package DBIx::Custom::Where; use strict; use warnings; use base 'Object::Simple'; use overload 'bool' => sub {1}, fallback => 1; use overload '""' => sub { shift->to_string }, fallback => 1; use Carp 'croak'; # Carp trust relationship push @DBIx::Custom::CARP_NOT, __PACKAGE__; __PACKAGE__->attr( 'query_builder', clause => sub { [] }, param => sub { {} } ); sub to_string { my $self = shift; my $clause = $self->clause; $clause = ['and', $clause] unless ref $clause eq 'ARRAY'; $clause->[0] = 'and' unless @$clause; my $where = []; my $count = {}; $self->_forward($clause, $where, $count, 'and'); unshift @$where, 'where' if @$where; return join(' ', @$where); } our %VALID_OPERATIONS = map { $_ => 1 } qw/and or/; sub _forward { my ($self, $clause, $where, $count, $op) = @_; if (ref $clause eq 'ARRAY') { push @$where, '('; my $op = $clause->[0] || ''; croak qq{"$op" is invalid operation} unless $VALID_OPERATIONS{$op}; for (my $i = 1; $i < @$clause; $i++) { my $pushed = $self->_forward($clause->[$i], $where, $count, $op); push @$where, $op if $pushed; } pop @$where if $where->[-1] eq $op; if ($where->[-1] eq '(') { pop @$where; pop @$where; } else { push @$where, ')'; } } else { # Column my $columns = $self->query_builder->build_query($clause)->columns; croak qq{each tag contains one column name: tag "$clause"} unless @$columns == 1; my $column = $columns->[0]; # Count up my $count = ++$count->{$column}; # Push element my $param = $self->param; my $pushed; if (exists $param->{$column}) { if (ref $param->{$column} eq 'ARRAY') { $pushed = 1 if exists $param->{$column}->[$count - 1]; } elsif ($count == 1) { $pushed = 1; } } push @$where, $clause if $pushed; return $pushed; } } 1; =head1 NAME DBIx::Custom::Where - Where clause =head1 SYNOPSYS $where = DBIx::Custom::Where->new; my $sql = "select * from book $where"; =head1 ATTRIBUTES =head2 C my $param = $where->param; $where = $where->param({title => 'Perl', date => ['2010-11-11', '2011-03-05']}, name => ['Ken', 'Taro']); =head1 METHODS =head2 C $where->clause( ['and', '{= title}', ['or', '{< date}', '{> date}']] ); Where clause. =head2 C $where->to_string; Convert where clause to string correspoinding to param name.