7f391f5 10 years ago
1 contributor
181 lines | 3.922kb
package Mojo::Reactor::EV;
use Mojo::Base 'Mojo::Reactor::Poll';

use EV 4.0;
use Scalar::Util 'weaken';

my $EV;

sub CLONE { die "EV does not work with ithreads.\n" }

sub DESTROY { undef $EV }

# We have to fall back to Mojo::Reactor::Poll, since EV is unique
sub new { $EV++ ? Mojo::Reactor::Poll->new : shift->SUPER::new }

sub again { shift->{timers}{shift()}{watcher}->again }

sub is_running { !!EV::depth }

sub one_tick { EV::run(EV::RUN_ONCE) }

sub recurring { shift->_timer(1, @_) }

sub start {EV::run}

sub stop { EV::break(EV::BREAK_ALL) }

sub timer { shift->_timer(0, @_) }

sub watch {
  my ($self, $handle, $read, $write) = @_;

  my $fd = fileno $handle;
  my $io = $self->{io}{$fd};
  my $mode;
  if ($read && $write) { $mode = EV::READ | EV::WRITE }
  elsif ($read)  { $mode = EV::READ }
  elsif ($write) { $mode = EV::WRITE }
  else           { delete $io->{watcher} }
  if (my $w = $io->{watcher}) { $w->set($fd, $mode) }
  elsif ($mode) {
    weaken $self;
    $io->{watcher} = EV::io($fd, $mode, sub { $self->_io($fd, @_) });

  return $self;

sub _io {
  my ($self, $fd, $w, $revents) = @_;
  my $io = $self->{io}{$fd};
  $self->_sandbox('Read', $io->{cb}, 0) if EV::READ &$revents;
  $self->_sandbox('Write', $io->{cb}, 1)
    if EV::WRITE &$revents && $self->{io}{$fd};

sub _timer {
  my ($self, $recurring, $after, $cb) = @_;
  $after ||= '0.0001';

  my $id = $self->SUPER::_timer(0, 0, $cb);
  weaken $self;
  $self->{timers}{$id}{watcher} = EV::timer(
    $after => $after => sub {
      $self->_sandbox("Timer $id", $self->{timers}{$id}{cb});
      delete $self->{timers}{$id} unless $recurring;

  return $id;


=encoding utf8

=head1 NAME

Mojo::Reactor::EV - Low level event reactor with libev support


  use Mojo::Reactor::EV;

  # Watch if handle becomes readable or writable
  my $reactor = Mojo::Reactor::EV->new;
  $reactor->io($handle => sub {
    my ($reactor, $writable) = @_;
    say $writable ? 'Handle is writable' : 'Handle is readable';

  # Change to watching only if handle becomes writable
  $reactor->watch($handle, 0, 1);

  # Add a timer
  $reactor->timer(15 => sub {
    my $reactor = shift;
    say 'Timeout!';

  # Start reactor if necessary
  $reactor->start unless $reactor->is_running;


L<Mojo::Reactor::EV> is a low level event reactor based on L<EV> (4.0+).

=head1 EVENTS

L<Mojo::Reactor::EV> inherits all events from L<Mojo::Reactor::Poll>.

=head1 METHODS

L<Mojo::Reactor::EV> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Reactor::Poll> and
implements the following new ones.

=head2 new

  my $reactor = Mojo::Reactor::EV->new;

Construct a new L<Mojo::Reactor::EV> object.

=head2 again


Restart active timer.

=head2 is_running

  my $bool = $reactor->is_running;

Check if reactor is running.

=head2 one_tick


Run reactor until an event occurs or no events are being watched anymore. Note
that this method can recurse back into the reactor, so you need to be careful.

=head2 recurring

  my $id = $reactor->recurring(0.25 => sub {...});

Create a new recurring timer, invoking the callback repeatedly after a given
amount of time in seconds.

=head2 start


Start watching for I/O and timer events, this will block until L</"stop"> is
called or no events are being watched anymore.

=head2 stop


Stop watching for I/O and timer events.

=head2 timer

  my $id = $reactor->timer(0.5 => sub {...});

Create a new timer, invoking the callback after a given amount of time in

=head2 watch

  $reactor = $reactor->watch($handle, $readable, $writable);

Change I/O events to watch handle for with true and false values. Note that
this method requires an active I/O watcher.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<http://mojolicio.us>.
