783cc7b 7 years ago
2 contributor
239 lines | 7.074kb
  # API
  my $api = gitprep_api;
  # Parameters
  my $op = param('op') || '';
  my $user_id = param('user') || '';
  # Authentication
  unless ($api->logined($user_id)) {
  # Process form
  my $errors;
  if (lc $self->req->method eq 'post') {
    # Add ssh key
    if ($op eq 'add') {
      # Paramerters
      my $title = param('title');
      my $original_key = param('key');
      # Validator
      my $vc = app->vc;
      # Validation result
      my $validation = $vc->validation;
      # "title"
      if (!(defined $title && length $title)) {
        $validation->add_failed(title => 'title is empty');
      elsif (!$vc->check($title, 'ascii_graphic')) {
        $validation->add_failed(title => 'title contains invalid character');
      else {
        my $ssh_public_key = app->dbi->model('ssh_public_key')->select(
          where => {title => $title}
        if ($ssh_public_key) {
          $validation->add_failed(title => 'title already exists');
      # "key"
      my $key;
      if (!(defined $original_key && length $original_key)) {
        $validation->add_failed(key => 'key is empty');
      elsif (length $original_key > 2000) {
        $validation->add_failed(key => 'key is too long');
      else {
        my $type;
        my $original_key_edit;
        if ($original_key =~ /^(ssh-rsa|ssh-dss|ecdsa-sha2-nistp25|ecdsa-sha2-nistp384|ecdsa-sha2-nistp521) +(\S+)/) {
          $type = $1;
          $original_key_edit = $2;
        if (!$type) {
          my $message = "Key is invalid. It must begin with 'ssh-rsa', 'ssh-dss', 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256',"
            . "'ecdsa-sha2-nistp384', or 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp521'. Check that you're copying the public half of the key";
          $validation->add_failed(key => $message);
        elsif (!$vc->check($original_key_edit, 'ascii_graphic')) {
          $validation->add_failed(key => 'Key contains invalid character.');
        else {
          $key = "$type $original_key_edit";
          my $row = app->dbi->model('ssh_public_key')->select(
            where => {key => $key}
          if ($row) {
            $validation->add_failed(key => 'Key already exists');
          else {
            my $key_is_contained;
            my $authorized_keys_file = app->manager->authorized_keys_file;
            if (defined $authorized_keys_file) {
              my $result
                = app->manager->parse_authorized_keys_file($authorized_keys_file);

              my $before_part = $result->{before_part};
              my $after_part = $result->{after_part};
              my $other_part = "$before_part\n$after_part";
              if ($other_part =~ /\s\Q$original_key_edit\E(\s|$)/) {
                $key_is_contained = 1;
            if ($key_is_contained) {
              $validation->add_failed(key => "authorized_keys file already contain this key");
      # Register ssh key
      if ($validation->is_valid) {
        my $session_user_row_id = $api->session_user_row_id;
        my $p = {
          user => $session_user_row_id,
          title => $title,
          key => $key
        eval {
          app->dbi->connector->txn(sub {
        if (my $e = $@) {
          app->log->error(url_for . ":$e");
          $errors = ['Internal error'];
        else {
          flash('message' => 'Success: ssh key is added');
      else {
        $errors = $validation->messages;
    # Delete ssh public key
    elsif ($op eq 'delete') {
      my $row_id = param('row-id');
      eval {
        app->dbi->connector->txn(sub {
          app->dbi->model('ssh_public_key')->delete(where => {row_id => $row_id});
      if (my $e = $@) {
        app->log->error(url_with . ": $e");
        $errors = ['Internal Error'];
      else {
        flash(message => 'Success: a key is deleted');
  my $keys = app->dbi->model('ssh_public_key')->select(
      __MY__ => '*'
    where => {'user.id' => $user_id},
    append => 'order by title'

% layout 'common', title => 'SSH keys';

  %= include '/include/header';
  <div class="container">
    <div class="user-settings">
      <div class="left">
            <a href="<%= url_for("/$user_id/_settings") %>">Profile</a>
          <li class="active">
            <a href="<%= url_for("/$user_id/_settings/ssh") %>">SSH keys</a>
      <div class="right">
        <%= include '/include/errors', errors => $errors %>
        <%= include '/include/message', message => flash('message') %>
        <div class="user-settings-container ssh-keys">
              <span>SSH Keys</span> (<a href="<%= url_for("/$user_id.keys") %>">see</a>)
            % if (@$keys > 0) {
                This is a list of SSH keys associated with your account. Remove any keys that you do not recognize.
              % for my $key (@$keys) {
                <form action="<%= url_for->query(op => 'delete') %>" method="post">
                    <b><%= $key->{title} %></b>
                    <a class="btn btn-small btn-danger" href="javascript:void(0)" onclick="$(this).closest('form').submit()">Delete</a>
                    <%= hidden_field 'row-id' => $key->{row_id} %>
              % }
            % } else {
                SSH key don't exists.
            % }
        <div class="user-settings-container ssh-key-add">
              Add an SSH Key
            <form action="<%= url_for->query(op => 'add') %>" method="post" %>
                <%= text_field 'title' %>
                <%= text_area 'key' %>
              <input type="submit" class="btn btn-success" value="Add key">
  %= include '/include/footer';