9bc82ce 11 years ago
1 contributor
151 lines | 4.006kb
package Mojolicious::Types;
use Mojo::Base -base;

has types => sub {
    appcache => 'text/cache-manifest',
    atom     => 'application/atom+xml',
    bin      => 'application/octet-stream',
    css      => 'text/css',
    gif      => 'image/gif',
    gz       => 'application/x-gzip',
    htm      => 'text/html',
    html     => 'text/html;charset=UTF-8',
    ico      => 'image/x-icon',
    jpeg     => 'image/jpeg',
    jpg      => 'image/jpeg',
    js       => 'application/javascript',
    json     => 'application/json',
    mp3      => 'audio/mpeg',
    mp4      => 'video/mp4',
    ogg      => 'audio/ogg',
    ogv      => 'video/ogg',
    pdf      => 'application/pdf',
    png      => 'image/png',
    rss      => 'application/rss+xml',
    svg      => 'image/svg+xml',
    txt      => 'text/plain',
    webm     => 'video/webm',
    woff     => 'application/font-woff',
    xml      => ['application/xml', 'text/xml'],
    zip      => 'application/zip'

sub detect {
  my ($self, $accept, $prioritize) = @_;

  # Extract and prioritize MIME types
  my %types;
  /^\s*([^,; ]+)(?:\s*\;\s*q=(\d+(?:\.\d+)?))?\s*$/i
    and $types{lc $1} = defined $2 ? $2 : 1
    for split /,/, defined $accept ? $accept : '';
  my @types = sort { $types{$b} <=> $types{$a} } sort keys %types;
  return [] if !$prioritize && @types > 1;

  # Detect extensions from MIME types
  my %reverse;
  my $types = $self->types;
  for my $ext (sort keys %$types) {
    my @types = ref $types->{$ext} ? @{$types->{$ext}} : ($types->{$ext});
    push @{$reverse{$_}}, $ext for map { s/\;.*$//; lc $_ } @types;
  return [map { @{defined $reverse{$_} ? $reverse{$_} : []} } @types];

sub type {
  my ($self, $ext, $type) = @_;
  my $types = $self->types;
  return ref $types->{$ext} ? $types->{$ext}[0] : $types->{$ext} unless $type;
  $types->{$ext} = $type;
  return $self;


=head1 NAME

Mojolicious::Types - MIME types


  use Mojolicious::Types;

  my $types = Mojolicious::Types->new;
  $types->type(foo => 'text/foo');
  say $types->type('foo');


L<Mojolicious::Types> manages MIME types for L<Mojolicious>.

  appcache -> text/cache-manifest
  atom     -> application/atom+xml
  bin      -> application/octet-stream
  css      -> text/css
  gif      -> image/gif
  gz       -> application/x-gzip
  htm      -> text/html
  html     -> text/html;charset=UTF-8
  ico      -> image/x-icon
  jpeg     -> image/jpeg
  jpg      -> image/jpeg
  js       -> application/javascript
  json     -> application/json
  mp3      -> audio/mpeg
  mp4      -> video/mp4
  ogg      -> audio/ogg
  ogv      -> video/ogg
  pdf      -> application/pdf
  png      -> image/png
  rss      -> application/rss+xml
  svg      -> image/svg+xml
  txt      -> text/plain
  webm     -> video/webm
  woff     -> application/font-woff
  xml      -> application/xml,text/xml
  zip      -> application/zip

The most common ones are already defined.


L<Mojolicious::Types> implements the following attributes.

=head2 types

  my $map = $types->types;
  $types  = $types->types({png => 'image/png'});

List of MIME types.

=head1 METHODS

L<Mojolicious::Types> inherits all methods from L<Mojo::Base> and implements
the following new ones.

=head2 detect

  my $exts = $types->detect('application/json;q=9');
  my $exts = $types->detect('text/html, application/json;q=9', 1);

Detect file extensions from C<Accept> header value, prioritization of
unspecific values that contain more than one MIME type is disabled by default.

  # List detected extensions prioritized
  say for @{$types->detect('application/json, text/xml;q=0.1', 1)};

=head2 type

  my $type = $types->type('png');
  $types   = $types->type(png => 'image/png');
  $types   = $types->type(json => [qw(application/json text/x-json)]);

Get or set MIME types for file extension, alternatives are only used for

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Mojolicious>, L<Mojolicious::Guides>, L<http://mojolicio.us>.
