gitprep / templates / tree.html.ep /
b269d67 7 years ago
1 contributor
205 lines | 6.363kb
  my $state;

  # API
  my $api = gitprep_api;

  # Git
  my $git = app->git;
  # Parameters
  my $user_id = param('user');
  my $project_id = param('project');
  my $project_row_id = $api->get_project_row_id($user_id, $project_id);
  my $rev;
  my $dir;
  my $rev_dir = param('rev_dir');
  if (defined $rev_dir) {
    ($rev, $dir) = $git->parse_rev_path(app->rep_info($user_id, $project_id), $rev_dir);
  else {
    $rev = app->manager->default_branch($user_id, $project_id);
  unless (app->manager->exists_project($user_id, $project_id)) {

  # Repository description
  my $desc = $git->description(app->rep_info($user_id, $project_id));
  my $website_url = app->dbi->model('project')->select('website_url', where => {row_id => $project_row_id})->value;
  # Check exsitence
  my $commits_number;
  if ($git->exists_branch(app->rep_info($user_id, $project_id))) {
    # Commit
    my $commit = $git->get_commit(app->rep_info($user_id, $project_id), $rev);
    # Tree
    my $trees;
    if (defined $dir && length $dir) {
      $trees = $git->trees(app->rep_info($user_id, $project_id), $rev, $dir);
    else {
      $trees = $git->trees(app->rep_info($user_id, $project_id), $rev);
    # Commits number
    $commits_number = $git->commits_number(app->rep_info($user_id, $project_id), $rev);
    # Variable for included template
      commit => $commit,
      trees => $trees,
      rev => $rev,
      title => "$user_id/$project_id",
    $state = 'display';
  else { $state = 'init' }
  my $is_project_top_page = !(defined $dir && length $dir);

  my $url = url_for->to_abs;
  my $ssh_port = config->{basic}{ssh_port};
  my $rep_home = app->rep_home;
  my $execute_user = getpwuid($>);
  my $ssh_rep_url_base = defined app->config->{basic}{'ssh_rep_url_base'}
    ? app->config->{basic}{'ssh_rep_url_base'} : $rep_home;
  my $ssh_rep_url = "ssh://$execute_user\@" . $url->host
    . ($ssh_port ? ":$ssh_port" : '') . "$ssh_rep_url_base/$user_id/$project_id.git";

  my $branches = stash('branches');
  my $branches_count = app->git->branches_count($self->app->rep_info($user_id, $project_id));
  my $default_branch_name = app->manager->default_branch($user_id, $project_id);
  my $tags_count = app->git->tags_count(app->rep_info($user_id, $project_id));
  my $logined = $api->logined;
  layout 'common', title => "$user_id/$project_id";
  %= include '/include/header';
  <div class="container">
    %= include '/include/message', message => flash('message');
    % if ($is_project_top_page) {
      <h3 class="tree-description">
        <%= $desc %>
        % if (defined $website_url && length $website_url) {
          <a href="<%= $website_url %>">website</a>
        % }
    % }
    % if ($state eq 'display') {
      % if ($is_project_top_page) {
        <ul class="commits-count">
            % my $commits_url = "/$user_id/$project_id/commits/" . ((defined $rev && length $rev) ? $rev : $default_branch_name);
            <a href="<%= url_for($commits_url) %>">
              <span class="commits-count-number">
                <i class="icon-repeat" style="position:relative;top:-1px"></i>
                <%= $commits_number %>
              <span class="commits-count-type">
            <a href="<%= url_for("/$user_id/$project_id/branches") %>">
              <span class="commits-count-number">
                <i class="icon-indent-left" style="position:relative;top:-1px"></i>
                <%= $branches_count %>
              <span class="commits-count-type">
            <a href="<%= url_for("/$user_id/$project_id/tags") %>">
              <span class="commits-count-number">
                <i class="icon-tags" style="position:relative;top:-1px"></i>
                <%= $tags_count %>
              <span class="commits-count-type">
      % }

      <div style="margin-bottom:5px;">
        % my $display = defined $dir && length $dir ? 'tree' : 'tree_top';
        %= include '/include/branch_select', display => $display, Path => $dir, ssh_rep_url => $ssh_rep_url;
      <div style="margin-bottom:30px">
        %= include '/include/tree', dir => $dir;
      %= include '/include/readme', dir => $dir;
    % } elsif ($state eq 'init' && $api->logined($user_id)) {
      <h4 class="topic1">SSH</h4>
      <div class="text-center" style="margin-bottom:10px">
        <b>Create a new repository on the command line via ssh</b>
      <pre class="command-line">
touch README
git init
git add README
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin <%= $ssh_rep_url %>
git push -u origin master</pre>
      <div class="text-center" style="margin-bottom:10px">
        <b>Push an existing repository from the command line via ssh</b>
      <pre class="command-line">
git remote add origin <%= $ssh_rep_url %>
git push -u origin master</pre>


      % my $http_rep_url = url_for("$user_id/$project_id.git")->to_abs;
      <h4 class="topic1"><%= uc url_for->to_abs->scheme %></h4>

      <div class="text-center" style="margin-bottom:10px">
        <b>Create a new repository on the command line via <%= url_for->to_abs->scheme %></b>
      <pre class="command-line">
touch README
git init
git add README
git commit -m "first commit"
git remote add origin <%= $http_rep_url %>
git push -u origin master</pre>
      <div class="text-center" style="margin-bottom:10px">
        <b>Push an existing repository from the command line via <%= url_for->to_abs->scheme %></b>
      <pre class="command-line">
git remote add origin <%= $http_rep_url %>
git push -u origin master</pre>
    % } else {
      <div class="not-yet-created">
        <b>Repository is not yet created.</b>
    % }
  %= include '/include/footer';