package Mojolicious::Validator::Validation; use Mojo::Base -base; use Carp 'croak'; use Scalar::Util 'blessed'; has [qw(input output)] => sub { {} }; has [qw(topic validator)]; sub AUTOLOAD { my $self = shift; my ($package, $method) = our $AUTOLOAD =~ /^([\w:]+)::(\w+)$/; croak "Undefined subroutine &${package}::$method called" unless blessed $self && $self->isa(__PACKAGE__); croak qq{Can't locate object method "$method" via package "$package"} unless $self->validator->checks->{$method}; return $self->check($method => @_); } sub DESTROY { } sub check { my ($self, $check) = (shift, shift); return $self unless $self->is_valid; my $cb = $self->validator->checks->{$check}; my $name = $self->topic; my $input = $self->input->{$name}; for my $value (ref $input eq 'ARRAY' ? @$input : $input) { next unless my $result = $self->$cb($name, $value, @_); delete $self->output->{$name}; $self->{error}{$name} = [$check, $result, @_]; last; } return $self; } sub error { shift->{error}{shift()} } sub has_data { !!keys %{shift->input} } sub has_error { $_[1] ? exists $_[0]{error}{$_[1]} : !!keys %{$_[0]{error}} } sub is_valid { exists $_[0]->output->{defined $_[1] ? $_[1] : $_[0]->topic} } sub optional { my ($self, $name) = @_; my $input = $self->input->{$name}; my @input = ref $input eq 'ARRAY' ? @$input : $input; $self->output->{$name} = $input unless grep { !defined($_) || !length($_) } @input; return $self->topic($name); } sub param { my ($self, $name) = @_; # Multiple names return map { scalar $self->param($_) } @$name if ref $name eq 'ARRAY'; # List names return sort keys %{$self->output} unless defined $name; my $value = $self->output->{$name}; my @values = ref $value eq 'ARRAY' ? @$value : ($value); return wantarray ? @values : $values[0]; } sub required { my ($self, $name) = @_; $self->{error}{$name} = ['required'] unless $self->optional($name)->is_valid; return $self; } 1; =encoding utf8 =head1 NAME Mojolicious::Validator::Validation - Perform validations =head1 SYNOPSIS use Mojolicious::Validator; use Mojolicious::Validator::Validation; my $validator = Mojolicious::Validator->new; my $validation = Mojolicious::Validator::Validation->new(validator => $validator); $validation->input({foo => 'bar'}); $validation->required('foo')->in(qw(bar baz)); say $validation->param('foo'); =head1 DESCRIPTION L performs L validation checks. =head1 ATTRIBUTES L implements the following attributes. =head2 input my $input = $validation->input; $validation = $validation->input({foo => 'bar', baz => [123, 'yada']}); Data to be validated. =head2 output my $output = $validation->output; $validation = $validation->output({}); Validated data. =head2 topic my $topic = $validation->topic; $validation = $validation->topic('foo'); Name of field currently being validated. =head2 validator my $validator = $validation->validator; $validation = $validation->validator(Mojolicious::Validator->new); L object this validation belongs to. =head1 METHODS L inherits all methods from L and implements the following new ones. =head2 check $validation = $validation->check('size', 2, 7); Perform validation check on all values of the current L, no more checks will be performend on them after the first one failed. =head2 error my $err = $validation->error('foo'); Return details about failed validation check, at any given time there can only be one per field. my ($check, $result, @args) = @{$validation->error('foo')}; =head2 has_data my $bool = $validation->has_data; Check if L is available for validation. =head2 has_error my $bool = $validation->has_error; my $bool = $validation->has_error('foo'); Check if validation resulted in errors, defaults to checking all fields. =head2 is_valid my $bool = $validation->is_valid; my $bool = $validation->is_valid('foo'); Check if validation was successful and field has a value, defaults to checking the current L. =head2 optional $validation = $validation->optional('foo'); Change validation L. =head2 param my @names = $c->param; my $foo = $c->param('foo'); my @foo = $c->param('foo'); my ($foo, $bar) = $c->param(['foo', 'bar']); Access validated parameters, similar to L. =head2 required $validation = $validation->required('foo'); Change validation L and make sure a value is present and not an empty string. =head1 CHECKS In addition to the methods above, you can also call validation checks provided by L on L objects, similar to L. $validation->required('foo')->size(2, 5)->like(qr/^[A-Z]/); $validation->optional('bar')->equal_to('foo'); $validation->optional('baz')->in(qw(test 123)); =head1 SEE ALSO L, L, L. =cut