use 5.008007; package Gitprep; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious'; use Carp 'croak'; use DBIx::Custom; use Gitprep::API; use Gitprep::Git; use Gitprep::Manager; use Scalar::Util 'weaken'; use Validator::Custom; use Mojolicious::Plugin::AutoRoute::Util 'template'; # Digest::SHA loading to Mojo::Util if not loaded { package Mojo::Util; eval {require Digest::SHA; import Digest::SHA qw(sha1 sha1_hex)}; } our $VERSION = 'v1.10'; has 'dbi'; has 'git'; has 'manager'; has 'vc'; use constant BUFFER_SIZE => 8192; sub startup { my $self = shift; # Config file $self->plugin('INIConfig', {ext => 'conf'}); # Config file for developper unless ($ENV{GITPREP_NO_MYCONFIG}) { my $my_conf_file = $self->home->rel_file(''); $self->plugin('INIConfig', {file => $my_conf_file}) if -f $my_conf_file; } # Listen my $conf = $self->config; my $listen = $conf->{hypnotoad}{listen} ||= ['http://*:10020']; $listen = [split /,/, $listen] unless ref $listen eq 'ARRAY'; $conf->{hypnotoad}{listen} = $listen; # Git my $git = Gitprep::Git->new; my $git_bin = $conf->{basic}{git_bin} ? $conf->{basic}{git_bin} : $git->search_bin; if (!$git_bin || ! -e $git_bin) { $git_bin ||= ''; my $error = "Can't detect or found git command ($git_bin)." . " set git_bin in gitprep.conf"; $self->log->error($error); croak $error; } $git->bin($git_bin); # Encoding suspects list for Git my $encoding_suspects = $conf->{basic}{encoding_suspects} ||= 'utf8'; $encoding_suspects = [split /,/, $encoding_suspects] unless ref $encoding_suspects eq 'ARRAY'; $git->encoding_suspects($encoding_suspects); # Repository Manager my $manager = Gitprep::Manager->new(app => $self); weaken $manager->{app}; $self->manager($manager); # authorized_keys file my $authorized_keys_file = $self->config('authorized_keys_file'); unless (defined $authorized_keys_file) { if (defined $ENV{HOME}) { $authorized_keys_file = "$ENV{HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys"; } } if (defined $authorized_keys_file) { $self->manager->authorized_keys_file($authorized_keys_file); } else { $self->app->log->warn(qq/Config "authorized_keys_file" can't be detected/); } # Repository home my $rep_home = $ENV{GITPREP_REP_HOME} || $self->home->rel_file('data/rep'); $git->rep_home($rep_home); unless (-d $rep_home) { mkdir $rep_home or croak "Can't create directory $rep_home: $!"; } # Time Zone if (my $time_zone = $conf->{basic}{time_zone}) { if ($time_zone =~ /^([\+-])?([0-9]?[0-9]):([0-9][0-9])$/) { my $sign = $1 || ''; my $hour = $2; my $min = $3; my $time_zone_second = $sign . ($hour * 60 * 60) + ($min * 60); $git->time_zone_second($time_zone_second); } else { $self->log->warn("Bad time zone $time_zone. Time zone become GMT"); } } $self->git($git); # DBI my $db_file = $ENV{GITPREP_DB_FILE} || $self->home->rel_file('data/gitprep.db'); my $dbi = DBIx::Custom->connect( dsn => "dbi:SQLite:database=$db_file", connector => 1, option => {sqlite_unicode => 1, sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 1} ); $self->dbi($dbi); # Database file permision if (my $user = $self->config->{hypnotoad}{user}) { my $uid = (getpwnam $user)[2]; chown $uid, -1, $db_file; } if (my $group = $self->config->{hypnotoad}{group}) { my $gid = (getgrnam $group)[2]; chown -1, $gid, $db_file; } # Setup database $self->manager->setup_database; # Model my $models = [ {table => 'user', primary_key => 'id'}, {table => 'ssh_public_key', primary_key => 'key'}, {table => 'project', primary_key => ['user_id', 'name']}, {table => 'number', primary_key => 'key'}, {table => 'collaboration', primary_key => ['user_id', 'project_name', 'collaborator_id']} ]; $dbi->create_model($_) for @$models; # Validator my $vc = Validator::Custom->new; $self->vc($vc); $vc->register_constraint( user_name => sub { my $value = shift; return ($value || '') =~ /^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$/; }, project_name => sub { my $value = shift; return 0 unless defined $value; return 0 if $value eq '.' || $value eq '..'; return ($value || '') =~ /[a-zA-Z0-9_\-\.]+$/; } ); # Basic auth plugin $self->plugin('BasicAuth'); { my $r = $self->routes; # DBViewer(only development) if ($self->mode eq 'development') { eval { $self->plugin( 'DBViewer', dsn => "dbi:SQLite:database=$db_file" ); }; } # Auto route { my $r = $r->under(sub { my $self = shift; my $api = $self->gitprep_api; # Authentication { my $path = $self->req->url->path->parts->[0] || ''; # Admin if ($path eq '_admin' && !$api->logined_admin) { $self->redirect_to('/'); return; } } return 1; }); # Auto routes $self->plugin('AutoRoute', route => $r); # Custom routes { # Show ssh keys $r->get('/:user.keys' => template '/user-keys'); # User my $r = $r->route('/:user'); { # Home $r->get('/' => [format => 0] => template '/user'); # Settings $r->get('/_settings' => template '/user-settings'); # SSH keys $r->any('/_settings/ssh' => template '/user-settings/ssh'); } # Smart HTTP { my $r = $r->route('/(#project).git'); { my $r = $r->under(sub { my $self = shift; my $api = $self->gitprep_api; my $user = $self->param('user'); my $project = $self->param('project'); my $private = $self->app->manager->is_private_project($user, $project); # Basic auth when push request my $service = $self->param('service') || ''; if ($service eq 'git-receive-pack' || $private) { $self->basic_auth("Git Area", sub { my ($auth_user, $auth_password) = @_; if (!defined $auth_user || !length $auth_user) { $self->app->log->warn("Authentication: User name is empty"); } $auth_user = '' unless defined $auth_user; $auth_password = '' unless defined $auth_password; my $is_valid = ($user eq $auth_user || $api->is_collaborator($user, $project, $auth_user)) && $api->check_user_and_password($auth_user, $auth_password); return $is_valid; }); } else { return 1; } }); # / $r->get('/')->to(cb => sub { my $self = shift; my $user = $self->param('user'); my $project = $self->param('project'); $self->redirect_to("/$user/$project"); }); # /info/refs $r->get('/info/refs' => template 'smart-http/info-refs'); # /git-upload-pack or /git-receive-pack $r->any('/git-(:service)' => [service => qr/(?:upload-pack|receive-pack)/] => template 'smart-http/service' ); # Static file $r->get('/(*Path)' => template 'smart-http/static'); } } # Project { my $r = $r->route('/#project'); { my $r = $r->under(sub { my $self = shift; # API my $api = $self->gitprep_api; # Private my $user = $self->param('user'); my $project = $self->param('project'); my $private = $self->app->manager->is_private_project($user, $project); if ($private) { if ($api->can_access_private_project($user, $project)) { return 1; } else { $self->render('private'); return 0; } } else { return 1; } }); # Home $r->get('/' => template '/project'); # Commit $r->get('/commit/*diff' => template '/commit'); # Commits $r->get('/commits/*rev_file' => template '/commits'); # Branches $r->any('/branches/*base_branch' => {base_branch => undef} => template '/branches'); # Tags $r->get('/tags' => template '/tags'); # Tree $r->get('/tree/*rev_dir' => template '/tree'); # Blob $r->get('/blob/*rev_file' => template '/blob'); # Sub module $r->get('/submodule/*rev_file' => template '/submodule'); # Raw $r->get('/raw/*rev_file' => template '/raw'); # Blame $r->get('/blame/*rev_file' => template '/blame'); # Archive $r->get('/archive/(*rev).tar.gz' => template '/archive')->to(archive_type => 'tar'); $r->get('/archive/(*rev).zip' => template '/archive')->to(archive_type => 'zip' ); # Compare $r->get('/compare/(*rev1)...(*rev2)' => template '/compare'); # Settings $r->any('/settings' => template '/settings'); # Collaboration $r->any('/settings/collaboration' => template '/settings/collaboration'); # Fork $r->any('/fork' => template '/fork'); # Network $r->get('/network' => template '/network'); # Network Graph $r->get('/network/graph/(*rev1)...(*rev2_abs)' => template '/network/graph'); # Import branch $r->any('/import-branch/:remote_user/:remote_project' => template '/import-branch'); # Get branches and tags $r->get('/api/revs' => template '/api/revs'); } } } } } # Helper { # API $self->helper(gitprep_api => sub { Gitprep::API->new(shift) }); } # Reverse proxy support my $reverse_proxy_on = $self->config->{reverse_proxy}{on}; my $path_depth = $self->config->{reverse_proxy}{path_depth}; if ($reverse_proxy_on) { $ENV{MOJO_REVERSE_PROXY} = 1; if ($path_depth) { $self->hook('before_dispatch' => sub { my $self = shift; for (1 .. $path_depth) { my $prefix = shift @{$self->req->url->path->parts}; push @{$self->req->url->base->path->parts}, $prefix; } }); } } # Smart HTTP Buffer size $ENV{GITPREP_SMART_HTTP_BUFFER_SIZE} ||= 16384; } 1;