package Mojo::IOLoop::Client; use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::EventEmitter'; use Errno 'EINPROGRESS'; use IO::Socket::INET; use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; use Socket qw(IPPROTO_TCP SO_ERROR TCP_NODELAY); # IPv6 support requires IO::Socket::IP use constant IPV6 => $ENV{MOJO_NO_IPV6} ? 0 : eval 'use IO::Socket::IP 0.16 (); 1'; # TLS support requires IO::Socket::SSL use constant TLS => $ENV{MOJO_NO_TLS} ? 0 : eval(IPV6 ? 'use IO::Socket::SSL 1.75 (); 1' : 'use IO::Socket::SSL 1.75 "inet4"; 1'); use constant TLS_READ => TLS ? IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_WANT_READ() : 0; use constant TLS_WRITE => TLS ? IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_WANT_WRITE() : 0; has reactor => sub { require Mojo::IOLoop; Mojo::IOLoop->singleton->reactor; }; sub DESTROY { shift->_cleanup } sub connect { my $self = shift; my $args = ref $_[0] ? $_[0] : {@_}; weaken $self; $self->{delay} = $self->reactor->timer(0 => sub { $self->_connect($args) }); } sub _cleanup { my $self = shift; return $self unless my $reactor = $self->reactor; $self->{$_} && $reactor->remove(delete $self->{$_}) for qw(delay timer handle); return $self; } sub _connect { my ($self, $args) = @_; my $handle; my $reactor = $self->reactor; my $address = $args->{address} ||= 'localhost'; unless ($handle = $self->{handle} = $args->{handle}) { my %options = ( Blocking => 0, PeerAddr => $address eq 'localhost' ? '' : $address, PeerPort => $args->{port} || ($args->{tls} ? 443 : 80) ); $options{LocalAddr} = $args->{local_address} if $args->{local_address}; $options{PeerAddr} =~ s/[\[\]]//g if $options{PeerAddr}; my $class = IPV6 ? 'IO::Socket::IP' : 'IO::Socket::INET'; return $self->emit(error => "Couldn't connect: $@") unless $self->{handle} = $handle = $class->new(%options); # Timeout $self->{timer} = $reactor->timer($args->{timeout} || 10, sub { $self->emit(error => 'Connect timeout') }); } $handle->blocking(0); # Wait for handle to become writable weaken $self; $reactor->io($handle => sub { $self->_try($args) })->watch($handle, 0, 1); } sub _tls { my $self = shift; # Connected my $handle = $self->{handle}; return $self->_cleanup->emit_safe(connect => $handle) if $handle->connect_SSL; # Switch between reading and writing my $err = $IO::Socket::SSL::SSL_ERROR; if ($err == TLS_READ) { $self->reactor->watch($handle, 1, 0) } elsif ($err == TLS_WRITE) { $self->reactor->watch($handle, 1, 1) } } sub _try { my ($self, $args) = @_; # Retry or handle exceptions my $handle = $self->{handle}; return $! == EINPROGRESS ? undef : $self->emit(error => $!) if IPV6 && !$handle->connect; return $self->emit(error => $! = $handle->sockopt(SO_ERROR)) if !IPV6 && !$handle->connected; # Disable Nagle's algorithm setsockopt $handle, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, 1; return $self->_cleanup->emit_safe(connect => $handle) if !$args->{tls} || $handle->isa('IO::Socket::SSL'); return $self->emit(error => 'IO::Socket::SSL 1.75 required for TLS support') unless TLS; # Upgrade weaken $self; my %options = ( SSL_ca_file => $args->{tls_ca} && -T $args->{tls_ca} ? $args->{tls_ca} : undef, SSL_cert_file => $args->{tls_cert}, SSL_error_trap => sub { $self->_cleanup->emit(error => $_[1]) }, SSL_hostname => $args->{address}, SSL_key_file => $args->{tls_key}, SSL_startHandshake => 0, SSL_verify_mode => $args->{tls_ca} ? 0x01 : 0x00, SSL_verifycn_name => $args->{address}, SSL_verifycn_scheme => $args->{tls_ca} ? 'http' : undef ); my $reactor = $self->reactor; $reactor->remove($handle); return $self->emit(error => 'TLS upgrade failed') unless $handle = IO::Socket::SSL->start_SSL($handle, %options); $reactor->io($handle => sub { $self->_tls })->watch($handle, 0, 1); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::IOLoop::Client - Non-blocking TCP client =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::IOLoop::Client; # Create socket connection my $client = Mojo::IOLoop::Client->new; $client->on(connect => sub { my ($client, $handle) = @_; ... }); $client->on(error => sub { my ($client, $err) = @_; ... }); $client->connect(address => '', port => 80); # Start reactor if necessary $client->reactor->start unless $client->reactor->is_running; =head1 DESCRIPTION L opens TCP connections for L. =head1 EVENTS L inherits all events from L and can emit the following new ones. =head2 connect $client->on(connect => sub { my ($client, $handle) = @_; ... }); Emitted safely once the connection is established. =head2 error $client->on(error => sub { my ($client, $err) = @_; ... }); Emitted if an error occurs on the connection, fatal if unhandled. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes. =head2 reactor my $reactor = $client->reactor; $client = $client->reactor(Mojo::Reactor::Poll->new); Low level event reactor, defaults to the C attribute value of the global L singleton. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 connect $client->connect(address => '', port => 3000); Open a socket connection to a remote host. Note that TLS support depends on L (1.75+) and IPv6 support on L (0.16+). These options are currently available: =over 2 =item address address => '' Address or host name of the peer to connect to, defaults to C. =item handle handle => $handle Use an already prepared handle. =item local_address local_address => '' Local address to bind to. =item port port => 80 Port to connect to, defaults to C<80> or C<443> with C option. =item timeout timeout => 15 Maximum amount of time in seconds establishing connection may take before getting canceled, defaults to C<10>. =item tls tls => 1 Enable TLS. =item tls_ca tls_ca => '/etc/tls/ca.crt' Path to TLS certificate authority file. Also activates hostname verification. =item tls_cert tls_cert => '/etc/tls/client.crt' Path to the TLS certificate file. =item tls_key tls_key => '/etc/tls/client.key' Path to the TLS key file. =back =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut