package Mojolicious::Command; use Mojo::Base -base; use Carp 'croak'; use Cwd 'getcwd'; use File::Basename 'dirname'; use File::Path 'mkpath'; use File::Spec::Functions qw(catdir catfile); use Mojo::Loader; use Mojo::Server; use Mojo::Template; use Mojo::Util 'spurt'; has app => sub { Mojo::Server->new->build_app('Mojo::HelloWorld') }; has description => 'No description.'; has quiet => 0; has usage => "usage: $0\n"; sub chmod_file { my ($self, $path, $mod) = @_; chmod $mod, $path or croak qq{Can't chmod file "$path": $!}; $mod = sprintf '%lo', $mod; say " [chmod] $path $mod" unless $self->quiet; return $self; } sub chmod_rel_file { my ($self, $path, $mod) = @_; $self->chmod_file($self->rel_file($path), $mod); } sub create_dir { my ($self, $path) = @_; if (-d $path) { say " [exist] $path" unless $self->quiet } else { mkpath $path or croak qq{Can't make directory "$path": $!}; say " [mkdir] $path" unless $self->quiet; } return $self; } sub create_rel_dir { my ($self, $path) = @_; $self->create_dir($self->rel_dir($path)); } sub help { print shift->usage; exit 0; } sub rel_dir { catdir(getcwd(), split /\//, pop) } sub rel_file { catfile(getcwd(), split /\//, pop) } sub render_data { my ($self, $name) = (shift, shift); Mojo::Template->new->name("template $name from DATA section") ->render(Mojo::Loader->new->data(ref $self, $name), @_); } sub render_to_file { my ($self, $data, $path) = (shift, shift, shift); return $self->write_file($path, $self->render_data($data, @_)); } sub render_to_rel_file { my $self = shift; $self->render_to_file(shift, $self->rel_dir(shift), @_); } sub run { croak 'Method "run" not implemented by subclass' } sub write_file { my ($self, $path, $data) = @_; $self->create_dir(dirname $path); spurt $data, $path; say " [write] $path" unless $self->quiet; return $self; } sub write_rel_file { my ($self, $path, $data) = @_; $self->write_file($self->rel_file($path), $data); } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Command - Command base class =head1 SYNOPSIS # Lowercase command name package Mojolicious::Command::mycommand; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Command'; # Short description has description => "My first Mojo command.\n"; # Short usage message has usage => < is an abstract base class for L commands. See L for a list of commands that are available by default. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes. =head2 app my $app = $command->app; $command = $command->app(MyApp->new); Application for command, defaults to a L object. # Introspect say "Template path: $_" for @{$command->app->renderer->paths}; =head2 description my $description = $command->description; $command = $command->description('Foo!'); Short description of command, used for the command list. =head2 quiet my $bool = $command->quiet; $command = $command->quiet($bool); Limited command output. =head2 usage my $usage = $command->usage; $command = $command->usage('Foo!'); Usage information for command, used for the help screen. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 chmod_file $command = $command->chmod_file('/home/sri/foo.txt', 0644); Change mode of a file. =head2 chmod_rel_file $command = $command->chmod_rel_file('foo/foo.txt', 0644); Portably change mode of a file relative to the current working directory. =head2 create_dir $command = $command->create_dir('/home/sri/foo/bar'); Create a directory. =head2 create_rel_dir $command = $command->create_rel_dir('foo/bar/baz'); Portably create a directory relative to the current working directory. =head2 help $command->help; Print usage information for command. =head2 rel_dir my $path = $command->rel_dir('foo/bar'); Portably generate an absolute path for a directory relative to the current working directory. =head2 rel_file my $path = $command->rel_file('foo/bar.txt'); Portably generate an absolute path for a file relative to the current working directory. =head2 render_data my $data = $command->render_data('foo_bar'); my $data = $command->render_data('foo_bar', @args); Render a template from the C section of the command class with L. =head2 render_to_file $command = $command->render_to_file('foo_bar', '/home/sri/foo.txt'); $command = $command->render_to_file('foo_bar', '/home/sri/foo.txt', @args); Render a template from the C section of the command class with L to a file and create directory if necessary. =head2 render_to_rel_file $command = $command->render_to_rel_file('foo_bar', 'foo/bar.txt'); $command = $command->render_to_rel_file('foo_bar', 'foo/bar.txt', @args); Portably render a template from the C section of the command class with L to a file relative to the current working directory and create directory if necessary. =head2 run $command->run; $command->run(@ARGV); Run command. Meant to be overloaded in a subclass. =head2 write_file $command = $command->write_file('/home/sri/foo.txt', 'Hello World!'); Write text to a file and create directory if necessary. =head2 write_rel_file $command = $command->write_rel_file('foo/bar.txt', 'Hello World!'); Portably write text to a file relative to the current working directory and create directory if necessary. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut