1.10 - add show_ignore_space_change_link option to show --ignore-space-change page easily - add --ignore-space-change feature in diff page by using w= query string for example, http://some.com/kimoto/gitprep_t/commit/3cf14ade5e28ee0cd83b9a3b1e1c332aed66df53?w= - remove password length limit - improve CGI installation and change CGI script path. This is not backword compatible. you need to change CGI script path, path/gitprep.cgi to path/gitprep/gitprep/cgi - remove setup.php 1.9.2 - fix atom feed entry url bug 1.9.1 - fix atom feed bug 1.9 - add ssh_rep_url_base to cnahge or hide ssh URL user directory - add atom feed of commits page for example, http://somehost.com/kimoto/gitprep_t/commits/master.atom 1.8 - support publick key authentication 1.7 - allow . as project name. - add respository and user search page 1.6 - fix bug that can't create collaborator more than one. - support time zone. - change markdown parser from Text::Markdown::Discount to Text::Markdown::Hoedown because we want to support fenced code syntax ``` code ``` - add encoding_suspects to support multiple encoding in blob, commit diff, and blame. 1.5 - fix bug that git clone via http failed. - show readme file in sub directory. 1.4 - fix markdown bugs (*em*, _em_) - default readme file is changed. README is changed to README.md - add private repository and collaborator feature 1.3 - add README.md support - add submodule support - add Smart HTTP and basic authentication support - add Markdown format in normal file 1.2 - add blame page - add blanch import feature 1.1 - add import_rep script to import repositories. 1.0 - first major release