package Mojo::URL; use Mojo::Base -base; use overload bool => sub {1}, '""' => sub { shift->to_string }, fallback => 1; use Mojo::Parameters; use Mojo::Path; use Mojo::Util qw(punycode_decode punycode_encode url_escape url_unescape); has base => sub { Mojo::URL->new }; has [qw(fragment host port scheme userinfo)]; sub new { shift->SUPER::new->parse(@_) } sub authority { my $self = shift; # New authority if (@_) { return $self unless defined(my $authority = shift); # Userinfo $authority =~ s/^([^\@]+)\@// and $self->userinfo(url_unescape $1); # Port $authority =~ s/:(\d+)$// and $self->port($1); # Host my $host = url_unescape $authority; return $host =~ /[^\x00-\x7f]/ ? $self->ihost($host) : $self->host($host); } # Build authority return undef unless defined(my $authority = $self->ihost); if (my $userinfo = $self->userinfo) { $userinfo = url_escape $userinfo, '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~!$&\'()*+,;=:'; $authority = $userinfo . '@' . $authority; } if (my $port = $self->port) { $authority .= ":$port" } return $authority; } sub clone { my $self = shift; my $clone = $self->new; $clone->$_($self->$_) for qw(scheme userinfo host port fragment); $clone->path($self->path->clone); $clone->query($self->query->clone); $clone->base($self->base->clone) if $self->{base}; return $clone; } sub ihost { my $self = shift; # Decode return $self->host(join '.', map { /^xn--(.+)$/ ? punycode_decode($_) : $_ } split /\./, shift) if @_; # Check if host needs to be encoded return undef unless defined(my $host = $self->host); return lc $host unless $host =~ /[^\x00-\x7f]/; # Encode return lc join '.', map { /[^\x00-\x7f]/ ? ('xn--' . punycode_encode $_) : $_ } split /\./, $host; } sub is_abs { !!shift->scheme } sub parse { my ($self, $url) = @_; return $self unless $url; # Official regex from RFC 3986 $url =~ m!^(([^:/?#]+):)?(//([^/?#]*))?([^?#]*)(\?([^#]*))?(#(.*))?!; return $self->scheme($2)->authority($4)->path($5)->query($7)->fragment($9); } sub path { my $self = shift; # Old path $self->{path} ||= Mojo::Path->new; return $self->{path} unless @_; # New path my $path = shift; $self->{path} = ref $path ? $path : $self->{path}->merge($path); return $self; } sub protocol { lc(do { my $tmp = shift->scheme; defined $tmp ? $tmp : ''} ) } sub query { my $self = shift; # Old parameters my $q = $self->{query} ||= Mojo::Parameters->new; return $q unless @_; # Replace with list if (@_ > 1) { $q->params([])->parse(@_) } # Merge with array elsif (ref $_[0] eq 'ARRAY') { while (my $name = shift @{$_[0]}) { my $value = shift @{$_[0]}; defined $value ? $q->param($name => $value) : $q->remove($name); } } # Append hash elsif (ref $_[0] eq 'HASH') { $q->append(%{$_[0]}) } # Replace with string else { $q->parse($_[0]) } return $self; } sub to_abs { my $self = shift; my $abs = $self->clone; return $abs if $abs->is_abs; # Scheme my $base = shift || $abs->base; $abs->base($base)->scheme($base->scheme); # Authority return $abs if $abs->authority; $abs->authority($base->authority); # Absolute path my $path = $abs->path; return $abs if $path->leading_slash; # Inherit path my $base_path = $base->path; if (!@{$path->parts}) { $path = $abs->path($base_path->clone)->path->trailing_slash(0)->canonicalize; # Query return $abs if length $abs->query->to_string; $abs->query($base->query->clone); } # Merge paths else { $abs->path($base_path->clone->merge($path)->canonicalize) } return $abs; } sub to_rel { my $self = shift; my $rel = $self->clone; return $rel unless $rel->is_abs; # Scheme and authority my $base = shift || $rel->base; $rel->base($base)->scheme(undef); $rel->userinfo(undef)->host(undef)->port(undef) if $base->authority; # Path my @parts = @{$rel->path->parts}; my $base_path = $base->path; my @base_parts = @{$base_path->parts}; pop @base_parts unless $base_path->trailing_slash; while (@parts && @base_parts && $parts[0] eq $base_parts[0]) { shift @$_ for \@parts, \@base_parts; } my $path = $rel->path(Mojo::Path->new)->path; $path->leading_slash(1) if $rel->authority; $path->parts([('..') x @base_parts, @parts]); $path->trailing_slash(1) if $self->path->trailing_slash; return $rel; } sub to_string { my $self = shift; # Scheme my $url = ''; if (my $proto = $self->protocol) { $url .= "$proto:" } # Authority my $authority = $self->authority; $url .= "//$authority" if defined $authority; # Path my $path = $self->path->to_string; $url .= !$authority || $path eq '' || $path =~ m!^/! ? $path : "/$path"; # Query if (length(my $query = $self->query->to_string)) { $url .= "?$query" } # Fragment return $url unless defined(my $fragment = $self->fragment); return $url . '#' . url_escape $fragment, '^A-Za-z0-9\-._~!$&\'()*+,;=%:@/?'; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojo::URL - Uniform Resource Locator =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojo::URL; # Parse my $url = Mojo::URL->new(''); say $url->scheme; say $url->userinfo; say $url->host; say $url->port; say $url->path; say $url->query; say $url->fragment; # Build my $url = Mojo::URL->new; $url->scheme('http'); $url->userinfo('sri:foobar'); $url->host(''); $url->port(3000); $url->path('/foo/bar'); $url->query->param(foo => 'bar'); $url->fragment(23); say "$url"; =head1 DESCRIPTION L implements a subset of RFC 3986 and RFC 3987 for Uniform Resource Locators with support for IDNA and IRIs. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes. =head2 base my $base = $url->base; $url = $url->base(Mojo::URL->new); Base of this URL. =head2 fragment my $fragment = $url->fragment; $url = $url->fragment('foo'); Fragment part of this URL. =head2 host my $host = $url->host; $url = $url->host(''); Host part of this URL. =head2 port my $port = $url->port; $url = $url->port(8080); Port part of this URL. =head2 scheme my $scheme = $url->scheme; $url = $url->scheme('http'); Scheme part of this URL. =head2 userinfo my $userinfo = $url->userinfo; $url = $url->userinfo('root:pass%3Bw0rd'); Userinfo part of this URL. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 new my $url = Mojo::URL->new; my $url = Mojo::URL->new(''); Construct a new L object and L URL if necessary. =head2 authority my $authority = $url->authority; $url = $url->authority('root:pass%3Bw0rd@localhost:8080'); Authority part of this URL. =head2 clone my $url2 = $url->clone; Clone this URL. =head2 ihost my $ihost = $url->ihost; $url = $url->ihost(''); Host part of this URL in punycode format. # "" Mojo::URL->new('http://☃.net')->ihost; =head2 is_abs my $bool = $url->is_abs; Check if URL is absolute. =head2 parse $url = $url->parse(''); Parse relative or absolute URL. # "/test/123" $url->parse('/test/123?foo=bar')->path; # "" $url->parse('')->host; # "" $url->parse('')->path; =head2 path my $path = $url->path; $url = $url->path('/foo/bar'); $url = $url->path('foo/bar'); $url = $url->path(Mojo::Path->new); Path part of this URL, relative paths will be merged with the existing path, defaults to a L object. # "" Mojo::URL->new('')->path('/DOM/HTML'); # "" Mojo::URL->new('')->path('DOM/HTML'); # "" Mojo::URL->new('')->path('DOM/HTML'); =head2 protocol my $proto = $url->protocol; Normalized version of L. # "http" Mojo::URL->new('HtTp://')->protocol; =head2 query my $query = $url->query; $url = $url->query(replace => 'with'); $url = $url->query([merge => 'with']); $url = $url->query({append => 'to'}); $url = $url->query(Mojo::Parameters->new); Query part of this URL, pairs in an array will be merged and pairs in a hash appended, defaults to a L object. # "2" Mojo::URL->new('')->query->param('b'); # "" Mojo::URL->new('')->query(a => 2, c => 3); # "" Mojo::URL->new('')->query(a => [2, 3]); # "" Mojo::URL->new('')->query([a => 2, c => 3]); # "" Mojo::URL->new('')->query([a => undef]); # "" Mojo::URL->new('')->query({a => 2, c => 3}); =head2 to_abs my $abs = $url->to_abs; my $abs = $url->to_abs(Mojo::URL->new('')); Clone relative URL and turn it into an absolute one using L or provided base URL. # "" Mojo::URL->new('baz.xml?test=123') ->to_abs(Mojo::URL->new('')); # "" Mojo::URL->new('/baz.xml?test=123') ->to_abs(Mojo::URL->new('')); # "" Mojo::URL->new('//') ->to_abs(Mojo::URL->new('')); =head2 to_rel my $rel = $url->to_rel; my $rel = $url->to_rel(Mojo::URL->new('')); Clone absolute URL and turn it into a relative one using L or provided base URL. # "foo/bar.html?test=123" Mojo::URL->new('') ->to_rel(Mojo::URL->new('')); # "bar.html?test=123" Mojo::URL->new('') ->to_rel(Mojo::URL->new('')); # "//" Mojo::URL->new('') ->to_rel(Mojo::URL->new('http://')); =head2 to_string my $str = $url->to_string; my $str = "$url"; Turn URL into a string. =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut