gitprep / templates / commits.html.ep /
e3449ee 8 years ago
1 contributor
202 lines | 6.736kb
  # API
  my $api = gitprep_api;

  # Git
  my $git = $self->app->git;

  # Parameters
  my $user = param('user');
  my $project = param('project');
  my $rev_file = param('rev_file');
  my $render_atom_feed = $rev_file =~ s/\.atom$// ? 1 : 0;
  my ($rev, $file) = $git->parse_rev_path(app->rep_info($user, $project), $rev_file);
  my $page = param('page') || 0;
  # Commit
  my $commit = $git->get_commit($user, $project, $rev);

  # Not found
  unless ($commit) {
  my $commit_author_mail = $commit->{author_email};
  my $commit_author_id = app->dbi->model('user')->select(
    where => {mail => $commit_author_mail}
  # Commits
  my $page_count = 30;
  my $commits = $git->get_commits(
    $page_count * $page,
  my $commits_count = @$commits;
  my $commits_date = {};
  for my $commit (@$commits) {
    my $date = $commit->{age_string_date_local};
    $commits_date->{$date} ||= [];
    push @{$commits_date->{$date}}, $commit;
  # Global variable
  stash(user => $user, project => $project, rev => $rev);
  # Render atom xml feed
  if ($render_atom_feed) {
    # Add updated date time
    for my $commit (@$commits) {
      my $committer_epoch = $commit->{committer_epoch};
      my $committer_tz = $commit->{committer_tz};
      my $time_zone_second;
      my $time_zone;
      if ($committer_tz =~ /^(\+|\-)([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2})$/) {
        my $time_zone_sign = $1;
        my $time_zone_hour = $2;
        my $time_zone_min = $3;
        $time_zone_second = $time_zone_sign . ($time_zone_hour * (60 * 60) + $time_zone_min * 60);
        $time_zone = sprintf("$time_zone_sign%02d:%02d", $time_zone_hour, $time_zone_min);

      # updated datetime
      my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $wday, $yday) = gmtime($committer_epoch + $time_zone_second);
      my $updated = sprintf('%4d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02d', 1900 + $year, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec);
      $updated .= $time_zone;
      $commit->{updated} = $updated;
  # Set stash
    user => $user,
    project => $project,
    rev => $rev
% if ($render_atom_feed) {
    # Create atom feed
    my $alternate_url = url_with;
    my $alternate_url_path_parts = $alternate_url->path->parts;
    $alternate_url_path_parts->[-1] =~ s/\.atom$//;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<feed xmlns="" xmlns:media="" xml:lang="en-US">
  <id>tag:gitprep,2008:/<%= $user %>/<%= $project %>/commits/<%= $rev_file %></id>
  <link type="text/html" rel="alternate" href="<%= $alternate_url->to_abs %>"/>
  <link type="application/atom+xml" rel="self" href="<%= url_with->to_abs %>"/>
  <title>Recent Commits to <%= "$project:$rev" %></title>
  <updated><%= $commits->[0]->{updated} %></updated>

    % for my $commit (@$commits) {
    <id>tag:gitprep,2008:Grit::Commit/<%= $commit->{id} %></id>
    <link type="text/html" rel="alternate" href="<%= url_for("/$user/$project/commit/$commit->{id}")->to_abs %>" />
        <%= $commit->{title} %>
    <updated><%= $commit->{updated} %></updated>
      <name><%= $user %></name>
      <uri><%= url_for("/$user")->to_abs %></uri>
    <content type="html">
      <%= "<pre style='white-space:pre-wrap;width:81ex'>$commit->{title}</pre>" %>
    % }
% } else {
  % layout 'common', title => "Commit History \x{30fb} $user/$project";
    %= include '/include/header';

    <div class="container">
        %= include '/include/branch_select', display => 'commits';
      <div class="commits">
        % for my $date (reverse sort keys %$commits_date) {
          % my $commits = $commits_date->{$date};
          <div class="commit-date">
            <i class="icon-off"></i><span>Commits on <%= $date %></span>

          <ul class="commits-date-container">
            % my $num = 0;
            % for my $commit (sort {$b->{author_epoch} <=> $a->{author_epoch}} @$commits) {
                <div class="commit-left">
                  <div class="commit-left-title">
                    <a href="<%= url_for("/$user/$project/commit/$commit->{id}") %>">
                      <b><%= $commit->{title_short} %></b>
                  <div class="commit-left-author">
                    <span title="<%= $commit->{author_email} %>">
                      % if (defined $commit_author_id) {
                        <a href="<%= url_for("/$commit_author_id") %>"><%= $commit_author_id %></a>
                      % } else {
                        <%= $commit->{author_name} %>
                      % }
                    <span class="muted" title="<%= $commit->{age_string_datetime_local} %>"><%= $commit->{age_string} %></span>
                <div class="commit-right">
                  <div class="commit-right-container">
                    <div class="commit-right-commit-id">
                      <a href="<%= url_for("/$user/$project/commit/$commit->{id}") %>">
                        <%= substr($commit->{id}, 0, 7) %>
                    <div class="commit-right-browse-repository">
                      <a title="Browse the repository at this point in the history" href="<%= url_for("/$user/$project/commit/$commit->{id}") %>">
                % $num++;
            % }
        % }
      <div class="pagenation-container">
        <ul class="pagenation">
          % if ($page == 0) {
          % } else {
            % my $newer_page = $page - 1;
              <a href="<%= url_for("/$user/$project/commits/$rev?page=$newer_page") %>">Newer</a>
          % }
          % if ($commits_count < $page_count) {
          % } else {
            % my $older_page = $page + 1;
              <a href="<%= url_for("/$user/$project/commits/$rev?page=$older_page") %>">Older</a>
          % }
    %= include '/include/footer';
% }