1 contributor
package DBIx::Custom::Where;
use Object::Simple -base;
use Carp 'croak';
use DBIx::Custom::Util '_subname';
use overload 'bool' => sub {1}, fallback => 1;
use overload '""' => sub { shift->to_string }, fallback => 1;
# Carp trust relationship
push @DBIx::Custom::CARP_NOT, __PACKAGE__;
has [qw/dbi param/],
clause => sub { [] };
sub new {
my $self = shift->SUPER::new(@_);
# Check attribute names
my @attrs = keys %$self;
for my $attr (@attrs) {
croak qq{"$attr" is invalid attribute name (} . _subname . ")"
unless $self->can($attr);
return $self;
sub to_string {
my $self = shift;
# Clause
my $clause = $self->clause;
$clause = ['and', $clause] unless ref $clause eq 'ARRAY';
$clause->[0] = 'and' unless @$clause;
# Parse
my $where = [];
my $count = {};
$self->{_query_builder} = $self->dbi->query_builder;
my $c = $self->dbi->safety_character;
$self->{_re} = $c eq 'a-zA-Z0-9_' ?
qr/[^\\]:([$c\.]+)/so : qr/[^\\]:([$c\.]+)/s;
$self->{_quote} = $self->dbi->_quote;
$self->{_tag_parse} = exists $ENV{DBIX_CUSTOM_TAG_PARSE}
? $ENV{DBIX_CUSTOM_TAG_PARSE} : $self->dbi->{tag_parse};
$self->_parse($clause, $where, $count, 'and');
# Stringify
unshift @$where, 'where' if @$where;
return join(' ', @$where);
our %VALID_OPERATIONS = map { $_ => 1 } qw/and or/;
sub _parse {
my ($self, $clause, $where, $count, $op, $info) = @_;
# Array
if (ref $clause eq 'ARRAY') {
# Start
push @$where, '(';
# Operation
my $op = $clause->[0] || '';
croak qq{First argument must be "and" or "or" in where clause } .
qq{"$op" is passed} . _subname . ")"
unless $VALID_OPERATIONS{$op};
my $pushed_array;
# Parse internal clause
for (my $i = 1; $i < @$clause; $i++) {
my $pushed = $self->_parse($clause->[$i], $where, $count, $op);
push @$where, $op if $pushed;
$pushed_array = 1 if $pushed;
pop @$where if $where->[-1] eq $op;
# Undo
if ($where->[-1] eq '(') {
pop @$where;
pop @$where if ($where->[-1] || '') eq $op;
# End
else { push @$where, ')' }
return $pushed_array;
# String
else {
# Pushed
my $pushed;
# Column
my $re = $self->{_re};
my $column;
my $sql = " " . $clause || '';
if ($self->{_tag_parse} && ($sql =~ /\s\{/)) {
my $columns = $self->dbi->query_builder->build_query($sql)->{columns};
$column = $columns->[0];
else {
$sql =~ s/([0-9]):/$1\\:/g;
($column) = $sql =~ /$re/;
unless (defined $column) {
push @$where, $clause;
$pushed = 1;
return $pushed;
# Column count up
my $count = ++$count->{$column};
# Push
my $param = $self->{param};
if (ref $param eq 'HASH') {
if (exists $param->{$column}) {
my $if = $self->{_if};
if (ref $param->{$column} eq 'ARRAY') {
$pushed = 1 if exists $param->{$column}->[$count - 1]
&& ref $param->{$column}->[$count - 1] ne 'DBIx::Custom::NotExists'
elsif ($count == 1) { $pushed = 1 }
push @$where, $clause if $pushed;
elsif (!defined $param) {
push @$where, $clause;
$pushed = 1;
else {
croak "Parameter must be hash reference or undfined value ("
. _subname . ")"
return $pushed;
=head1 NAME
DBIx::Custom::Where - Where clause
# Create DBIx::Custom::Where object
my $where = $dbi->where;
# Clause
$where->clause(['and', 'title like :title', 'price = :price']);
$where->clause(['and', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']);
# Stringify where clause
my $where_clause = "$where";
my $where_clause = $where->to_string;
# -> where title like :title and price = :price
# Only price condition
$where->clause(['and', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']);
$where->param({price => 1900});
# -> where price = :price
# Only title condition
$where->clause(['and', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']);
$where->param({title => 'Perl'});
# -> where title like :title
# Nothing
$where->clause(['and', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']);
# => Nothing
# or condition
$where->clause(['or', ':title{like}', ':price{=}']);
# -> where title = :title or price like :price
# More than one parameter
$where->clause(['and', ':price{>}', ':price{<}']);
$where->param({price => [1000, 2000]});
# -> where price > :price and price < :price
# Only first condition
$where->clause(['and', ':price{>}', ':price{<}']);
$where->param({price => [1000, $dbi->not_exists]});
# -> where price > :price
# Only second condition
$where->clause(['and', ':price{>}', ':price{<}']);
$where->param({price => [$dbi->not_exists, 2000]});
# -> where price < :price
# More complex condition
['or', ':title{=}', ':title{=}', ':title{=}']
# -> pirce = :price and (title = :title or title = :title or tilte = :title)
# Using Full-qualified column name
$where->clause(['and', ':book.title{like}', ':book.price{=}']);
# -> book.title like :book.title and book.price = :book.price
=head2 clause
my $clause = $where->clause;
$where = $where->clause(
['or', ':date{<}', ':date{>}']
Where clause. Above one is expanded to the following SQL by to_string
If all parameter names is exists.
where title = :title and ( date < :date or date > :date )
=head2 param
my $param = $where->param;
$where = $where->param({
title => 'Perl',
date => ['2010-11-11', '2011-03-05'],
=head2 dbi
my $dbi = $where->dbi;
$where = $where->dbi($dbi);
L<DBIx::Custom> object.
=head1 METHODS
L<DBIx::Custom::Where> inherits all methods from L<Object::Simple>
and implements the following new ones.
=head2 to_string
Convert where clause to string.
double quote is override to execute C<to_string> method.
my $string_where = "$where";