gitprep / xt / admin.t /
7050fd2 10 years ago
1 contributor
349 lines | 9.971kb
use Test::More 'no_plan';

use FindBin;
use utf8;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../mojo/lib";
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib";
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../extlib/lib/perl5";
use File::Path 'rmtree';
use Encode qw/encode decode/;

use Test::Mojo;


# Test DB
my $db_file = $ENV{GITPREP_DB_FILE} = "$FindBin::Bin/admin.db";

# Test Repository home
my $rep_home = $ENV{GITPREP_REP_HOME} = "$FindBin::Bin/admin";

use Gitprep;

note 'Start page';
  unlink $db_file;

  my $app = Gitprep->new;
  my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app);

  # Redirect to _start page
  $t->get_ok('/')->content_like(qr/Create Admin User/);

  # Page access
  $t->get_ok('/_start')->content_like(qr/Create Admin User/);
  # Password is empty
  $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => ''})
    ->content_like(qr/Password is empty/)
  # Password contains invalid character
  $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => "\t"})
    ->content_like(qr/Password contains invalid character/)

  # Password contains invalid character
  $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a' x 21})
    ->content_like(qr/Password is too long/)

  # Two password don't match
  $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'b'})
    ->content_like(qr/Two password/)
  # Create admin user
  $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
    ->content_like(qr/Login Page/);

  # Admin user already exists
  $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
    ->content_like(qr/Admin user already exists/);

note 'Admin pages';
  unlink $db_file;

  my $app = Gitprep->new;
  my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app);

  # Create admin user
  $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
    ->content_like(qr/Login Page/);
  # Page access
  $t->get_ok('/_login')->content_like(qr/Login Page/);
  # Login fail
  $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'admin', password => 'b'})
    ->content_like(qr/User name or password is wrong/)

  # Login success
  $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'admin', password => 'a'})
  note 'Admin page';
  note 'Admin User page';
    $t->get_ok('/_admin/users')->content_like(qr/Admin Users/);

  note 'Create User page';
    # Page access
    $t->get_ok('/_admin/user/create')->content_like(qr/Create User/);
    # User name is empty
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => ''})
      ->content_like(qr/User name is empty/);

    # User name contain invalid character
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => '&'})
      ->content_like(qr/User name contain invalid character/);

    # User name is too long
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a' x 21})
      ->content_like(qr/User name is too long/);

    # Password is empty
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a', password => ''})
      ->content_like(qr/Password is empty/);

    # Password contain invalid character
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a', password => "\t"})
      ->content_like(qr/Password contain invalid character/);

    # Password contain invalid character
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a', password => 'a' x 21})
      ->content_like(qr/Password is too long/);

    # Password contain invalid character
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a', password => 'a', password2 => 'b'})
      ->content_like(qr/Two password/);
    # Create user
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
  note 'Admin Users page';
    ->content_like(qr/Admin Users/)
  note 'Reset password page';
    # Page access
      ->content_like(qr/Reset Password/)
    # Password is empty
    $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => ''})
      ->content_like(qr/Password is empty/)

    # Password contains invalid character
    $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => "\t"})
      ->content_like(qr/Password contains invalid character/)

    # Password is too long
    $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => 'a' x 21})
      ->content_like(qr/Password is too long/)
    # Two password don't match
    $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'b'})
      ->content_like(qr/Two password/)

    # Reset password
    $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})

  note 'Delete user';
    # Create user
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto-tmp', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})

    # User not exists
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/users?op=delete', form => {user => 'kimoto-notting'})

    # User not exists
    $t->post_ok('/_admin/users?op=delete', form => {user => 'kimoto-tmp'})

  note 'logout';

note 'Reset password';
  unlink $db_file;

  my $app = Gitprep->new;
  my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app);

  # Create admin user
  $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
    ->content_like(qr/Login Page/);

  # Not loing user can't access

  # Cnahge password(reset_password conf on)
  $app->config->{admin}{reset_password} = 1;
    ->content_like(qr/Reset Password/);
  $t->post_ok('/reset-password?op=reset', form => {password => 'b', password2 => 'b'})
  $app->config->{admin}{reset_password} = 0;

  # Login success
  $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'admin', password => 'b'})
  # Create user
  $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
  $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto2', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
  # Logout
  # Login as kimoto
  $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a'});

  # Don't change other user password
  $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto2&op=reset', form => {password => 'b', password2 => 'b'})

  # Reset password
    ->content_like(qr/Reset Password/)
  $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto1&op=reset', form => {password => 'b', password2 => 'b'});
  # Login as kimoto
  $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'b'});

note 'User Account Settings';
  unlink $db_file;
  rmtree $rep_home;

  my $app = Gitprep->new;
  my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app);

  # Create admin user
  $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
    ->content_like(qr/Login Page/);

  # Login as admin
  $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'admin', password => 'a'});

  # Create user
  $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
  $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto2', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'})
  # Login as kimoto1
  $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a'});

  # User account settings
    ->content_like(qr/User Account Settings/)
  # Other user can't access
  note 'Create repository';
    # Create repository page
      ->content_like(qr/Create repository/)
    # Not logined user can't access
    $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a'});
    # Create repository
    $t->post_ok('/_new?op=create', form => {project => 't1', description => 'Hello'})
      ->content_like(qr/Create a new repository on the command line/)

    # Create repository(with readme)
    $t->post_ok('/_new?op=create', form => {project => 't2', description => 'Hello', readme => 1})
      ->content_like(qr/first commit/)
    # Settings page(don't has README)
    # Settings page(has README)