9bc82ce 11 years ago
1 contributor
242 lines | 5.75kb
package Mojo::Base;

use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;

# No imports because we get subclassed, a lot!
use Carp ();

sub say(@) {print @_, "\n"}
# Only Perl 5.14+ requires it on demand
use IO::Handle ();

sub import {
  my $class = shift;
  return unless my $flag = shift;
  no strict 'refs';

  # Base
  if ($flag eq '-base') { $flag = $class }

  # Strict
  elsif ($flag eq '-strict') { $flag = undef }

  # Module
  else {
    my $file = $flag;
    $file =~ s/::|'/\//g;
    require "$file.pm" unless $flag->can('new');

  # ISA
  if ($flag) {
    my $caller = caller;
    push @{"${caller}::ISA"}, $flag;
    *{"${caller}::has"} = sub { attr($caller, @_) };
  my $caller = caller;
  *{"${caller}::say"} = sub { say(@_) };

  # Mojo modules are strict!

sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  bless @_ ? @_ > 1 ? {@_} : {%{$_[0]}} : {}, ref $class || $class;

# Performance is very important for something as often used as accessors,
# so we optimize them by compiling our own code, don't be scared, we have
# tests for every single case
sub attr {
  my ($class, $attrs, $default) = @_;
  return unless ($class = ref $class || $class) && $attrs;

  Carp::croak 'Default has to be a code reference or constant value'
    if ref $default && ref $default ne 'CODE';

  # Compile attributes
  for my $attr (@{ref $attrs eq 'ARRAY' ? $attrs : [$attrs]}) {
    Carp::croak qq{Attribute "$attr" invalid} unless $attr =~ /^[a-zA-Z_]\w*$/;

    # Header (check arguments)
    my $code = "package $class;\nsub $attr {\n  if (\@_ == 1) {\n";

    # No default value (return value)
    unless (defined $default) { $code .= "    return \$_[0]{'$attr'};" }

    # Default value
    else {

      # Return value
      $code .= "    return \$_[0]{'$attr'} if exists \$_[0]{'$attr'};\n";

      # Return default value
      $code .= "    no warnings 'closure';\n";
      $code .= "    return \$_[0]{'$attr'} = ";
      $code .= ref $default eq 'CODE' ? '$default->($_[0]);' : '$default;';

    # Store value
    $code .= "\n  }\n  \$_[0]{'$attr'} = \$_[1];\n";

    # Footer (return invocant)
    $code .= "  \$_[0];\n}";

    # We compile custom attribute code for speed
    no strict 'refs';
    warn "-- Attribute $attr in $class\n$code\n\n" if $ENV{MOJO_BASE_DEBUG};
    Carp::croak "Mojo::Base error: $@" unless eval "$code;1";

sub tap {
  my ($self, $cb) = @_;
  $_->$cb for $self;
  return $self;


=head1 NAME

Mojo::Base - Minimal base class for Mojo projects


  package Cat;
  use Mojo::Base -base;

  has name => 'Nyan';
  has [qw(birds mice)] => 2;

  package Tiger;
  use Mojo::Base 'Cat';

  has friend  => sub { Cat->new };
  has stripes => 42;

  package main;
  use Mojo::Base -strict;

  my $mew = Cat->new(name => 'Longcat');
  say $mew->mice;
  say $mew->mice(3)->birds(4)->mice;

  my $rawr = Tiger->new(stripes => 23, mice => 0);
  say $rawr->tap(sub { $_->friend->name('Tacgnol') })->mice;


L<Mojo::Base> is a simple base class for L<Mojo> projects.

  # Automatically enables "strict", "warnings", "utf8" and Perl 5.10 features
  use Mojo::Base -strict;
  use Mojo::Base -base;
  use Mojo::Base 'SomeBaseClass';

All three forms save a lot of typing.

  # use Mojo::Base -strict;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use utf8;
  use feature ':5.10';
  use IO::Handle ();

  # use Mojo::Base -base;
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use utf8;
  use feature ':5.10';
  use IO::Handle ();
  use Mojo::Base;
  push @ISA, 'Mojo::Base';
  sub has { Mojo::Base::attr(__PACKAGE__, @_) }

  # use Mojo::Base 'SomeBaseClass';
  use strict;
  use warnings;
  use utf8;
  use feature ':5.10';
  use IO::Handle ();
  require SomeBaseClass;
  push @ISA, 'SomeBaseClass';
  use Mojo::Base;
  sub has { Mojo::Base::attr(__PACKAGE__, @_) }


L<Mojo::Base> exports the following functions if imported with the C<-base>
flag or a base class.

=head2 has

  has 'name';
  has [qw(name1 name2 name3)];
  has name => 'foo';
  has name => sub {...};
  has [qw(name1 name2 name3)] => 'foo';
  has [qw(name1 name2 name3)] => sub {...};

Create attributes for hash-based objects, just like the C<attr> method.

=head1 METHODS

L<Mojo::Base> implements the following methods.

=head2 new

  my $object = BaseSubClass->new;
  my $object = BaseSubClass->new(name => 'value');
  my $object = BaseSubClass->new({name => 'value'});

This base class provides a basic constructor for hash-based objects. You can
pass it either a hash or a hash reference with attribute values.

=head2 attr

  BaseSubClass->attr([qw(name1 name2 name3)]);
  BaseSubClass->attr(name => 'foo');
  BaseSubClass->attr(name => sub {...});
  BaseSubClass->attr([qw(name1 name2 name3)] => 'foo');
  BaseSubClass->attr([qw(name1 name2 name3)] => sub {...});

Create attribute accessor for hash-based objects, an array reference can be
used to create more than one at a time. Pass an optional second argument to
set a default value, it should be a constant or a callback. The callback will
be excuted at accessor read time if there's no set value. Accessors can be
chained, that means they return their invocant when they are called with an

=head2 tap

  $object = $object->tap(sub {...});

K combinator, tap into a method chain to perform operations on an object
within the chain.

=head2 C<say>

Backported from perl-5.10.1


You can set the C<MOJO_BASE_DEBUG> environment variable to get some advanced
diagnostics information printed to C<STDERR>.


=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<http://mojolicio.us>.
