gitprep / gitprep.conf /
9548387 11 years ago
1 contributor
34 lines | 0.891kb
;;; GitPrep configuration file

;;; SSH port (default: 22)
;;; This value is used by ssh git repository URL.

;;; Git command path
;;; By default, git command path is automatically detected
;;; from PATH enviroment variable or /usr/bin/git or /usr/local/bin/git

;;; Tags limit (default:1000)

;;; If you forget admin password,
;;; set this value to 1 and access /reset-password page.
;;; Forget to comment out after resetting password.

;;; Listen URL (default: http://*:10020)

;;; Reverse proxy support (default: 0)

;;; Reverse proxy path depth (default: none)
;;; If proxy path is, you set path_depth to 1.
;;; If proxy path is, you set path_depth to 2.