1 contributor
package Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin';
use Mojo::ByteStream;
use Mojo::Util 'dumper';
sub register {
my ($self, $app) = @_;
# Controller alias helpers
for my $name (qw(app flash param stash session url_for validation)) {
$app->helper($name => sub { shift->$name(@_) });
# Stash key shortcuts (should not generate log messages)
for my $name (qw(extends layout title)) {
$name => sub {
my $self = shift;
my $stash = $self->stash;
$stash->{$name} = shift if @_;
$self->stash(@_) if @_;
return $stash->{$name};
$app->helper(config => sub { shift->app->config(@_) });
$app->helper(content => \&_content);
$app->helper(content_for => \&_content_for);
$app->helper(current_route => \&_current_route);
$app->helper(dumper => sub { shift; dumper(@_) });
$app->helper(include => \&_include);
$app->helper(ua => sub { shift->app->ua });
$app->helper(url_with => \&_url_with);
sub _content {
my ($self, $name, $content) = @_;
$name ||= 'content';
# Set (first come)
my $c = $self->stash->{'mojo.content'} ||= {};
$c->{$name} //= ref $content eq 'CODE' ? $content->() : $content
if defined $content;
# Get
return Mojo::ByteStream->new($c->{$name} // '');
sub _content_for {
my ($self, $name, $content) = @_;
return _content($self, $name) unless defined $content;
my $c = $self->stash->{'mojo.content'} ||= {};
return $c->{$name} .= ref $content eq 'CODE' ? $content->() : $content;
sub _current_route {
return '' unless my $endpoint = shift->match->endpoint;
return $endpoint->name unless @_;
return $endpoint->name eq shift;
sub _include {
my $self = shift;
my $template = @_ % 2 ? shift : undef;
my $args = {@_, defined $template ? (template => $template) : ()};
# "layout" and "extends" can't be localized
my $layout = delete $args->{layout};
my $extends = delete $args->{extends};
# Localize arguments
my @keys = keys %$args;
local @{$self->stash}{@keys} = @{$args}{@keys};
return $self->render(partial => 1, layout => $layout, extends => $extends);
sub _url_with {
my $self = shift;
return $self->url_for(@_)->query($self->req->url->query->clone);
=encoding utf8
=head1 NAME
Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers - Default helpers plugin
# Mojolicious
# Mojolicious::Lite
plugin 'DefaultHelpers';
L<Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers> is a collection of renderer helpers for
This is a core plugin, that means it is always enabled and its code a good
example for learning to build new plugins, you're welcome to fork it.
=head1 HELPERS
L<Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers> implements the following helpers.
=head2 app
%= app->secret
Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"app">.
=head2 config
%= config 'something'
Alias for L<Mojo/"config">.
=head2 content
%= content foo => begin
% end
%= content bar => 'Hello World!'
%= content 'foo'
%= content 'bar'
%= content
Store partial rendered content in named buffer and retrieve it, defaults to
retrieving the named buffer C<content>, which is commonly used for the
renderers C<layout> and C<extends> features. Note that new content will be
ignored if the named buffer is already in use.
=head2 content_for
% content_for foo => begin
% end
%= content_for 'foo'
Append partial rendered content to named buffer and retrieve it. Note that
named buffers are shared with the L</"content"> helper.
% content_for message => begin
% end
% content_for message => begin
% end
%= content_for 'message'
=head2 current_route
% if (current_route 'login') {
Welcome to Mojolicious!
% }
%= current_route
Check or get name of current route.
=head2 dumper
%= dumper {some => 'data'}
Dump a Perl data structure with L<Mojo::Util/"dumper">.
=head2 extends
% extends 'blue';
% extends 'blue', title => 'Blue!';
Extend a template. All additional values get merged into the L</"stash">.
=head2 flash
%= flash 'foo'
Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"flash">.
=head2 include
%= include 'menubar'
%= include 'menubar', format => 'txt'
Include a partial template, all arguments get localized automatically and are
only available in the partial template.
=head2 layout
% layout 'green';
% layout 'green', title => 'Green!';
Render this template with a layout. All additional values get merged into the
=head2 param
%= param 'foo'
Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"param">.
=head2 session
%= session 'foo'
Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"session">.
=head2 stash
%= stash 'foo'
% stash foo => 'bar';
Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"stash">.
%= stash('name') // 'Somebody'
=head2 title
% title 'Welcome!';
% title 'Welcome!', foo => 'bar';
%= title
Page title. All additional values get merged into the L</"stash">.
=head2 ua
%= ua->get('mojolicio.us')->res->dom->at('title')->text
Alias for L<Mojo/"ua">.
=head2 url_for
%= url_for 'named', controller => 'bar', action => 'baz'
Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"url_for">.
=head2 url_with
%= url_with 'named', controller => 'bar', action => 'baz'
Does the same as L</"url_for">, but inherits query parameters from the current
%= url_with->query([page => 2])
=head2 validation
%= validation->param('foo')
Alias for L<Mojolicious::Controller/"validation">.
=head1 METHODS
L<Mojolicious::Plugin::DefaultHelpers> inherits all methods from
L<Mojolicious::Plugin> and implements the following new ones.
=head2 register
Register helpers in L<Mojolicious> application.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<http://mojolicio.us>.