1 contributor
package Mojo::UserAgent::Server;
use Mojo::Base -base;
use Mojo::IOLoop;
use Mojo::Server::Daemon;
has ioloop => sub { Mojo::IOLoop->singleton };
sub app {
my ($self, $app) = @_;
# Singleton application
state $singleton;
return $singleton = $app ? $app : $singleton unless ref $self;
# Default to singleton application
return $self->{app} || $singleton unless $app;
$self->{app} = $app;
return $self;
sub restart { shift->_restart(1) }
sub url {
my $self = shift;
$self->_restart(0, @_)
if !$self->{server} || $self->{server}->ioloop ne $self->ioloop || @_;
return Mojo::URL->new("$self->{proto}://localhost:$self->{port}/");
sub _restart {
my ($self, $full, $proto) = @_;
my $server = $self->{server} = Mojo::Server::Daemon->new(
app => $self->app,
ioloop => $self->ioloop,
silent => 1
delete $self->{port} if $full;
die "Couldn't find a free TCP port for application.\n"
unless my $port = $self->{port} ||= Mojo::IOLoop->generate_port;
$self->{proto} = $proto ||= 'http';
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojo::UserAgent::Server - Application server
use Mojo::UserAgent::Server;
my $server = Mojo::UserAgent::Server->new;
say $server->url;
L<Mojo::UserAgent::Server> is an embedded web server based on
L<Mojo::Server::Daemon> that processes requests for L<Mojo::UserAgent>.
L<Mojo::UserAgent::Server> implements the following attributes.
=head2 ioloop
my $loop = $server->ioloop;
$server = $server->ioloop(Mojo::IOLoop->new);
Event loop object to use for I/O operations, defaults to the global
L<Mojo::IOLoop> singleton.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojo::UserAgent::Server> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and
implements the following new ones.
=head2 app
my $app = Mojo::UserAgent::Server->app;
my $app = $server->app;
$server = $server->app(MyApp->new);
Application this server handles, instance specific applications override the
global default.
# Change application behavior
$server->defaults(testing => 'oh yea!');
=head2 restart
Restart server with new port.
=head2 url
my $url = $ua->url;
my $url = $ua->url('http');
my $url = $ua->url('https');
Get absolute L<Mojo::URL> object for L</"app"> and switch protocol if
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<http://mojolicio.us>.