;;; GitPrep configuration file [basic] ;;; SSH port (default: 22) ;;; This value is used by ssh git repository URL. ;ssh_port=55555 ;;; SSH repository url base ; For exampke, If you set this value to /~/git, SSH repository url become ; ssh://kimoto@ ; ~ is exapned to user home directory automatically ;ssh_rep_url_base=/~/git ;;; Git command path ;;; By default, git command path is automatically detected ;;; from PATH enviroment variable or /usr/bin/git or /usr/local/bin/git ;git_bin=/usr/local/bin/git ;;; Tags limit (default:1000) ;tags_limit=1000 ;;; Time Zone ;;; GitPrep time zone is GMT by default ;;; You can set your local time zone. ;time_zone=+9:00 ;time_zone=+10:30 ;time_zone=-4:00 ;;; authorized_keys file for public key authentication via ssh. ;;; default is "$ENV{HOME}/.ssh/authorized_keys" ; authorized_keys_file=/home/gitprep/.ssh/authorized_keys [admin] ;;; If you forget admin password, ;;; set this value to 1 and access /reset-password page. ;;; Forget to comment out after resetting password. ;reset_password=1 [hypnotoad] ;;; Listen URL (default: http://*:10020) ;listen=http://*:10020 [reverse_proxy] ;;; Reverse proxy support (default: 0) ;on=1 ;;; Reverse proxy path depth (default: none) ;;; If proxy path is http://somehost.com/foo, you set path_depth to 1. ;;; If proxy path is http://somehost.com/foo/bar, you set path_depth to 2. ;path_depth=1 ;path_depth=2