gitprep / script / gitprep /
2ad0cd3 11 years ago
1 contributor
23 lines | 0.633kb
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use Mojo::Base -strict;

use File::Basename 'dirname';
use File::Spec::Functions qw/catdir splitdir/;

# Source directory has precedence
my @base = (splitdir(dirname(__FILE__)), '..');
my $lib = join('/', @base, 'lib');
-e catdir(@base, 't') ? unshift(@INC, $lib) : push(@INC, $lib);

# Check if Mojolicious is installed;
die <<EOF unless eval 'use Mojolicious::Commands; 1';
It looks like you don't have the Mojolicious framework installed.
Please visit for detailed installation instructions.


# Application
$ENV{MOJO_APP} ||= 'Gitprep';

# Start commands