_tp => sub { my $date = shift; return Time::Piece->strptime($date, '%Y-%m-%d'); } ); Register filters, used by C option of many methods. =head2 C $dbi->register_tag( update => sub { my @columns = @_; # Update parameters my $s = 'set '; $s .= "$_ = ?, " for @columns; $s =~ s/, $//; return [$s, \@columns]; } ); Register tag, used by C. See also L about tag registered by default. Tag parser receive arguments specified in tag. In the following tag, 'title' and 'author' is parser arguments {update_param title author} Tag parser must return array refrence, first element is the result statement, second element is column names corresponding to place holders. In this example, result statement is set title = ?, author = ? Column names is ['title', 'author'] =head2 C
Table name. $dbi->select(table => 'book'); =item C Column clause. This is array reference or constant value. # Hash refernce $dbi->select(column => ['author', 'title']); # Constant value $dbi->select(column => 'author'); Default is '*' unless C is specified. # Default $dbi->select(column => '*'); You can use hash option in C =over 4 =item all EXPERIMENTAL Colum clause, contains all columns of joined table. This is true or false value $dbi->select(column => {all => 1}); If main table is C and joined table is C, This create the following column clause. as author book.company_id as company_id as company__id as company__name Columns of main table is consist of only column name, Columns of joined table is consist of table and column name joined C<__>. Note that this option is failed unless modles is included and C attribute is set. # Generally do the following way before using all_column option $dbi->include_model('MyModel')->setup_model; =item table EXPERIMENTAL You can also specify table names by C
option $dbi->select(column => {table => ['book', 'company']}); =item prepend EXPERIMENTAL You can add before created statement $dbi->select(column => {prepend => 'SOME', all => 1}); =back =item C Where clause. This is hash reference or L object. # Hash reference $dbi->select(where => {author => 'Ken', 'title' => 'Perl'}); # DBIx::Custom::Where object my $where = $dbi->where( clause => ['and', '{= author}', '{like title}'], param => {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'} ); $dbi->select(where => $where); =item C EXPERIMENTAL Join clause used in need. This is array reference. $dbi->select(join => [ 'left outer join company on book.company_id = company_id', 'left outer join location on company.location_id =' ] ); If column cluase or where clause contain table name like "", needed join clause is used automatically. $dbi->select( table => 'book', column => ['company.location_id as company__location_id'], where => {'' => 'Orange'}, join => [ 'left outer join company on book.company_id =', 'left outer join location on company.location_id =' ] ); In above select, the following SQL is created. select company.location_id as company__location_id from book left outer join company on book.company_id = where = Orange =item C Append statement to last of SQL. This is string. $dbi->select(append => 'order by title'); =item C Filter, executed before data is send to database. This is array reference. Filter value is code reference or filter name registerd by C. # Basic $dbi->select( filter => [ title => sub { uc $_[0] } author => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # At once $dbi->select( filter => [ [qw/title author/] => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # Filter name $dbi->select( filter => [ title => 'upper_case', author => 'upper_case' ] ); These filters are added to the C filters, set by C. =item C EXPERIMENTAL Get L object instead of executing SQL. This is true or false value. my $query = $dbi->select(query => 1); You can check SQL. my $sql = $query->sql; =item C EXPERIMENTAL Specify database data type. $dbi->select(type => [image => DBI::SQL_BLOB]); $dbi->select(type => [[qw/image audio/] => DBI::SQL_BLOB]); This is used to bind paramter by C of statment handle. $sth->bind_param($pos, $value, DBI::SQL_BLOB); =back =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL Select statement, using primary key. $dbi->select_at( table => 'book', primary_key => 'id', where => '5' ); This method is same as C exept that C is specified and C is constant value or array refrence. all option of C is available. =over 4 =item C Primary key. This is constant value or array reference. # Constant value $dbi->select(primary_key => 'id'); # Array reference $dbi->select(primary_key => ['id1', 'id2' ]); This is used to create where clause. =item C Where clause, created from primary key information. This is constant value or array reference. # Constant value $dbi->select(where => 5); # Array reference $dbi->select(where => [3, 5]); In first examle, the following SQL is created. select * from book where id = ? Place holder is set to 5. =back =head2 C $dbi->update( table => 'book', param => {title => 'Perl'}, where => {id => 4} ); Update statement. The following opitons are currently available. =over 4 =item C
Table name. $dbi->update(table => 'book'); =item C Update data. This is hash reference. $dbi->update(param => {title => 'Perl'}); =item C Where clause. This is hash reference or L object. # Hash reference $dbi->update(where => {author => 'Ken', 'title' => 'Perl'}); # DBIx::Custom::Where object my $where = $dbi->where( clause => ['and', '{= author}', '{like title}'], param => {author => 'Ken', title => '%Perl%'} ); $dbi->update(where => $where); =item C Append statement to last of SQL. This is string. $dbi->update(append => 'order by title'); =item C Filter, executed before data is send to database. This is array reference. Filter value is code reference or filter name registerd by C. # Basic $dbi->update( filter => [ title => sub { uc $_[0] } author => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # At once $dbi->update( filter => [ [qw/title author/] => sub { uc $_[0] } ] ); # Filter name $dbi->update( filter => [ title => 'upper_case', author => 'upper_case' ] ); These filters are added to the C filters, set by C. =item C EXPERIMENTAL Get L object instead of executing SQL. This is true or false value. my $query = $dbi->update(query => 1); You can check SQL. my $sql = $query->sql; =back =head2 C $dbi->update_all(table => 'book', param => {title => 'Perl'}); Update statement to update all rows. Options is same as C. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL Update statement, using primary key. $dbi->update_at( table => 'book', primary_key => 'id', where => '5', param => {title => 'Perl'} ); This method is same as C exept that C is specified and C is constant value or array refrence. all option of C is available. =over 4 =item C Primary key. This is constant value or array reference. # Constant value $dbi->update(primary_key => 'id'); # Array reference $dbi->update(primary_key => ['id1', 'id2' ]); This is used to create where clause. =item C Where clause, created from primary key information. This is constant value or array reference. # Constant value $dbi->update(where => 5); # Array reference $dbi->update(where => [3, 5]); In first examle, the following SQL is created. update book set title = ? where id = ? Place holders are set to 'Perl' and 5. =back =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL my $update_param = $dbi->update_param({title => 'a', age => 2}); Create update parameter tag. {update_param title age} =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL my $where = $dbi->where( clause => ['and', '{= title}', '{= author}'], param => {title => 'Perl', author => 'Ken'} ); Create a new L object. =head2 C EXPERIMENTAL $dbi->setup_model; Setup all model objects. C of model object is automatically set, parsing database information. =head1 Tags The following tags is available. =head2 C
EXPERIMENTAL Table tag {table TABLE} -> TABLE This is used to tell C what table is needed . =head2 C Placeholder tag. {? NAME} -> ? =head2 C<=> Equal tag. {= NAME} -> NAME = ? =head2 CE> Not equal tag. {<> NAME} -> NAME <> ? =head2 C> Lower than tag {< NAME} -> NAME < ? =head2 C> Greater than tag {> NAME} -> NAME > ? =head2 C=> Greater than or equal tag {>= NAME} -> NAME >= ? =head2 C=> Lower than or equal tag {<= NAME} -> NAME <= ? =head2 C Like tag {like NAME} -> NAME like ? =head2 C In tag. {in NAME COUNT} -> NAME in [?, ?, ..] =head2 C Insert parameter tag. {insert_param NAME1 NAME2} -> (NAME1, NAME2) values (?, ?) =head2 C Updata parameter tag. {update_param NAME1 NAME2} -> set NAME1 = ?, NAME2 = ? =head1 STABILITY L is stable. APIs keep backword compatible except EXPERIMENTAL one in the feature. =head1 BUGS Please tell me bugs if found. C<< >> L =head1 AUTHOR Yuki Kimoto, C<< >> =head1 COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2009-2011 Yuki Kimoto, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut