use Test::More 'no_plan'; use strict; use warnings; use FindBin; use utf8; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../mojo/lib"; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib"; use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../extlib/lib/perl5"; use File::Path 'rmtree'; use Encode qw/encode decode/; use Test::Mojo; $ENV{GITPREP_TEST} = 1; # Test DB my $db_file = $ENV{GITPREP_DB_FILE} = "$FindBin::Bin/user.db"; # Test Repository home my $rep_home = $ENV{GITPREP_REP_HOME} = "$FindBin::Bin/user"; use Gitprep; # For perl 5.8 { no warnings 'redefine'; sub note { print STDERR "# $_[0]\n" unless $ENV{HARNESS_ACTIVE} } } note 'Start page'; { unlink $db_file; my $app = Gitprep->new; my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app); $t->ua->max_redirects(3); # Redirect to _start page $t->get_ok('/'); $t->content_like(qr/Create Admin User/); # Page access $t->get_ok('/_start'); $t->content_like(qr/Create Admin User/); # Password is empty $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => ''}); $t->content_like(qr/Password is empty/); # Password contains invalid character $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => "\t"}); $t->content_like(qr/Password contains invalid character/); # Password contains invalid character $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a' x 21}); $t->content_like(qr/Password is too long/); # Two password don't match $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'b'}); $t->content_like(qr/Two password/); # Create admin user $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/Login Page/); # Admin user already exists(Redirect to top page) $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/Users/); } note 'Admin pages'; { unlink $db_file; my $app = Gitprep->new; my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app); $t->ua->max_redirects(3); # Create admin user $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/Login Page/); # Page access $t->get_ok('/_login'); $t->content_like(qr/Login Page/); # Login fail $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'admin', password => 'b'}); $t->content_like(qr/User name or password is wrong/); # Login success $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'admin', password => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/Admin/); note 'Admin page'; { $t->post_ok('/_admin'); $t->content_like(qr/Admin/); } note 'Admin User page'; { $t->get_ok('/_admin/users'); $t->content_like(qr/Admin Users/); } note 'Create User page'; { # Page access $t->get_ok('/_admin/user/create'); $t->content_like(qr/Create User/); # User name is empty $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => ''}); $t->content_like(qr/User name is empty/); # User name contain invalid character $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => '&'}); $t->content_like(qr/User name contain invalid character/); # User name is too long $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a' x 21}); $t->content_like(qr/User name is too long/); # Password is empty $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a', password => ''}); $t->content_like(qr/Password is empty/); # Password contain invalid character $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a', password => "\t"}); $t->content_like(qr/Password contain invalid character/); # Password contain invalid character $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a', password => 'a' x 21}); $t->content_like(qr/Password is too long/); # Password contain invalid character $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'a', password => 'a', password2 => 'b'}); $t->content_like(qr/Two password/); # Create user $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/Success.*created/); } note 'Admin Users page'; $t->get_ok('/_admin/users'); $t->content_like(qr/Admin Users/); $t->content_like(qr/kimoto/); note 'Reset password page'; { # Page access $t->get_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto'); $t->content_like(qr/Reset Password/); $t->content_like(qr/kimoto/); # Password is empty $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => ''}); $t->content_like(qr/Password is empty/); # Password contains invalid character $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => "\t"}); $t->content_like(qr/Password contains invalid character/); # Password is too long $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => 'a' x 21}); $t->content_like(qr/Password is too long/); # Two password don't match $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'b'}); $t->content_like(qr/Two password/); # Reset password $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto&op=reset', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/Success.*changed/); } note 'Delete user'; { # Create user $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto-tmp', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/kimoto-tmp/); $t->get_ok('/_admin/users'); $t->content_like(qr/kimoto-tmp/); # User not exists $t->post_ok('/_admin/users?op=delete', form => {user => 'kimoto-notting'}); $t->content_like(qr/Internal/); # User not exists $t->post_ok('/_admin/users?op=delete', form => {user => 'kimoto-tmp'}); $t->content_like(qr/User.*deleted/); $t->get_ok('/_admin/users'); $t->content_unlike(qr/kimoto-tmp/); } note 'logout'; $t->get_ok('/_logout'); $t->get_ok('/_admin'); $t->content_like(qr/Users/); } note 'Reset password'; { unlink $db_file; my $app = Gitprep->new; my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app); $t->ua->max_redirects(3); # Create admin user $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/Login Page/);; # Not loing user can't access $t->get_ok('/reset-password'); $t->content_like(qr/Users/); # Cnahge password(reset_password conf on) $app->config->{admin}{reset_password} = 1; $t->get_ok('/reset-password'); $t->content_like(qr/Reset Password/); $t->post_ok('/reset-password?op=reset', form => {password => 'b', password2 => 'b'}); $t->content_like(qr/Success.*changed/); $app->config->{admin}{reset_password} = 0; # Login success $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'admin', password => 'b'}); $t->content_like(qr/Admin/); # Create user $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/kimoto1/); $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto2', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/kimoto2/); # Logout $t->get_ok('/_logout'); # Login as kimoto $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a'}); $t->get_ok('/')->content_like(qr/kimoto1/); # Don't change other user password $t->get_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto2'); $t->content_like(qr/Users/); $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto2&op=reset', form => {password => 'b', password2 => 'b'}); $t->content_like(qr/Users/); # Reset password $t->get_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto1'); $t->content_like(qr/Reset Password/); $t->post_ok('/reset-password?user=kimoto1&op=reset', form => {password => 'b', password2 => 'b'}); # Login as kimoto $t->get_ok('/_logout'); $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'b'}); $t->get_ok('/')->content_like(qr/kimoto1/); } note 'Profile'; { unlink $db_file; rmtree $rep_home; my $app = Gitprep->new; my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app); $t->ua->max_redirects(3); # Create admin user $t->post_ok('/_start?op=create', form => {password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/Login Page/); # Login as admin $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'admin', password => 'a'}); # Create user $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/kimoto1/); $t->post_ok('/_admin/user/create?op=create', form => {id => 'kimoto2', password => 'a', password2 => 'a'}); $t->content_like(qr/kimoto2/); # Login as kimoto1 $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a'}); # Profile $t->get_ok('/kimoto1/_settings'); $t->content_like(qr/Profile/); # Other user can't access $t->get_ok('/kimoto2/_settings'); $t->content_like(qr/Users/); note 'Create repository'; { # Create repository page $t->get_ok('/_new'); $t->content_like(qr/Create repository/); # Not logined user can't access $t->get_ok('/_logout'); $t->get_ok('/_new'); $t->content_like(qr/Users/); $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a'}); # Create repository $t->post_ok('/_new?op=create', form => {project => 't1', description => 'Hello'}); $t->content_like(qr/Create a new repository on the command line/); $t->content_like(qr/t1\.git/); $t->content_like(qr/Hello/); ok(-f "$rep_home/kimoto1/t1.git/git-daemon-export-ok"); ok(-f "$rep_home/kimoto1/t1.git/hooks/post-update"); # Create repository(with readme) $t->post_ok('/_new?op=create', form => {project => 't2', description => 'Hello', readme => 1}); $t->content_like(qr/first commit/); $t->content_like(qr/t2\.git/); $t->content_like(qr/README/); $t->content_like(qr/kimoto1\@localhost/); # Settings page(don't has README) $t->get_ok('/kimoto1/t1/settings'); $t->content_like(qr/Settings/); # Settings page(has README) $t->get_ok('/kimoto1/t2/settings'); $t->content_like(qr/Settings/); } note 'Project settings'; { note 'Rename project'; { # Empty $t->post_ok('/kimoto1/t2/settings?op=rename-project', form => {}); $t->content_like(qr/Repository name is empty/); # Invalid character $t->post_ok('/kimoto1/t2/settings?op=rename-project', form => {'to-project' => '&'}); $t->content_like(qr/Repository name contains invalid charactor/); # Rename project $t->post_ok('/kimoto1/t2/settings?op=rename-project', form => {'to-project' => 't3'}); $t->content_like(qr/Repository name is renamed to t3/); $t->post_ok('/kimoto1/t3/settings?op=rename-project', form => {'to-project' => 't2'}); $t->content_like(qr/Repository name is renamed to t2/); } note 'Change description'; { # Change description(t1) $t->post_ok("/kimoto1/t1/settings?op=change-description", form => {description => 'あああ'}); $t->content_like(qr/Description is saved/); $t->content_like(qr/あああ/); # Change description(t2) $t->post_ok("/kimoto1/t2/settings?op=change-description", form => {description => 'いいい'}); $t->content_like(qr/Description is saved/); $t->content_like(qr/いいい/); } note 'Change default branch'; { # Default branch default $t->get_ok('/kimoto1/t1/settings'); $t->content_like(qr/master/); # Change default branch my $cmd = "git --git-dir=$rep_home/kimoto1/t2.git branch b1"; system($cmd) == 0 or die "Can't execute git branch"; $t->get_ok('/kimoto1/t2/settings'); $t->content_like(qr/b1/); $t->post_ok("/kimoto1/t2/settings?op=default-branch", form => {'default-branch' => 'b1'}); $t->content_like(qr/Default branch is changed to b1/); } note 'Delete project'; { $t->post_ok('/kimoto1/t1/settings?op=delete-project'); $t->content_like(qr/Repository t1 is deleted/); $t->get_ok('/kimoto1'); $t->content_unlike(qr/t1/); } } } note 'fork'; { my $app = Gitprep->new; my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app); $t->ua->max_redirects(3); # Don't logind $t->get_ok("/kimoto1/t2/fork"); $t->content_like(qr/Users/); # Login as kimoto2 $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto2', password => 'a'}); # Fork kimoto1/t2 $t->get_ok("/kimoto1/t2/fork"); $t->content_like(qr#Repository is forked from /kimoto1/t2#); $t->content_like(qr/いいい/); # Fork kimoto1/t2 again $t->get_ok("/kimoto1/t2/fork"); $t->content_like(qr/forked from/); $t->content_like(qr#kimoto1/t2#); $t->content_unlike(qr/Repository is forked from/); } note 'Network'; { my $app = Gitprep->new; my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app); $t->ua->max_redirects(3); $t->get_ok("/kimoto1/t2/network"); $t->content_like(qr/Members of the t2/); $t->content_like(qr/My branch.*kimoto1.*t2.*master/s); $t->content_like(qr/Member branch.*kimoto2.*t2.*master/s); note 'Graph'; { $t->get_ok("/kimoto1/t2/network/graph/master...kimoto2/t2/master"); $t->content_like(qr/Graph/); $t->content_like(qr/first commit/); } } note 'Delete branch'; { my $app = Gitprep->new; my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app); $t->ua->max_redirects(3); # No delete branch button $t->get_ok("/kimoto1/t2/branches"); $t->content_like(qr/Branches/); $t->content_unlike(qr/Delete branch/); # Can't delete branch when no login $t->post_ok('/kimoto1/t2/branches?op=delete', form => {branch => 'tmp_branch'}) ->content_like(qr/Users/); # Login as kimoto1 $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a'}); my $cmd = "git --git-dir=$rep_home/kimoto1/t2.git branch tmp_branch"; system($cmd) == 0 or die "Can't execute git branch"; $t->get_ok("/kimoto1/t2/branches"); $t->content_like(qr/Delete branch/); $t->content_like(qr/tmp_branch/); # Delete branch $t->post_ok('/kimoto1/t2/branches?op=delete', form => {branch => 'tmp_branch'}); $t->content_like(qr/Branch tmp_branch is deleted/); $t->get_ok('/kimoto1/t2/branches'); $t->content_unlike(qr/tmp_branch/); } note 'import-branch'; { my $app = Gitprep->new; my $t = Test::Mojo->new($app); $t->ua->max_redirects(3); # Login as kimoto1 $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto1', password => 'a'}); $t->get_ok('/')->content_like(qr/Logined as kimoto1 /); # Create project $t->post_ok('/_new?op=create', form => {project => 'import-branch1', description => '', readme => 1}); $t->get_ok('/kimoto1')->content_like(qr/import-branch1/); # Login as kimoto2 $t->post_ok('/_login?op=login', form => {id => 'kimoto2', password => 'a'}); $t->get_ok('/')->content_like(qr/Logined as kimoto2 /); # Fork kimoto1/import-branch1 $t->get_ok("/kimoto1/import-branch1/fork"); $t->content_like(qr#Repository is forked from /kimoto1/import-branch1#); # Access not valid user $t->get_ok('/kimoto1/import-branch1/network'); $t->content_like(qr/Network/); $t->content_unlike(qr/Import/); $t->get_ok('/kimoto1/import-branch1/import-branch/kimoto2/import-branch1?remote-branch=master'); $t->content_like(qr/ Index page /); # Show network page import button $t->get_ok('/kimoto2/import-branch1/network'); $t->content_like(qr/Network/); $t->content_like(qr/Import/); # Import branch page access $t->get_ok('/kimoto2/import-branch1/import-branch/kimoto1/import-branch1?remote-branch=master'); $t->content_like(qr/Import branch/); # Invalid parameters $t->post_ok('/kimoto2/import-branch1/import-branch/kimoto1/import-branch1?remote-branch=master&op=import'); $t->content_like(qr/Branch name is empty/); # Import branch $t->post_ok('/kimoto2/import-branch1/import-branch/kimoto1/import-branch1?op=import', form => { branch => 'new1', 'remote-branch' => 'master' }); $t->content_like(qr#Success: import#); $t->get_ok('/kimoto2/import-branch1/branches')->content_like(qr/new1/); # Import same name branch fail $t->post_ok('/kimoto2/import-branch1/import-branch/kimoto1/import-branch1?op=import', form => { branch => 'new1', 'remote-branch' => 'master' }); $t->content_like(qr#already exists#); # Import force $t->post_ok('/kimoto2/import-branch1/import-branch/kimoto1/import-branch1?op=import', form => { branch => 'new1', 'remote-branch' => 'master', force => 1 }); $t->content_like(qr#Success: force import#); }