package Mojolicious::Plugin::Config; use Mojo::Base 'Mojolicious::Plugin'; use File::Spec::Functions 'file_name_is_absolute'; use Mojo::Util qw(decode slurp); sub load { my ($self, $file, $conf, $app) = @_; $app->log->debug(qq{Reading config file "$file".}); return $self->parse(decode('UTF-8', slurp $file), $file, $conf, $app); } sub parse { my ($self, $content, $file, $conf, $app) = @_; # Run Perl code my $config = eval 'package Mojolicious::Plugin::Config::Sandbox;' . "no warnings; sub app { \$app }; use Mojo::Base -strict; $content"; die qq{Couldn't load configuration from file "$file": $@} if !$config && $@; die qq{Config file "$file" did not return a hash reference.\n} unless ref $config eq 'HASH'; return $config; } sub register { my ($self, $app, $conf) = @_; # Config file my $file = $conf->{file} || $ENV{MOJO_CONFIG}; $file ||= $app->moniker . '.' . ($conf->{ext} || 'conf'); # Mode specific config file my $mode = $file =~ /^(.*)\.([^.]+)$/ ? join('.', $1, $app->mode, $2) : ''; my $home = $app->home; $file = $home->rel_file($file) unless file_name_is_absolute $file; $mode = $home->rel_file($mode) if $mode && !file_name_is_absolute $mode; $mode = undef unless $mode && -e $mode; # Read config file my $config = {}; if (-e $file) { $config = $self->load($file, $conf, $app) } # Check for default and mode specific config file elsif (!$conf->{default} && !$mode) { die qq{Config file "$file" missing, maybe you need to create it?\n}; } # Merge everything $config = {%$config, %{$self->load($mode, $conf, $app)}} if $mode; $config = {%{$conf->{default}}, %$config} if $conf->{default}; my $current = $app->defaults(config => $app->config)->config; %$current = (%$current, %$config); return $current; } 1; =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::Config - Perl-ish configuration plugin =head1 SYNOPSIS # myapp.conf { foo => "bar", music_dir => app->home->rel_dir('music') }; # Mojolicious my $config = $self->plugin('Config'); # Mojolicious::Lite my $config = plugin 'Config'; # foo.html.ep %= $config->{foo} # The configuration is available application wide my $config = app->config; # Everything can be customized with options my $config = plugin Config => {file => '/etc/myapp.stuff'}; =head1 DESCRIPTION L is a Perl-ish configuration plugin. The application object can be accessed via C<$app> or the C function, L, L, L and Perl 5.10 features are automatically enabled. You can extend the normal configuration file C with C specific ones like C. A default configuration filename will be generated from the value of L. The code of this plugin is a good example for learning to build new plugins, you're welcome to fork it. =head1 OPTIONS L supports the following options. =head2 default # Mojolicious::Lite plugin Config => {default => {foo => 'bar'}}; Default configuration, making configuration files optional. =head2 ext # Mojolicious::Lite plugin Config => {ext => 'stuff'}; File extension for generated configuration filenames, defaults to C. =head2 file # Mojolicious::Lite plugin Config => {file => 'myapp.conf'}; plugin Config => {file => '/etc/foo.stuff'}; Full path to configuration file, defaults to the value of the C environment variable or C in the application home directory. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 load $plugin->load($file, $conf, $app); Loads configuration file and passes the content to C. sub load { my ($self, $file, $conf, $app) = @_; ... return $self->parse($content, $file, $conf, $app); } =head2 parse $plugin->parse($content, $file, $conf, $app); Parse configuration file. sub parse { my ($self, $content, $file, $conf, $app) = @_; ... return $hash; } =head2 register my $config = $plugin->register(Mojolicious->new); my $config = $plugin->register(Mojolicious->new, {file => '/etc/app.conf'}); Register plugin in L application. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut