Showing 1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions
+3 -3
... ...
@@ -535,13 +535,13 @@ If you have git, it is easy to install from git.
535 535
536 536
 It is useful to write configuration in ******, not gitprep.conf.
537 537
-### The way to create installable Mojolicious application
+## The way to create installable Mojolicious application
539 539
540 540
 GitPrep is the best example for developers who want to create installabel Mojolicious application.
541 541
542 542
 Even if shared hosting server, you can install Mojolicious application as CGI.
543 543
-***1. cpanm and cpanfile, module installation and version controll***
+###1. cpanm and cpanfile, module installation and version controll###
545 545
546 546
 [Tatsuhiko Miyagawa]('s cpanm and cpanfile is the tool which install CPAN module easily.
547 547
... ...
@@ -579,7 +579,7 @@ I write the following way in "setup_module"
579 579
     perl -Iextlib/lib/perl5 cpanm -f -L extlib ExtUtils::MakeMaker
580 580
     perl -Iextlib/lib/perl5 cpanm -L extlib --installdeps .
581 581
-***2. CGI is supported in Mojolicious***
+###2. CGI is supported in Mojolicious
583 583
584 584
 It is good luck for us that Mojolicious author [Sebastian Riedel]( decided to **support CGI** in Mojolicious.
585 585